UT - Kylen Schulte, 24, & Crystal Beck, 38, newlywed couple found dead, Grand County, 18 Aug 2021

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I'm sorry I'm just sleuthing here but I pulled up the campsite map from a prior post on this thread and the car and tent are quite aways from the creek where Kylen was found. This is not a pile of dirt next to the car...

View attachment 318718

Do you happen to know the distance from the parked car to the creek? Also how far away Chrystal was found? It seems odd to me, if they were both sexually assaulted by one man, that their bodies would be so far apart. (However, the available images might be deceiving as far as distance.) Or they tried to make a break from him and were running, when shot.
Do you happen to know the distance from the parked car to the creek? Also how far away Chrystal was found? It seems odd to me, if they were both sexually assaulted by one man, that their bodies would be so far apart. (However, the available images might be deceiving as far as distance.) Or they tried to make a break from him and were running, when shot.

Horrible to speculate but they could have been shot prior to being assaulted and then dragged before or after the assault to the positions they were found. We don't know everything about the crime scene so it's also possible one or both were bound or restrained at some point in time which would make this crime easier for one perpetrator to do.

Having said all that, I do think it's possible more than one perpetrator is responsible for this crime. Probably LE have a good idea on this and it could be one of the things that eliminated Brian Laundrie from consideration.
Correct me, but I don’t think we’ve seen any confirmation of SA; SA comes from K’s father. I’m inclined to believe him, as he would likely have that kind of info. But it’s very possible the state of undress was due to intimacy, or even just how they slept. If there were both SA’d, I’d wonder if there was more than one assailant. No evidence of that - no evidence of much.

I’m not surprised the friend didn’t see Crystal…she was probably shocked and we know K’s father was screaming at her to get to the safety of her car.

Correct me, but I don’t think we’ve seen any confirmation of SA; SA comes from K’s father. I’m inclined to believe him, as he would likely have that kind of info. But it’s very possible the state of undress was due to intimacy, or even just how they slept. If there were both SA’d, I’d wonder if there was more than one assailant. No evidence of that - no evidence of much.

I’m not surprised the friend didn’t see Crystal…she was probably shocked and we know K’s father was screaming at her to get to the safety of her car.

My only thought on that would be, that with concerns about a creepy guy in close vicinity, I’m guessing most people would alter their normal bedtime attire until they were able to establish a campsite that felt safer. But perhaps they saw no sign of him after arriving back from their friends home. Tough to say. I’ve only heard one person referring to sexual assault. JMHO
Unfortunately I'm likewise about to publish one for a friend. Newspapers require either info to come from a funeral home, which would have a death certificate, or a copy of the death certificate itself, to publish an obit. I think this all goes back to the time when Mark Twain famously announced "reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated", thereafter forcing newspapers to use verifiable info for publishing obits. MOO

Practices vary greatly from region to region and newspaper to newspaper. For my dad's funeral, they asked if we wanted them to submit an obituary and said if we did, one of us had to write it. So I did, with help from family. I'm pretty careful so I think I got the basic facts right, but nobody fact-checked me.

For an acquaintance's death last summer, the local paper apparently wanted a $$ fee to publish the obit.
Gatorade is very good for hiking and keeping hydrated. I think the dad would have mentioned if his daughter didn’t usually drink it. I personally don’t think there is any red flag with the Gatorade. It is very hot in Moab in the summer. Gatorade is almost a necessity! Replace those electrolytes

People also tend to reuse Gatorade bottles because they're sturdy and the lids fit tightly. You can refill them with anything--water, Gatorade mixed from powder, other electrolyte liquids, etc.

Not to mention that vodka and Gatorade is quite popular among the underage crowd around here. :p
The affidavit, obtained by ABC4, was signed on September 20 and executed on the same day. In it, investigators request a “tower dump” from a cell tower at Jimmy Keen Flats, not far from the campsite of Schulte and Turner, from 9 p.m. on August 13 through 9 a.m. on Sunday, August 15. Additionally, the affidavit states this could be limited to “those phones that are only within two miles of the crime scene.”

According to investigators, a single Samsung cellphone was found at the crime scene and is currently considered evidence. It is unclear who the phone belongs to.

The affidavit goes on to state that the information is “evidence of the crime or crimes of Murder, conspiracy to commit murder, tampering with evidence, sexual assault, desecration of a corpse, rape.” It is currently unclear what, if anything, was found when the search warrant was executed after being signed by a judge.

Schulte’s father, Sean-Paul, recently spoke with ABC4 about the case.

“We’d like to get the news bounced back to them so that they know what happened while they were here,” said Schulte from his Montana home. “[That way] they can go back and check their dashcam and see if anybody picked up a car or vehicle coming on or off of County Road 4651 which is right where the girls were killed.”

