UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #5

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So... I have kept up pretty well with this thread but forgive me if this was already addressed: but the picture of poor Ethan "playing" video games with his step-monster is, apparently, #1 of 17 on a page called "Nathan Stephanie Sloop." Okay, it's weird enough that they melded their names together into one FB page. Why do that? Did they have individual FB pages before this? Was the new page just formed to post the abuse pictures? Since they only just got married, and this was the first picture, it must be a new page.

I personally don't want to see the other 16 pictures, but are they abuse pictures too??? I mean -- as other people have said, the whole thing is totally inconceivable, but... I think BeanE's idea that they were to be sold is hard to imagine, but maybe true.

I'm wondering because this case is so very hard to get my mind around, and even monsters have reasons, however twisted, for what they do. Maybe it's pointless to even ask, but I want to know WTF they were thinking, sick as it surely must be. Seems like we need to understand this to try and stop it from happening again.

This case has touched me like none ever has.
Not only does he not have a shirt on but his pants are unzipped. To me that further indicates carelessness around this child. FWIW, I too am one who is uncomfortable with a man not wearing a shirt around a child that is not his unless he is either swimming or outside doing some kind of work on an extremly hot day. Even then I would be far more comfortable with a sleeveless t-shirt kind of thing. It's not like it the weather in Utah was sweltering heat when this happened.


OMG, thanks for pointing that out...I had the feeling they were but was in fear to look. I think that this Nater Beans way of showing his complete comfort level of being in "control" over Ethan and SS taking pics because she is totally in true love and totally accepting of NS despite what he does...oh God someone do something to these two so I don't have to look at them or read their delusional ideas about what love is ever again. Even without a child involved these two would make me want to poke my eyes out :snooty:
If proven that SS wanted to sell these pictures-can charges be brought for that? I mean there is only a fine line between this and a "snuff" film!!:furious:

Keep in mind this photo we've seen is supposedly from the beginning. Police have stated the brutality grew progressive and worse.
Keep in mind this photo we've seen is supposedly from the beginning. Police have stated the brutality grew progressive and worse.

If that in fact is true I have no doubt they will get the DP. I think is way too good for them.
So... I have kept up pretty well with this thread but forgive me if this was already addressed: but the picture of poor Ethan "playing" video games with his step-monster is, apparently, #1 of 17 on a page called "Nathan Stephanie Sloop." Okay, it's weird enough that they melded their names together into one FB page. Why do that? Did they have individual FB pages before this? Was the new page just formed to post the abuse pictures? Since they only just got married, and this was the first picture, it must be a new page.

I personally don't want to see the other 16 pictures, but are they abuse pictures too??? I mean -- as other people have said, the whole thing is totally inconceivable, but... I think BeanE's idea that they were to be sold is hard to imagine, but maybe true.

I'm wondering because this case is so very hard to get my mind around, and even monsters have reasons, however twisted, for what they do. Maybe it's pointless to even ask, but I want to know WTF they were thinking, sick as it surely must be. Seems like we need to understand this to try and stop it from happening again.

This case has touched me like none ever has.

My experience with mobile uploads on facebook is that the last photo you upload become the first photo in the album. Therefore the older photos or last. This might be some setting I have set on my mobile upload albums, but none of my other albums work that way (newest photos go to back unless I move them to the front).

As for the name combining, I have several friends who share a page with their spouse. A couple of the do it because that way each have access to one another's emails and PM, therefore there are no secrets.

Hope this makes sense and helps.
So... I have kept up pretty well with this thread but forgive me if this was already addressed: but the picture of poor Ethan "playing" video games with his step-monster is, apparently, #1 of 17 on a page called "Nathan Stephanie Sloop." Okay, it's weird enough that they melded their names together into one FB page. Why do that? Did they have individual FB pages before this? Was the new page just formed to post the abuse pictures? Since they only just got married, and this was the first picture, it must be a new page.

I personally don't want to see the other 16 pictures, but are they abuse pictures too??? I mean -- as other people have said, the whole thing is totally inconceivable, but... I think BeanE's idea that they were to be sold is hard to imagine, but maybe true.

I'm wondering because this case is so very hard to get my mind around, and even monsters have reasons, however twisted, for what they do. Maybe it's pointless to even ask, but I want to know WTF they were thinking, sick as it surely must be. Seems like we need to understand this to try and stop it from happening again.

This case has touched me like none ever has.

It is my understanding they are pictures of the abuse and they get progressively worse. I do not think all pics were up-loaded to FB. As far as I know perhaps one ( video one ) and maybe one other. Maybe someone else can answer for sure.
My experience with mobile uploads on facebook is that the last photo you upload become the first photo in the album. Therefore the older photos or last. This might be some setting I have set on my mobile upload albums, but none of my other albums work that way (newest photos go to back unless I move them to the front).

