UK UK - Sarah Everard, 33, London - Clapham Common area, 3 March 2021 *Arrests* #7

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She was not breaking any laws by being outside. Therefore wouldn’t accept arrest.

She wasn’t far from home to accept a lift.

If I had any interaction with an officer it would be a discussion on exactly what I had done wrong and the first thing I’d do is whatsapp a friend or call family.

Before getting in a marked police car a lengthy conversation would take place outside the car. No way would she hop straight in. She is a professional woman in her thirties and with this comes confidence in speaking to authority figures.

The fact that as far as we are aware there are no witnesses of them talking strongly suggests to me he attacked her and took her phone very very quickly. But this is of course JMO.


Respectfully, you don't know her from Adam, none of us do so this sort of speculation is complete bobbins.
This case has brought me to this site and I have to say it’s incredibly respectful and responsible. I don’t have much to add, except, IMO, being brought up in Yorkshire, I have a different social response to the police, in that quite wrongly I would not question an authority with a badge and would most likely comply with any requests.

I believe this naivety that I have from being brought up rurally and northern, and not in a big city where there may be more of a safety concern may play a part in complying without question to LE.

I am the same age, and I read that she was not born and bred in London so it may be that she was not as sceptical as someone raised in London itself. I do not mean this to be anyway victim blaming, just expressing a view different to all of those currently saying they wouldn’t ever get in a car even with a police badge. These are my personal thoughts on the matter.
Either way, I will learn a lesson from her story and my thoughts are with them all x
Fence guy is back reinforcing, these winds are bad today x
So is this a new fence?
Been playing catch up sorry. Also can't get over how close you are haha.

Also... has it been confirmed if the victim is also the victim of the indecent exposure or is this a separate victim?
From the Mail:

It was reported that neighbours noticed a Land Rover parked close to policeman Wayne Couzens' house in the historic town of Deal, and thought it was being watched by two men inside at around 5pm on Tuesday evening.

Wasn't it you @LeopardLeotard who posted that on here about the car on Tues? The press seem to be watching here I am sure!

I would like to reiterate what another poster said earlier.

If press are reading this could they please,please take on Leah Croucher's case . She also vanished into thin air when walking on her way to work. She has never received a high level of press interest.
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Could we not shift blame to a woman please and start saying that his mother is somehow to blame? The only person responsible for a perp's actions is the perp. Not the victim, and certainly not the perp's mother. Really, come on!
I don't think he implied anything negative towards any female. On the contrary, by having a lack of a female figure in his life our perp may well have developed a skewed view of women?
Really great Points. I don't understand how he could have even known she was a young woman - in that weather, in the dark with her wearing those odd colourful clothes and hat - it could have been anyone - did he not care, or did he know who she was and recognise those clothes from seeing her on previous runs and walks perhaps.
I think that probably her size, gait and type of clothes she was wearing were probably indicators that she wasn't a man. And the time of night that she wasn't a child - so maybe just a good guess/sense of people from his training and or any other experience he has with this sort of crime.
I know it's not there, but it's not far away from the Tulse Hill or Brixton area, both of which I would imagine to be horrific at night.

I was more so commenting on the fact it doesn't surprise me that there are sex street workers there. Every area I've stayed in with sex street workers have turned into places you definitely do not want to be out alone in at night time.

Um, little to imply it's the WORKERS who make the area unsafe.

Re read your comment and possibly misunderstood.
Yes, the areas where workers work usually attracts low lifes, unfortunately not much can be done unless the police are willing to work directly with the SWers.
I'm leaning towards him saying that there has been a crime
in the area or that she is being followed and to get in the car
immediately, whilst flashing a badge. He would of been driving
past her going the same direction on Poynders Rd, seen her and
pulled up parralel to her on the curb between Rodenhurst
corner and the bins of Poynders Court, to any onlookers it
would look like someone just picking her up. He then could
have driven to a known secluded area nearby and tied her up
or drugged her and then driven out of London.

That's certainly possible but would someone jump straight into a car? Wouldn't there be a bit of back and forth discussion?

