GUILTY UK - Tia Sharp, 12, New Addington, London, 3 Aug 2012 #3

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I doubt it because I assume Lord Carlile would know if there was any information from the earlier post mortem, and he said there was 'no evidence whatsoever' about the cause of death. Tia could have died from a drugs overdose for all anyone knows, so I'm surprised the media would suggest she'd been smothered unless they had access to information that Carlile didn't have. There are other causes of death that don't involve broken bones or evidence of strangulation. Is the media just guessing?

In following many cases, the one thing that is a constant is misreporting.

Often all it takes is a word from someone on scene and media run with it

How many times have we read" a source close to the investigation" or something of that nature

I don't know about media in your country, but in the US and Canada reports are often made based on unsubstantiated information

It could be true, she could have been smothered and it leaked to the media
It won't be substantiated til the PM is done. All JMO
Are we allowed to post links to articles that may be NS?

I found an online one about somebody with that name from The Lindens area and a past relationship. Just wanted to post it as it may shed light on the environment Tia and NS grew up in.
ETA: Cross-posted! I took it that Carlile meant that 'no evidence whatsoever' had yet been made available to the defence - rather than that none exists.
I took it that he meant 'no evidence whatsoever' suggests she was smothered.
speculation in the media for example about the cause of death but there is no evidence whatsoever, it is no more than speculation
Regarding PM - The Sun is using different wording, "Neighbour Paul Meehan, 39, is on bail after being quizzed on suspicion of giving a false statement."


According to the Guardian timeline for Saturday, 11 August, "Paul Meehan, a 39-year-old neighbour, is taken into custody on suspicion of assisting an offender." I read that in a couple different places at the time as well.
I don't know about media in your country, but in the US and Canada reports are often made based on unsubstantiated information

It could be true, she could have been smothered and it leaked to the media
It won't be substantiated til the PM is done. All JMO
Oh, we have the same shoddy reporting here. But the BBC normally prints substantiated facts, not 'facts' from 'sources close to the investigation'. The post mortem is resuming tomorrow so hopefully we'll find out what's fact and what isn't at some point.
According to the Guardian timeline for Saturday, 11 August, "Paul Meehan, a 39-year-old neighbour, is taken into custody on suspicion of assisting an offender." I read that in a couple different places at the time as well.

Thank you, wfgodot - that's why I thought The Sun's wording was interesting - it seems to be giving the biggest clue as to what the 'assisting' could be.
Are we allowed to post links to articles that may be NS?

I found an online one about somebody with that name from The Lindens area and a past relationship. Just wanted to post it as it may shed light on the environment Tia and NS grew up in.

Could you pm it to me,please ?
We can't and shouldn't read too much into who SH QC is. Barrristers/QC are handed out cases on a "rota like" system. Theyy have no choice in which cases they receive
Thank you, wfgodot - that's why I thought The Sun's wording was interesting - it seems to be giving the biggest clue as to what the 'assisting' could be.
As tabloids have traditionally featured true crime as one of their areas of expertise (can't believe I'm about to defend the Sun here), the paper may well have inside sources and their account may in fact be both more specific, and true.
Oh, we have the same shoddy reporting here. But the BBC normally prints substantiated facts, not 'facts' from 'sources close to the investigation'. The post mortem is resuming tomorrow so hopefully we'll find out what's fact and what isn't at some point.

I'd agree on that.

I go to the BBC for the plain facts and the Daily Mail/Sun to see speculation/unconfirmed reports. Which is likely why the BBC have fewer lawsuits on their hands.
We can't and shouldn't read too much into who SH QC is. Barrristers/QC are handed out cases on a "rota like" system. Theyy have no choice in which cases they receive

I would like to know who hands them out..
So, PM giving a false statement (and I'm sure we can speculate more about that - i.e. was it him saying he'd seen TS, when he hadn't?) is more likely than him helping to move corpse etc, which always seemed to me to be an excessive way of helping a neighbour and frankly gave me more creeps than I already have with this case!
I would like to know who hands them out..

So is it like legal aid?

If you can't afford a lawyer, one is appointed to you.
Here its called legal aid lawyers

and there are times when lawyers take cases pro bono
So is it like legal aid?

If you can't afford a lawyer, one is appointed to you.
Here its called legal aid lawyers

and there are times when lawyers take cases pro bono

Yes is much the same here, if you cannot afford representation the State or rather the peoples hard earned taxes pay your legal fees
Yes is much the same here, if you cannot afford representation the State or rather the peoples hard earned taxes pay your legal fees


I believe that everyone deserves representation regardless of monetary worth

Not everyone charged with a crime is guilty
Hi everyone,

I have been closely following this case as soon as it appeared on the news. I have only now caught up fully on all the posts- I wanted to read everything in order not to repeat something that's already been said (but that's quite likely as the thread is moving fast and I've probably forgotten some posts!) Anyway it's great to have a place to discuss cases like this with fellow curious minds.

I too had my suspicions about SH from the start- particularly the crazy detail in his interview regarding cleaning the house. He went OTT and that was a giveaway- but his emotions were convincing which could indicate he's far more inteligent and manipulative than first given credit, or that Tia's death was an accident and this was genuine remorse (or he was in denial due to this and was trying to convince himself of a lie.)

I kind of have the feeing that Tia's mother's phone could be key in this- I had similar thoughts as other posters, in that perhaps Tia saw something on the phone from SH to her mother that she wasn't supposed to see and TS confronted SH about this. However based on the manipulative SH theory, perhaps SH could have talked his way out of anything incriminating: he had half the nation convinced in his interview, surely he could talk round a 12 year old girl? Anyway the lack of CCTV, phone left on charge (a girl that was always 'glued to her phone', and I'm sure I read somewhere that her step-gran said she always charged her phone at night- which means I'm inclined to believe something happened on the Thursday evening/overnight Thursday/Friday). Everything certainly pointed to her not leaving that house, or having gone very far at least and it's shocking she wasn't found earlier if the area/loft had previously been 'searched'. As an aside (forgive me if someone has already pointed this out)- it was also reported that Tia supposedly left for the shopping centre in Croydon with just £10 in her pocket (this was just a story by SH, but conveniently means that her purse being in the house wouldn't necessarily suggest she had never left.)

The one thing that stands out to me is the reports that the circumstances around SH's arrest were 'highly extrordinary' or words to that effect- I can't for the life of me find this article now but I believe it was either Daily Mail or Sky news that reported this on the day of is arrest. What could that mean? Perhaps that he was seen to be distributing flyers/ drunk etc.- but to me it sounds like much more than that. It's highly worrying and, given the rumours doing the rounds that there's so much more to come out on this case, I think that maybe the truth about Tia's murder (and maybe the events leading up to it) will emerge to be far worse than anyone other than the killer themselves could have dreamt up...

I believe that everyone deserves representation regardless of monetary worth

Not everyone charged with a crime is guilty

True, but the worse the crime the more expensive the brief..JMO
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