Understanding The Anthony's Parenting Style

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Which Parenting Style Is the Anthony's

  • I think they are Permissive Indifferent

    Votes: 67 13.2%
  • I think they are Permissive Indulgent

    Votes: 392 77.2%
  • I think they are Authoritarian

    Votes: 42 8.3%
  • I think they are Authoritative

    Votes: 7 1.4%

  • Total voters
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The one thing that doesn't abide by majority rule
Feb 1, 2006
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PERMISSIVE INDIFFERENT is a style in which the parent is relatively uninvolved in the
child's life. This style is associated with socially incompetent behavior, especially a lack
of self-control. Children do not develop a good sense of independence. Parental
behaviors: Undemanding. Little control. Rejecting. Unresponsive. Parent-centered. (It's
10:00 PM. Do you know where your child is?) [Non Demanders]
PERMISSIVE INDULGENT is a style in which parents are highly involved with their children
but place few demands or controls on them. Permissive-indulgent parenting, like
permissive-indifferent, is also associated with children's social incompetence and lack of
self-control. The spoiled child syndrome. Inability to follow rules. Parental behaviors:
Undemanding. Little control. Accepting. Responsive. Child-centered. [Low Demanders]
AUTHORITARIAN parenting is a restrictive, punitive style that exhorts the child to follow the
parent's directions and to respect work and effort. The authoritarian parent places firm
limits and controls on the child and allows little verbal exchange. Children of
authoritarian parents often are anxious about social comparison, fail to initiate activity,
and have poor communication skills. Either foreclosed identity or rebellion. Parental
behaviors: Demanding. Strong control. Rejecting. Unresponsive. Parent-centered.
[Red-hot Demanders]
AUTHORITATIVE parenting encourages children to be independent but still places limits and
controls on their actions. Extensive verbal give-and-take is allowed, and parents are warm
and nurturant toward the child. Children more likely to become self-reliant and socially
responsible. Parental behaviors: Demanding. Strong control. Accepting. Responsive.
Child-centered. [Warm Demanders]

These are the four main parenting styles. Reading these again this morning helped me to understand the Anthony's a bit better.

Which one of these styles do you think is the parenting of prospective criminals and why??
i'm 29 and breastfeeding my 5 month old son as i type this. i have not been a parent long but i know this:

you have to teach your kid to be responsible for their actions. you have to teach your children it is not right to lie and that honesty REALLY is the best policy. there's something stinkier with the anthony's then i think any of us really can imagine. i believe casey anthony hurt her daughter. i believe her daughter is an innocent, helpless being. i think that betraying the trust of an innocent is a sin.

i think the anthony's were permissive with casey. i think when she still didn't grow up when she became a mom they were frustrated. i think they are paying for the work they did not do when casey was younger.
What! They have a parenting style? Just kidding. I think they fall into the permissive indifferent category. JMO
Authoritarian but permissive-- enabling (That isn't on the list, so I said Authoritarian)
I agree with permissive indifferent. We have family members like this and the kids have had no structure, they get in trouble with the law and substance abuse because they think the rules don't apply to them!:banghead::banghead::banghead:
What parenting style? Didn't know they were parents. Actually I think they are afraid of Casey
I agree with permissive indifferent. We have family members like this and the kids have had no structure, they get in trouble with the law and substance abuse because they think the rules don't apply to them!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

I have a nephew who was raised like this. He is now serving a lengthy prison sentence for selling meth. : (
I voted permissive indifferent. I feel like if they were indulgent then there is no way 30 days would have gone by without seeing Caylee...
i can't vote because i see two different styles the permissive indulgent and also the authoritarian. their parenting style wasn't consistant so the kids didn't know where they stood, what the boundaries were.
I'm having trouble choosing one. The choices seem to suggest consistency. I think there are psychological and emotional issues in this family that would defy simple categorization. I think how things went in that family would depend on what mood Cindy was in that day and everyone would adjust accordingly. I guess I would call that "The Crazymaking Style" of parenting or the "Matriarchal Controller" style!
I'm having trouble choosing one. The choices seem to suggest consistency. I think there are psychological and emotional issues in this family that would defy simple categorization. I think how things went in that family would depend on what mood Cindy was in that day and everyone would adjust accordingly. I guess I would call that "The Crazymaking Style" of parenting or the "Matriarchal Controller" style!