He says they are reaching out to campers who were near the La Sal Loop Road near Moab from August 11 to August 19. In addition to searching for dashcam video, Schulte’s private investigator is also seeking satellite imagery in hopes of seeing something.

For more on Sean-Paul Schulte’s search for justice, click here.
Multiple rewards are being offered for information in the double homicide investigation. Authorities ask that you do not leave pertinent tips on social media. If you have information to assist in this case, you are encouraged to call Grand County Sheriff’s Office (435) 259-8115. If you do not get an answer, leave a detailed message and an investigator will call you back.
Warrant seeks new information in Moab double homicide of Kylen Schulte, Crystal Turner | ABC4 Utah
From the above link by imstilla.grandma “evidence of the crime or crimes of
  • Murder,
  • conspiracy to commit murder,
  • tampering with evidence,
  • sexual assault,
  • desecration of a corpse,
  • rape.”
What does conspiracy to commit murder mean?

It is an offence to plan to murder a person or to participate in planning the murder of someone. A person can be charged with the offence of conspiracy to murder if they arrange for someone to murder a person, encourage or persuade someone to murder a person or if they participate in the planning of the murder of a person.

What Actions May Constitute Conspiracy To Murder?
Examples of conspiracy to murder include:
  • Hiring a hitman to kill your parents;
  • Telling your lover to poison his wife so you can be together;
  • Begging your brother to convince his friend to kill your drug dealer who you owe money;
  • Agreeing to purchase a gun so that your friend can kill his girlfriend’s new lover.
What Must Be Proven?
To find a person guilty of conspiracy to murder the prosecution must prove each of the following matters beyond a reasonable doubt:
  • That the accused and at least one other person conspired or agreed to commit murder; or
  • That the accused solicited, encouraged, proposed, persuaded or endeavoured to persuade at least one other person to commit murder.
Possible Defences
A person can defend a charge of conspiracy to murder but arguing:
The affidavit, obtained by ABC4, was signed on September 20 and executed on the same day. In it, investigators request a “tower dump” from a cell tower at Jimmy Keen Flats, not far from the campsite of Schulte and Turner, from 9 p.m. on August 13 through 9 a.m. on Sunday, August 15. Additionally, the affidavit states this could be limited to “those phones that are only within two miles of the crime scene.”

According to investigators, a single Samsung cellphone was found at the crime scene and is currently considered evidence. It is unclear who the phone belongs to.

The affidavit goes on to state that the information is “evidence of the crime or crimes of Murder, conspiracy to commit murder, tampering with evidence, sexual assault, desecration of a corpse, rape.” It is currently unclear what, if anything, was found when the search warrant was executed after being signed by a judge.

Schulte’s father, Sean-Paul, recently spoke with ABC4 about the case.

“We’d like to get the news bounced back to them so that they know what happened while they were here,” said Schulte from his Montana home. “[That way] they can go back and check their dashcam and see if anybody picked up a car or vehicle coming on or off of County Road 4651 which is right where the girls were killed.”

He says they are reaching out to campers who were near the La Sal Loop Road near Moab from August 11 to August 19. In addition to searching for dashcam video, Schulte’s private investigator is also seeking satellite imagery in hopes of seeing something.

For more on Sean-Paul Schulte’s search for justice, click here.
Multiple rewards are being offered for information in the double homicide investigation. Authorities ask that you do not leave pertinent tips on social media. If you have information to assist in this case, you are encouraged to call Grand County Sheriff’s Office (435) 259-8115. If you do not get an answer, leave a detailed message and an investigator will call you back.
Warrant seeks new information in Moab double homicide of Kylen Schulte, Crystal Turner | ABC4 Utah

Thanks for all this info. What I'm taking away from it, other than the confirmation of sexual assault, is that LE suspect two or more persons are involved (the conspiracy to commit murder piece of it) and that the investigation is probably moving along more than is apparent (due to the tower dump info).

I think this case will be solved.
Right at the start there are two gatorade bottles in back seat

Right at 35:00 he starts walking towards Gabby and says "set it up right" "set it up just right" then the park ranger lady says "I copy, this is the last time it will end that way" or something

Right about 1:40:27 he asks her again if she want's that Gatorade then conitinue to watch as Gabby heads towards the van at about 1:04;43 watch the park ranger lady walk by with a bottle of gatorade then comes back about two seconds later and it's gone. Not sure where it went but her car was too far away to have put it in there.

Thanks for the links. On the first one I couldn't really hear what the female ranger said and that video has no closed caption nor transcript available. On the second one it appeared to me she tossed her Gatorade bottle into the bed of the pick up that was behind the van.