As for the name combining, I have several friends who share a page with their spouse. A couple of the do it because that way each have access to one another's emails and PM, therefore there are no secrets.

Hope this makes sense and helps.

Thanks! Still, unless she was calling herself "stephanie sloop" before, this is probably a new page. Right? I do find it a weird time to start a FB page, but maybe not.

Still it's a relief to think that she didn't post any WORSE pictures -- that she stopped after that one. It's sickening enough.
Keep in mind this photo we've seen is supposedly from the beginning. Police have stated the brutality grew progressive and worse.

I don't even want to speculate on how much more horror SS photographed! These two represent a whole new level of evil. I can imagine even the DEVIL himself was shocked at their depravity!!:furious:
I am no expert on meth addicts but IMO meth addicts would only commit murder if it assured them a way to get their next fix. I am not saying that they did or did not do meth however they are lacking the typical body sores and facial disfiguration that hard core meth addicts experience. If I had to say "drugs" were what caused SS and NS to commit murder I would have to consider other avenues in the drug world.

While I do not doubt they did illegal drugs, I feel like whatever was in the core of thier being (pure evil) was only multiplied or escalated by drug use not caused by it.

You're right gngr - they sure don't have the sores, teeth, and facial acne of a meth addict, but faulty psychotic like thinking sure resembles what meth does. If that's Stephanie's normal way of thinking and Nate's normal type of behavior, they would have been behind bars a long time ago.moo I doubt Steph would have any friend saying nice things about her. The change in behavior and thinking seems radical to ME and I'm only speaking for me, but if this was their normal way of thinking and behaving I would expect long, long criminal records. What escalated the psyche into such a horrific state - I don't know, but the only thing that makes sense is some kind of illicit drug(s)...maybe not meth, but crack, or a combo of some of the most illicit. They are sociopathic for sure - hx of drug abuse, mfg. illicit drugs; Stephanie and her chronic lying and spiteful, hateful behavior, but what they did together is beyond drastic change. Maybe we don't know enough about their hx and criminal behavior...does anybody have ideas? Not saying drugs are/were at play, just seems extreme to me. And certainly drugs are no excuse and will never serve as one. moo

All just my opinions and I am not saying drugs were at play here, but something was. moo
It is my understanding they are pictures of the abuse and they get progressively worse. I do not think all pics were up-loaded to FB. As far as I know perhaps one ( video one ) and maybe one other. Maybe someone else can answer for sure.

Hi Ruby - All I know is that one picture is on facebook - Steph uploaded it from her cell phone. From the warrants, looks like there's about 17 pics and/or videos. If info is different, than I will adjust the time-line. Let me know - thanks in advance Ruby.
Didn't SS say something about going out to pick up a "prescription" on Sunday morning? What kind of prescription is sooooooo important you'd get it at that hour? Something you're addicted to, is my guess. There are a lot of prescription drugs that are almost as dangerous as street drugs when abused.

The drug use, if any, isn't an excuse for what happened, and shouldn't lessen the severity of the punishment. I would like to know what the script was for. NS doesn't deserve any privacy.

I'm still stuck on the FB page. Why take pictures if she was so embarrassed/worried about the abuse being revealed that they locked the child in his room when they got married? (Still dont' know why they got married early, probably because they knew they were going to kill the child).
When I click this thumbnail/ pic to enlarge it, (okay- the pic didn't carry over, but it is in pufnstuf's post#280) and then click and enlarge it again, I realize that Ethan's eyes are looking straight ahead- not down at (what looks to be) the hand-held video game.

He is actually looking straight ahead like he is in shock, or brain damaged, or even dead. I know it's hard to tell exactly what was really going on from just one picture- but, this one picture is horrific, and posed, and not 'sincere'...

If I didn't know that there were pictures following this one, I might think they propped him up against Nathan after death even, just to prove he was 'okay' at a certain time- not realizing that the camera would do such a good job of picking up the facial disfigurement. (Again, I think the other side of his face, and his legs and torso, would show even more damage, and more severe damage, if they could be seen).

I think maybe Stephanie took a bunch (17, at least) of pics, and posted them later on, in a different order than they were taken.

Please be advised: some people may NOT want to read this!

