GUILTY UK - Tia Sharp, 12, New Addington, London, 3 Aug 2012 #2

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Apologies Josie, I am a bit older than to me a grandma should have lovely 400 TC flowery bed sheets.....but then this old mare does not resemble a grandma in any shape or form, and I am still convinced that she has plenty to hide, including a weird and twisted lifestyle.
The search for Tia was slightly disadvantaged becaus she was just on the cusp of adolescence, and into an age group that do sometimes just decide to leave home for periods of time - as they start to rebel against curfews etc. A younger child and they'd have been quicker to think of it as a potential murder or abduction. I know the family did say she was still a child in herself, but families often think of their children as younger than the children think of themselves.
The search for Tia was slightly disadvantaged becaus she was just on the cusp of adolescence, and into an age group that do sometimes just decide to leave home for periods of time - as they start to rebel against curfews etc. A younger child and they'd have been quicker to think of it as a potential murder or abduction. I know the family did say she was still a child in herself, but families often think of their children as younger than the children think of themselves.
I still think that Tia was a neglected child, and to think that the family must have known of SH's shady past and many convictions, regardless of what he was convicted of, he obviously thought nothing of breaking the law. This child should not have been at their house nor roaming the land on trains buses and trams, especially without a phone. Her mothers grief is clear, unfortunately so is her ignorance.
I would imagine that most of the people following this case will suspect there to be some mention of sexual assault, let us just hope that it was not, and was accidental. That is the best outcome we can wish for now.
I still think that Tia was a neglected child, and to think that the family must have known of SH's shady past and many convictions, regardless of what he was convicted of, he obviously thought nothing of breaking the law. This child should not have been at their house nor roaming the land on trains buses and trams, especially without a phone. Her mothers grief is clear, unfortunately so is her ignorance.
I would imagine that most of the people following this case will suspect there to be some mention of sexual assault, let us just hope that it was not, and was accidental. That is the best outcome we can wish for now.

Yes, I think the backbone of this whole case is the fact that we are not dealing with a traditional wholesome loving happy family scenario. There were and are obvious problems in this set up which no doubt will be revealed. It's a sad element of British society and this poor child suffered the consequence of an extreme case of familial neglect (whether it be just in the instant she was killed or in the run up to it and throughout her short life as well). It's a very sad glimpse into what I hesitate to call the 'underbelly' of society. I hope that is not offensive, I don't intend it to be!
Thinking out loud: I can see SH pleading not guilty to this. Anyone else?

Defo....he has hired a top barrister with a decent reputation for getting acquittals in similar cases.....why would he then plead guilty? He's not going to get a lesser sentence for owning up (I would hope!)
Does anybody else see an eerie comparison between SH and Casey Anthony? Superficially, they seem adept at lying but when you look at what they are saying their stories are riddled with holes and inconsistencies. However those in their close circle seem to be sucked into their lies and deceptions.
Bizarrly both appear to think that putting a body in a bin bag and a holdall and leaving it in a hot environment for a while is fine and something that they can get away with. Sadly, in Casey's case it turned out she was right.
I would love to know what story Tia's phone tells. Records of phone calls, texts etc may show that she was alive when gran went to work.
I would love to know what story Tia's phone tells. Records of phone calls, texts etc may show that she was alive when gran went to work.

I think Tia's phone could be a crucial piece of evidence, not least because there will be a record of when she last used it. I think SH's evident frustration in his interview about it charging is possibly more to do with him being annoyed wwith himself for not getting rid of it. It is so unusual for a teenager to be without their phone and to go into town to meet someone and forget it - so right from the start just the fact it was still in the house raised suspicions. And then of course by mentioning it (which I think CB did first?) the police will have (hopefully) immediately taken it for analysis. If the last time Tia used it was on Thursday, that might suggest she wasn't alive on Friday.
I think Tia's phone could be a crucial piece of evidence, not least because there will be a record of when she last used it. I think SH's evident frustration in his interview about it charging is possibly more to do with him being annoyed wwith himself for not getting rid of it. It is so unusual for a teenager to be without their phone and to go into town to meet someone and forget it - so right from the start just the fact it was still in the house raised suspicions. And then of course by mentioning it (which I think CB did first?) the police will have (hopefully) immediately taken it for analysis. If the last time Tia used it was on Thursday, that might suggest she wasn't alive on Friday.

I'd imagine the police checked her phone records out already....or immediately on finding her "missing"?????
Fortunately the family are of low intelligence, they were unable to hold a proper press conference or to even know how to present themselves in front of the media, they were unable to dispose of their evidence and now we can only hope that the incompetent LE have not ruined all of this, that was so easily laid out in front of them. Perhaps they will lose some evidence, or maybe the family got to Tia's phone first. Fortunately records can be obtained from the service provider.
The family connection and the possible connection with the mobile phone is giving me flashbacks to the Murder of Danielle Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They also found evidence related to her disappearance in the loft.

in this article:

Suspicion fell on Campbell almost immediately and he was first arrested on 23 June 2001, five days after Jones went missing.[4] Detectives had delayed his arrest while weighing the possibility of endangering Jones's life, on the presumption she was still alive and being held against her will, against the possibility of Campbell leading the police to her

Based on the above, is it possible the Police knew it was Hazell and therefore allowed him loose, before sadly finding the body?????
Oh I think the police were definitely suspicious all along - most of them will have kids none of whom after the age of 12 would leave home without their mobile phone, quite apart from a girl won't want to be seen in the same clothes two days running, washed overnight or not!

