UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #5

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As far as NS and SS being "tweakers" I do see a severe decline in SS's physical appearance and the wt loss as well... however I am not seeing it in NS...he basically looks the same.

I think this was just pure "evilness" by NS and SS MOO...Maybe she was drugged inot a stupor to go along. I question if she really saw her baby alive for several days or just "thought" she did. Some of what I am hearing makes me think he wasn't even alive when NS was saying he was and because she was so messed up she didn't know the difference!

Still not gonna rule meth out but I'm thinkin something that would cause more psychosis... then again it depends on what the meth is made with... I guess some would be more toxic to the brain than others....MOO... almost sounds like they were eating mushrooms. Almost like Alice and wonderland or something.... too freaky?

all of this is IMHO and I am just thinking outloud!
Makes sense to me. I was thinking that SS really thought the markings on Ethan could be explained by a peanut allergy and she wanted to show what a "happy" little family they were. Like their insane ramblings on the wedding site this goes to the picture she wanted to project. The fact that he was obviously beaten was but a glitch to her that could be easily (to her) explained. I think she was delusional as evidenced by her talking about NS saving her life, etc. She seemed to rationalize everything.

AND them having the same blood type and the same surgeries as children I CALL BS! BUT she fell for it soooo whatever!
Thanks! Still, unless she was calling herself "stephanie sloop" before, this is probably a new page. Right? I do find it a weird time to start a FB page, but maybe not.

Still it's a relief to think that she didn't post any WORSE pictures -- that she stopped after that one. It's sickening enough.

Well we do know that the day she got married, the day they locked little Ethan up alone in that hellhole and drove to the courthouse, at least a day after that picture was taken, she took the time to get onto FB to change her status to "married" and post how happy she was. All while her son was being brutalized and tortured and dying.

ETA: I really want to see the video and receipts for what she bought at Walmart the next day.
I have already posted about being hit in the mouth by my step father and could not eat for days.I was also grabbed by the neck by him and held up against the wall. When you look at the blown up photo those marks on his neck looked like my neck did. I do agree with a poster it could be he was wearing a shirt and it he was grabbed by the neck. No drugs involved with my Mom or stepfather.He was a cop and she worked for a Judge. I just can't get over the pictures. I'm so sad this beautiful little boy is gone from the earth.What would he have done with his life? They took everything from him and his family and I'm so grateful for all of you who have the same kind of heart as I do. Thank You.
I am sure your time line is correct. The reason I said that was because a while back a video apparently came out with a pic. I never got to see it before it was altered, so I do not know what pic it was. Do you remember that?

Sorry Ruby, I don't remember that at all. Did we have it here on WS?
Makes sense to me. I was thinking that SS really thought the markings on Ethan could be explained by a peanut allergy and she wanted to show what a "happy" little family they were. Like their insane ramblings on the wedding site this goes to the picture she wanted to project. The fact that he was obviously beaten was but a glitch to her that could be easily (to her) explained. I think she was delusional as evidenced by her talking about NS saving her life, etc. She seemed to rationalize everything.

IMO People on drugs would also think that the abuse would not be obvious
to others.
I am sure your time line is correct. The reason I said that was because a while back a video apparently came out with a pic. I never got to see it before it was altered, so I do not know what pic it was. Do you remember that?

AFAIK, It's the pic we've all been looking at. The newstation had a video of the facebook page with this pic. A poster here screen capped it. Later the original video was altered by the newstation.

A town in mourning turned out Tuesday night to pay their respects to Ethan Stacy.
"It's a hard time. We loved little Ethan," said Marshall Osborne, a longtime friend of Ethan's father, Joe Stacy, and one of the pallbearers for Ethan's funeral.
A funeral service will be held Wednesday afternoon for Ethan, followed by a procession from the funeral home in Grundy, Va., to the Clinch Valley Memorial Cemetery in Richlands, Va., about 30 miles away.
Stacy was a man who looked in deep despair Tuesday over the tragic loss of his son. As he recalled fond memories of Ethan while wiping back tears, he also called for justice to be served.
"They need to pay for taking my son away," he said.

More at link.
Your comments about jail being to good for them reminded me of something.
One time I went to Salem, Ma and took a guided tour of a jail, the type that the town used way back during the witch trials. Extremely tiny cells, underground, cold and damp. The guide also explained to us that people who were arrested would be put in a cell and it was not up to the town to feed them, the prisoner was responsible for that, so if family provided them food then they would not starve, if no family or friends provided this then they would starve.
This is the type of jail I wish we still had for a case like this!

