GUILTY UT - Destiny Norton, 5, Salt Lake City, 16 July 2006

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Becba said:
I was trying to link to the myspace for Cadiesworld at the truecrime link. It must be old.

She's been online....she set her age to 14 so her account is "private".
Sassygerl said:
She's been online....she set her age to 14 so her account is "private".
OHhhhh! Thank you. I understand now.
I think Cadie knows something. I also think she suffers from battered wife syndrome and will do whatever the says. Even if he is in jail, he still has control. I would not be suprised if he sent her out to help in the searches for Destiny to take the focus off him.
SewingDeb said:
The mayor is quoted as saying the police searched the guy's home the first day but did not find her. I don't know if the mayor knows what he is talking about or not. He also stated that she was dead within one hour....

This is what has been reported locally today/ tonight.

*Destiny was in her front yard.
He lured her threw the gate to her back yard
(The front of his house is actually in her back yard.)

*He participated in the search for her.
He was even on the news within the first few days of her missing
saying "I wish I knew where she was"

*She was found in a "crawl space" type basement.
The kind where you lift a part of the floor and climb down into.

*They did search his house within the first few days.
He let them in. It's possible they didn't even know about
the "basement" at that time.

Hope this helps!
BillyGoatGruff said:
I've seen a comment online from someone who apparently knows Cadie's extended family that she (Cadie) recently--meaning as of the last week--put her daughter up for adoption in hopes of "saving" her relationship with this since he didn't want kids. Don't know if it's true or not, but if it is then that's a potentially seriously dyfunctional/unhappy childhood adverted.

I read something before everything went private on her brother's myspace account that was a rant from him about how no one from cadie's family was invited to the daughter's birthday party, only the accused's family was there "including the child molester." I wonder what cadie's family knows about the accused's family that would include a "child molester."
newkid said:
She logged on to myspace today, I looked all through the information and photos she had posted, then later today it was changed to a private page.

Can't she log in from a different computer? Wouldn't they want the one from the home to check for evidence, possibly of other crimes?
Jeana (DP) said:
Can't she log in from a different computer? Wouldn't they want the one from the home to check for evidence, possibly of other crimes?
I'm sure she could. She stated that she and her baby are staying with a friend.
partyuv5 said:
I think Cadie knows something. I also think she suffers from battered wife syndrome and will do whatever the says. Even if he is in jail, he still has control. I would not be suprised if he sent her out to help in the searches for Destiny to take the focus off him.
I heard on one of the talk shows that Cadie believes that her husband was set up and the body was planted in their home. Can you believe that? She said that she is standing by him. :rolleyes:
nanandjim said:
I heard on one of the talk shows that Cadie believes that her husband was set up and the body was planted in their home. Can you believe that? She said that she is standing by him. :rolleyes:

I'll get banned if I say what I'm thinking. :doh:
nanandjim said:
I heard on one of the talk shows that Cadie believes that her husband was set up and the body was planted in their home. Can you believe that? She said that she is standing by him. :rolleyes:

Did she not hear that he confessed? I think he has so much control over her she probably doesn't know how to act/react without him telling her how to. It's going to take her awhile to come to terms with this I'm sure, she's been trained to believe everything he says. But once she does come to terms with this and realizes that he no longer has control over her she will be free.
He is obviously a cunning and there are alot like him about!!!

I mean my ex husband could have convinced me of almost anything and I class myself as a reasonably intelligent person. He was spotted with other women, had love bites on his neck and had scratched down his back but still I believed they were something other than the obvious. Well deep down I knew the truth but would just put it to the back of my mind as I didnt want it to be true. Also with men like that they chip away at your self confidence in such a way that you try to hang on to them for eternity as otherwise 'no one else will want ya'. Pathetic but kind of like brainwashing.

Now looking back I can t believe how gullible I was and how stupid I looked but I have put it down to experience.

I pity Cadie. The other however should have the same done to him!
Cadie also has some mental health issues. Her MySpace speaks of a deep depression. And I've read articles that state she is bipolar. She tried to strangle her husband. And she keeps returning to him. Recently she spoke of a reconciliation with Craig on her MySpace, but her attorney said she was filing for divorce. On a singles site she presented herself as already divorced. She's obviously very :confused: . And unstable. And I don't think she's very bright as well. Her spelling speaks of a LD, and she graduated not from a regular high school but it appeared to be some sort of vocational school. Craig didn't graduated from H.S. at all. His own brother called him lazy. I think this is a case of two :loser: hooking up, producing a child, and continuing a violent, dysfunctional way of life. Cadie's brother said on MySpace that Cadie's own family didn't like her, including her grandma.
After reading the above articles I believe the wife is just as much of a piece of work as he is. There seem to be claims of abuse by both spouses and I believe it because she bit an EMT. That's not something the husband made up. Sure, she was probably looking for love, young, and naive, but I really don't see her as a victim or brainwashed by him. They both gave it to each other. Maybe now she can mature and the baby might have a chance at a normal life. I'm not sure what to think about the post that said she gave the baby up for adoption because she still appears to have custody. The baby is mentioned a few times in the various articles, but nothing about adoption.
I wonder if children's services will get involved now. Poor Lily, she deserves so much.
From article posted above.
On Tuesday - a day after her husband was arrested on suspicion of kidnapping and murder - Catherine "Cadie" Gregerson confided in her friend, Telina Lund, that she believed her husband was guilty.
"It could have been her who turned him in," Lund said. "She was told [by police] to leave. [They told her] not to be home because she could be in danger."
Even before Destiny was found, Cadie Gregerson - who separated from her husband five months ago - expressed concerns about Craig Gregerson's possible involvement in the child's disappearance.
"She said it was possible for him to hide anything down there [in the cellar] and she said in the past couple of days he had started acting strange," Lund said.

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