UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #5

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Friend: Mother made frantic phone calls days before boy died


A former close friend of Stephanie Sloop's, who lives in Florida, says their friendship fell apart when Sloop split from Ethan's father. But in the emotional crisis surrounding Ethan's death, Sloop apparently reached out to her former friend for help, in hysteria.

Carla Jones says she's turned over recordings of Stephanie Sloop's voice messages as potential evidence. She blames herself for not reacting in time to save the little boy she calls "Pumpkin."

Thank God she did not delete them! If nothing else it will be an additional nail in SS's coffin MOO... unless by some slim chance she can prove she was next or something...
Friend: Mother made frantic phone calls days before boy died


A former close friend of Stephanie Sloop's, who lives in Florida, says their friendship fell apart when Sloop split from Ethan's father. But in the emotional crisis surrounding Ethan's death, Sloop apparently reached out to her former friend for help, in hysteria.

Carla Jones says she's turned over recordings of Stephanie Sloop's voice messages as potential evidence. She blames herself for not reacting in time to save the little boy she calls "Pumpkin."

Steph is in Utah and she calls her friend in Florida and asks for help? She could have picked up the phone and dialed 911. WTH

Carla Jones says she's turned over recordings of Stephanie Sloop's voice messages as potential evidence

Stephanie is a very conniving, manipulating and deceiving person," Jones said. "She would sell her own mother if it was going to get her something."

"She was not a fit mother," Jones continued. "She was not a fit wife. She had a personality disorder. She had anger issues. She should have never had that child."

Three nights before Stephanie and her new husband, Nathan Sloop, reported Ethan missing, Jones said Stephanie left a series of frantic voice messages.

Related: Sloop's attorney reviews possibility of insanity defense, domestic violence
The defense team for the man accused of killing 4-year-old Ethan Stacy is checking into a claim that Nathan Sloop may have a multiple personality disorder. "She left crying, messages while she was crying, 'Ethan, he's crying. He won't stop crying. He just wants mommy. I don't know what to do. Please, please, call me. I don't know how to handle it. I don't know what to do,'" Jones said.

The final message, she now believes, may have come after Ethan died.

"It was absolutely hysterical, sobbing to where I couldn't understand what she was saying," Jones said. "if I had to look deep into my heart, yeah, I would probably have to say that Ethan probably was dead, if not close to being dead at that point. And it was her grief reaching out."

Now, Jones wishes she'd called Ethan's dad or the police
From the article just posted:

"Stephanie is a very conniving, manipulating and deceiving person," Jones said. "She would sell her own mother if it was going to get her something."

Would she sell pictures of her battered little boy?
I know that the blanket in the picture has been discussed. Has anyone noticed that it looks like NS is sitting on the blanket as if to confine little Ethan? I hate even typing this stuff. It just pains me to imagine what they did to this little boy.

Also with regard to the possible meth use. I would bet that not everyone gets the sores or shows obvious signs, and I think they would only have bad teeth if they were smoking it, but not if they were snorting or injecting. At least this is my understanding of the drug. Not sure though...


No, not everyone will show the obvious signs and it would depend on how frequently they were using and how they were using that would depict the signs they would show. IMO, meth or any other drug had no part of this. I don't doubt for a second they were doing drugs based off their mug shots, the knot page IMO they look like "normal" people, the mug shots they look like hell and drugged out. In all honesty most drug addicts would probably just kill someone quickly and try to hide it, not do the kind of brutality these two did...the serious bruising, the feces in the mouth, the taking the pictures and uploading them to facebook, the desecrating of the body, telling LE upfront of the kind of torture they did to poor Ethan. I feel like they took pride in admitting what they had done, we rarely see people just come out and say oh here is the absolute hell/torture we put my son through. I don't get it. This is just sick, sociopathic behavior. IMO they didn't feel what they did to Ethan was wrong, why else would they admit to all the absolute hell they put him through so quickly? These two enjoyed what they did and saw nothing wrong with it. They fed off each others egos and did the unthinkable to prove their "true love and total acceptance" of one another. I'm not saying drugs won't lead a person to do things they normally wouldn't or commit murder or do despicable things, I'm saying that the sort of evil these two did was most likely already within them and doing drugs would most certainly play into and bring out the evil that lies within them.:twocents:
Mother made frantic phone calls days before boy died

Three nights before Stephanie and her new husband, Nathan Sloop, reported Ethan missing, Jones said Stephanie left a series of frantic voice messages.

