UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #5

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Just an outloud thought.

If NS had an actual DX of MPD or DID why wouldn't his ex wife know the name of the physician who gave him that DX? Her not knowing he was seeing Dr So and So makes no sense to me- Especially considering they were HS sweethearts and all and haven't been split up that long in comparison how long they were together. Which is why I believe the MPD or DID dx is ficticious (sp?)


This is the point I was trying to make. Granted it would take awhile to get a diagnosis court ready, there should be some legit confirmation of a previous diagnosis and treatment at this point. And yet his attorney doesn't sound like he's gotten one. Like you, that leads me to believe that there is no MPD.
This is the point I was trying to make. Granted it would take awhile to get a diagnosis court ready, there should be some legit confirmation of a previous diagnosis and treatment at this point. And yet his attorney doesn't sound like he's gotten one. Like you, that leads me to believe that there is no MPD.

Thanks and I agree. I think the only reason the attorney may be having problems confirming this is if NS is not cooperating. To do his job properly he does have to gain access to NS's medical history and contact the doctors he has seen in the past. I'm going to presume in this case, the courts could order his medical records be released and it would not be a matter protected by HIPPA.

but I am not a HIPPA expert so that is a presumption.
In Remembrance of Ethan Stacy



Though I only joined Websleuths a year ago, I've been reading here for years, and this is the most horrendous case I've come across here. Never before have I experienced the actual desire/urge to brutally beat and torture the perps like I do in this case. The picture of little Ethan sitting next to that monster just makes me want to reach through the computer screen and save him, hug him, get him help, and that it's too late, that this happened two weeks ago, that this little boy was being gruesomely tortured while I was just going about my daily life....let's just say I've shed more than a few tears over this.

SS and NS are not human, IMO. They do not have souls. They are idiotic, self-centered, sadistic sociopaths. I do not for one second believe NS has MPD/DID; I think he is a sociopath of the worst kind. I just cannot comprehend how a human being could take an innocent, helpless, sweet little boy like Ethan and beat him continuously over a period of days to the point that he dies. This was not a momentary case of rage taking over; these 's knew exactly what they were doing. That an innocent child was suffering because of injuries they themselves inflicted didn't bother them in the least. I cannot comprehend this, and it frightens me that people like this exist.

I am sorry for this ranting post, but I cannot get Ethan and his suffering out of my mind. I cannot get that picture out of my mind. I want NS and SS to suffer. I want them to suffer like no one else in the history of this world has ever suffered. Life in prison is too good for them. The death penalty is way too good for them. I feel with crimes this horrible, the perpetrators should be made to suffer as much or more than their victim suffered. I know this is not going to happen in a million years, but how I wish it could.

I hope Ethan is at peace, wherever his soul is now. I hope he can feel the love coming from all of us. I hope he knows we would have saved him if we only knew. Only 4 years old. F&^$. I'm going to go cry some more now.
I would hope they were drug tested, but I'm told that is not always the case. I hope they were drug tested at the time of arrest, but that seldom happens, I'm told.

And, if they waited 3 days between their last 'hit', and the time of testing, there is a very good chance the drug wouldn't show up anyway, with the exception I believe, of a hair analysis test.

I'm just tossing out ideas and possibilities, of course.

I'm sure LE, especially now with the FBI involved, is all over every possible scenario. There is no way the Meth possibility hasn't occured to the FBI, especially with Nathan's past drug arrests, and the extreme nature of the abuse that little Ethan suffered.

I am no expert on meth addicts but IMO meth addicts would only commit murder if it assured them a way to get their next fix. I am not saying that they did or did not do meth however they are lacking the typical body sores and facial disfiguration that hard core meth addicts experience. If I had to say "drugs" were what caused SS and NS to commit murder I would have to consider other avenues in the drug world.

While I do not doubt they did illegal drugs, I feel like whatever was in the core of thier being (pure evil) was only multiplied or escalated by drug use not caused by it.
I was able to enlarge the picture of little Ethan's face with the swelling. It is very hard to look at, but the picture is clearer than some I've seen.

Does anyone know how many other photos were taken? How in the world did SS (Nazi Mom) take pictures of Ethan as he was dying!!!!?????

