GUILTY UT - Brian Mitchell & Wanda Barzee for kidnapping, Salt Lake City, 5 June 2002

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From what i understand (this may vary state to state) is that she was held at the state hospital (which may be a barbed wire max security state forensic type hospital; until she was found competent to stand trial, which took years).
It is very important she testify against Mitchell, which is why i think they had in the state hospital for years, normally in that case of being mentally incompetent for years, i would think she would serve out her time in the state hospital and be found guilty by mental disease or defect (insanity).

However in this case, the importance of her testimony against Mitchell is needed, so now that she has finally been competent to stand trial, i would think that any time given to her would be served in a state prison.

If the crime she commited wasn't high profile and say she had done something like murder someone, assault, arson (pretty much something that wasn't a high profile case) I would think she would most likely be found not guilty by reason of insanity and serve out the time in the state hospital (assuming it is a forensic hospital completely and not a regular "civil hospital".

So he has been found fit to stand trial?

I'm not up to date with this case, I'm sorry
Daughter calls Barzee's plea deal, apology ‘an act'


"The term ‘mother,' I don't know if I can give her that title," she says. Her daughter says, growing up, Barzee was emotionally abusive. She also says Barzee sexually abused at least one of her five siblings, although that was never reported to police."She was one that would brainwash us for two to three hours a day. She would lock up food," Barzee's daughter says.
So he has been found fit to stand trial?

I'm not up to date with this case, I'm sorry

Not sure about him, i just jumped in to try and help answer about her, i guess it would all depend on whether or not his defense attorney is trying for an insanity plea, which i would guess he is.
However Mitchell would have to prove or fake that his mental illness played an a part in him not knowing right from wrong, which i don't see happening..

"A psychiatrist will be allowed to say self-proclaimed prophet Brian David Mitchell is faking psychological symptoms to dodge responsibility for his crimes, including the Elizabeth Smart abduction."
Just thought many of you would want to catch this today ...should be interesting
didnt know those freaks had kids.
condolences to the children.
Thank you for reminding me of this! I saw a preview yesterday. I believe these are the grown children of the woman and they have much to tell about the dysfunction when these 2 joined forces.

Oh darn! I didn't know about this and would have taped it. What did they have to say?
Wasn't it Mitchell's kids who stepped forward and helped with the case?

Mind is fuzzy but seems like these people did the right thing.
Sorry I missed it.

Blessings to their children. Feel bad for these children having parents like them. Anybody know what they said?

I saw the program, it was really good, reallyl interesting.

Kids of Elizabeth Smart's Kidnapper Call Wanda Barzee a 'Monster'
Wanda Barzee Cooked Pet Rabbit Peaches and Served It as Chicken

Even worse, Barzees cooked the youngest child's pet rabbit and she sat there and watched while the child ate her pet rabbit, Peaches. The next day the girl went to Peaches cage and asked, "where's Peaches?". Barzee replied, "You ate him for dinner last night." Too sick. Man my heart goes out to the woman who endured that as a child. She seems pretty strong now. Unbelievable.
What is interesting too is that out of six children (four were on Oprah to include the eldest and the youngest) they all had different experiences. The oldest woman seemed more sympathetic to her mother and suffered the least abuse. The three others admit they all suffered. One left the house at age 13 along with a sister and never returned. I guess the father was a real class act too as he never showed them any affection and hit them/was violent. It amazes me that those children function as well as they say they do as adults (but you can see a sadness there understandably) after all they went through.
February 8, 2010 4:44 p.m. EST(CNN) -- A woman convicted in the 2002 kidnapping of Utah teenager Elizabeth Smart pleaded guilty in the attempted kidnapping of Smart's cousin a month later, court officials said Monday.
In exchange for Wanda Barzee's plea of guilty but mentally ill to one count of conspiracy to commit aggravated kidnapping, prosecutors dropped state charges against her in Smart's abduction, said Nancy Volmer, spokeswoman for Utah state courts.
Barzee, 64, pleaded guilty in November to federal charges of kidnapping and unlawful transportation of a minor in connection with Smart's abduction. As part of that plea agreement, she agreed to cooperate with the state and federal cases against her husband, Brian David Mitchell, federal prosecutors have said.
Barzee and Mitchell were accused of abducting Smart, then 14, at knifepoint from her bedroom in her family's Salt Lake City home in June 2002. Smart was found nine months later, walking down a street in the Salt Lake City suburb of Sandy, Utah, in the company of Barzee and Mitchell, a drifter and self-described prophet who calls himself Emmanuel and had done some handyman work at the Smarts' home.
The month after Smart was kidnapped, prosecutors alleged, Barzee and Mitchell attempted to break into the home of her cousin, but were unsuccessful. The girl was 15 years old at the time, according to CNN affiliate KSL. She is not named in court documents.
"Mr. Mitchell's attempt was thwarted when the minor child awakened, which caused Mr. Mitchell to flee," the court documents said.
Following her arrest in 2003, Barzee told authorities that she and Mitchell went to the home in order to abduct the girl, and planned to hold her, along with Smart, in the couple's camp in the mountains, according to court documents. more at link:
I believe there was NO kidnapping. I think the Smart parents, at least Ed, and probably his brother Tom, knew where Elizabeth was for nine months.

The fix is in: He wants a plea bargain... not for Liz, who is strong and can testify for herself, but for himself and his little secrets.

Ed Smart is not a nice man, no matter how often he smiles and cries and quotes the book of Joseph Smith.

i can see why your banned
This whole story stinks... and has from the very beginning. If Ed is so concerned about Elizabeth being traumatized by a trial then why didn't he talk to the DA about that back in March of 03 when the DA was filing charges? All they had to do was say that they would not let Elizabeth testify and the DA probably wouldn't have even filed the sexual assault charges and no one would have officially known what (alledgedly) happened. But Ed let them go ahead and do it. Now, after numerous interviews, a movie, and a book, all of which had the effect of reminding her of the experience, they're concerned about her well being.

In my opinion, from the moment the Police tried to rescue Elizabeth off the streets, and she resisited them for 45 minutes (she took on three different cops), she has acted like an accomplice rather than a victim.

Ed doesn't want her on the stand because he fears that she will break under cross examination and tell the real story.

seriously? so shes an accessory to her own kidnapping?

this is the most bizarre conspiricy theory thread i've ever read in my life.

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