GUILTY UT - Brian Mitchell & Wanda Barzee for kidnapping, Salt Lake City, 5 June 2002

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Angela & Family - the loss of a loved one is very hard, no matter the circumstances. I am truly sorry for your loss. While an apology from the people that wrongfully accused your husband may have given your family some comfort, perhaps you can find some solace in the fact that ultimately the truth came out, and those that loved your husband/father never doubted him. This was a terrible situation for all. Try to keep your faith.

Thank you LisaNY. You don't know how much that helps. When Angela reads your message it will warm her heart.

In the interest of fairness I know Angela quite well. I got to know her shortly after Elizabeth was found. She is a kind woman with a heart of gold who has never recovered from what happened to her. Angela is not perfect but then none of us are. She is however very honest and has been honest from day one about this situation.

Angela's first and foremost concern has always been Elizabeth. She knew her husband was innocent and fully expected him to be exonerated never realizing this would lead to his death. Her first concern was always Elizabeth's as was her husband's. They were both extremely upset. I know she prayed desperately to God to bring Elizabeth home safely and was overjoyed with the rest of us when she was found safe.

Still after all these years Ed just can't say simply "I'm sorry for what happened to Richard." Instead he has to continue to cut into Angela's heart.

IMO that is wrong.
Another man, Richard Albert Ricci, soon shot to the top of that list. Ricci had done some painting and yard work for the Smarts in the spring of 2001. He was outgoing and talkative, and the family liked him. Ed Smart had even struck a deal with Ricci, agreeing to give the handyman his white 1990 Jeep Cherokee in exchange for additional work on his home. But as the police checked into the backgrounds of people who had worked at the Smarts’ home, they discovered that Ricci was an ex-con who had stolen in the past to support a heroin habit. He had also abused prescription drugs and was an alcoholic. His modus was to sneak into the homes of people he worked for and steal items from the children’s rooms, items that might be assumed to have been carelessly lost rather than stolen.

The more the police dug into Ricci’s past, the worse it got. Ricci, 48, had a rap sheet that started when he was 19. He was a four-time parole violator, and the most serious of his many crimes was the shooting of a Salt Lake policeman in 1983 while robbing a pharmacy. He was also stocky and closer in build to the man Mary Katherine had described. He had been working full-time at a local nursery, but the day of Elizabeth’s abduction happened to be his day off. And a neighbor told the police that in course of conversation one day, Ricci had said without prompting that he would surely be “implicated” in the kidnapping because he had worked for the Smarts.

Ricci and his wife allowed the police to search his home without a warrant and declined to get legal representation. Buried in the tomato patch, investigators found perfume bottles, jewelry, and a wine glass containing seashells. Ed Smart identified these as items that had been missing from his home. A search of Ricci’s in-laws’ home produced a machete and a light-colored hat.

In hindsight he may have been obviously innocent, but I don't think it was an unfounded witch hunt either. The truth is probably more of a gray area.
Angela never tried to sue the Smarts.

She did win a settlement from the department of corrections but that was based on the fact that they never checked Ricci blood pressure to see if he needed medicine.

Keep in mind there was no evidence to suggest Richard Ricci had anything to do with this. None. He hadn't been to the house in close to a year. A couple of detectives decided he did it and that's that.

Also the Smarts, according to what has been written, completely believed Mary Katherine when she said it wasn't Ricci. It was the police that told the Smarts not to say anything about Immanuel and it wasn't until John Walsh forced the issue was his name ever brought up.

There was not one single good reason to suggest Ricci had anything to do with this. Early on people were questioning his involvement.

In fact the first person to step up and say he didn't do it was Marc Klaas.

While in prison they relentlessly tried to get him to confess to kidnapping Elizabeth.

Think about it. All the Ed Smart has to do is say how sorry he is that Angela's loved one was falsely accused.

It wasn't until he decided to say, again, something that wasn't true that Angela decided to speak out. How much can one person take?

Her husband died in prison while being falsey accused of a horrible crime.

See here is what bothers me. If Ricci was an upstanding member of the community we would all be up in arms that he was falsely accused.

I'm going to keep saying this. THERE was NO evidence to suggest he did this.

There was nothing in his criminal background to suggest this.

But because he was an ex con he was an easy target and that is just flat out wrong.

Yes he needed to be looked at. absolutely. And he needed to be questioned as hard as anyone else who had been in that house but he was falsely accused. No matter what he did was falsely accused.

If he had been seen in the neighborhood, been caught in a lie about his whereabouts the night of the kidnapping, talked about hating the Smarts, ANYTHING but not one thing led to him in this crime.

It's scary to think what can happen when you have just a few detectives who have made up their minds that someone is guilty.

There was talk that she was going to sue the Smarts as well but since the initial case against the city did not go well it was dropped. Maybe it was just rumor because I can't find anything about it now but I do remember it.