The picture is on my Amber Alerts column at Examiner here:Ethan Stacy's face injured
Though I only joined Websleuths a year ago, I've been reading here for years, and this is the most horrendous case I've come across here. Never before have I experienced the actual desire/urge to brutally beat and torture the perps like I do in this case. The picture of little Ethan sitting next to that monster just makes me want to reach through the computer screen and save him, hug him, get him help, and that it's too late, that this happened two weeks ago, that this little boy was being gruesomely tortured while I was just going about my daily life....let's just say I've shed more than a few tears over this.

SS and NS are not human, IMO. They do not have souls. They are idiotic, self-centered, sadistic sociopaths. I do not for one second believe NS has MPD/DID; I think he is a sociopath of the worst kind. I just cannot comprehend how a human being could take an innocent, helpless, sweet little boy like Ethan and beat him continuously over a period of days to the point that he dies. This was not a momentary case of rage taking over; these 's knew exactly what they were doing. That an innocent child was suffering because of injuries they themselves inflicted didn't bother them in the least. I cannot comprehend this, and it frightens me that people like this exist.

I am sorry for this ranting post, but I cannot get Ethan and his suffering out of my mind. I cannot get that picture out of my mind. I want NS and SS to suffer. I want them to suffer like no one else in the history of this world has ever suffered. Life in prison is too good for them. The death penalty is way too good for them. I feel with crimes this horrible, the perpetrators should be made to suffer as much or more than their victim suffered. I know this is not going to happen in a million years, but how I wish it could.

I hope Ethan is at peace, wherever his soul is now. I hope he can feel the love coming from all of us. I hope he knows we would have saved him if we only knew. Only 4 years old. F&^$. I'm going to go cry some more now.

No these 's will not get what they deserve, jail is way to good for them and a quick death is no better. I wish that monsters like this would start being made examples of. My idea of justice for these two is to let Ethan's father do to them exactly what they did to Ethan all with the assistance/reinforcement of LE. Maybe if we stopped housing people and feeding them for free after committing heinous crimes like this and started really giving them what they deserved, just maybe it would make people think long and hard about the consequences they will face and suffer themselves and deter them from evil like this.

These two thought they could just come up with the old he's missing story and be in the clear, and if they didn't work out what's the worst, jail. I highly doubt these two ever thought about the possibility of the death penalty, which I'm all in favor for in this case being they have already admitted their horendous guilt, but it would be much to quick and they will not suffer the way little Ethan did.:sick:
I am not so sure the 's were on meth when they committed this horrendous crime. In a way, I know it helps a bit to think so, as if they were under the influence of meth, they clearly weren't in their right minds. Sadly, though, I think they were in their right minds. I really don't think drugs were involved here. I think these two are sadistic sociopaths individually, and together they were a ticking time bomb.

Thank you to Calliope and all the others who posted the happy pictures of Ethan with Joe and their friends. It is some comfort to know that Ethan was well cared for and well loved for most of his life (except for the last two weeks). From looking at those pictures, it's evident he lived a carefree life with his loving dad, and had lots of little boy adventures and happiness. This also saddens me though because I can't imagine what must have been going through this little boy's mind when he was suddenly thrust into a violent, sadistic environment in which he was brutally beaten and tortured on a daily basis.

Re: the video game picture. Sorry, but I don't think his mouth is in an "O" shape and his fist is clenched because he is reacting to action on the video game. I think his mouth is open either because his nose is broken or fractured and it's the only way he was able to breathe, or his jaw was broken or fractured and holding his mouth in an "O" was the least painful position. In the enlarged photo, I also see white spots on Ethan's face. I don't know if these are finger marks from SS or NS or some other reaction caused by his injuries, but it's incredibly disturbing. In fact I think that's the most disturbing picture I've ever seen in my life.

Ethan, you will never be forgotten.

when looking at this photo and using ctrl + to enlarge the photo... it IS indeed too disturbing! The shape of the lips? I can't even comment right now!

