UT - Kylen Schulte, 24, & Crystal Beck, 38, newlywed couple found dead, Grand County, 18 Aug 2021

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
My concern with this, too, is what the dad was quoted as saying in the article above -- so many people coming through Moab are tourists who would be thousands of miles away, potentially, within days of the murders. Like I am so curious if any other campers around there also had an uncomfortable or threatening interaction with a male camper. For me, personally, unless someone actually threatened my life, I don't know that if I was on vacation and got the creeps from someone that I would do anything in terms of report it to police or what not. So let's say I did interact with this killer at a campsite in August, get creeped out, but then I'm on my way to my next destination. I'm not from Moab, and I have not heard of this case and I'm back home now and have no idea the very man I interacted with killed these women.

I know they have put out for anyone in that area between Aug 13-15 to contact LE and there's not much more you can do to reach people, but I do wonder about vacationers having an interaction with him but they are long gone now and have no idea about this case. We are all tuned in to cases like this because we are on WS and have an interest in true crime, but none of my friends here in IL have even heard about this case until I brought it up, for example.
Really? I've talked to many locals who say there was sexual assault - they don't think it's normal for women to be found away from their campsites with their breasts exposed. Shirts pulled up, etc. Am I wrong about the scene? I'm going on what I'm hearing from friends.

Sexual assault isn't just rape involving ejaculation.

It's not common sense to think that a woman would lie down in a creek bed and pull up her bra (without unfastening from the back first). Come on.

That's sexual assault. And of a particular type that will help find the perp, or perps. IMO.

You are entitled to define sexual assault however you want. But even if I'm dead, if someone pulls my shirt and bra up, I consider that SA. And so would my family, so there's that. Necrophilia is a thing and it's an awful thing.

We can agree to respectfully disagree.

I don't know anyone who pulls someone's bra and shirt up, runs 50 feet away and considers that "intimacy." It's very disrespectful to think that such a thing is normal sexual practice - for anyone, but particularly for two women who were already scared (and who are dead). Not only that, but it seems clear that the bra thing was post-mortem.

You can look at it differently, but I still think it's disrespectful to insist on one meaning of SA and not regard other meanings as potentials in this case.

"Bra pulled up" is a VERY uncomfortable way to sleep. Who does that? 1 in 10,000,000 women? People take their bras off to sleep, yes. But they don't go to a creek bed, separate from each other, and then one of them pulls their shirt up (away from the other one) and the other person pulls up both her shirt and the front part of her bra.

It's a classic sign of sexual assault - it's seen in serial killers. And I think if theres' *any* possibility that a serial killer is on the loose (or in jail in Richfield, UT), we should pay attention to it.

(Respectfully snipped by me) Thank you for your wonderful posts 10ofRods. Sad that this has to be directly stated on this thread of all places, but you got it right on.

This (SA) is why I have never thought that Brian Laundrie would have been involved in this crime.

I agree.
Attached to this Tweet are pics and videos, as well as media links.


THREAD: What we know about the #MoabMurders of #KylenSchulte and #CrystalTurner, the newlywed couple shot to death at a campsite just off of La Sal Loop Road in mid-August.

They were last seen leaving Woody’s Tavern on Main Street in Moab around 10 p.m. on Aug. 13.

The couple texted friends stating a creepy guy was bothering them. He was driving a car and had a lot of food and clothes. That’s all the description we got.

They told friends they wanted to move their campsite to get away from this guy. They were just around the corner from Whispering Oaks.

#KylenSchulte’s dad, Sean-Paul Schulte, has been asking for the public’s help finding tips. He hopes someone in the area may have seen, heard or recorded clues that could crack the case.

The #Moab murders happened just a day or two after the domestic incident involving #GabbyPetito and #BrianLaundrie, so authorities initially looked into whether the cases were connected. They said they’re not.
Cindy Sue Hunter, an acquaintance of Kylen, told Fox News Digital she was on the phone with her dad when she found her body on Aug. 18. He told her to run to safety and call 911. Kylen had been shot multiple times and was partially disrobed. Police found Crystal similarly.

Jason Jensen, a private investigator from Salt Lake City, said there are at least 17 persons of interest in the case and none of them are #BrianLaundrie or the escaped mental patient Jonathan Freeman Colt.

