Found Deceased UT - Kayelyn Louder, 30, Murray, 27 September 2014

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Another bump for Kayelyn. Couldn't find any new news, her story seems to have dropped out of MSM entirely.
slowpoke, thank you so much for the timeline. Saved me a TON of time!
I think this link might have been posted previously, but if you haven't seen it, MOO it really is worth watching. Kayelyn appears and speaks at about the 4:09 mark and again at about the 7:05 mark:

Really makes you think. Edited to add - almost eerie when you consider it's about her twin brother.
Natalee Holloway organization helping with search for missing Murray woman
Kayelyn Louder has been missing since Sep. 27, and investigators say there is still no sign of her or any indication as to where she might be. Mallie Tucker said she went through this nightmare 10 years ago when her best friend, Natalee Holloway, went to Aruba in 2005 for spring break and never came home. Since then, Tucker's been involved in with the Natalee Holloway Resource Center, an organization which helps families go through all the steps necessary to help find their missing loved ones.
Surveillance video from the day she vanished shows the 30-year-old woman outside her condo barefoot in the rain, without keys or a cell phone.

An hour later, a witness claims they saw a woman matching Louder’s description disoriented and trying to get inside a gate and some cars.

Police said there’s no indication of foul play and said evidence suggests she may have been confused or wandered off.

And the witness didn't stop to talk to her or call 911? A disoriented woman in bare feet in the rain is trying to get into cars/gates and she doesn't do anything? I would have probably talked to her to try to figure out what was going on, or if I was afraid of her for some reason, I would have called 911.

I also think that if she had wanted to commit suicide, she wouldn't have walked around for an hour first. She may not be with us anymore, but I don't think it was suicide if she isn't. She could have gotten exposed to the elements or drowned, like Teleka Patrick, running from imaginary demons. (Her family didn't want to talk about her mental health issues, either.)

AND: It could be that this was an occurrence and not a mental illness, too. A one-time stressor can put someone into a fugue state (far fetched, I know). Also, there could have been someone in her apartment. Did the police come and check it out and talk to her?
And the witness didn't stop to talk to her or call 911? A disoriented woman in bare feet in the rain is trying to get into cars/gates and she doesn't do anything? I would have probably talked to her to try to figure out what was going on, or if I was afraid of her for some reason, I would have called 911.

I also think that if she had wanted to commit suicide, she wouldn't have walked around for an hour first. She may not be with us anymore, but I don't think it was suicide if she isn't. She could have gotten exposed to the elements or drowned, like Teleka Patrick, running from imaginary demons. (Her family didn't want to talk about her mental health issues, either.)

AND: It could be that this was an occurrence and not a mental illness, too. A one-time stressor can put someone into a fugue state (far fetched, I know). Also, there could have been someone in her apartment. Did the police come and check it out and talk to her?

Welcome to Louder Land............a place of strange disappearances, sketchy details, and tight-lipped cops.
It is near-ridiculous to assume a shorts-and-tank-top-clad woman walking barefoot in 57° moderate-to-heavy rain and 10 MPH wind could get very far with no one noticing except one (as far as we know) eyewitness claiming to have seen KL one-hour-later attempting to navigate a gate and 'enter cars'. We are not informed as to whether or not they were parked cars. If they were not then there would be more than one eyewitness. I can fathom no logical reason at this point why LE would not reveal any driver's eyewitness accounts so I am willing to assume we are being led to believe KL was attempting to enter parked cars.

The eyewitness account seems out of place. Even in a confused state would KL want to enter just any parked car? She already was wet from rain and the rain did not increase in intensity after she left her condo (Sept 27, 2014 weather is listed as 'rain fog / mist' in the 6:00 PM hour and 'overcast' in the next hour). It seems the rain actually waned in the following hours.


KL left her condo with intent to visit a friend living in another condo. KL may have wanted the friend to return with KL to her own condo to have the friend 'listen' for the voices or check the condo.

KL discovered her friend was not home but KL was afraid to immediately return to her own condo or realized in her haste she had forgotten her keys and was unable to reenter her own condo and therefore did not immediately return to her own condo.