I agree with you and I think the FBI is taking a very close look at this picture in paticular. The more I look at it the more it bothers me. With THAT amount of swelling in the circumoral area there is NO WAY that child could breathe without difficulty. GOD I hope I am wrong! But in MOO And being a pediatric nurse for quite some years... this child is very near death and/or A: "completely wasted on drugs" B: "is hovering on comatose from a closed head injury" C: "has had his lips scalded/burned"or D: "there has been an attempt to suffocate him" WHATEVER HAPPENED.... the result is severe swelling! It is not out of the realm of possibility the he had perhaps even expired and was being posed.~ I will not elaborate on what I see in this picture that points me in that direction... as the FBI is far more qualified than I to make that determination,. IF it was really taken on the 5th of May as stated... there was no need to lock him in his room on the 6th so SS could get married. IMHO Ethan didn't made it through the night. Any other statements by SS or NS about his activities beyond the 5th of May are pure nonsense and were only stated to throw the investigators timeline off. Or purely done by SS so that she could try and make LE believe she was a victim of NS as well.
I'm beginning to think the reason for the photos and posting them on facebook was to torture Joe Stacy. :furious:
Hi Ruby - All I know is that one picture is on facebook - Steph uploaded it from her cell phone. From the warrants, looks like there's about 17 pics and/or videos. If info is different, than I will adjust the time-line. Let me know - thanks in advance Ruby.

One reason I wondered if all the FB pics were of abuse was because of that number: 17. There were 17 FB pics, and 17 abuse pics.
Today I asked a recovered meth addict if she thought they used meth and
she said “well .. duh just looking at their pictures you can tell they are

Also… not all meth users get the sores.

I have also been thinking why they would take and pose in pictures with
Ethan after he was abused…

Their family and friends knew Ethan was coming… I think they probably
thought they should post and possibly send the cell pictures to keep with
the “happy family” and I also think after his initial beating they started
working on the cover up of him “walking out of the apartment story” I think
they needed the pictures as proof of “the happy family” and him being alive
on those days thus in their mind him wandering out would be more believable.
Today I asked a recovered meth addict if she thought they used meth and
she said “well .. duh just looking at their pictures you can tell they are

Also… not all meth users get the sores.

I have also been thinking why they would take and pose in pictures with
Ethan after he was abused…

Their family and friends knew Ethan was coming… I think they probably
thought they should post and possibly send the cell pictures to keep with
the “happy family” and I also think after his initial beating they started
working on the cover up of him “walking out of the apartment story” I think
they needed the pictures as proof of “the happy family” and him being alive
on those days thus in their mind him wandering out would be more believable.

Makes sense to me. I was thinking that SS really thought the markings on Ethan could be explained by a peanut allergy and she wanted to show what a "happy" little family they were. Like their insane ramblings on the wedding site this goes to the picture she wanted to project. The fact that he was obviously beaten was but a glitch to her that could be easily (to her) explained. I think she was delusional as evidenced by her talking about NS saving her life, etc. She seemed to rationalize everything.
If it is that bad, that LE is having counseling or therapy that is further reason I hope and pray they strike a plea, guilty and LWOP. Not that I don't believe both deserve the DP but only to spare Joe and the rest of those who loved Ethan the details of what this poor child endured. It is bad enough already imo.


I could go along with that if, and only IF, Joe agrees. If he wants them to go all out and try for the DP then they should.
Hi Ruby - All I know is that one picture is on facebook - Steph uploaded it from her cell phone. From the warrants, looks like there's about 17 pics and/or videos. If info is different, than I will adjust the time-line. Let me know - thanks in advance Ruby.

I am sure your time line is correct. The reason I said that was because a while back a video apparently came out with a pic. I never got to see it before it was altered, so I do not know what pic it was. Do you remember that?
I am not so sure the 's were on meth when they committed this horrendous crime. In a way, I know it helps a bit to think so, as if they were under the influence of meth, they clearly weren't in their right minds. Sadly, though, I think they were in their right minds. I really don't think drugs were involved here. I think these two are sadistic sociopaths individually, and together they were a ticking time bomb.

Thank you to Calliope and all the others who posted the happy pictures of Ethan with Joe and their friends. It is some comfort to know that Ethan was well cared for and well loved for most of his life (except for the last two weeks). From looking at those pictures, it's evident he lived a carefree life with his loving dad, and had lots of little boy adventures and happiness. This also saddens me though because I can't imagine what must have been going through this little boy's mind when he was suddenly thrust into a violent, sadistic environment in which he was brutally beaten and tortured on a daily basis.

Re: the video game picture. Sorry, but I don't think his mouth is in an "O" shape and his fist is clenched because he is reacting to action on the video game. I think his mouth is open either because his nose is broken or fractured and it's the only way he was able to breathe, or his jaw was broken or fractured and holding his mouth in an "O" was the least painful position. In the enlarged photo, I also see white spots on Ethan's face. I don't know if these are finger marks from SS or NS or some other reaction caused by his injuries, but it's incredibly disturbing. In fact I think that's the most disturbing picture I've ever seen in my life.

Ethan, you will never be forgotten.

Exactly what I think Mia.

I thought the white might be tears running down his cheek...
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