Grand County Sheriff Steven White is asking anyone who may have been in the South Mesa area of the La Sal Loop between Aug. 13 and 15 to reach out to investigators at (435) 259-8115.
Clarifying: She was on the phone with Kylen’s dad. She said she saw the couple’s car out of the corner of her eye and went closer to investigate.

Kylen worked at the Moonflower Co-op, an organic grocery store in downtown Moab that also came up in the #GabbyPetitoCase. People there remembered her as an amazing, kind young woman.

"We need to get the word out … because people that were in #Moab on Aug. 12, Aug. 13, Aug. 14, they have left Moab and they're all around the world now” - Kylen’s dad Sean-Paul Schulte appealing to anyone who passed through the area

Despite the pleas from the family for public help, Jensen tells us they haven’t gotten any video. “We haven't gotten anything from dashcam footage or off-road cameras or anything like that yet. Still asking for input from the public though.”

When I went to the campsite in September, two families were there on a hunting trip. Despite being just outside Moab, the winding mountain road takes about 40 minutes to drive up. It’s very remote.

A set of keys linked to a New York rock climbing gym found at the campsite weeks later has no connection to #BrianLaundrie and could have been dropped well after the murders, Sean-Paul Schulte told us.

The sentence below brings an image to mind of a male that may have been kicked to the curb by a wife or significant other. If he has children he could be staying fairly local to the area. JMO….
He was driving a car and had a lot of food and clothes.
The conspiracy piece of the crime does not necessarily relate to the Samsung phone, as they don't yet know who that belongs to. The conspiracy (likewise the murder, rape, desecration of a corpse, etc etc) relates to the reason for the warrant itself, which is the cell tower data. The warrant is saying that because of evidence of these crimes - murder, conspiracy to commit, rape, etc - they have probable cause to know which phones were pinging off the tower within a certain distance and within two days of the crime. Normally this language is written very carefully to avoid later being inadmissible due to privacy laws. They would have asked for this data whether or not a phone had been found at the scene, IMO.

So, the fact that they have evidence of murder, conspiracy to commit murder, rape, etc is their reason to examine the tower data for ALL cell phone data. It's not specific to this particular phone found at the scene. Though, we can expect that if it belonged to either the victims or the perpetrator, it may also show up in the tower data from the time period.

Remember we aren't reading the whole warrant here. There is probably a great deal of information about the scene that is omitted from the news article. The evidence that LE has that leads them to believe conspiracy to commit murder occurred, doesn't have to relate to the phone - it could be due to two types of guns being used, or two different DNA profiles found, or a number of different pieces of evidence.

Thank you so much for explaining this. Very thoughtful of you to be so thorough with your response. The way it read to me was due to the phone but I must have misunderstood.
The sentence below brings an image to mind of a male that may have been kicked to the curb by a wife or significant other. If he has children he could be staying fairly local to the area. JMO….
He was driving a car and had a lot of food and clothes.
Or worse yet, a drifter. He could be almost anywhere by now. JMO

edited by me punctuation
They were last seen leaving Woody’s Tavern on Main Street in Moab around 10 p.m. on Aug. 13.

The couple texted friends stating a creepy guy was bothering them. He was driving a car and had a lot of food and clothes. That’s all the description we got.

(from Swedeheart's post above)

It has been extremely difficult to get agreement on these points after Aug 13 20:30 and I do not understand why.

Aug 13 8:30pm they leave the bar. According to FB post (Woody's Tavern posted Aug 22) from "Woody's Owner"
"All four women left at the same time and no one followed them out the door"

The warrant does not mention the two other women, although it states that the two victims left at 20:30. This fact falls out of later stories.

According to the PI (Jensen, Private Investigator Unable To Rule Out Possible Brian Laundrie Connection in Moab Murders of Kylen Schulte & Crystal Turner - Daily Soap Dish)

"The new information received was that on the 13th they were seen at Woody’s Tavern in Moab, Utah. However when they left the Tavern they went to a friend’s house, a married couple with kids and stayed until about 12AM, midnight."

This statement is not corroborated by LE, Cindy Hunter, Kylen's father, nor anyone else that I've found, but it hasn't been denied either. This information has been used to calculate an arrival time at their camp of Aug 14 01:00. Later stories use that calculation for timeframe estimations, but do not detail how this was arrived at. Jensen appears to be riding this for publicity on the Laundrie angle, and also as a way to mention satellite look down shots for the time period. And he's not emphasizing the last time they were seen, which is far more interesting than Laundrie or possible satellite shots.