I agree nothing to tie him to ES kidnapping but the ones who said he was not forthcoming were the police. Ed Smart was just going by what he was told.
I saw a promo on NBC earlier today stating that Elizabeth & her family will be on Dateline this Friday Dec. 17.

I know I can be cold about things like this but Ricci is a bystander victim of the people who kidnapped Elizabeth and of his own life choices. One was inflicted upon him (the kidnapping at a location he had been) and the other was him being on probation for his own decisions and being in violation of that probation for his own decisions.

The Smarts didn't frame him, didn't suggest him, he came up during a routine investigation. They didn't plant items from their home in his residence and they didn't force him to feed his decade old addiction. They didn't have the power to revoke his probation.



I agree with every single thing you say. Absolutely. The Smarts did not do this to Richard. By his own choices and with the police work on this case questionable he put himself in this position.

It is a matter of plain decency that's all. And the fact the Smarts say they knew before the end of 2002 that Richard did not kidnap Elizabeth. This in formation is from Tom Smart's book so yes, they did know he was innocent.

Had Richard been alive when Elizabeth came home there is no doubt he would have been released so fast your head would spin. Why?

Because nothing Ricci did constituted putting him back in prison. Especially the reason they gave for violating his parole. It wasn't for stealing. It was for drinking beer.

The Parole officer had every right to violate Ricci's parole. But they just do not do that for things like beer. They just don't. Ricci wasn't considered a threat in any way. He had a job. He was doing well. They would have warned him at the most but because he was falsely accused of kidnapping he was put in prison and the excuse being beer.

Honestly? It never occurred to me that the Smarts wouldn't reach out to Angela for fear of being sued. It's because I know Angela and what is in her heart about this.

In fact Angela would have remained quiet had Ed not kept repeating lies about Richard such as he didn't fully cooperate.
There was talk that she was going to sue the Smarts as well but since the initial case against the city did not go well it was dropped. Maybe it was just rumor because I can't find anything about it now but I do remember it.

I agree nothing to tie him to ES kidnapping but the ones who said he was not forthcoming were the police. Ed Smart was just going by what he was told.

You will not find anything to suggest Angela was going to sue the Smarts because she never said it.

Yes Ed is going by what the police told him but by now he knows this is not true.

Even if it was true I don't understand why he has to keep hurting Angela. He has everything. And Thank God he does.

Angela was destroyed by what happened. How about a little human kindness from the man who was lucky enough to get his loved one back?
I am having a hard time understanding your postion on this. The man was a criminal. He even stole from the Smarts. Don't see why the Smarts would appologize for anything. As far as we know what LE has said is true even though he did not do this crime there may have been information that he did not give police about that time period so why wouldn't Ed Smart still say that?
I agree with every single thing you say. Absolutely. The Smarts did not do this to Richard. By his own choices and with the police work on this case questionable he put himself in this position.

It is a matter of plain decency that's all. And the fact the Smarts say they knew before the end of 2002 that Richard did not kidnap Elizabeth. This in formation is from Tom Smart's book so yes, they did know he was innocent.

Had Richard been alive when Elizabeth came home there is no doubt he would have been released so fast your head would spin. Why?

Because nothing Ricci did constituted putting him back in prison. Especially the reason they gave for violating his parole. It wasn't for stealing. It was for drinking beer.

The Parole officer had every right to violate Ricci's parole. But they just do not do that for things like beer. They just don't. Ricci wasn't considered a threat in any way. He had a job. He was doing well. They would have warned him at the most but because he was falsely accused of kidnapping he was put in prison and the excuse being beer.

Honestly? It never occurred to me that the Smarts wouldn't reach out to Angela for fear of being sued. It's because I know Angela and what is in her heart about this.

In fact Angela would have remained quiet had Ed not kept repeating lies about Richard such as he didn't fully cooperate.

I know you know that, and I believe you. If I was in the Smart's position with the other litigation that has taken place I would not put myself in the position of having an apology used against me.

There are probations revoked on technicality rules all the time if they are a suspect in a new crime. It is part of being on probation and a reason to obey the rules to the letter of the law. You are not in full control of your life and when the house next door gets robbed, or the neighbors child disappears into the night you have no protection from a full search and seizure as part of the agreement of being out of jail.

It is a very tragic and I am sure unbearably painful situation for his family. And if I was in a position to counsel them as a friend I would encourage them to consider that this elusive apology that is not going to happen (and the demands for one will really only bring more criticism of his life choices) is not a magic potion that will fix that pain.

It is human nature to identify that "thing" that will correct the wrong and minimize the pain. I am sure it painful to see them grown and heal as a family and experience the closure they feel they don't have. But there is nothing anyone is going to say that is going to give them that type of closure. It is always going to be unfair, tragic, and unnecessary.