NOT VICTIM BLAMING but we don't know anything about Sarah's level of intoxication, it may have needed no cover story if WC quickly realised she was in a vunerable state and quickly took advantage of the situation and pulled her into the car and carried on driving before she had a chance to know what was happening

Gibbo214 said:
Errm. He has been arrested for murder. Isn't that extreme violence?
It sounded like it was prior to this.

*Where are you getting "potential or capacity for extreme violence and violent behaviour " from? Just curious*

Sorry - I'm unsure how to do the 'proper' quoting.

It might be a bit clearer if I quote the full clause within that sentence, which is, "I have no clue, obviously, but WC apparently had potential or capacity for extreme violence and violent behaviour,"

And I'm basing it on the information that is contained within these threads and the fact that WC has been arrested for murder. I'm not sure that murder can ever not be an act of violence.

I'm not sure where your curiosity arises from - I don't think I suggested anything particularly earth-shattering, but I hope this clears things up.

Oh smart one* , I meant previous to all this.

Again, I haven't managed to successfully figure out the respond/reply function.

I didn't mean previously to this. I was referring to this set of events.

"Oh smart one?" Am I missing something here? I'm a new poster, and this feels a little uncomfortable. I joined a couple of months ago, I'm trying to contribute in a helpful way and my posts are fairly benign ones. I'm fairly sure I haven't said anything controversial.

Anyway, again, hope that's all clearer now.
You just hit reply and it brings up the post that you are replying to.
I know it's not there, but it's not far away from the Tulse Hill or Brixton area, both of which I would imagine to be horrific at night.

I was more so commenting on the fact it doesn't surprise me that there are sex street workers there. Every area I've stayed in with sex street workers have turned into places you definitely do not want to be out alone in at night time.

Brixton is not horrendous at night. Or in the day. And I don't think I've ever seen any prostitutes or similar there (and I used to live there a few years ago).
Thinking about motives.... and to be a little provocative....

I read lots of articles saying about women being harassed.
However, there's some irony that on sites such as Daily Mail, these articles are alongside countless pictures of 'influencers' in bikinis

Now, I am NOT suggesting that women shouldnt be free to do what they want, or that one justifies the other.
I just do wonder though if the unavoidable endless Kardashian bikini shots in the media etc create a message of 'ogle us'....
... and that for an unstable mind, this can encourage harassment. Make it feel ok...?

Ie. If we want to try and clean up harassment from the streets, would more consistent messaging ONLINE help with that?

Please dont twist this into any suggestion that women ask for harassment

(Somewhat off topic, please delete if needed. I'm just trying to think how sad events like this could be reduced in frequency)
I’m going to try to answer this because it’s a great question.

But because I’m not verified I hope (please tell me if I’m not) to couch this in the correct terms.

It is my opinion that those individuals who are experiencing urges to abuse, frighten, injure or kill others, be that due to paranoid delusions or sexual interest, be offered telephone counselling free of charge much like The Samaritans.

A number, with a guarantee of anonymity, that would direct potential perpetrators to treatment pathways before offending could reduce the incidence of sexual crime. It would need to be manned 24/7 and offer judgement free “talking down” from the urges, as well as making individuals aware that they can receive help without facing imprisonment simply for their ideas.

It is again my opinion that volunteering for such a service ought to be one option of several mandatory placements required for professionals in the clinical psychology field to gain their BPA / similar membership.

In the society we now inhabit, where so much focus is given to gender equality, moral outrage appears to dissuade people in my field from suggesting this to the public. But -in my opinion again- this approach has been shown to help reduce incidences of sexual abuse towards children in other countries.

Prevention is better than cure!
She had tight leggings on I think it would be obvious it was a women either from the front or behind and she was only 5.4ft ( not saying blokes can't be that small but it's not as common as it is for a women) If he was in his car the headlights could have illuminated her also.
He might have tooted his horn for her to turn around and then with lights on full beam blinded her for a second while he took the opportunity to knab and cuff her. It only takes a few seconds. She was in a happy mood, nearly home and just finished a pleasant phone call.
That’s my opinion.
As a nearly 30 year old male, I get nervous walking in the dark because of fear of being mugged etc, but its probably not until reading this thread that I have truly thought about the added fears of being a female walking alone, and it makes me sad that men make women feel that way. Also having a 2 year old daughter it makes me worry about how much she will fear the world when shes older..
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