So the timeline appears to be

Aug 13
8:30pm, leave Woody's with two other women
11-12pm? leave a married couple's house

Aug 14
1am? Arrive at their camp.

I cannot find any specific time/recipient/content information for any texts during this time.

It's important to know when the victims were last seen, and in this case that is about midnight leaving an unnamed couple's house. So why do all the stories say "last seen leaving Woody's Tavern"?

They were last seen leaving Woody’s Tavern on Main Street in Moab around 10 p.m. on Aug. 13.

The couple texted friends stating a creepy guy was bothering them. He was driving a car and had a lot of food and clothes. That’s all the description we got.

(from Swedeheart's post above)

It has been extremely difficult to get agreement on these points after Aug 13 20:30 and I do not understand why.

Aug 13 8:30pm they leave the bar. According to FB post (Woody's Tavern posted Aug 22) from "Woody's Owner"
"All four women left at the same time and no one followed them out the door"

The warrant does not mention the two other women, although it states that the two victims left at 20:30. This fact falls out of later stories.

According to the PI (Jensen, Private Investigator Unable To Rule Out Possible Brian Laundrie Connection in Moab Murders of Kylen Schulte & Crystal Turner - Daily Soap Dish)

"The new information received was that on the 13th they were seen at Woody’s Tavern in Moab, Utah. However when they left the Tavern they went to a friend’s house, a married couple with kids and stayed until about 12AM, midnight."

This statement is not corroborated by LE, Cindy Hunter, Kylen's father, nor anyone else that I've found, but it hasn't been denied either. This information has been used to calculate an arrival time at their camp of Aug 14 01:00. Later stories use that calculation for timeframe estimations, but do not detail how this was arrived at. Jensen appears to be riding this for publicity on the Laundrie angle, and also as a way to mention satellite look down shots for the time period. And he's not emphasizing the last time they were seen, which is far more interesting than Laundrie or possible satellite shots.

So the timeline appears to be

Aug 13
8:30pm, leave Woody's with two other women
11-12pm? leave a married couple's house

Aug 14
1am? Arrive at their camp.

I cannot find any specific time/recipient/content information for any texts during this time.

It's important to know when the victims were last seen, and in this case that is about midnight leaving an unnamed couple's house. So why do all the stories say "last seen leaving Woody's Tavern"?

Because there is recorded footage. The rest is hearsay unless texts were exchanged confirming it
They were last seen leaving Woody’s Tavern on Main Street in Moab around 10 p.m. on Aug. 13.

The couple texted friends stating a creepy guy was bothering them. He was driving a car and had a lot of food and clothes. That’s all the description we got.

(from Swedeheart's post above)

It has been extremely difficult to get agreement on these points after Aug 13 20:30 and I do not understand why.

Aug 13 8:30pm they leave the bar. According to FB post (Woody's Tavern posted Aug 22) from "Woody's Owner"
"All four women left at the same time and no one followed them out the door"

The warrant does not mention the two other women, although it states that the two victims left at 20:30. This fact falls out of later stories.

According to the PI (Jensen, Private Investigator Unable To Rule Out Possible Brian Laundrie Connection in Moab Murders of Kylen Schulte & Crystal Turner - Daily Soap Dish)

"The new information received was that on the 13th they were seen at Woody’s Tavern in Moab, Utah. However when they left the Tavern they went to a friend’s house, a married couple with kids and stayed until about 12AM, midnight."

This statement is not corroborated by LE, Cindy Hunter, Kylen's father, nor anyone else that I've found, but it hasn't been denied either. This information has been used to calculate an arrival time at their camp of Aug 14 01:00. Later stories use that calculation for timeframe estimations, but do not detail how this was arrived at. Jensen appears to be riding this for publicity on the Laundrie angle, and also as a way to mention satellite look down shots for the time period. And he's not emphasizing the last time they were seen, which is far more interesting than Laundrie or possible satellite shots.

So the timeline appears to be

Aug 13
8:30pm, leave Woody's with two other women
11-12pm? leave a married couple's house

Aug 14
1am? Arrive at their camp.