Ok, I seriously did not know she had posted that to her facebook page, she is a sick, twisted, every bad explicit term I could think to say about a person. I cannot believe the joy they got out of this, really, seriously??? I thought this was just a photo they found on her phone or something. And WTH I pesonally am very disturbed that Nater Bean is not wearing a shirt while "cuddling" Ethan who is not his child, the whole thing is very violating. Poor Ethan, he probably couldn't stand the awful stinch of NS and was beat some more :sick:
Does anyone know if the 's have public defenders or independently hired attorneys? I recall reading a post where someone mentioned that NS's attorney is "one of the best", and that makes me think it isn't a public defender. Yet I can't imagine where these two 's would get the money to hire lawyers. Can anyone clarify this for me?
Though I only joined Websleuths a year ago, I've been reading here for years, and this is the most horrendous case I've come across here. Never before have I experienced the actual desire/urge to brutally beat and torture the perps like I do in this case. The picture of little Ethan sitting next to that monster just makes me want to reach through the computer screen and save him, hug him, get him help, and that it's too late, that this happened two weeks ago, that this little boy was being gruesomely tortured while I was just going about my daily life....let's just say I've shed more than a few tears over this.

SS and NS are not human, IMO. They do not have souls. They are idiotic, self-centered, sadistic sociopaths. I do not for one second believe NS has MPD/DID; I think he is a sociopath of the worst kind. I just cannot comprehend how a human being could take an innocent, helpless, sweet little boy like Ethan and beat him continuously over a period of days to the point that he dies. This was not a momentary case of rage taking over; these 's knew exactly what they were doing. That an innocent child was suffering because of injuries they themselves inflicted didn't bother them in the least. I cannot comprehend this, and it frightens me that people like this exist.

I am sorry for this ranting post, but I cannot get Ethan and his suffering out of my mind. I cannot get that picture out of my mind. I want NS and SS to suffer. I want them to suffer like no one else in the history of this world has ever suffered. Life in prison is too good for them. The death penalty is way too good for them. I feel with crimes this horrible, the perpetrators should be made to suffer as much or more than their victim suffered. I know this is not going to happen in a million years, but how I wish it could.

I hope Ethan is at peace, wherever his soul is now. I hope he can feel the love coming from all of us. I hope he knows we would have saved him if we only knew. Only 4 years old. F&^$. I'm going to go cry some more now.

Mia, I can't thank you enough for this post. I feel like I have been swallowed up in a nightmare and I am constantly thinking about this little guy and crying. I am angry beyond belief and the way I feel has caught me completely off-guard. I cannot wrap my head around any of this. I see posts on the net asking "what could he have done to provoke this?" and the plain and simple answer is NOTHING!!! Absolutely NOTHING!!

This is sick...and getting sicker. Bottom line? They need to FRY!:furious::furious::furious::furious::furious:
I agree that LWOP is not harsh enough for them, but either is a quick, painless death. Personally, I think they should both be sterilized, put on a deserted island in the Antarctic, and left to fend for themselves. Screw these two , let them suffer the way they made Ethan suffer. I know some in the world would say this inhumane, but what they did to Ethan was inhumane! If this is not a suitable punishment, then do exactly to them as they did to Ethan. Eye for an eye!

Ok going to step away....
Ok, I seriously did not know she had posted that to her facebook page, she is a sick, twisted, every bad explicit term I could think to say about a person. I cannot believe the joy they got out of this, really, seriously??? I thought this was just a photo they found on her phone or something. And WTH I pesonally am very disturbed that Nater Bean is not wearing a shirt while "cuddling" Ethan who is not his child, the whole thing is very violating. Poor Ethan, he probably couldn't stand the awful stinch of NS and was beat some more :sick:

Not only does he not have a shirt on but his pants are unzipped. To me that further indicates carelessness around this child. FWIW, I too am one who is uncomfortable with a man not wearing a shirt around a child that is not his unless he is either swimming or outside doing some kind of work on an extremly hot day. Even then I would be far more comfortable with a sleeveless t-shirt kind of thing. It's not like it the weather in Utah was sweltering heat when this happened.

Interesting that Nathan's attorney can't seem to verify MPD's.