I will not take any comfort in knowing these 's will spend the rest of their life locked up, it's MO people adapt and they will continue to find pleasure at times, they will have friendships, use and manipulate people. They will be protected and not put into general population.
If we had the jail of long ago, I don't believe they would last long and I would get some satisfaction knowing they know a few moments of suffering.

My only hope is that somehow because of what happened, and the huge outcry from people, another child may be saved. Someone might notice the signs of abuse before it is to late, a judge may need proof that he's sending a baby to someone who will actually care for them.
A parent may actually have a moment of reality and understand leaving their child in a home where they're loved and cared for is the best thing rather than carry them to hell.

Ethan has affected us all, his spirit is strong and I know years from now people will continue to feel the outrage over what was done to him, he was a pure innocent, he was all that is good! We can not fully understand the pure evil that did this, I'll never understand it, but we have to remember that it is out there and watch for the signs to protect other children.


Ok, this is OT but it's kind of on point with someone seeing or recognizing something that could in fact save a child from danger and doing something about it.

Today when I returned to work from lunch a girl that works with me stopped me and asked id I knew if the apartment complex right our work is for disabled people, I said no not as far as I'm aware, why? Well, there is a guy that has been standing there fully exposed since I pulled in and parked...I said no way, let me see what your talking about because there is a school right there and it was almost lunch/recess time. We went over and watched this man for 10 minutes and yes he had his package out and was doing what we all know, we could not figure out if he was peering in the window of the apartment he was in front of while doing it or what but he saw us and moved behind the bushes and when we moved out of sight he came right back in full view.

I ran straight upstairs to get my supervisor as our work facility is over 600 people, 90% women and the school is what bothered me the most. She came down and I asked her if she could see his "package" and she said yep, well he had been there for at least 20 minutes by this time doing this. We called the cops, I met one outside and told him the guy would be able to see his car if he parked by where you could see him and that when the guy had noticed us looking at him he hid, so he parked his car to the side we ran up so I could show him where the man was and he got the full view, his partner pulled into the parking lot of complex and the guy saw the cop car and bolted.

Well they found him in the apartment, he lived there and had changed his shirt by the time the cops got to his door. They questioned him, had us identify him and told us he was "mentally challenged" they did not arrest him, come to find out this complex is for disabled or mentally challenged people, they called the facility manager out and said he cannot be living here near the school, and he is contacting the state mental health assistance program to have him moved ASAP.

The man told the police flat out, I do this every week and no one has ever called the cops before....OMG, the freaking school is right there, I can only imagine he was getting more and more comfortable doing this since no one had ever reported it and his behavior could have become more aggresive. Furthermore one of his neighbors had walked by him while he was doing this and just carried on about their business, like it didn't register to them this was way inappropriate.

I am not downplaying mentally challenged people in the least bit but to have their apartment complex right next to a school in my opinion is not safe, obviously they may not have the mental capacity to know what is inappropriate to do in the presence of a child. He didn't see any problem with what he was doing and neither did his neighbor. The cop said to tell me thank you very much for calling it in being that he does this all the time and it had never been reported and they will be having him moved away from the school, God only knows what he would have gotten more comfortable with. So please if you ever see or suspect something where children are involved or in risk of danger speak up, don't be afraid, don't think what if it's not true, if you suspect or see something tell someone, if things check out there is no harm done by trying to protect an innocent child. We may have very well saved a child from being sexually assulated in the future by reporting this man today. Sorry to go OT mods and everyone but just pointing out the importance of speaking up and paying attention to what is happening around children.
I'm beginning to think the reason for the photos and posting them on facebook was to torture Joe Stacy. :furious:

I said that earlier on this thread....I can't shake the feeling...but I can't also shake the feeling that someone could be that incriminating to themself.
I am sure your time line is correct. The reason I said that was because a while back a video apparently came out with a pic. I never got to see it before it was altered, so I do not know what pic it was. Do you remember that?

The video that came out with a picture was a news video, that included the one picture from FB that has been posted here a couple times. The one where Ethan is sitting on the couch with the monster and "playing" video games. He is clearly swollen and bruised.

