Identified! UK - Sheerness, Kent, 'Piano Man' mystery, Apr'05 - Andreas Grassl

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gatetrekker44 said:
is the fact that ALL of the labels had been removed from ALL of his clothing(described as "cut out as opposed to being ripped out"). Almost sounds like someone may have "dumped" him and wants to make it more difficult to put a name to him. I hope I'm wrong-that would be really sad!

Bring Maura home!
As another posted said, maybe autisism, this could surely explain the tags missing, my neighbors son is autisitic and she has to cut all of his tags out because it annoys him...also the no speaking is another clue to autism, if that's what is is. Not all autistic people cannot speak, but some can't.
They know who he is now . A french street musician. Someone has identified him. So did he swimm across the channel ? what has happened to him .I'll let you all know as soon as I find out .
redeskimo said:
They know who he is now . A french street musician. Someone has identified him. So did he swimm across the channel ? what has happened to him .I'll let you all know as soon as I find out .
are you talking about the mime that said he knew who he was?

also found this

"Hospital chaplain the Rev. Steve Spencer said the man "is not the virtuoso that he has been portrayed in the press. He knows a small number of tunes and plays them over and over -- I recognized some John Lennon and a snippet from Tchaikovsky's 'Swan Lake.'"

There is no doubt that this man is extremely distressed and depressed," said Camp, the social worker. "He has started crying over the last week or so. It may be that some sort of trauma has made him like this."
jodierenee said:
A Polish man in Rome has identified the "Piano Man" as a French street musician called Steven Villa Masson.
This Mime must be one of the all time greats! Can you imagine the difficulty of being Polish and acting out to an Italian cop this French name? Sounds like one of Inspector Clouseau's skits. But what was the Mime REALLY trying to say?
redeskimo said:
They know who he is now . A french street musician. Someone has identified him. So did he swimm across the channel ? what has happened to him .I'll let you all know as soon as I find out .

Perhaps he was victimized (robbed) by someone who thought it would be funny to dump him across the channel with no id on him?

By street musician do they mean he is like a homeless person who plays for money? or merely a musician who makes a living playing on the street for tourists?

I wonder could he speak before or has he always been unable to speak?

Why didn't any family come forward?

I hope I have not misunderstood what people think Mime's are. But Mime's can talk. Miming is just a artistic display.

They have no "evidence' this person is the person that the Mime' claims him to be.

The hosptial wants proof........I would too.

His clothes were soaking wet when they found him, he could have been a victim of "yobs" and they pushed him in the water and tried to drown him. Or he could have gotten caught in the "English" rain.

The Queen is visiting Canada.......and it rained......oh well.....
CyberLaw[u said:
]I hope I have not misunderstood what people think Mime's are. But Mime's can talk. Miming is just a artistic display.[/u]

They have no "evidence' this person is the person that the Mime' claims him to be.

The hosptial wants proof........I would too.

His clothes were soaking wet when they found him, he could have been a victim of "yobs" and they pushed him in the water and tried to drown him. Or he could have gotten caught in the "English" rain.

The Queen is visiting Canada.......and it rained......oh well.....
:D I think we were just joshin' about the Mime. At least I know it is an artistic display! I wonder if they might bring this Mime to visit him, if they worked together for 5 years, this guy might just recognize him! It may be a break-through for him.
Lili said:
:D I think we were just joshin' about the Mime. At least I know it is an artistic display! I wonder if they might bring this Mime to visit him, if they worked together for 5 years, this guy might just recognize him! It may be a break-through for him.
yea, we were joking. If the guy that came forward with information could not talk for real, I wouldn't have posted anything at all funny.

hopefully someone will come forward with a picture and then we'll know for sure who he is.

but What happened to him?? And why isn't he talking? What kind of drastic event would have to happen to just shut someone down like that??
CyberLaw said:
I just a read a story in the National Post.

The person that the Mime thought he was, is not.

The Mime I.D. the man, but the brother of the man told the press: He is not my brother, I just saw my brother yesterday.

They are checking out other people who "claim" they know who he is.

I don't know what happened to him, but if depends on what "mental state" he was in before some Trauma may have be fallen him.

That is just a guess.

Also, the reason that the tags from his clothes may have been removed is that someone does not want him identified through his clothing.

Tags, especially in Europe can I.D. country and region.

Also the possibility, that someone was caring for him. Could not anymore or would not anymore, dropped him off in a country that would and could care for him.

Or he may have been staying with a person in the U.K., and that person has abandonded him.

That would cause a "vulnerable" person trauma, big time.

I hate to think that.....but it is a possibility.
you have some really great ideas.
I hope the local LE is thinking like this as well.

maybe with time this man will open up and tell us who he is
Thank you, Sharon.

Because he has a great deal of anxiety when someone he does not know approaches him, that is very indictive of autism.

I am hoping for the best possible outcome of this, I really am.
That is a great article, I slightly remember this from previous years.

Canada did not quite know what to do with this guy.

it was like: Where do we send him back to exactly when we don't know where he is from......

I hope this is not a hoax.......
CyberLaw said:
That is a great article, I slightly remember this from previous years.

Canada did not quite know what to do with this guy.

it was like: Where do we send him back to exactly when we don't know where he is from......

I hope this is not a hoax.......
I guess anything is possible these days.
I really hope this doesn't turn out to be a hoax.

If it is, it was really well done!

I don't think it is though.. but I was wrong the last time :doh:
I hope it is not a hoax either, but this Mr. Nobody really played Canada(no pun intended).
He said authorities have had more than 700 calls and 150 e-mails offering information, "and this will take time to work through. We are unable to confirm reports about his identity at this time."

Social workers said a tip from a Polish mime living in Italy, who said the man is a French street musician, proved false. Dariusz Dydymski had said he was "99 percent certain" the pianist was named Steven Villa Massone, but Massone was found living in Nice, France. Man
Tomas Strnad. A former bandmate from a rock group identified him. Says he was classically trained, and a keyboard player in the group Ropotamo. The hospital is bringing in a Czeck interpreter to confirm. 250 people in Czeck say it's him.

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