UK - the late Jimmy Savile and the underage sex charges now confronting the BBC

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TWISTED Jimmy Savile may have sexually abused CORPSES as well as kids, it emerged last night.
Stoke Mandeville Hospital, where he worked as a volunteer, launched an investigation into his unaccompanied mortuary visits.
It came as The Sun uncovered an interview in which the former BBC TV and radio host spoke of his fascination with dead bodies.
The hospital, where Savile had his own room and allegedly abused several young patients, is probing whether he had keys to the mortuary or “interacted inappropriately” with corpses.
A spokesman said: “We have been shocked to hear of the very serious allegations about Jimmy Savile. We continue to co-operate fully with the police.

More at Sun Link, BTW this has been doing the rounds for years- I REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT NO ONE KNEW
That headline (from #201) again:

Hospital to probe Jimmy Savile's lone visits to morgue
Dire. So as recently as 2007 the BBC were still laughing about abuse of underage children - some of which occurred during their watch and on their property.

Agree - absolutely disgusting - this was five years ago - all involved in the writing and performing of that (unfunny) programme should be interviewed about what they knew and how.
They were making money on the book. Money buys many a silence.

Yes - follow the money - and power - Where did Saville's power come from and why? Did he have knowledge to blackmail important people, for example...
I keep seeing the name Ted Heath - PM 1970-74 - popping up on blogs. Would change meaning of George Harrison's words in "Taxman":

Ohhh, Mr Wilson,
Ohhh, Mr Heath
I keep seeing the name Ted Heath - PM 1970-74 - popping up on blogs. Would change meaning of George Harrison's words in "Taxman":

Ohhh, Mr Wilson,
Ohhh, Mr Heath

Ted Heath has been connected to the Jersey home scandal.It is alleged Jimmy <modsnip> provided him with young boys to take on trips on his yacht.
The pair met in 1971 when Jimmy began doing charity work for Stoke Mandeville Hospital. Janet was the medical records officer in the hospital&#8217;s National Spinal Injuries Centre and one day agreed to type a letter for him. It was the first of many.

Read more:

This woman appears to have been totally used by <modsnip>.

He obviously be- friended her as she was in charge of medical records.
DO those overseas know that we in the UK have to pay licence fees to the BBC? The overseers to Sir Jimmy Savile et al

What are license fees and why do you have to pay them to a broadcasting company?


PS - I didn't know.
I keep seeing the name Ted Heath - PM 1970-74 - popping up on blogs. Would change meaning of George Harrison's words in "Taxman":

Ohhh, Mr Wilson,
Ohhh, Mr Heath
I'm waiting for them to mention Lord Braunstone. The man who used parliamentary privilege.
Predators on Pedestals

Like Sandusky, he cultivated an aura of flamboyant eccentricity. The Penn State coach was a prankster and a knucklehead, a perpetual adolescent, which served as a plausibly benign explanation for all his prodding and grabbing. It was just Jerry being Jerry. Savile was a gregarious goofball who lived with his mother, and who sported a blond pageboy haircut, pink-tinted glasses, garish track suits and fat cigars. Being the man-child Pied Piper of the pubescent was his shtick, his job, and cover for a brutal cunning.

There are so many similarities between Jimmy Savile and Jerry Sandusky. Disturbing.
Don't you think it time they also began investigating his close friends and managers?

Yupyup. I sure do. A great many pedos like to 'network'. I have no doubt Gary Glitter and Savile did so regularly. And I am betting one wouldn't have to look to hard into Savile's regular contacts to find a couple of dozen more just like him.

Though by now, I would totally bet the farm his pedo pals are scurrying to cover their backsides and/or packing their bags for extended holidays in non-extradition nations.

Lift a rock, watch the maggots under it cringe away from the light.

You know, I really used to look at all the people posting on forums regarding massive global pedo networks, etc, as being a little bit dotty. Then the pedo rings started being infiltrated and the sheer enormity of it was shocking to me. And pedos on the net started getting caught left and right with thousands upon thousands of images of abused and raped children. This happens --every day. It's terrifying.