I think that is why they were searching so close to home all the time - they were looking for where SH had dumped her body. They seriously thought they *had* checked the house. The guys who searched said "yes we looked everywhere" and so the guy in charge believed them and started checking places outside the home, but nearby. That is what I think happened. Also, really, he did have a day and night to hide her and they probably thought it very unlikely he'd have gone for using his own home, which is probably why they may not have poked around in the loft quite as hard as they should have done.
The police probably underestimated the murderers' stupidity. It's still incredible that SH and CS thought stashing a body in the loft was a decent hiding place. LE probably overlooked it because it was such an obvious place to dump a body.

BBC are saying she was found in a black bed sheet, and in a black bin liner. But they are also saying the PM has not been comlpleted yet.
According to other reports the reason why they found her this time was because the police could smell decomposition when they were looking. makes you wonder how long she would not have been found if it had been winter.
Wondering who these people being discussed are, in terms of this discussion? Or to what the initials being used refer? Lets start a list so we all know & understand exactly who we are refering to. Please copy & paste any missing initials & names missing from the list we are discussing -

TS - Tia Sharp (Murder Victim / Unconfirmed Identified BODY) RIP :rose:
CS - Christine Sharp aka Grandmother (Arrested on Suspicion of Murder 11/08/12)(Released on bail 12/08/12)
SH - Stuart Hazel aka Grandfather/Grandmothers Partner (Charged with Murder 12/08/12) :jail:
PM - Paul Meehan (Neighbour arrested for assisting an offender)(Released on bail 12/08/12)
NS - Natalie Sharp (Tia Sharps mother)
PS - Paul Sharp (Tia Sharps real grandfather)
DS - David Sharp (Tia Sharps Uncle)
CB - Christine Bicknell aka CS Christine Sharp (Maiden name)
SC - Stephen Carter (Tia Sharps real father)
DN - David Niles (Natalie Sharp's partner)
NB - Neil Basu (Met Police Commander)
LE - Local Establishment/Police Force
@Moby,he may well get a lesser sentence if he was to plead guilty straight away,ive been in court the last few weeks in the gallery and the sherrif was regularly knocking time of for early pleading.It may different in England at high court.

@Brit1981,if it was winter id think they would have the heating on which would aid in decomp id think,i know our loft is swealtering most of the time.
We still don't know when she actually died. It may not have been on Thursday. It could have been sometime during the night or even on Friday morning.

If you take the view that CS wasn't complicit in the actual death, it may be that SH put her in the loft whilst he did a frantic cleanup before CS got home on Friday at around 14:30.

From then on he probably didn't have any opportunity to move her due to the fact that the family, police and press were around all the time. He said on the video interview something along the lines of feeling like a prisoner in his own home

He probably couldn't believe his luck when the Police searched the loft on Sunday morning and nothing was found.
Wondering who these people being discussed are, in terms of this discussion? Or to what the initials being used refer? Lets start a list so we all know & understand exactly who we are refering to. Please copy & paste any missing initials & names missing from the list we are discussing -

TS - Tia Sharp (Murder Victim / Unconfirmed Identified BODY) RIP :rose:
CS - Christine Sharp aka Grandmother (Arrested on Suspicion of Murder 11/08/12)(Released on bail 12/08/12)
SH - Stuart Hazel aka Grandfather/Grandmothers Partner (Charged with Murder 12/08/12) :jail:
PM - Paul Meehan (Neighbour arrested for assisting an offender)(Released on bail 12/08/12)
NS - Natalie Sharp (Tia Sharps mother)
PS - Paul Sharp (Tia Sharps real grandfather)
CB - Christine Bicknell aka CS Christine Sharp (Maiden name)
SC - Stephen Carter (Tia Sharps real father)
DN - David Niles (Natalie Sharp's partner)
NB - Neil Basu (Met Police Commander)
LE - Local Establishment/Police Force

There's also David Sharp, NS's brother appeared on TV thanking the public and it was DS who sat beside SH in the video interview. DS corrected SH when he couldn't remember the name of the funfair SH & CS allegedly searched on Friday 3rd
I'd imagine the police checked her phone records out already....or immediately on finding her "missing"?????

Which is probably why this investigation was centred around the family, seemingly, from the very beginning. As soon as it was obvious Tia hadn't left the house (same clothes, phone at home, no CCTV trace) I think the police had it pretty much sussed in terms of who the perp/s was. What I don't think they banked on was that the poor girl was dead, hence the delay in finding the body. I imagine the searches were routine searches to find her last movements within the home and so they didn't go scouring the loft etc.
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