Nathan Sloop's attorney reviews possibility of insanity defense


Arg. I was prepared to smack his attorney until I read the article. That is VERY poor reporting. He doesn't say he's going to use the 'insanity defense'. I posted above the specifics for Utah. I'll hunt for it and repost.
No these 's will not get what they deserve, jail is way to good for them and a quick death is no better. I wish that monsters like this would start being made examples of. My idea of justice for these two is to let Ethan's father do to them exactly what they did to Ethan all with the assistance/reinforcement of LE. Maybe if we stopped housing people and feeding them for free after committing heinous crimes like this and started really giving them what they deserved, just maybe it would make people think long and hard about the consequences they will face and suffer themselves and deter them from evil like this.

These two thought they could just come up with the old he's missing story and be in the clear, and if they didn't work out what's the worst, jail. I highly doubt these two ever thought about the possibility of the death penalty, which I'm all in favor for in this case being they have already admitted their horendous guilt, but it would be much to quick and they will not suffer the way little Ethan did.:sick:

Your comments about jail being to good for them reminded me of something.
One time I went to Salem, Ma and took a guided tour of a jail, the type that the town used way back during the witch trials. Extremely tiny cells, underground, cold and damp. The guide also explained to us that people who were arrested would be put in a cell and it was not up to the town to feed them, the prisoner was responsible for that, so if family provided them food then they would not starve, if no family or friends provided this then they would starve.
This is the type of jail I wish we still had for a case like this!

I will not take any comfort in knowing these 's will spend the rest of their life locked up, it's MO people adapt and they will continue to find pleasure at times, they will have friendships, use and manipulate people. They will be protected and not put into general population.
If we had the jail of long ago, I don't believe they would last long and I would get some satisfaction knowing they know a few moments of suffering.

My only hope is that somehow because of what happened, and the huge outcry from people, another child may be saved. Someone might notice the signs of abuse before it is to late, a judge may need proof that he's sending a baby to someone who will actually care for them.
A parent may actually have a moment of reality and understand leaving their child in a home where they're loved and cared for is the best thing rather than carry them to hell.

Ethan has affected us all, his spirit is strong and I know years from now people will continue to feel the outrage over what was done to him, he was a pure innocent, he was all that is good! We can not fully understand the pure evil that did this, I'll never understand it, but we have to remember that it is out there and watch for the signs to protect other children.

I was thinking his zipper was open. But idk. Nor what it matters
Arg. I was prepared to smack his attorney until I read the article. That is VERY poor reporting. He doesn't say he's going to use the 'insanity defense'. I posted above the specifics for Utah. I'll hunt for it and repost.

Here it is:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #5

What happens in states where there is no insanity defense?

Three states -- Montana, Idaho, and Utah -- do not allow the insanity defense. Defendants must still be found competent to stand trial, and they may introduce evidence of a mental disease or defect as evidence that they did not possess the requisite intent or state of mind (mens rea) to be found guilty.

Because psychiatric testimony played a large role in Hinckley's trial and ultimate verdict, the reliability of using such testimony came under attack in the wake of the trial. The American Psychiatric Association (APA) issued a statement after the trial acknowledging public skepticism of "the nature and the quality of psychiatric testimony in insanity trials." The APA also stated that it would not oppose laws restricting the use of such testimony in insanity cases. In 1984, Congress enacted a statute stating that:

"No expert witness testifying with respect to the mental state or condition of a defendant in a criminal case may state an opinion or inference as to whether the defendant did or did not have the mental state or condition constituting an element of the crime charged or a defense thereto. Such ultimate issues are for the trier of fact alone."

By 1986, three states had abolished the use of the insanity defense altogether. These states, Montana, Idaho, and Utah, continue to admit evidence of mental disorder for the restricted purpose of disproving mens rea, or, in other words, proving that a defendant did not possess the special knowledge or intent required for conviction under the charged offense.

From what I've read the bar is set pretty high, and the defendant has to prove he didn't understand that what he did was wrong and/or that he didn't understand the consequences of his actions, that he had did not have the intent to commit the offense, and that he isn't able to understand the purpose of the trial and assist in his defense.

"Multiple personalities" or not, he fully understood he was committing a crime and the consequences; that is obvious from their actions both before and after Ethan's murder. If one of his "multiple personalities"* committed this murder, then send it to prison. Too bad ol' Nater Bean has to go along for the ride.

I can understand his attorney looking into this. He has nothing else, really.

*which I don't believe he has for one moment
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