It's hard not to see these people as being everywhere - because they are. In their thousands, in all walks of life, causing untold harm to countless children and their families.

They're getting bolder, coming out openly with thier 'boylove' publications and sites, and the like, making arguments for why it's fine to have sex with underage children.

I just want them all dead. I really do.
My heart just absolutely aches for all the young people victimized by this disgusting creep, and the COUNTLESS adults who turned a blind eye make me sick. The comparison to Sandusky is particularly apt, since Savile, like Sandusky, basically had his own "hunting grounds" in which to prey upon victims. And like the underprivileged and at-risk youth of the Second Mile, the vulnerable in hospitals, children's facilities, we're basically served up to the predator on a silver platter. :puke: he had keys to Broadmoor, and was involved with appointing a new head?! Had his own room at the hospital? Unbelievable.

And no one, from any of these places, thought to report this to the police. What the hell was going on?! I realize that in the 60s, 70s, and even into the 80s, society tended to look at these pedophiles as just "dirty old men" - I mean, how many of us, especially women, have a story about some disgusting old creep hugging us too tightly, or sneakily copping a feel of breast or bottom? I know I have a few. And if you told an adult, they'd just warn you, like the nurses did their patients about Savile, to stay out of his way. That's just how they were, and it was up to you to not get too close.

But the sheer number here - you'd think someone would have said, okay, this isn't just a pervy old creep, this is a predator, we need to alert the police. And not only that, but they let him roam about, and take children to his rooms!! it cannot just be excused by "that's just how times were then".

Beyond awful.

Well, like with the catholic church, and then Penn State, let the truth all come out now. And to the fools calling it a witch hunt, well they are like all the bishops and priests who complained when all the accusations were coming to light in the church. Too bad. If a witch hunt does indeed result, then they have only themselves to blame for turning a blind eye, excusing the behavior, and enabling these monsters in the first place.

And :grouphug: for all the folks here who have spoken of their own abuse.
Yupyup. I sure do. A great many pedos like to 'network'. I have no doubt Gary Glitter and Savile did so regularly. And I am betting one wouldn't have to look to hard into Savile's regular contacts to find a couple of dozen more just like him.

Though by now, I would totally bet the farm his pedo pals are scurrying to cover their backsides and/or packing their bags for extended holidays in non-extradition nations.

Lift a rock, watch the maggots under it cringe away from the light.

You know, I really used to look at all the people posting on forums regarding massive global pedo networks, etc, as being a little bit dotty. Then the pedo rings started being infiltrated and the sheer enormity of it was shocking to me. And pedos on the net started getting caught left and right with thousands upon thousands of images of abused and raped children. This happens --every day. It's terrifying.

It's hard not to see these people as being everywhere - because they are. In their thousands, in all walks of life, causing untold harm to countless children and their families.

They're getting bolder, coming out openly with thier 'boylove' publications and sites, and the like, making arguments for why it's fine to have sex with underage children.

I just want them all dead. I really do.

Best post I've read so far. :jumping:
From the Mirror
Jimmy Savile scandal: Sexual predator ran girls-only parties at Broadmoor hospital away from staff

He used his unlimited access on the wards to recruit the young women for his private parties where he installed himself as DJ...

Dressed up as &#8220;therapeutic entertainment&#8221;, his discos in the 70s, which Savile insisted on making, &#8220;lasses only&#8221; &#8211; gave him the opportunity to mingle with unsuspecting victims, away from staff.

Fears of &#8220;systematic abuse&#8221; at the dance nights will now add pressure on the Department of Health&#8217;s probe into how and why Savile was appointed to a leading role at the high security psychiatric hospital.

Last night a source said: &#8220;Savile did whatever he wanted at Broadmoor and nobody could stop him.&#8221;

As accusations against the shamed star last night continued to mount, the Daily Mirror can also reveal Savile arranged for 60 patients, including convicted murderers, to be granted early release.

MSM link
How on earth was a DJ considered qualified to fix financial problems at a hospital?!

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