And maybe she is not ready to let go of focusing her anger on this issue. Maybe that is a coping skill that keeps the anger focused and contained in a way that keeps her functioning so she can take care of her family.

But if what she needs to heal is to be embraced by a portion of the public and have them acknowledge that they were victims in this situation too, I would focus that anger on the kidnappers. Making my statement about the other family that was dismantled the night Mitchell climbed in that window.

The Smart's might actually support that position. Might bring you full circle.
I am having a hard time understanding your postion on this. The man was a criminal. He even stole from the Smarts. Don't see why the Smarts would appologize for anything. As far as we know what LE has said is true even though he did not do this crime there may have been information that he did not give police about that time period so why wouldn't Ed Smart still say that?

It is a fact that Richard Ricci was forthcoming. He had nothing to hide.

Angela Ricci turns on the TV and hears Ed Smart repeat what is known to be untrue.

Because Richard Ricci DIDN'T lie to the police, he immediately told them he stole a t-shirt and a jar of shells from the Smarts they decided he was the one. Had Ricci lied he would not have been arrested. Had he lawyered up he would not have been arrested. He did neither of those things. He was honest. He passed a polygraph.

That is the truth. There is nothing behind the scenes to change this part of the story. Nothing.

Don't you see how wrong that is?

Why is it so hard for Ed Smart to reach out to Angela? Angela did nothing wrong.

It is common decency to do in my opinion. No one is suggesting Ed Smart should apologize for what he did but how about some empathy from a man whose loved one returned to him instead of scorn toward someone who lost the one she loved.

Wouldn't that be the classy and decent thing to do?
IMHO, I think the smart's wont apologize for fear of the risk of a future lawsuit. To say "I'm sorry" is an admission of guilt in some parts (like something you're not supposed to say when you get in a car wreck). While Mrs. Ricci hasn't filed, or threatened to file, I believe there is some fear on the Smart's part. After all, who gave them the tip that Mr. Ricci could have done this - ED.

It's a very sad sad scenario, and I wish Mr. Ricci would have at least been acknowledged in all the after trial pressers.

My thoughts and prayers go out to Mrs. Ricci....and, yes, I hope she does sue. I sure would.


Originally Posted by Tricia View Post
On Saturday December 11th 2010, Ed Smart told a TV news anchor that Richard Ricci was not forthcoming in the investigation into Elizabeth’s kidnapping. Angela Ricci was watching that newscast.

who was this tv anchor and is there a link to this statement being made on this date?

so much stuff being dredged up, some from then, some from now, who knows?
Boy, I remember this well. I really thought Ricci was guilty and listening to Angela talk about him being innocent just made me think... Oh, she is in love and just doesn't see the whole thing.

Boy was I wrong, it really never occurred to me that the police would make anything up. I really thought they just wanted to find Elizabeth and that was formost on there minds.

I really felt badly for Angela and still do. My heart goes out to her. I had no idea Tricia that the story was made up about the jeep.


I am having a hard time understanding your postion on this. The man was a criminal. He even stole from the Smarts. Don't see why the Smarts would appologize for anything. As far as we know what LE has said is true even though he did not do this crime there may have been information that he did not give police about that time period so why wouldn't Ed Smart still say that?

IMHO even criminals don't deserve to die in prison based on lies drummed up by Ed Smart. If he had just kept his gob shut, I could almost look at him as a human. Yet he continues to bash Mr. Ricci even after he has passed. How about "hey look, we made a huge mistake - Mr. Ricci should not have been a suspect, and my heart goes out to Mrs. Ricci for her husband dying in jail".

It's all fine and dandy when Ed gets justice, but heaven forbid that Angela receive any justice for her deceased husband. My heart breaks for her.

Just my opinion --

His child was taken from his home.
His remaining children were terrified.

In the process of trying to find his child that was being repeatedly raped and beaten by a lunatic in the woods it came to Mr. Smart's attention that a man he invited into his home was a convicted felon who shot a police officer and has a history of breaking into homes through the childrens bedroom windows. And was not forthcoming about his criminal background before coming into his home.

When the police search his house and question him this man admits to stealing from him. Stolen items belonging to the Smart's are located in the house. Oh yeah, and someone climbed in his daughters bedroom window recently and she is gone.

To add insult to injury precious resources are being wasted on what will end up being a dead end. His family is going through the emotional roller coaster of thinking this is the answer to where Elizabeth is, and then through the roller coaster of thinking that info is going to die with him.

Ricci was a liar, addict, and thief and was NOT forthcoming about this information until he decided he needed to be. Demanding that anyone believe him or apologize for treating him like a criminal during a crisis is asking a lot.

