UK- Two cases of monkeypox virus found in Wales, June 2021

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Two cases of monkeypox virus found in Wales
11 June 2021

Image: Monkeypox is mostly found in central and western Africa. Pic: World Health Organisation

''Two cases of monkeypox have been reported in north Wales, health officials have said.

Public Health Wales (PHW) said the people were infected abroad and the two patients are from the same household.

Both PHW and Public Health England are monitoring the cases, which has seen the two people admitted to hospital in England.''

Eight symptoms of monkeypox to be aware of as cases confirmed in North Wales

Cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in North Wales
''The illness begins with:
  • high temperature
  • headache
  • muscle aches
  • backache
  • swollen glands
  • chills
  • exhaustion
  • Then a rash usually begins 1 to 5 days after the first symptoms. The spots often start on the face before spreading to other parts of the body.''
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From link, thanks..
''The virus has been exported from Africa a few times. In the spring of 2003, monkeypox cases were confirmed in the United States of America. Most patients were reported to have had close contact with pet prairie dogs that were infected by African rodents that had been imported into the country from Ghana. Recently, monkeypox was carried to Israel in September 2018, to the United Kingdom in September 2018 and December 2019 and to Singapore in May 2019 by travelers from Nigeria who fell ill with monkeypox after arrival. A health worker was infected and became ill.''
Better monkeypox than COVID.
Not really, imo. According to the WHO, "up to a tenth of persons ill with monkeypox may die, with most deaths occurring in younger age groups." If 10% of the people who contracted covid died that would be 17.6 million deaths worldwide, as opposed to
3.79 million deaths currently linked to Covid worldwide -- and it would include young people. That said, the vast, vast majority of the people who get monkeypox are in Africa. Maybe the reason I'd never heard of it till now.

May 18 2022
''Montreal health officials are investigating up to 13 possible cases of monkeypox, Radio-Canada reported Wednesday, as other countries around the world report cases of the rare virus.

The news comes as Massachusetts confirmed Wednesday the United States’ first case of the year, in a man who had recently travelled to Canada. The man is hospitalized but in good condition, officials said.

Monkeypox is relatively rare. A small number of confirmed or suspected cases have been reported this month in the United Kingdom, Portugal and Spain.

“Is this the new COVID? No,” said infectious diseases physician Dr. Isaac Bogoch, who said there will “certainly” be a rise in monkeypox cases.

“We know that it can be transmitted from person to person, but it doesn’t appear to be as easily transmitted from person to person like a very transmissible respiratory virus.”
Smallpox vaccine protects from monkey pox, so this virus isn't going to bring grief to seniors.

"The smallpox vaccine is largely effective against monkeypox as well, but routine immunization programs ended in Canada in the early 1970s — leaving Canadians under 50 vulnerable to infection.

"There certainly are generations of people that have not received a smallpox vaccine and would have no protection against monkeypox infection if they were exposed," Bogoch said.
Smallpox vaccine protects from monkey pox, so this virus isn't going to bring grief to seniors.

"The smallpox vaccine is largely effective against monkeypox as well, but routine immunization programs ended in Canada in the early 1970s — leaving Canadians under 50 vulnerable to infection.

"There certainly are generations of people that have not received a smallpox vaccine and would have no protection against monkeypox infection if they were exposed," Bogoch said.

According to the above,
'Smallpox vaccination provides full immunity for 3 to 5 years and decreasing immunity thereafter.'
Just reading about the current monkeypox outbreak. Per Dr. Eric Ding:

This is no monkey business. #monkeypox surge in the past week alone has been astronomical for a traditionally very rare disease. For example, UK cases have doubled overnight form 9 to 20. The @WHO needs to declare a PHEIC asap.

Portugal 34
Spain 32
Canada 2
United Kingdom 20
Italy 3
Belgium 3
United States 2
Australia 2
Sweden 1
Germany 1
France 1

Data: UK Data | by @antonio_caramia on Twitter (tab "MonkeyPox") by @Antonio_Caramia


''New Delhi:
The World Health Organization (WHO) has called for an emergency meeting to discuss monkeypox, a virus that is rapidly spreading across Europe and North America. The health body is expected to focus on the transmission and vaccines of the virus, reported The Telegraph.

Monkeypox cases have been reported in several countries this month. The UK has confirmed 20 cases of the rare virus since May 6. France, Germany, and Belgium also reported their first case of monkeypox today.

Monkeypox is a virus transmitted to humans from animals, with symptoms very similar to smallpox but less severe clinically.

The rare disease, which is not usually fatal, often manifests itself through fever, muscle aches, swollen lymph nodes, chills, exhaustion, and a chickenpox-like rash on the hands and face.''

''Monkeypox can be transmitted through contact with skin lesions and droplets of a contaminated person, as well as through shared items such as bedding and towels. The WHO has also said that some of the recent cases appeared to have been transmitted within the gay community.

There's currently no specific treatment for monkeypox. Patients will usually need to stay in a specialist hospital so the infection doesn't spread and general symptoms can be treated.''
There are two variants (clades), a less severe one from West Africa and the more severe Congo one.

From above-linked WHO fact sheet:

Human-to-human transmission can result from close contact with respiratory secretions, skin lesions of an infected person or recently contaminated objects. Transmission via droplet respiratory particles usually requires prolonged face-to-face contact, which puts health workers, household members and other close contacts of active cases at greater risk. However, the longest documented chain of transmission in a community has risen in recent years from six to nine successive person-to-person infections. This may reflect declining immunity in all communities due to cessation of smallpox vaccination. Transmission can also occur via the placenta from mother to fetus (which can lead to congenital monkeypox) or during close contact during and after birth. While close physical contact is a well-known risk factor for transmission, it is unclear at this time if monkeypox can be transmitted specifically through sexual transmission routes. Studies are needed to better understand this risk.
Some years ago, I read a series of books on biowarfare. One of things I recall was that monkeypox was one of the diseases investigated for weaponization by the Soviet Union. The Russian Federation never dismantled its biowarfare establishment, and it is believed to be very active. Monkeypox was thought to be an ideal bioweapon, as smallpox vaccinations, which apparently offered some protection to this virus, have waned. Monkeypox could be used as bioweapon

Perhaps the appearance of this virus is not from a natural transmission, but from a deliberate act by Russia... MOO

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