UT - Ethan Stacy, 4, Layton, 10 May 2010 - #5

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I am so sorry that happened to you! I am glad you are able to post from a victim's point of view tho...
What concerns me is how the swelling seems to be equal on both the upper and lower lips as well as on both the left and right side. There is something about this that just doesn't jive with an injury. at leaast in my mind MOO

Thank You so much. I'm alive and well. If you look at him before he was sent with his Mom,(ugh) after photo shows clearly he was beat all over his face. The blanket covering him and the nice cuddle with the animal would be what happens
after you have been hit all over your body. I'm so stuck on the pictures and posting them on facebook.
Sounds to me like this may have been what was happening and was post mortem??? SS mistakenly thought that Ethan was still alive at the time, but because she was "under the influence" or "out of her mind" she never caught on?? MOO

Can there be bleeding and vomit after death? I always thought ME could tell the difference between pre/post mortem bruising and such.
Exactly what I think Mia.

I thought the white might be tears running down his cheek...

Not so much tears as in him crying, but copious watering from the obvious injury. What concerned me in addition to the swelling around the eye is that it appears flattened, sunken. I don't think that's just relative to the swelling. It's apparent NS didn't hold back when he battered that baby. He could well have caused fractures of the orbit, the facial bones that support the eyeball, and may have even ruptured, causing the clear fluid that lies between the cornea and the lens (called aqueous humor) to leak. At the very least, it's watering from the blunt trauma of being punched. IMO.

Eye injuries, especially involving the cornea, are excruciatingly painful.
Thank You so much. I'm alive and well. If you look at him before he was sent with his Mom,(ugh) after photo shows clearly he was beat all over his face. The blanket covering him and the nice cuddle with the animal would be what happens
after you have been hit all over your body. I'm so stuck on the pictures and posting them on facebook.

I am afraid the blanket is covering his legs in order to prevent us from seeing the abuse/burns he suffered or so that people viewing the pic won't notice something worse.

There is a big reason that seasoned police officers are in need of couselling and I don't feel like the child abuse is all that is affecting them as much as what we don't know about yet. MOO

So glad to see Joe has a loving support group of family, fiance, and friends to lean on. I know he is comforted by his memories of Ethan and hopefully he and his fiance will go on to build a future of happy memories as Ethan would want for his Daddy!!
Bless you Joe

I have already posted about being hit in the mouth by my step father and could not eat for days.I was also grabbed by the neck by him and held up against the wall. When you look at the blown up photo those marks on his neck looked like my neck did. I do agree with a poster it could be he was wearing a shirt and it he was grabbed by the neck. No drugs involved with my Mom or stepfather.He was a cop and she worked for a Judge. I just can't get over the pictures. I'm so sad this beautiful little boy is gone from the earth.What would he have done with his life? They took everything from him and his family and I'm so grateful for all of you who have the same kind of heart as I do. Thank You.

I am so sorry for what you went through :(

I'm convinced that's a ligature mark around his neck. And as BeanE found out, it matches up with the collar of his shirt.
This is an excellent article on methamphetamine (crystal meth) done by PBS (FrontLine). Talks about meth mouth, permanent damage to the brain, faulty thinking, violence, etc. Covers it all...even if meth wasn't involved, always important to know as much as you can about it. MOO


ETA: not everybody looks like the horrible pictures - it takes time, depends on over all general health and a myriad of circumstances.
I am afraid the blanket is covering his legs in order to prevent us from seeing the abuse/burns he suffered or so that people viewing the pic won't notice something worse.

There is a big reason that seasoned police officers are in need of couselling and I don't feel like the child abuse is all that is affecting them as much as what we don't know about yet. MOO

The abuse that happened to was a secret. The abuse that happened to my Mom was a secret.Cover it up. They covered him up. Why take the picture and post it on facebook? His loving Mom was able to take the picture and post it.

A town in mourning turned out Tuesday night to pay their respects to Ethan Stacy.
"It's a hard time. We loved little Ethan," said Marshall Osborne, a longtime friend of Ethan's father, Joe Stacy, and one of the pallbearers for Ethan's funeral.
A funeral service will be held Wednesday afternoon for Ethan, followed by a procession from the funeral home in Grundy, Va., to the Clinch Valley Memorial Cemetery in Richlands, Va., about 30 miles away.
Stacy was a man who looked in deep despair Tuesday over the tragic loss of his son. As he recalled fond memories of Ethan while wiping back tears, he also called for justice to be served.
"They need to pay for taking my son away," he said.

More at link.

The photos. Oh God.
I've been around here for a while, but this case has shaken me to my very core. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but I just have to get this off my chest.

I HATE THESE PEOPLE with my whole heart and soul. This did NOT have to happen. This precious little boy was loved and cared for by his Daddy, right where he was. That B*T*H did not want him there nor did she have to force him to come. She knew exactly what kind of danger he was walking into.

I will never, ever, ever understand what could make ANYONE hurt an innocent child so badly. Ever. But that a mother could stand by and watch and let it happen AND TAKE PICTURES OF IT ALL sickens me completely. It's NOT natural. It's not instinctive. It's not human.

Cold blooded murderers is all they are and I'm sorry they're still taking up room and breathing the air on this earth.