I cannot find any specific time/recipient/content information for any texts during this time.

It's important to know when the victims were last seen, and in this case that is about midnight leaving an unnamed couple's house. So why do all the stories say "last seen leaving Woody's Tavern"?

I believe that it is a winding 45 minute drive up to the campsite. Maybe they went back that night, even though the couple ask them to wait until morning, because of Ruthie the bunny?
The creeper had to of gotten close enough to them , for them to say he intimidated them.
There are variations of course, but usually the official "last seen" time on a missing/murdered person is the last time that can be confirmed by an outside source. In this case, they have the video and several people saying they left at 8:30p, so that's confirmed. I haven't seen anybody but the private investigator mention the later time, so that won't be used unless LE can confirm it.
I'm wondering why the Samsung phone hasn't been identified as belonging to one or both of the murder victims. It seems to me it wouldn't be that difficult to figure out if it was their phone or not. And of course it would be a huge break in this case if they can trace that phone to someone else. Hoping for answers soon. This is all so tragic.
I'm wondering why the Samsung phone hasn't been identified as belonging to one or both of the murder victims. It seems to me it wouldn't be that difficult to figure out if it was their phone or not. And of course it would be a huge break in this case if they can trace that phone to someone else. Hoping for answers soon. This is all so tragic.

LE probably knows at this present point in time whether it was the victims' phone at least, but they might not have known when the warrant was written. The article that revealed this info was written about a previous search warrant which had been served for cell data at an earlier point in the investigation. A warrant to receive info from the "tower dump" would have been one of the first warrants written after the crime was discovered IMO.
LE probably knows at this present point in time whether it was the victims' phone at least, but they might not have known when the warrant was written. The article that revealed this info was written about a previous search warrant which had been served for cell data at an earlier point in the investigation. A warrant to receive info from the "tower dump" would have been one of the first warrants written after the crime was discovered IMO.

Per MSM, I'm only aware of two search warrants -- the first unsealed search warrant was executed on Aug 19 (Search Warrant No. 2305111)-- essentially covering the content of their vehicles, a Kia Sorrento (located at crime scene) and Ford Econoline (located at McDonald's parking lot, Moab, UT).

Inventory from the Ford Econoline pursuant to the warrant included the following:

1 Black journal with newspaper clippings, miscellaneous mail and paystubs for the two victims as well as for Sean Schulte, a bible, miscellaneous notes with phone numbers and other handwritten information, an electronic scale with residue which tested positive for marijuana, a glass pipe with green leafy residue, a small plastic container with green leafy residue, a black Samsung Galaxy 8 which was heavily damaged, 10 blue pills identified as Clonazapam, 13 white pills identified as Ibuprofen, 9 capsules identified as Amoxicillin, and 1.5 pink pills identified as Prednisone

The second warrant executed Sept 20 requested a “tower dump” from a cell tower at Jimmy Keen Flats, not far from the campsite of Schulte and Turner, from 9 p.m. on August 13 through 9 a.m. on Sunday, August 15. Additionally, the affidavit states this could be limited to “those phones that are only within two miles of the crime scene.”


According to investigators, a single Samsung cellphone was found at the crime scene and is currently considered evidence. It is unclear who the phone belongs to.

The affidavit goes on to state that the information is “evidence of the crime or crimes of Murder, conspiracy to commit murder, tampering with evidence, sexual assault, desecration of a corpse, rape.” It is currently unclear what, if anything, was found when the search warrant was executed after being signed by a judge.

Warrant seeks new information in Moab double homicide of Kylen Schulte, Crystal Turner | ABC4 Utah

Warrant reveals additional details in double homicide | The Times-Independent

ETA: In my opinion, there are two Samsung phones in evidence -- 1)Samsung 8 from the Ford Econoline, and 2) Samsung from the campsite/ crime scene.
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Per MSM, I'm only aware of two search warrants -- the first unsealed search warrant was executed on Aug 19 (Search Warrant No. 2305111)-- essentially covering the content of their vehicles, a Kia Sorrento and Ford Econoline.