Edited for spelling
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My only thought on that would be, that with concerns about a creepy guy in close vicinity, I’m guessing most people would alter their normal bedtime attire until they were able to establish a campsite that felt safer. But perhaps they saw no sign of him after arriving back from their friends home. Tough to say. I’ve only heard one person referring to sexual assault. JMHO

Really? I've talked to many locals who say there was sexual assault - they don't think it's normal for women to be found away from their campsites with their breasts exposed. Shirts pulled up, etc. Am I wrong about the scene? I'm going on what I'm hearing from friends.

Sexual assault isn't just rape involving ejaculation.

Warrant reveals additional details in double homicide | The Times-Independent

Now, you can say that women typically move away from their tents/campgrounds while partially undressed (after seeing a creeper) but I find that counter to common sense and misogynistic. These women were worried about their safety. Mentioned it to friends.

From the article: "one of the two “had on a bra that was raised to expose her breasts,” according to the warrant." Hmm. Like women fall to the ground and then raise up their bras or run around raising up their bras (their shirts were also raised up - so this wasn't a 2 am frolic in a nearly. dry creekbed wherein one woman fell to the ground and then pulled up her own bra).

It's not common sense to think that a woman would lie down in a creek bed and pull up her bra (without unfastening from the back first). Come on.

That's sexual assault. And of a particular type that will help find the perp, or perps. IMO.
Correct me, but I don’t think we’ve seen any confirmation of SA; SA comes from K’s father. I’m inclined to believe him, as he would likely have that kind of info. But it’s very possible the state of undress was due to intimacy, or even just how they slept. If there were both SA’d, I’d wonder if there was more than one assailant. No evidence of that - no evidence of much.

I’m not surprised the friend didn’t see Crystal…she was probably shocked and we know K’s father was screaming at her to get to the safety of her car.


You are entitled to define sexual assault however you want. But even if I'm dead, if someone pulls my shirt and bra up, I consider that SA. And so would my family, so there's that. Necrophilia is a thing and it's an awful thing.

We can agree to respectfully disagree.

We do not know that K's father was "screaming." He was emphatic.

I don't know anyone who pulls someone's bra and shirt up, runs 50 feet away and considers that "intimacy." It's very disrespectful to think that such a thing is normal sexual practice - for anyone, but particularly for two women who were already scared (and who are dead). Not only that, but it seems clear that the bra thing was post-mortem.

You can look at it differently, but I still think it's disrespectful to insist on one meaning of SA and not regard other meanings as potentials in this case.

"Bra pulled up" is a VERY uncomfortable way to sleep. Who does that? 1 in 10,000,000 women? People take their bras off to sleep, yes. But they don't go to a creek bed, separate from each other, and then one of them pulls their shirt up (away from the other one) and the other person pulls up both her shirt and the front part of her bra.

It's a classic sign of sexual assault - it's seen in serial killers. And I think if theres' *any* possibility that a serial killer is on the loose (or in jail in Richfield, UT), we should pay attention to it.

Really? I've talked to many locals who say there was sexual assault - they don't think it's normal for women to be found away from their campsites with their breasts exposed. Shirts pulled up, etc. Am I wrong about the scene? I'm going on what I'm hearing from friends.

Sexual assault isn't just rape involving ejaculation.

Warrant reveals additional details in double homicide | The Times-Independent

Now, you can say that women typically move away from their tents/campgrounds while partially undressed (after seeing a creeper) but I find that counter to common sense and misogynistic. These women were worried about their safety. Mentioned it to friends.

From the article: "one of the two “had on a bra that was raised to expose her breasts,” according to the warrant." Hmm. Like women fall to the ground and then raise up their bras or run around raising up their bras (their shirts were also raised up - so this wasn't a 2 am frolic in a nearly. dry creekbed wherein one woman fell to the ground and then pulled up her own bra).

It's not common sense to think that a woman would lie down in a creek bed and pull up her bra (without unfastening from the back first). Come on.

That's sexual assault. And of a particular type that will help find the perp, or perps. IMO.

This (SA) is why I have never thought that Brian Laundrie would have been involved in this crime.
You are entitled to define sexual assault however you want. But even if I'm dead, if someone pulls my shirt and bra up, I consider that SA. And so would my family, so there's that. Necrophilia is a thing and it's an awful thing.

We can agree to respectfully disagree.

We do not know that K's father was "screaming." He was emphatic.

I don't know anyone who pulls someone's bra and shirt up, runs 50 feet away and considers that "intimacy." It's very disrespectful to think that such a thing is normal sexual practice - for anyone, but particularly for two women who were already scared (and who are dead). Not only that, but it seems clear that the bra thing was post-mortem.