This is the pivot point. The main reason KL is missing began at this moment.

Someone either living in or a visitor to the Willows managed to lead KL to another condo or in to a vehicle.

KL is no longer within the confines of the Willows Condominiums property.

KL did not leave the Willows Condominiums of her own accord.

Someone in WC knows what happened.

The search continues for missing Kayelyn Louder as loved ones prepare another outing to look for her before the snow begins to fly. Louder's cousin, Amy Fugal, said the search will be on Saturday, November 22...

The family said they're not giving up, but each day gets harder. The search she said, is like a needle in a haystack.

"We almost have more scenarios than we did on day one," Fugal said. "Because we haven't had, you know, specific leads that lead us in one direction, so honestly all the scenarios are still on the table, which is kind of hard to know where to look and what to do."
Wow, still nothing...this is crazy....what on earth happened to Kayelyn?
I feel after the eyewitness account of her trying to open car doors to gain access (this was outside of the condo complex? ), that in all likelihood a crime of opportunity (abduction ) had taken place.I do feel that if she had been wandering around for a extended amount of time in the streets more sightings would have been reported .
Cant imagine what this family is going through having lost a son in a bad way and now their daughter is
missing. :(
The following update might be of interest to those who know of a previous tragedy the family endured. ...makes one wonder if a particular individual will be included in the search detail...


UPDATE: Utah Department of Corrections agents to help in search for missing Murray woman Kayelyn Louder Wednesday, November 19.

Approximately 100 agents with the Department's Adult Probation and Parole Region 3 will meet with members of Louder's family and then go into the community to pass out flyers with information about the missing woman. The agents will concentrate on the Murray area where Louder was last seen.

Family members scheduled to meet with the agents include cousin Amy Fugal, Louder's mother Suzie and Louder's sister Madi Rodriquez. Other friends and relatives also will be on hand.

"where....last seen" could mean the Willows Condominiums property or the 'eyewitness siting' location ...assuming they are separate locations. Either way, the info presents another piece of the puzzle ...LE and /or the P.I.s believe KL is likely still within Murray.
That search is going to be a waste of time unless they start getting access to private property. She is still right there in the middle of them, but some clueless homeowner or business owner hasn't checked their own property. Walking up and down the streets and taking strolls down walking paths isn't going to yield any results........been there..........done that.

They are going to have to start opening up abandoned buildings, vacant homes or apartments , parking garages, and storage rental places to find her....all or most of which are privately owned. Of course, they can do this by contacting the owner and asking for permission to open up the building and take a look around. There are a lot of clueless people out there that don't follow the news, and even if they did, wouldn't believe that this woman might use their vacant property as a hiding spot.

That search is going to be a waste of time unless they start getting access to private property. She is still right there in the middle of them, but some clueless homeowner or business owner hasn't checked their own property. Walking up and down the streets and taking strolls down walking paths isn't going to yield any results........been there..........done that.

They are going to have to start opening up abandoned buildings, vacant homes or apartments , parking garages, and storage rental places to find her....all or most of which are privately owned. Of course, they can do this by contacting the owner and asking for permission to open up the building and take a look around. There are a lot of clueless people out there that don't follow the news, and even if they did, wouldn't believe that this woman might use their vacant property as a hiding spot.

I would expect at least some single search efforts are rarely one hundred percent perfect. Even LE and SAR backtrack to ensure completeness or to discover perp revisits, etc. Even this many weeks out from the event something could still be discovered, such as KL's clothing or a seemingly out-of-place 'camp' or debris or a person's actions.

A repeated presence of search groups in the local community and beyond not only refreshes the situation in the minds of the public it also could attract folks who do not frequent the news or for whatever reason have been unaware there is a missing person.

Of course, our legal system prevents non-warrant search of private property without exigent circumstances. To date, there is no evidence of exigent circumstances and unless a new eyewitness siting or other evidence with applicable circumstance comes to light we can forget about free-for-all blanket searching of private property in this case.

There are different laws which apply to citizen search teams, i.e., no trespassing, and LE discourages 'knock and ask' interactions for obvious reasons.

