BBM. Again, this is changing the protocol from what I described. No form, no child. No "'I'm going to take him to the doctor's...' 'Oh, OK.'" There would be no secondary attendance taking. Teacher's are responsible for knowing where the children are that are already in attendance AT ALL TIMES. Not just every two hours. If you want to debate some other protocol, fine, but if you're going to debate the one I described, shouldn't we follow it?
The protocol was followed AT SKYLINE ON JUNE 4, 2010..and the protocol is standard for majority of schools{tho, after what Terri has pulled I know just as Skyline has schools will be changing protocol}..But the prorocol that Terri abused is standard...
Terri and Kyron went prior to the school day beginning to tour thru the projects, take pix of his, etc. Because Terri told Porter that Kyron and baby k would be going to a dr. appt and Kyron was not present at roll call, therefor marked as absent[again because Terri told Porter she was taking Kyron to dr]therefor there would have been no school hours involved that Kyron was present during therefor there would be no procedure for "checking him out"..
This exact scenario occurred with myself and my son involved. He had a history project that was on display[a class project worked on all the class, then was displayed for any parents and other students of the school could come :and view the display in the 45 mins leading up to the first bell rung to start the school day[school starts at 7:45 and students and parents were allowed from 7:00am{when school doors opened}-7:45 when first bell rang signaling the official start of the school day]
We had our annual "Walt Disney Trip" planned for this week and were actually flying out at 10:00am. So, we were at the school at 7:00am when doors opened and parents/students allowed to go view the project and my son and both left the school together at the time that the official school day was beginning[7:45]. Therefor I did not have to do the procedure of going to the school office and "checking my son" out because he was not present for roll call,counted as absent, and therefor there was nothing to "check him out from"[whereas if he had been present in his class, marked present and then left the school that procedure of "checking out" of course would be mandantory in that case]..
I was explained this by the administrative office as it was a new school for us last year and I stopped by on our way out just to make sure that there was no procedure or policy that I was unaware of..
That is from a personal experience that is giving an actual account of the same circumstances[as far as check out procedure not an option when the child is never technically present].
I have one other bit of info that is backing up what to many is a "no-brainer" of why this procedure would NOT BE DONE under the circumstances explained above..
My mom has taught elementary school for 31 years[highly admired and an entire career of awards nationwide for her contributions, dedication to children, asas well as known for being one of the last of a dying breed- a teacher whose life is totally and completely dedicated to her huge responsibility of teaching the children whom are our futures... And for the past 5 years to the present she is serving on the School Board of Education as a highly respected enforcer of the school policies[the policies that are in place to protect or children, the students of the schools in the entire district[largest county in our state]..
I say all of the above for the reason that if anyone would be qualified to give an answer or highly educated and informed opinion[however you choose to see it]....
less than 24 hours ago I had this exact subject as a conversation with her and we spoke about this specific aspect of would it be a procedure that would be followed[checking out of the child from the school office if the child and parent were present prior to the official school day and the student was not present in his/her classroom for rollcall therefor being marked as absent]
Her reply to my questioning of this was.. "Obviously the answer is no. You would NOT check a child out from a "school day" when a child was never marked as having been present. There would be no "present" attendance record for the child for the school day in question therefor there would be no procedure to "check out" the child from being present for the school days attendance record for that day." ..
And just to add one quick tidbit to the above. Not only would there be no "present" attendance record to check the child out from but to go a step further for any who may question that he was seen around the school nearing the official start to the school day so shouldn't someone have thought thst suspicious and made sure to check out why he was not present after having been seen there during the times the projects were looked[again which was pre-officfial school hours] and the answere is no you would not question it when the parent/guardian had told you just minutes before rollcall that she would be taking that child to a dr. appt.