The news dated this picture as May 5th. We don't know what date is was uploaded to FB or what date it was taken. Just the date gave to us by the news.

The probable cause documents did say their was "photos" taken that showed the progression of abuse of little Ethan. How many photos and when on the timeline this one picture that has been released fits in, we don't know yet.

My guess is that it is one of the first ones. Taken probably on the 4th or 5th. jmo

It's been speculated that there is 17 pictures because the one released was screen shot on FB and the album says "1 of 17". That doesn't mean that there is 17 abuse pictures that were all uploaded. There could be "wedding pics" in there too. We just don't know what else was in the album.

If she took 17 pictures of progressively abuse photos, it makes me ill just to think of it.

Our poor little man.
As far as NS and SS being "tweakers" I do see a severe decline in SS's physical appearance and the wt loss as well... however I am not seeing it in NS...he basically looks the same.

I think this was just pure "evilness" by NS and SS MOO...Maybe she was drugged inot a stupor to go along. I question if she really saw her baby alive for several days or just "thought" she did. Some of what I am hearing makes me think he wasn't even alive when NS was saying he was and because she was so messed up she didn't know the difference!

Still not gonna rule meth out but I'm thinkin something that would cause more psychosis... then again it depends on what the meth is made with... I guess some would be more toxic to the brain than others....MOO... almost sounds like they were eating mushrooms. Almost like Alice and wonderland or something.... too freaky?

all of this is IMHO and I am just thinking outloud!

I see a huge decline in her thinking - faulty, psychotic like. Maybe Ethan was murdered the first day Ethan wasn't available to talk with his dad. Maybe Steph and Nate made this whole thing up - the feces, burns, vomit, blood, slushies, CPR, locking him in a room with no way to get out. It's what and how Steph describes the torture that is so faulty and psychotic like, wonder if she made the events of the last few days up? geeeeze, that would really be pathetic. moo
I have already posted about being hit in the mouth by my step father and could not eat for days.I was also grabbed by the neck by him and held up against the wall. When you look at the blown up photo those marks on his neck looked like my neck did. I do agree with a poster it could be he was wearing a shirt and it he was grabbed by the neck. No drugs involved with my Mom or stepfather.He was a cop and she worked for a Judge. I just can't get over the pictures. I'm so sad this beautiful little boy is gone from the earth.What would he have done with his life? They took everything from him and his family and I'm so grateful for all of you who have the same kind of heart as I do. Thank You.

I am so sorry that happened to you! I am glad you are able to post from a victim's point of view tho...
What concerns me is how the swelling seems to be equal on both the upper and lower lips as well as on both the left and right side. There is something about this that just doesn't jive with an injury. at leaast in my mind MOO
They need to pay for taking my son away,' Ethan Stacy's father says

Stacy was a man who looked in deep despair Tuesday over the tragic loss of his son. As he recalled fond memories of Ethan while wiping back tears, he also called for justice to be served.

"They need to pay for taking my son away," he said.
Stacy, who has been in constant contact with both Davis County prosecutors and victim advocates in Utah, said if they can file aggravated murder charges, he expects they will seek the death penalty against his ex-wife and her husband.

He said he is OK with prosecutors needing additional time before filing official charges.


Too many baby angels. Too many tiny coffins.

This madness has to stop.
I see a huge decline in her thinking - faulty, psychotic like. Maybe Ethan was murdered the first day Ethan wasn't available to talk with his dad. Maybe Steph and Nate made this whole thing up - the feces, burns, vomit, blood, slushies, CPR, locking him in a room with no way to get out. It's what and how Steph describes the torture that is so faulty and psychotic like, wonder if she made the events of the last few days up? geeeeze, that would really be pathetic. moo

Sounds to me like this may have been what was happening and was post mortem??? SS mistakenly thought that Ethan was still alive at the time, but because she was "under the influence" or "out of her mind" she never caught on?? MOO
I know that the blanket in the picture has been discussed. Has anyone noticed that it looks like NS is sitting on the blanket as if to confine little Ethan? I hate even typing this stuff. It just pains me to imagine what they did to this little boy.

Also with regard to the possible meth use. I would bet that not everyone gets the sores or shows obvious signs, and I think they would only have bad teeth if they were smoking it, but not if they were snorting or injecting. At least this is my understanding of the drug. Not sure though...

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