Updated POLL: Why No Obstruction Charges Yet...If Ever???

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Why Have None of the Anthony's Been Charged w/Obstruction?? Can pick more than one...

  • LE/SA Office does not think they did anything wrong

    Votes: 14 5.6%
  • LE/SA Office does not have a strong enough evidence to make it stick

    Votes: 69 27.8%
  • LE/SA Office does not want to go after them because of public sympathy

    Votes: 60 24.2%
  • Just waiting for the right time for LA

    Votes: 122 49.2%
  • Just waiting for the right time for GA

    Votes: 68 27.4%
  • Just waiting for the right time for CA

    Votes: 110 44.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
If Casey was wearing the pants when she killed Caylee, there could have been DNA/blood or something that could have sped along the investigation.

Yes, IF Casey was wearing those pants when she killed Caylee, and IF she somehow got DNA or blood on them, and IF Casey hadn't already washed them at least once, they COULD have contained evidence, as could any other item of Casey's clothing that had not been washed. Yet LE didn't want any of it at the time. How was Cindy to know what might be evidence when even LE didn't know?
In the links to the JH interview you posted, I don't see where CA sends them to that spot to look for a dead Caylee. I do see where she keeps giving police tips on live sightings, and Dominic too. Do you think CA received a "tip" about the spot? Dominic says he received a tip, I don't get the feeling it was from CA. And I just don't believe anything Dominic says in his interview!

I too do not believe anything Dominic says in his interview either however the last doc dump of 2/18 Cindy told LE that "she sent DC down there".

JH does not say it straight out but he was told the reason he went with DC is that he received the tip to go there, then the psychic just happened to call. So JH backs up the fact the he and DC were following the tip that came from CA as per her own words to LE as indicated in the 2/18 doc dump.

See page 9

I think the confusion may be coming in because the PI has changed his story.
I too do not believe anything Dominic says in his interview either however the last doc dump of 2/18 Cindy told LE that "she sent DC down there".

JH does not say it straight out but he was told the reason he went with DC is that he received the tip to go there, then the psychic just happened to call. So JH backs up the fact the he and DC were following the tip that came from CA as per her own words to LE as indicated in the 2/18 doc dump.

See page 9

I think the confusion may be coming in because the PI has changed his story.

But Dominic tells JH that he knows where Caylee is (a dead Caylee), and that he received a tip about it. CA just says she sent him down there to look around. I see that as more of a hunch, not a tip that she knows Caylee is down there. Whoever DC's on the phone with sounds like he or she is guiding them to a spot. I think the "tip" came from the psychic. Why DC had to lie about it at first, I don't know... I think the way he went about his search was dirty (getting it videotaped, etc) and he knew it.
I need even more choices in order to vote in the poll.

As I have stated many times before, I am baffled as to why GA wasn't arrested after driving the Sunbird home. The car smelled of HUMAN Decomp. I don't care whose decomp it was, GA KNEW that car was a CRIME SCENE for some victim. Therefore, he tampered with a crime scene by driving it back to his residence.
I really get the feeling that LE doesn't thing they're worth the bother. I think they view them as mostly annoying. Even with their interference, LE has managed to put a pretty strong case together.

I think that you are right. I don't look for any charges to ever be filed agains any of them. I will be surprised if it ever happens. You don't see charges on obstruction being filed very often anyway. I think it has to be something really big and I don't think this is big enough for LE to mess with.
I just went from dial up Internet to DSL the end of last week. Prior to that, I could not watch all of the taped interviews that George and Cindy had with LE and the FBI. Having now watched almost all of them, I cannot understand why both of them are not charged with lying to the FBI. I was just amazed at all those two came up with!

Up to this point, I had not really understood just exactly how far Cindy had gone to blame it on anyone but Casey! I had such sympathy for the FBI guys!

If Cindy and George are not charged at some point with lying to the FBI, then I don't think anyone else should ever be charged with it! At least when Martha Stewart lied to the FBI, it was over money and not the murder of her grandchild!
I didn't vote because I think 2 or even 3 of them may face charges before it is all over. As often as the A's were in the public eye before Caylee was found, there should be plenty of recorded statements/witnesses/even written testimony to back up some charges. I think LE is just waiting to see how much more comes out so they can get the most bang for their buck.
Exactly. If charges come, IMO, they will happen after the trial. To charge them now would just add another layer of problems for the prosecution's case against Casey. There is no reason to rush to charge the A's, they aren't going anywhere. Time is on LE's side. The longer the A's have to do what they do, the more rope they have to hang themselves.

The Feds are investigating, the Feds do not have sympathy or care about public opinion.


