GUILTY UK - Tia Sharp, 12, New Addington, London, 3 Aug 2012 #3

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I think I owe you an apology. What with the "I know something I can't say" posts and me taking far more interest in the case that is probably good for me, I really didn't think you were serious.

Sorry :eek:

lol, yeah i was serious

the funnier part was that even the next door neighbours, well at least the ones who haven't been arrested, none of them seem to know what the reason behind it all was.

the whole estate is a rumour mill most of the time.

and the fact that a 16 yr old who could technically bask in the glory of saying they knew something but don't makes me believe them more than the rest of them on that estate.
Just read an article in the Daily Mail about SH offering words of comfort/ support to Tia's biological father, "Be strong..." and found this line further along in the article, regarding the police missing the body in their searches: "A senior officer suggested it may have been moved before a dog trained to detect blood and decomposition eventually raised the alarm.'

Am I late to the party on this being said in the press?

Apologies - just noticed the duplicate post above.
Has anyone noticed that, at least according to the press, the police are still apparently considering the possibility that the body was moved (despite the apology) - as otherwise why continue to report it in today's Sun? Maybe it was moved in the house. Do these houses have cellars?

I would very much doubt these properties have cellars. In fact, I would think hiding places would be very limited - cupboard under the stairs, garden shed maybe, wardrobes.... line of attics with only partial firewalls?

If SH did prevail himself of someone else's attic space, it may have been felt that once the house was searched a couple of times, the coast was clear to move the body back again. Although WTF he thought he would do with it in the long term, I don't know!
I wouldn't believe the Daily Mail. There is no quote and no name for this "Senior Officer".

Sorry, maybe I am not making my question clear - which MSM report states he was drinking Special Brew in a pub?

I don't think there is any MSM report that states this. At least I haven't seen one anyway. I took it to be MobyBluff's take on what probably happened.
I would very much doubt these properties have cellars. In fact, I would think hiding places would be very limited - cupboard under the stairs, garden shed maybe, wardrobes.... line of attics with only partial firewalls?

If SH did prevail himself of someone else's attic space, it may have been felt that once the house was searched a couple of times, the coast was clear to move the body back again. Although WTF he thought he would do with it in the long term, I don't know!

That would fit in with India99's post about the poilce searching all the houses in the row.
I thought I saw a garage in the news coverage, at least there is what looks like a garage near the flower memorial - does anyone know if that is attached to the property?
I thought I saw a garage in the news coverage, at least there is what looks like a garage near the flower memorial - does anyone know if that is attached to the property?

I believe the garages are in separate blocks away from the houses. At least in the immediate area around CS's house.
I thought I saw a garage in the news coverage, at least there is what looks like a garage near the flower memorial - does anyone know if that is attached to the property?

The garages are at the ends of the terraces, so access is from the road or by walking down the footpath that runs along the front of the houses.,+New+Addington&hl=en&ll=51.356306,-0.016978&spn=0.001306,0.002411&sll=52.8382,-2.327815&sspn=10.362175,19.753418&oq=the+lind&t=h&hnear=The+Lindens,+New+Addington,+Croydon+CR0+9EG,+United+Kingdom&z=19&layer=c&cbll=51.356679,-0.017377&panoid=vreH8LkgwzihHsKVZ7TLyQ&cbp=12,259.61,,0,0
Hi everyone, I am new here and just been validated. I have been reading this site for a few days and feel that almost everything has been said, however, having watched the TV series ‘lie to me’ I’ve developed a bit of an amateur interest in body language which I thought I would put to the test with the SH interview. There are a few things which struck me straight away. If you examine the ITV tape between 2:01 – 2:21 when he talks about the phone being on charge – that the first sign of true emotion, namely strong irritation, in his voice. My sense is that the phone was actually the cause of the argument that led to Tia’s eventual death (perhaps he struck her in a rage because when she continued to talk on it despite him telling her to leave it charging).
If this was not the cause of the argument, I would have expected him to have sounded a more regretful tone (something like: ‘I told her to leave it alone and now that she is missing I am sorry we had a minor row about a silly issue).

At about 3:40 he talks about what Tia was supposedly wearing and IMO sounded totally confused as if he hadn’t rehearsed this issue. I also notice that he mentioned that he doesn’t know anything about “women’s clothing’ – hardly the way I would describe the clothing of a 12 yr. old. My feeling is that she wasn’t wearing any of this clothing at all when she was found and that he made the whole thing up. This is supported by him suddenly coughing at 3:45 and then licking his lips at 3:56 immediately after saying that she was going to buy flip-flops

I understand that licking your lips after saying something is a strong sign of deception. When people get nervous, their saliva glands cease to produce saliva, and their mouths become dry. There two main reasons why a person could lick their lips after saying something are that they are nervous, or are uncomfortable with what they have just said.

Next at 4:02 – again a sign of irritation when he mentions that she had lost her oyster card months ago. The statement had the ring of truth to it. 4:19 Irritated again when he mentions that the back garden was still not done.
Most of the interview is spent looking downwards and to the right which I understand means that he is “talking to himself” – as opposed to recollecting something.

At 6:10 he mentions the funfair and again licks his lips a number of times. At 6:36 he mentions that he walked around for a good hour but while he does it he is shaking his head from side to side (as if unconsciously saying its not true). As far as I can tell he does not shake his head through most of the interview – usually he either looks down and occasionally he looks straight at the interviewer.
At 7:36 and 7:50 ,8:26 he again shows true emotion- narrowed eyes /grimace when he says that people are making accusations and bad mouthing him. By the way he points to Tia’s picture and says “her” papers as opposed to Tia’s picture (very remote language – hardly appropriate when talking of a missing loved one).

Finally at 9:46 he talks about people pointing the finger at him (i.e. accusing him) and nods (as if to agree with them) while at 10:06 he says we have got to get her home while shaking his head (as if to say – impossible).

Actually, overall his performance sounds fairly convincing which makes me think that he is a very practiced liar and by the time he gave this interview he had convinced himself that he was innocent or ‘hard done by’ or ‘justified’, his loosely clasped hands are a sign of being comfortable, as is the fact that he basically disregarded DS sitting next to him, as well as the willingness to enter into a long interview despite the danger of being tripped up and giving a long detailed account of his movements. I would have thought that someone who had just murdered a child would have refrained from exposure of any type and it’s beyond me that he had the nerves to go through with this.

Thank you for this detailed post.

I am not sure what I make of his phone charging story,I thought this was his excuse as to why Tia went out with a mobile.My feeling is Tia was not alive on the Friday morning.

I suppose it is still possible that SH was not the person to actually kill Tia.
Thanks wfgodot & Clio, just seems to of gone rather quiet last few days on this :confused:

We don't know what kinds of tests are being done but some can take quite a while. Also, haven't heard anything on whether the defence will be conducting their own PM.
A rather depressing picture, perhaps the neighbour's assistance lay in moving the body to his own garage and then returning it to SH's attic once the coast was supposedly clear. Perhaps the neighbour wasn't being watched as closely as SH and Granny. Pure speculation of course, as we have no indication what assistance was involved.
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