"She left crying, messages while she was crying, 'Ethan, he's crying. He won't stop crying. He just wants mommy. I don't know what to do. Please, please, call me. I don't know how to handle it. I don't know what to do,'" Jones said.

The final message, she now believes, may have come after Ethan died.

"It was absolutely hysterical, sobbing to where I couldn't understand what she was saying," Jones said. "if I had to look deep into my heart, yeah, I would probably have to say that Ethan probably was dead, if not close to being dead at that point. And it was her grief reaching out."

Now, Jones wishes she'd called Ethan's dad or the police.

"I actually feel terrible, and I have tremendous guilt," she said.​

From the article just posted:

"Stephanie is a very conniving, manipulating and deceiving person," Jones said. "She would sell her own mother if it was going to get her something."

Would she sell pictures of her battered little boy?

Who in the h3ll did she think she was going to sell these pictures to???:furious:
Steph is in Utah and she calls her friend in Florida and asks for help? She could have picked up the phone and dialed 911. WTH

The dumb bi@# had ample opportunity to call 911, she went to the drug store, the court house to get married while she left her 4 year old home alone dying, she went to NS mothers house alone one night. FING call 911 at any of those times, she can rot in hell for all I care, she did nothing to save her son except take photos of the events leading up to his death...hell she even bought the lighter fluid to burn his poor dead body to further desicrate it. She's an emotional basket case, she doesn't know what love is or she would have saved her own child before herself.:furious:
Steph is in Utah and she calls her friend in Florida and asks for help? She could have picked up the phone and dialed 911. WTH

In her twisted way she did her part.. she called florida for help. She posted pics of the abuse on facebook and no one noticed or responded...

She did EVERYTHING she could to try and get help!!! BUT no one would come to Ethan's aid....

How bout call 911 YOURSELF? or when you were posting those pics add My boyfriend is killing my son please call 911?:furious::furious::furious:
kinda like searching in bars and mens beds for your missing daughter? huh?
In her twisted way she did her part.. she called florida for help. She posted pics of the abuse on facebook and no one noticed or responded...

She did EVERYTHING she could to try and get help!!! BUT no one would come to Ethan's aid....

How bout call 911 YOURSELF? or when you were posting those pics add My boyfriend is killing my son please call 911?:furious::furious::furious:
kinda like searching in bars and mens beds for your missing daughter? huh?

Or tell someone at the courthouse, someone at Walmart, tell your MIL when you go to her house, tell someone at the pharmacy, or someone at BestBuy!! Well, I guess by the time the trip to BestBuy happened it was too late-OK plan B-lets sell some pictures!!:furious:
Mother made frantic phone calls days before boy died

Three nights before Stephanie and her new husband, Nathan Sloop, reported Ethan missing, Jones said Stephanie left a series of frantic voice messages.

"She left crying, messages while she was crying, 'Ethan, he's crying. He won't stop crying. He just wants mommy. I don't know what to do. Please, please, call me. I don't know how to handle it. I don't know what to do,'" Jones said.

The final message, she now believes, may have come after Ethan died.

"It was absolutely hysterical, sobbing to where I couldn't understand what she was saying," Jones said. "if I had to look deep into my heart, yeah, I would probably have to say that Ethan probably was dead, if not close to being dead at that point. And it was her grief reaching out."

Now, Jones wishes she'd called Ethan's dad or the police.

"I actually feel terrible, and I have tremendous guilt," she said.​

Just added this info to the time-line. The next day she is shopping at Walmart!! I think that call was made up to show how much she is hurting for her little boy. She says - he wants his mommy - she is right there! What is she thinking? moo
Or tell someone at the courthouse, someone at Walmart, tell your MIL when you go to her house, tell someone at the pharmacy, or someone at BestBuy!! Well, I guess by the time the trip to BestBuy happened it was too late-OK plan B-lets sell some pictures!!:furious:

It was too late IMO to tell anyone at any of these locations... the deed was done... that's why the urgent need to race off and get hitched! and IF it is reported that I am wrong here just PM me and I will apologize to everyone that asks personally!
In her twisted way she did her part.. she called florida for help. She posted pics of the abuse on facebook and no one noticed or responded...

She did EVERYTHING she could to try and get help!!! BUT no one would come to Ethan's aid....

How bout call 911 YOURSELF? or when you were posting those pics add My boyfriend is killing my son please call 911?:furious::furious::furious:
kinda like searching in bars and mens beds for your missing daughter? huh?

But if she did that then her wedding might not happen. After all didn't you hear she had an expensive wedding dress! And let's not forget she had the wedding registries.