So ...either family, friends and search teams remain to home and wait for KL to call or simply show up somewhere or they may be proactive and ensure to that very last inch they do all within their power in effort to find KL.

"Waste of time"? Try selling that to KL's family.
I keep thinking about PK, who walked away from the Broncos game, and was later found safe several hours away in Pueblo..he had walked quite a distance. I really wonder if she is alive somewhere, maybe in a shelter like Jane Oulette who was found safe yesterday...hoping for the best; Kayelynn's case is truly baffling. Still wondering about the roommate...
That search is going to be a waste of time unless they start getting access to private property. She is still right there in the middle of them, but some clueless homeowner or business owner hasn't checked their own property. Walking up and down the streets and taking strolls down walking paths isn't going to yield any results........been there..........done that.

They are going to have to start opening up abandoned buildings, vacant homes or apartments , parking garages, and storage rental places to find her....all or most of which are privately owned. Of course, they can do this by contacting the owner and asking for permission to open up the building and take a look around. There are a lot of clueless people out there that don't follow the news, and even if they did, wouldn't believe that this woman might use their vacant property as a hiding spot.

You're right. This happened in the Leanne Bearden case. She was found by the owners four weeks after she went missing on their property, and not even hidden.

November 19, 2014

For Immediate Release


UT:Kayelyn “Kiki” Louder, age 30 has been missing from Murray, Utah since September 27, 2014. “It's like she literally vanished,” said Kiki’s Cousin Amy Fugal.

The command center is on the second floor of the Birkhill Condos, 4276 South Main Street in Murray. Those interested in searching can either sign up at the link on VolunteerSpot or simply come to the command center on Saturday morning.

Searchers will be dispatched in two waves. Instructions and assigned areas will be given at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Those willing to help search are asked to come for as long as they are willing. Volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and bring photo identification. “Dress appropriately for the weather, wear long pants and sturdy, covered toe shoes. We need people who can do foot searches as well as individuals who are willing to work in the search center. We are also looking for donations of bottled water, food and office supplies.

On behalf of Kayelyn’s family, friends, supporters and the KlaasKids Foundation, we would like to thank the community for their unprecedented support.

For more information about the search or information on how you can donate supplies, volunteers can call 801.214.8197.

The KlaasKids Foundation is a non-profit 501(c) (3)
publicbenefit corporation determined to stop crimes against children and assists families of missing children. Please visit for more information.

Sometime after 6 p.m., other condo residents spotted Kayelyn frantically trying to open gates to other condos and crouching behind cars as if trying to hide. Records show she had phoned 911 a total of three times in 24 hours prior to her disappearance. The final call to 911 was made the morning of her disappearance, and Louder reportedly said there was an intruder in her home and she was concerned for her safety.Louder's family said this behavior is not typical for her.

It seems there were multiple eyewitnesses, and more specifically, condo residents. It is possible when KL found herself unable to breach a condo gate or enter a parked vehicle that eventually made her way to outside the WC plan but to date there are no public reports of anyone witnessing KL outside the plan.

Wednesday's search was conducted by approximately 100 agents from the Utah Department of Corrections, Division of Adult Probation and Parole Region 3. The search was concentrated to KL's last known locations (eyewitnesses sitings).

AP&P agents have complex and multifaceted responsibilities. From the courts to probation and from prison to parole, an AP&P agent is committed to helping offenders become productive members of the community.
Agents must occasionally protect the community as well - when offenders make choices that jeopardize public safety. An average work week for an AP&P agent can consist of acting in the role of a police officer, court advisor, mentor and social worker. Knowing when to assume each role can be very difficult, but our agents are up to the task.

It is possible, and likely, the agents were doing more than simply distributing fliers. It may take some additional time to zero in on a possible location and / or a POI if necessary. You see, there's a document and printed somewhere on that document is what we call the Fourth Amendment and Wednesday's specific search was the first best approach to working within the law...

This was no waste of time. It is what the law allowed. And the only 'legal' way of determining for potential probable cause and to refine a future search to a specific location...

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