You can look at it differently, but I still think it's disrespectful to insist on one meaning of SA and not regard other meanings as potentials in this case.

"Bra pulled up" is a VERY uncomfortable way to sleep. Who does that? 1 in 10,000,000 women? People take their bras off to sleep, yes. But they don't go to a creek bed, separate from each other, and then one of them pulls their shirt up (away from the other one) and the other person pulls up both her shirt and the front part of her bra.

It's a classic sign of sexual assault - it's seen in serial killers. And I think if theres' *any* possibility that a serial killer is on the loose (or in jail in Richfield, UT), we should pay attention to it.


From the same link:

It was not immediately clear whether his path through Utah intersected with two other high-profile incidents linked to parks in the state – the double murder of Kylen Schulte and Crystal Turner and the Gabby Petito case.

When this guy was arrested, I assumed that he would have been the perpetrator in this case. However, I wondered how he could do the crimes he did alone. Now we hear that one crime was conspiracy to murder so it appears that two people would have been involved which makes more sense to me. Was this guy one of the perpetrators? IMO it is unlikely.
Really? I've talked to many locals who say there was sexual assault - they don't think it's normal for women to be found away from their campsites with their breasts exposed. Shirts pulled up, etc. Am I wrong about the scene? I'm going on what I'm hearing from friends.

Sexual assault isn't just rape involving ejaculation.

Warrant reveals additional details in double homicide | The Times-Independent

Now, you can say that women typically move away from their tents/campgrounds while partially undressed (after seeing a creeper) but I find that counter to common sense and misogynistic. These women were worried about their safety. Mentioned it to friends.

From the article: "one of the two “had on a bra that was raised to expose her breasts,” according to the warrant." Hmm. Like women fall to the ground and then raise up their bras or run around raising up their bras (their shirts were also raised up - so this wasn't a 2 am frolic in a nearly. dry creekbed wherein one woman fell to the ground and then pulled up her own bra).

It's not common sense to think that a woman would lie down in a creek bed and pull up her bra (without unfastening from the back first). Come on.

That's sexual assault. And of a particular type that will help find the perp, or perps. IMO.
Really? I've talked to many locals who say there was sexual assault - they don't think it's normal for women to be found away from their campsites with their breasts exposed. Shirts pulled up, etc. Am I wrong about the scene? I'm going on what I'm hearing from friends.

Sexual assault isn't just rape involving ejaculation.

Warrant reveals additional details in double homicide | The Times-Independent

Now, you can say that women typically move away from their tents/campgrounds while partially undressed (after seeing a creeper) but I find that counter to common sense and misogynistic. These women were worried about their safety. Mentioned it to friends.

From the article: "one of the two “had on a bra that was raised to expose her breasts,” according to the warrant." Hmm. Like women fall to the ground and then raise up their bras or run around raising up their bras (their shirts were also raised up - so this wasn't a 2 am frolic in a nearly. dry creekbed wherein one woman fell to the ground and then pulled up her own bra).

It's not common sense to think that a woman would lie down in a creek bed and pull up her bra (without unfastening from the back first). Come on.

That's sexual assault. And of a particular type that will help find the perp, or perps. IMO.

I was not aware the victim’s were found in that state.
I was not aware the victim’s were found in that state.

It's not just rumor that locals are talking about.

I believe the first time we heard about the suspicious disarray of their clothing was in the open search warrant regarding the victims' other vehicle (the van). This document provided the info that clothing on their lower bodies was not present and bra (for one victim) and tank top (for the other) had been pushed up to expose their upper bodies. It also provided info on the locations of their gunshot wounds.

Edit to add link: Warrant reveals additional details in double homicide | The Times-Independent
It's not just rumor that locals are talking about.

I believe the first time we heard about the suspicious disarray of their clothing was in the open search warrant regarding the victims' other vehicle (the van). This document provided the info that clothing on their lower bodies was not present and bra (for one victim) and tank top (for the other) had been pushed up to expose their upper bodies. It also provided info on the locations of their gunshot wounds.

Edit to add link: Warrant reveals additional details in double homicide | The Times-Independent

This was in the media on September 08, 2021.
It's not just rumor that locals are talking about.

I believe the first time we heard about the suspicious disarray of their clothing was in the open search warrant regarding the victims' other vehicle (the van). This document provided the info that clothing on their lower bodies was not present and bra (for one victim) and tank top (for the other) had been pushed up to expose their upper bodies. It also provided info on the locations of their gunshot wounds.

Edit to add link: Warrant reveals additional details in double homicide | The Times-Independent

My bad for sure. I have limited information. Sexual assault was definitely the case, in addition to murder
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