You might be right. Maybe the family was just surviving Casey and her ever changing moods. Is there any evidence that Casey might be bipolar?
Good poll! I teetered between permissive indifferent and permissive indulgent.

I finally went with permissive indulgent...with a pinch of authoritarianism.
I think this is difficult. I see Cindy as Permissive Indulgent where as I see George as Authoritative which might explain some areas of their said "marital problems" ??
I chose permissive indulgent. They want to be authoritative and in my opinion attempt it but fall flat in that area. I agree with monoxide in that I think they are and have been afraid of Casey for a long time. I think Caylee was afraid of her too. I saw one pic with her holding Caylee next to a car, and another right after/before, and Casey looked hard core mean. Her smiling pics don't show how she really is daily. Living in that house must be he77 right now. RP, friend since 5 years old, said she was always kind of a hard a$$. please excuse my language... :) I just want to add that I don't blame Cindy and George for what Casey is. I think they did their best. Lee seems ok. A caring person.
I mean how would anyone respond as a parent if their child was a sociopath. Fearless without conscience makes a sociopath. Fearless with conscience makes a "Steve Erwin" the croc. hunter. jmho
Cindy reminds me so much of a mom that I know. She was very involved with her children but never made them take responsibility for their actions. Her son has had emotional problems since I have know him, but it was always blamed on someone else, (other kids, teachers, whoever she could blame). She never tried to get him help. Her children never had to do any chores or work part time in high school like the other kids. She always bragged to everyone what a wonderful family life they had, when it was obvious just the opposite was true. Now her son is 25, lives at home, doesn't work and is verbally abusive to his mom. According to her, it's not his fault. You could show her a picture of him doing something wrong and she would swear either it wasn't him or some else forced him to do it. I'm assuming Casey had a similar upbringing.
Permissive Indulgent with a heaping dose of enmeshment.
I'm so blown away by the lengths this family has taken to cover their daughters criminal behavior. The parents seem to be completely unwilling to accept any negativity that comes from outside of their immediate family unit. I want to say it's like CA is the only one allowed to determine what is or isn't acceptable behavior by her daughter.
What motivates this family to continually ignore Casey's recklessness? What is their reward or pay-off? What in the heck are they hiding?
I voted permissive indifferent for Cindy & George's style with Casey. I think that may explain the lavish attention and love they showered on Caylee--I think they truly loved and cherished Caylee, and perhaps Casey felt resentment towards her parents and Caylee because of it.

I also get some feeling that they feel guilty about how they parented Casey; maybe feeling responsible for her lack of maturity and the bad decisions she makes. I have no clue what the grandparents' backrounds are like--if they married young, had a rocky marriage and homelife, if there's addicitions involved, etc. That would give me a lot more to think about. It just seems like something is off due to the grandparents' financial irresponsibility--for 2 middle aged people who are gainfully employed, it seems like maybe they had trouble managing money for whatever reason.

all just my opinion.

Also--it's interesting to think about Casey possibly being Bipolar...just remember, Bipolar Disorder can account for a lot of behavior like hypersexuality, risky behavior, lack of impulse control, drug use (self-medicating), but does NOT account for sociopathic behaviors, such as her lack of emotion regarding the loss of her daugher--I just can't stand people who blame mental illness for killing their children.
Permissive Indulgent with a heaping dose of enmeshment.
I'm so blown away by the lengths this family has taken to cover their daughters criminal behavior. The parents seem to be completely unwilling to accept any negativity that comes from outside of their immediate family unit. I want to say it's like CA is the only one allowed to determine what is or isn't acceptable behavior by her daughter.
What motivates this family to continually ignore Casey's recklessness? What is their reward or pay-off? What in the heck are they hiding?

Yes -- enmeshment! Hard to know where CA leaves off and KC begins. No clear boundaries to differentiate between parent and child. And they are a very "closed" family system -- suggestive of lots of secrets.
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