I still want to know what they had in their apartment as far as supplies to help take care of a little 4 yo boy.
Did they have toys, clothes, foods that he liked? Did they spend one dollar to get ready for his visit?

Mother made frantic phone calls days before boy died

Three nights before Stephanie and her new husband, Nathan Sloop, reported Ethan missing, Jones said Stephanie left a series of frantic voice messages.

"She left crying, messages while she was crying, 'Ethan, he's crying. He won't stop crying. He just wants mommy. I don't know what to do. Please, please, call me. I don't know how to handle it. I don't know what to do,'" Jones said.

The final message, she now believes, may have come after Ethan died.

"It was absolutely hysterical, sobbing to where I couldn't understand what she was saying," Jones said. "if I had to look deep into my heart, yeah, I would probably have to say that Ethan probably was dead, if not close to being dead at that point. And it was her grief reaching out."

Now, Jones wishes she'd called Ethan's dad or the police.

"I actually feel terrible, and I have tremendous guilt," she said.​

Just added this info to the time-line. The next day she is shopping at Walmart!! She gets the call that her child has been scalded!! I think that call Steph made to her friend was made up to show how much she is hurting for her little boy. She says - he wants his mommy - she is right there! What is she thinking? moo
In her twisted way she did her part.. she called florida for help. She posted pics of the abuse on facebook and no one noticed or responded...

She did EVERYTHING she could to try and get help!!! BUT no one would come to Ethan's aid....

How bout call 911 YOURSELF? or when you were posting those pics add My boyfriend is killing my son please call 911?:furious::furious::furious:
kinda like searching in bars and mens beds for your missing daughter? huh?

Obviously, I wasn't in Stephanies shoes so I can't speak for her. However, in my opinion, she didn't do NEAR what she could have to have saved Ethan. She's just as guilty.

Brushing his gums 'til they bled? Taking the doorhandle off his bedroom door and leaving him in there while she went to the courthouse to marry this , went to Best Buy, and the list goes on. WHY? She couldn't have stepped away for two seconds in a courthouse full of cops, law enforcement, judges, and other public officials to ask for help? I don't buy it.

Then, you get into the facts of her brushing his gums 'til they bled, aiding in the potential burning of his body (by buying the gasoline, etc) and it makes her JUST AS guilty in my opinion.
The post on her facebook page with the obvious signs of Ethan's battered face & neck, my two favorite boys...lets see you have a precious 4 year old who has been brutally beaten and can't close his mouth and a "cuddling" him with no shirt on and his pants unzipped. WOW, we all know who was your favorite now and shame on you! Any sane, normal person would know who the favorite is in that bunch. Ok, gotta stop thinking about these two before I go:crazy: myself and hope that JS knows we all want justice served for him and Ethan
Obviously, I wasn't in Stephanies shoes so I can't speak for her. However, in my opinion, she didn't do NEAR what she could have to have saved Ethan. She's just as guilty.

Brushing his gums 'til they bled? Taking the doorhandle off his bedroom door and leaving him in there while she went to the courthouse to marry this , went to Best Buy, and the list goes on. WHY? She couldn't have stepped away for two seconds in a courthouse full of cops, law enforcement, judges, and other public officials to ask for help? I don't buy it.

Then, you get into the facts of her brushing his gums 'til they bled, aiding in the potential burning of his body (by buying the gasoline, etc) and it makes her JUST AS guilty in my opinion.

This is just my opinion... and it ain't worth much but it seems to me like she sacrificed her son in order to save herself (for a little while) y'know just to satisfy her sicko mate. She didn't think ahead very far tho. She never thought when she called 911 that they would figure things out so quickly. OR that she would feel the immense guilt for killing her only child and end up confessing before the end of the day!~ Thank God for small miracles!
Who in the h3ll did she think she was going to sell these pictures to???:furious:

She had been to Vegas and wanted to be an exotic dancer - who knows who she may have met. moo
Just added this info to the time-line. The next day she is shopping at Walmart!! She gets the call that her child has been scalded!! I think that call Steph made to her friend was made up to show how much she is hurting for her little boy. She says - he wants his mommy - she is right there! What is she thinking? moo

I am betting the "mommy" Ethan was crying for and wanted, was the one that loved him and would have protected him, Joe's fiancee.
This case...after reading comments about Nathan by his "friends" and comments about Stephanie by her "friends:"

I think what happened is that these two collided in the perfect cocktail of crazy and that little boy never had a chance.
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