Unless it is under the "bus".:)
Well, common sense tells me, if the report says the Anthony's are requesting immunity before they will talk to LE, then....LE probably has communicated a desire to talk to them. Why would they request immunity prior to talks, if LE had no desire to talk to them ? Again, that's just my thinking on the situation, call me crazy, but...

Cindy told Detectives, when they conducted the last search warrant on the Anthony's home, that SHE sent HER people to search the site WHERE THE BODY was FOUND in November, and it wasn't there then. Doesn't that statement, in itself, lead one to believe that she sent PI , DC, down to Suburban ? Again, she said that "SHE SENT HER PEOPLE" down there to search. Just my opinion based on what I have read in the documents and reports...You do keep me on my toes Chilly ! :)

Bolded by me.
Wasn't that right before CA found out there was a video of it?????????? LOL
But wouldn't it have been nice for her to send LE to search. That's what she should have done.

Besides that----didn't she have a fit when anybody looked for a dead baby? "Only an alive baby"!!!!!
Yet.............when LE went to the Anthony home with a search warrant after the remains were found, Cindy told LE that SHE sent people to look in that area a month prior and nothing was there.

Which one is telling the truth............Cindy or DC? And, even if Cindy wasn't acting on a tip, but her own intuition, why send her private investigator? Why didn't Cindy cooperate with LE and tell them she had a hunch that Caylee's remains might be located off Surburban? Caylee's remains may have been found a lot earlier if Cindy had been forthcoming.

Maybe because CA found out from KC where the body was and she sure couldn't turn in that tip.
Hi everyone. I'm new here and this is my first post.

I don't think there will be charges against GA, CA or LA until after KC's trial is finished (if at all). If any of these 3 were charged before hand, then they could possibly plead the 5th rather than testifying against KC during her trial.

Right on!!
I just wanted to say ITA.A lot of people have said this would never happen in their family,but whats makes anyone think something like this can not happen to them? Blaming the whole family IMO gives a false sense of security.They are a dysfunctional family but if we had as much info on most families as we do the A's most would seem to have major issues as well.

This is true for me in one way------------My family was always dysfunctional thru my eyes and yes I would hate to be in the Ant's shoes from day 31---but then on the other hand and there is always that other hand:
1. I wouldn't have put up with my daughter giving me stupid excuses as to where my g/d was.
2. I would have called the cops the first time I got a smell from that car.
3. When I finally did catch up with my daughter I would have kicked her butt and they would have had to drag me off her.
4. My kids were taught that you can't hid from your problems and their sure not gonna hide behind my coat tail.
5. I would still love my kids but I won't lie for them. Never have.

Yes, my family is dysfunctional. I have a bio/daughter that will never be in my life again and if I had stayed around her for very much longer---there is a huge chance I wouldn't be sittin here at W/S at my puter. I would be dead and maybe even the 2 g/k I was raising. We are moving on with life and the Ants could have moved on without defiling the memory of sweet lil Caylee. It's the kids who are important in this world. I also believe that the Ants would have been next. IMO
As more time passes, I'm starting to think that NO charges will be brought forth on any of the Anthony's, with the exception of Casey of course..
I chose #2 as the closest answer to how I feel. In my opinion, LE/SA don't eve intend to charge anyone in the A family. Why, because it just is not that big a deal to them. They have much more important cases to deal with. They had no problem getting the evidence they need. While I am sure all the A's were annoying, to say the least, it had made no difference at all in their case. the facts are out there, the evidence has been weighed and deemed good enough to indict and take KC to trial. While WE may be outraged at what has gone on, it isn't anything LE hasn't seen before. This is not the first case they have worked where people have been less than helpful, and it certainly won't be the last. I think LE works from the 'don't sweat the small stuff' point of view and when you get down to it. CA, GA, and LA are definitely 'small stuff'!

My opinion only, of course.

Unfortunately, I agree that the state has to budget resources toward what they consider to be more serious crimes. It's sad to have laws on the books without repercussions for breaking those laws due to budget constraints. One of the reasons for so many plea deals and probation sentences.

However, particularly given the high profile nature of this case, I do hope they reconsider. It sends a very wrong message to the public at large to allow their behavior with no consequences, no matter how sound the reasoning for doing so.

While I'm pontificating, I'll write again about my empathy for those who can find sympathy for GA and CA. I have to believe they project their own good hearts and good natures onto people who, imo, have neither done nor shown anything to indicate GA's and particularly CA's own natures are anything like those who have compassion for them.
I voted: LE/SA Office does not want to go after them because of public sympathy.