I'm glad their fabulous "love affair" and life together is OVER. And I HOPE they are druggies too, so the agony of withdrawl will add to their pain and suffering. It will never be enough, but it's a start.

An eye for an eye.
Sounds to me like this may have been what was happening and was post mortem??? SS mistakenly thought that Ethan was still alive at the time, but because she was "under the influence" or "out of her mind" she never caught on?? MOO

They weren't psychotic. This wasn't a case where someone "snapped" either. They knew full well what they were doing, that it was criminal and that they had to cover their tracks.

They're sociopaths. Purely evil sociopaths. They never considered Ethan human, much less their own child. To them he was merely an object. Period.
I've heard the reports where S says N took Ethan into the room and that's where he was beaten. :(
All the pictures I've seen of Ethan has him wearing his glasses, I was wondering how his glasses did not get broken from all the blows this poor little boy suffered. In the photo of them on the sofa he has his glasses on and they look fine (unlike Ethan)
This makes me think took his glasses off before he began the beating, knowing beforehand how brutal it was going to be, or possibly S had taken them before he went to the other room.

Can there be bleeding and vomit after death? I always thought ME could tell the difference between pre/post mortem bruising and such.

This is why the ME will be crucial to this case!
***for the faint of heart skip this part!
Bleeding- sorta vomiting-not really...but to someone that didn't know the difference they will call it what they know it to be.

It's called purge and you can google it if you please. I'm not gonna link it here.
If Ethan had died say on or prior to the 5th as I suspect he did. MOO
Everything else that SS said that happened after the fact could indeed, in her mind be true. IF she thought her son was just suffering from a head injury nausea and impaired consiousness... NS was handling the situation for her... sending her here and there... making her think he was in control
I don't think the burns were burns at all...

I think on the 9th when she was told he was dead and SS stated his arms were stiff.. he was nearing the end of rigor mortis not the beginning of it... MOO

This is just so gross even to me and Imma tough cookie A gngrsnap even!
at any rate we will hear more I am sure and my concerns will be confirmed OR discounted I'm hoping they are discounted!
Stacy, who has been in constant contact with both Davis County prosecutors and victim advocates in Utah, said if they can file aggravated murder charges, he expects they will seek the death penalty against his ex-wife and her husband.

He said he is OK with prosecutors needing additional time before filing official charges.

"I don't want any mistakes made at all. Nothing. I don't want them coming out of this in any type of way," he said.


Sounds like Dad might want the DP.
I've heard the reports where S says N took Ethan into the room and that's where he was beaten. :(
All the pictures I've seen of Ethan has him wearing his glasses, I was wondering how his glasses did not get broken from all the blows this poor little boy suffered. In the photo of them on the sofa he has his glasses on and they look fine (unlike Ethan)
This makes me think took his glasses off before he began the beating, knowing beforehand how brutal it was going to be, or possibly S had taken them before he went to the other room.

Another way to torture little Ethan IMO!! There is not a picture of Ethan (except baby pictures) that does not show him wearing his glasses. So, I'm thinking his vision was such that he needed them for all activities (like me-I'm legally blind without wearing mine). Taking away his glasses would just be a cruel act of bullying and probably the first step in NS's torture and murder of this child!:furious:
Friend: Mother made frantic phone calls days before boy died


A former close friend of Stephanie Sloop's, who lives in Florida, says their friendship fell apart when Sloop split from Ethan's father. But in the emotional crisis surrounding Ethan's death, Sloop apparently reached out to her former friend for help, in hysteria.

Carla Jones says she's turned over recordings of Stephanie Sloop's voice messages as potential evidence. She blames herself for not reacting in time to save the little boy she calls "Pumpkin."
OMG, thanks for pointing that out...I had the feeling they were but was in fear to look. I think that this Nater Beans way of showing his complete comfort level of being in "control" over Ethan and SS taking pics because she is totally in true love and totally accepting of NS despite what he does...oh God someone do something to these two so I don't have to look at them or read their delusional ideas about what love is ever again. Even without a child involved these two would make me want to poke my eyes out :snooty:

Too true, That's a big part of what this case is about, IMHO, the utter perversion of standard notions of love. Love (so-called), for these two, becomes something focused entirely inward and based on their important difference from the rest of the world: we alone understand love and this gives us immunity from ex-lovers, normal social prohibitions and obligations, even hard biological facts ("we can always have more children, blah blah blah"). It's a folie a deux of grand proportions, and the small boy who happened to fall into the mix suffered terribly, terribly, and even that, no doubt, was rationalized away. It was all for love, you see.


Friend: Mother made frantic phone calls days before boy died


A former close friend of Stephanie Sloop's, who lives in Florida, says their friendship fell apart when Sloop split from Ethan's father. But in the emotional crisis surrounding Ethan's death, Sloop apparently reached out to her former friend for help, in hysteria.

Carla Jones says she's turned over recordings of Stephanie Sloop's voice messages as potential evidence. She blames herself for not reacting in time to save the little boy she calls "Pumpkin."

"She left crying, messages while she was crying, 'Ethan, he's crying. He won't stop crying. He just wants mommy. I don't know what to do. Please, please, call me. I don't know how to handle it. I don't know what to do,'" Jones said.

He was probably crying because her "husband" was beating the cr@p out of him. How I wish she would have called her back.
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