Mr. Smart has already shown more class and decency in regards to this issue than I would if I was being pressured to give an apology under the circumstances.
Originally Posted by Tricia View Post
On Saturday December 11th 2010, Ed Smart told a TV news anchor that Richard Ricci was not forthcoming in the investigation into Elizabeth’s kidnapping. Angela Ricci was watching that newscast.

who was this tv anchor and is there a link to this statement being made on this date?

so much stuff being dredged up, some from then, some from now, who knows?

No link. I saw it too. In fact I talked to the anchor afterward. His name is Brian Mullahy and he works for Channel 2 the CBS affiliate.

They had interviewed Angela about her life now and she mentioned she has never heard from Ed or Lois Smart.
His child was taken from his home.
His remaining children were terrified.

In the process of trying to find his child that was being repeatedly raped and beaten by a lunatic in the woods it came to Mr. Smart's attention that a man he invited into his home was a convicted felon who shot a police officer and has a history of breaking into homes through the childrens bedroom windows. And was not forthcoming about his criminal background before coming into his home.

When the police search his house and question him this man admits to stealing from him. Stolen items belonging to the Smart's are located in the house. Oh yeah, and someone climbed in his daughters bedroom window recently and she is gone.

To add insult to injury precious resources are being wasted on what will end up being a dead end. His family is going through the emotional roller coaster of thinking this is the answer to where Elizabeth is, and then through the roller coaster of thinking that info is going to die with him.

Ricci was a liar, addict, and thief and was NOT forthcoming about this information until he decided he needed to be. Demanding that anyone believe him or apologize for treating him like a criminal during a crisis is asking a lot.

Mr. Smart has already shown more class and decency in regards to this issue than I would if I was being pressured to give an apology under the circumstances.

Sorry you are wrong. It was Richard Ricci who provided the items. The police didn't find them in the house. Mis information again.

It seems like you are saying it is OK that he was falsely accused and died in prison.

There was nothing linking him to this case. Nothing.

It is not Richard we are talking about here. It is Angela. Angela did nothing wrong. She was honest. She is hurting. The Smarts have their daughter and their justice. Why Ed has to keep repeating this stuff is beyond me.

Why is it so hard for him to say something nice to a woman who did nothing wrong?

We will have to agree to disagree.
I am having a hard time understanding your postion on this. The man was a criminal. He even stole from the Smarts. Don't see why the Smarts would appologize for anything. As far as we know what LE has said is true even though he did not do this crime there may have been information that he did not give police about that time period so why wouldn't Ed Smart still say that?

Bolded and italicized by me.

Because it is the right thing to do. Period.

Put yourself in Angela's shoes, if this happened to you, you would probably wonder the same thing yourself. Why does he keep saying things that have now been proved untrue? I could understand the general public saying that an apology was unwarranted back then, but Ed Smart spewing the same rhetoric as recent as December 11, 2010 is completely uncalled for. It would cut me like a knife, as I am sure that is how it feels to Angela. Have some compassion for your fellow man.
By the way no one is demanding anything. No one is demanding Ed Smart apologize to Richard Ricci.

How much class does it take to repeat mis information so you can further hurt a widow who has done nothing wrong?
IMO, if you commit crimes then you have consequences that will affect you the rest of your life. Richard Ricci committed crimes and therefore was suspect. We look at past criminal acts all the time on WS when trying to figure out who the perp is in a crime. I don't know a lot about this case, but I do remember coming to terms with the fact that Richard Ricci did the best he could to clear himself from Elizabeth's abduction and I commend him for doing the best he could. The world knows he was innocent in Elizabeth's abduction.

I don't think it would hurt the Smarts to come out and say they feel bad about Richard's death and his wife feeling pain after all these years. She doesn't need to feel this way and my heart goes out to her.
IMHO even criminals don't deserve to die in prison based on lies drummed up by Ed Smart. If he had just kept his gob shut, I could almost look at him as a human. Yet he continues to bash Mr. Ricci even after he has passed. How about "hey look, we made a huge mistake - Mr. Ricci should not have been a suspect, and my heart goes out to Mrs. Ricci for her husband dying in jail".

It's all fine and dandy when Ed gets justice, but heaven forbid that Angela receive any justice for her deceased husband. My heart breaks for her.

Just my opinion --


This statement stuns me for what it is worth. Lies drummed up by Ed Smart? I cant recall reading anything that would support Ricci being in prison because Ed Smart lied about something and put him there. Correct me if I am wrong.

There is enough sympathy to go around for both the Smarts and the Riccis. The fault lies with the lunatics who took Elizabeth.

I think Mr. Smart has been in a defensive posture since he child disappeared-even more so when he found out what happened to her and that the man who took her was hired by him. I think he is entitled to slack as a crime victim.

Mrs. Ricci is entitled to sympathy for losing her husband in prison, where he was for a parole violation IIRC, as unfair as popping him might have been. She received compensation from the system for inadequate medical care as I understand it with no admission of guilt-she can never be adequately compensated for losing him I am sure.

But the apology thing? I am not getting it.

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