I think the SA's office has decided not to pursue the A's, because:

a) they don't want to sway potential jurors' sympathy toward this trio of hostile witnesses;
b) they don't want to give the A's reason to hit the airwaves again;
c) they don't feel the "transgressions" interfered with the investigation enough to warrant spending more tax dollars on this case;
d) they will be ready to point out any perjured testimony at trial.
THANK YOU ZsaZsa! I have been ranting/raving and writting the SAME EXACT THING for like a year now. For George and Cindy to have drove the Pontiac back to their home with it smelling/reeking of Human Decomposition is a CRIME in my opinion! Tampering with a possible Crime Scene. Unfortunatly nobody in LE seems to recognize this OBVIOUS CRIME nor do many who post here. My repetitive posts re this situation get ignored and/or overlooked when to me, it seems so OBVIOUS that this in itself was a CRIME! It is the ONE thing i keep harping on. I will continue to do so, even if others don't see it as a BIG DEAL like I do. I try to imagine myself in the Anthony's shoes. I see myself getting arrested for removing a human decomp stinky car from it's resting site. Tampering with eveidence. WHY have G and C been given so much slack???????????????????????????? It's NOT LIKE they are America's Sweethearts, touching everyone with their pain. Quite the opposite, right?
THANK YOU ZsaZsa! I have been ranting/raving and writting the SAME EXACT THING for like a year now. For George and Cindy to have drove the Pontiac back to their home with it smelling/reeking of Human Decomposition is a CRIME in my opinion! Tampering with a possible Crime Scene. Unfortunatly nobody in LE seems to recognize this OBVIOUS CRIME nor do many who post here. My repetitive posts re this situation get ignored and/or overlooked when to me, it seems so OBVIOUS that this in itself was a CRIME! It is the ONE thing i keep harping on. I will continue to do so, even if others don't see it as a BIG DEAL like I do. I try to imagine myself in the Anthony's shoes. I see myself getting arrested for removing a human decomp stinky car from it's resting site. Tampering with eveidence. WHY have G and C been given so much slack???????????????????????????? It's NOT LIKE they are America's Sweethearts, touching everyone with their pain. Quite the opposite, right?

I totally agree, and isn't there a name for those who help murderers? I think the charge is called "accessory to murder, after the fact". I do hope the SA's latest motion to delay evidence has something to do with george and cindys attempt at covering up their grandaughters murder at the hands of their daughter.
When a body is found....and it contains materials that link it back to a particular place/location, it's usually a slam-dunk easy case.
EVERYTHING found with Caylee's body links her back to her HOME (15 house down the road). The DUCT TAPE, the blankets, the garbage bags, the cloth laundry bag, etc...............................How much MORE physical eviedence does one need??????????????????
KC had the means, motive, and opportunity. HELLO!!!!!!!!!!
KC kept her mouth shut. Never falsely reporting Caylee as abducted.....30 days went by.....HELLO!!!!!!! Nough said. Hang her from the nearest tree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And at the risk of sounding like a broken record, ARREST BOTH C & G as well for TAMPERING with a Crime Scene for NOT calling 911 on 7/15 when they picked up KC's car at the impound lot. BOTH have backgrounds qualifing them to KNOW the smell of HUMAN DECOMP. Both KNEW it, but BOTH ignored it, and they drove the car back to the Anthony home. THAT WAS A CRIME IMHO. Tampering with eviedence. They CANNOT plead ignorance about this given both of their employment backgrounds. They BOTH committed a CRIME in my eyes and I SO WANT to see them both pay the price for their actions. I cannot state this enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I totally agree all the evidence points to Casey and only Casey, she will be convicted. I also totally agree that Cindy and George should be charged as well!!! Both of their backgrounds qualify them to know the smell of human decomposition, they knew when they picked that car up from the tow yard what that smell was, that is why Cindy made the comment "it smells like there has been a dead body in the damn car". They both knew what that smell was and they both tried to clean the car up before the cops got their to protect Casey!!! I would so like to see the whole Anthony family behind bars!!!!!
THANK YOU ZsaZsa! I have been ranting/raving and writting the SAME EXACT THING for like a year now. For George and Cindy to have drove the Pontiac back to their home with it smelling/reeking of Human Decomposition is a CRIME in my opinion! Tampering with a possible Crime Scene. Unfortunatly nobody in LE seems to recognize this OBVIOUS CRIME nor do many who post here. My repetitive posts re this situation get ignored and/or overlooked when to me, it seems so OBVIOUS that this in itself was a CRIME! It is the ONE thing i keep harping on. I will continue to do so, even if others don't see it as a BIG DEAL like I do. I try to imagine myself in the Anthony's shoes. I see myself getting arrested for removing a human decomp stinky car from it's resting site. Tampering with eveidence. WHY have G and C been given so much slack???????????????????????????? It's NOT LIKE they are America's Sweethearts, touching everyone with their pain. Quite the opposite, right?

Amen Amen Amen!!!

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