Inventory from the Ford Econoline pursuant to the warrant included the following:

1 Black journal with newspaper clippings, miscellaneous mail and paystubs for the two victims as well as for Sean Schulte, a bible, miscellaneous notes with phone numbers and other handwritten information, an electronic scale with residue which tested positive for marijuana, a glass pipe with green leafy residue, a small plastic container with green leafy residue, a black Samsung Galaxy 8 which was heavily damaged, 10 blue pills identified as Clonazapam, 13 white pills identified as Ibuprofen, 9 capsules identified as Amoxicillin, and 1.5 pink pills identified as Prednisone

The second warrant executed Sept 20 requested a “tower dump” from a cell tower at Jimmy Keen Flats, not far from the campsite of Schulte and Turner, from 9 p.m. on August 13 through 9 a.m. on Sunday, August 15. Additionally, the affidavit states this could be limited to “those phones that are only within two miles of the crime scene.”


The affidavit goes on to state that the information is “evidence of the crime or crimes of Murder, conspiracy to commit murder, tampering with evidence, sexual assault, desecration of a corpse, rape.” It is currently unclear what, if anything, was found when the search warrant was executed after being signed by a judge.

Warrant seeks new information in Moab double homicide of Kylen Schulte, Crystal Turner | ABC4 Utah

Warrant reveals additional details in double homicide | The Times-Independent

I think one of the previous articles in the thread about the cell tower warrant made it sound as if there was also a phone found at the murder site; you are certainly correct that the warrant for the van had previously mentioned a Samsung phone found with the van and their other belongings as well. I'm guessing the article about the tower dump was written or quoted here in a way that made it unclear if the phone in question was at the site with the tent or site with the van. Based on this information, however, I'm thinking there's just one phone in question and it was with the van.

However, some posters here were getting confused that the warrant for the cell tower data was needed because of this specific phone, or that the conspiracy to murder charge was predicated on something about this phone - I don't think any of that is true. LE would be looking to get the tower dump information even if no phones were found at the site. And the conspiracy charge doesn't need to be based on evidence from this specific phone. IMO.
I'm wondering why the Samsung phone hasn't been identified as belonging to one or both of the murder victims. It seems to me it wouldn't be that difficult to figure out if it was their phone or not. And of course it would be a huge break in this case if they can trace that phone to someone else. Hoping for answers soon. This is all so tragic.

I think authorities already know the owners of the two Samsung phones described in the warrant information, but not releasing any details.

The first search warrant executed 8/19 was unsealed, and provided that investigators located a heavily damaged Samsung 8 inside the Ford Econoline Van. The Van, registered to both victims, was parked at McDonald's in Moab when seized. Although not confirmed, I think it's reasonable to assume the damaged, Samsung 8 phone belonged to the victims.

It was in the MSM citing the 2nd search warrant executed 9/20 for cell tower dump at Jimmy Keen Flats where I first read that another Samsung phone, located at the crime scene, (i.e., campsite) was also in evidence. No information about this phone including ownership, model, or the condition of the phone made available. I think chances are good this phone was also the property of the victims. MOO
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I think one of the previous articles in the thread about the cell tower warrant made it sound as if there was also a phone found at the murder site; you are certainly correct that the warrant for the van had previously mentioned a Samsung phone found with the van and their other belongings as well. I'm guessing the article about the tower dump was written or quoted here in a way that made it unclear if the phone in question was at the site with the tent or site with the van. Based on this information, however, I'm thinking there's just one phone in question and it was with the van.

However, some posters here were getting confused that the warrant for the cell tower data was needed because of this specific phone, or that the conspiracy to murder charge was predicated on something about this phone - I don't think any of that is true. LE would be looking to get the tower dump information even if no phones were found at the site. And the conspiracy charge doesn't need to be based on evidence from this specific phone. IMO.

After re-reading the linked article, I do think there are actually two phones in evidence:

1) damaged Samsung 8 found inside the Ford Econoline parked at McDonald's;

2) unidentified Samsung phone located at the crime scene.

We know the Ford Econoline was NOT at the crime scene whereas the latest linked article specifically states the second Samsung was located at the crime scene. MOO

Warrant seeks new information in Moab double homicide of Kylen Schulte, Crystal Turner | ABC4 Utah
The fact that he had a lot of food sounds to me like he was on the run from something. It would seem , IMO if living in the vehicle was just a way of life there'd be no need to overstock on food as you'd just mosey into town and restock as needed. Having a lot makes it seem like you don't know when you might get anther chance to replenish. MOO

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