GUILTY UT - Hser Nar Moo, 7, Salt Lake City, 31 March 2008

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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The State presented DNA evidence collected from the denim jacket Met was wearing when he was taken into custody. A forensic scientist, Chad Grundy, found that the two blood stains he tested “appeared to have originated from a single female source.” Grundy's testing also established that the blood on Met's jacket matched Victim's DNA...

The State also collected and tested DNA evidence found under Victim's fingernails. The tests excluded Met's roommates as the DNA's source but could not exclude Met or the men in Victim's family...

Met had various injuries on his body that were consistent with scratching or the “scraping or ․ clawing of a fingernail.” One particular abrasion on the inside of Met's thigh consisted of three streaks, twelve millimeters in length, with each streak parallel to the other. Many of these injuries were sustained in areas such as Met's thigh, hip, and right calf that would ordinarily have been covered by Met's underwear or pants. A nurse testified that many of the injuries, because of their location and severity, were likely made when Met was not wearing either underwear or pants, although the nurse conceded that it was possible to sustain similar abrasions when clothed...

It is undisputed that Met's interview was inadmissible as part of the State's case-in-chief because the translator assisting the interviewing agents grossly misinterpreted the Miranda warning given to Met prior to his interrogation.13 Despite this, the State asked the court to rule that the transcript was admissible for impeachment purposes should Met testify at trial. See Harris v. New York, 401 U.S. 222, 223, 91 S.Ct. 643, 28 L.Ed.2d 1 (1971). Under Harris, testimony may be admissible for impeachment purposes, even if no Miranda warning was given, if the statements were given voluntarily and “the trustworthiness of the evidence satisfies legal standards.” Id. at 223–24, 91 S.Ct. 643.

¶55 After reviewing a video recording of the interview and a transcript, the district court ruled that the transcript could be admitted for impeachment purposes because “[Met's] statements to the officers were voluntary.” The court reasoned that the interrogation did not employ the types of coercive interrogation techniques that could lead to the conclusion that testimony was not freely given. For example, the district court noted that the interview lasted less than two-and-a-half hours; that the interrogation “techniques used by the officers in this case did not create a coercive environment that overcame [Met's] will”; that the officers were not unreasonably persistent; that the “interpretation problems, although pervasive throughout the interview,” were not coercive and did not cause Met to make incriminating statements; and that Met demonstrated a calm demeanor throughout the interview...

Met contends the evidence should have been excluded because one showed the Victim “laying crumpled up, lifeless in a shower stall” and the other is a “particularly horrific photo of [Victim's] vaginal opening, in gruesome and horrific detail.” Met complains that both photographs were projected onto a screen for the jury's view. The district court concluded the first photograph is not unduly prejudicial because it does not show the Victim's face, open wounds, physical injuries, or blood. The second photograph, according to the district court, is a sterile depiction of Victim's genitalia, devoid of blood or open injuries. The district court ultimately concluded that the photographs are not so graphic that they “will lead the jurors to become so angry or upset that they will be unable to fairly judge the facts of the case.” Met has not met his burden of establishing that these conclusions fell outside the bounds of the district court's discretion.
Prosecutors allege Met kidnapped, sexually assaulted and killed the girl in his basement apartment during the short window between the time she disappeared about 1:30 p.m. and when Met boarded a bus about an hour later.

He fled to his aunt and uncle's Cottonwood Heights home, Parrish said, because he was trying to get away from the scene of his crime...

"Hser Ner Moo was sexually abused, repeatedly beaten, strangled, had her arm bent and broken and ultimately killed by a massive blow to her chest. ... After that happened, Esar Met had to get away," Parrish said. "He throws her underwear in the shower by her dead or dying body, turns on the shower to wash away any evidence and then gets on a bus."

No eyewitnesses could place Met at the scene of the crime or say that he was with Hser Ner Moo on the day she vanished, but it was unreasonable to expect such a witness to exist, Parrish said.

"There are only two possibilities: the defendant did it, or someone else did," Parrish said. "But there's no evidence of anyone else having hurt Hser Ner Moo. And there's really only one person who was in a position who could have done this. That's Esar Met."...

Peterson called the state's case circumstantial and weak, offering alternate explanations for the DNA evidence found under the slain child's fingernails, blood on Met's jacket and location of the child's body.

The DNA could have transferred as the two played, Peterson argued. A bloody nose could have left traces on Met's jacket as he carried the girl. Her family members had testified that she had a cut on her finger from days before.

Her nails, Peterson said, could have scraped the man's skin as the two played tag.

Esar Met timeline

March 31, 2008

1:30 to 2 p.m.: Hser Ner Moo last seen by her family.

• 2:39 p.m.: The latest Esar Met could have left his South Salt Lake apartment to catch a bus to Cottonwood Heights, where he stayed the night at the home of his aunt and uncle...

6:30 to 7 p.m.: Hser Ner Moo's father, Cartoon Wah, knocks on the door of Esar Met's apartment; Met's four roommates said they hadn't seen the girl...

April 1, 2008:

• 4 a.m.: Detectives knock on the door of Apartment 472 , get no response.

• 7 p.m.: Hser Ner Moo's body found in Esar Met's basement apartment.
This discussion is closed. Unless there is something new in the case this thread will remain closed.
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