Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #14 *ARREST*

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As far as I know, no information on whether AA ever went back to Nigeria.

Totally agree that the police must be having a field day with all the digital evidence. Or, perhaps they have realized that it's going to take time - can't do it all on overtime. I wonder how many digital detectives (really good ones) they have in the region.

I would imagine this is where the FBI could be of great assistance with their resources to comb through all of the digital aspects.
I can't figure out the park meet-up, but I think he shut her phone off when the attack began at the park. No idea about the rest. I don't think she knew his house was the destination, though I don't understand why she got out of a Lyft with her luggage, and it appears, had no plan for other transportation later.

maybe he said something like just meet me there & I'll drop you off at home afterwards ...
LE knows why they met up...It will be clearly documented in texts/WhatsApp/DMs etc.
The exact reason may never come out, and I’m fine with that...whatever the reason, it’s not relevant to her murder. Millions of people have sexual relationships or buy drugs every day and don’t die over it. She sadly crossed paths with a sociopath one too many times and he finally saw opportunity. Situation irrelevant.
LE knows why they met up...It will be clearly documented in texts/WhatsApp/DMs etc.
The exact reason may never come out, and I’m fine with that...whatever the reason, it’s not relevant to her murder. Millions of people have sexual relationships or buy drugs every day and don’t die over it. She sadly crossed paths with a sociopath one too many times and he finally saw opportunity. Situation irrelevant.
I expect to see a combination of reasons she agreed to meet him at the park. He had his and she had hers. I won't be surprised if drugs were involved. But anyway you cut it, she didn't deserve to die.
Do we know what the actual address is to the park? Could he have texted her the address to give to the Lyft driver, and she entered it in, without knowing that it was the park?
Although then again, I think her friend said that was a typical meeting place for her. Imo


I don't remember seeing that. Can you link it?
Hey! I just got back from camping. I tried to stay up on the last two threads, but wifi was spotty, and I was pretty busy.

Trying to catch up now and it doesn't seem like I missed all that much.

I saw that AA's mother spoke. I didn't read the interview yet but saw it mentioned in the threads, and it got me wondering if AA had been back to Nigeria to visit? I thought I remembered reading his mother didn't go to his wedding because she didn't speak English, but I can't remember if she lived here or was not flying here for the wedding? Have we any information on that or whether he went home for a visit?

I also saw they are postponing the arraignment for some time. When the police chief said that the case was a digital forensic case back at one of the much earlier PC, it makes me think they have uncovered so much digital incriminating evidence. I mean, look at everything we have uncovered, and we don't have access to his computer and phone, etc. I can only imagine what they are discovering to give to the DA to use. I think AA left a trail of breadcrumbs miles long.

Anything else new that is exciting I might have missed?

Happy Holidays to the Americans!
Just wanted to point out that it wasn't AA's mother who spoke - it was an attorney who knows the family from Nigeria. She did make a few statements on behalf of AA's mother, however. There is a video of her interview in this article.

P.S. I want to go camping now.
JUL 3, 2019
Family of suspect in MacKenzie Lueck case worried about possibility of fair trial in SLC

Speaking from her office in New York, attorney Janet Fashakin said the presumption of innocence is a civil right in the United States and she questioned if Ayoola Ajayi will be entitled to that right if the trial takes place in Salt Lake City.

“AJ is being crucified already,” she said.

Fashakin said she got a call from Nigeria, where Ajayi's mother has been reading news reports in disbelief.

“There is no way you can watch all this that`s being said about your loving son and you be able to be at peace,” said Fashakin.

She insists the man the media has characterized is not her son.

“Mrs. Ajayi wants me to let you know that she has a good son. A very hardworking son at that. A son who cares about others," said Fashakin.

The family is afraid judgments are being made based on a limited amount of evidence revealed by police.


Fashakin believes Ajayi will not be able to receive a fair trial in Utah, at least in part due to his skin color.

“There is no way AJ can get a fair trial in Utah considering the racial disparity over there,” said Fashakin.

Charges have not been filed yet, but once they are, Fashakin is going to work to get the trial moved out of state.

“We are very confident that when all is said and done, AJ will be found not guilty,” she said.

Fashakin said she knows the Ajyais from Nigeria and at this point, she has not been paid for her services.
I think y’all are looking at the money too hard. It’s pretty clear where any extra income came from.
The cameras are not in the house for a hobby. That does mean there is some website out there waiting to be found.
Tons of legal streaming websites exist. It’s all above board and very profitable. Any other online income would have been dark web based...and without a jumping off point no one will track that down.

Also, IMO the meetup at 3am is very obvious to anyone who has ever bought drugs. Dealers will meet you at a designated spot, short you on product intentionally, or show up empty and make you go back to their house to get it. Pretty common.

I have zero evidence of this happening in this case but it’s The most reasonable answer to the meetup question, why other kids venmoed him money, and more unaccounted income.


maybe I'm dense but I don't get why drug dealers would want someone to go back to their house? why would they go to the trouble of tricking someone when they can just tell them to pick up the product at their home?

I don't remember seeing that. Can you link it?
It's not from an article, it was something a poster said on the thread a long time ago. There was some discussion about it not being unusual at their age to be out that late (from a VI) and then another person said it was not uncommon for her to meet people at the park. It may have just been speculation, though. I do remember the VI said she did not believe ML would have gone there at that hour if she did not know him, however.
But it was one of her friends, I believe, who said it.
There is alot of conversation about it back in the first two or three threads.
It was in response to so many people asking why she would go to the park so late, etc. Imo
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LE knows why they met up...It will be clearly documented in texts/WhatsApp/DMs etc.
The exact reason may never come out, and I’m fine with that...whatever the reason, it’s not relevant to her murder. Millions of people have sexual relationships or buy drugs every day and don’t die over it. She sadly crossed paths with a sociopath one too many times and he finally saw opportunity. Situation irrelevant.

Your point is a good one, as ultimately this guy is the only one who deserves blame for what happened.

I’m confident that the reason for the meetup will come out though.

It’s crucial to understanding what happened, and how it happened.

There’s no way that would be kept quiet.

maybe I'm dense but I don't get why drug dealers would want someone to go back to their house? why would they go to the trouble of tricking someone when they can just tell them to pick up the product at their home?
They may not want to carry it in their car, for one reason.
I don't think this guy wanted her to be traced going directly to her house, though, for other obvious reasons. Once he had her in the car it would not have mattered to him anymore, since he turned her phone off. Imo
It's not from an article, it was something a poster said on the thread a long time ago. There was some discussion about it not being unusual at their age to be out that late (from a VI) and then another person said it was not uncommon for her to meet people at the park. It may have just been speculation, though.
But it was one of her friends, I believe, who said it.
There is alot of conversation about it back in the first two or three threads.
It was in response to so many people asking why she would go to the park so late, etc. Imo

I remember someone saying that it was not uncommon for people her age to meet up at that park, but I don’t remember any reference to her specifically.

I’ve tried searching on here, but no luck thus far.
Perhaps he said meet me at the park, where they always meet, and I’ll give you a ride home afterwards? My opinion only.

Also does anyone know if she had a smart watch? Any photos to show she did? I looked at the airport photos and couldn’t tell. Is that one more device that would have had gps and had to be turned off in addition to phone?

I don't think it was drug related. If she wanted to buy drugs then why didn't she just buy them and went back in the Lyft and go home? I don't think she would have gotten in the car with a drug dealer, all her luggage at 3 am and go off with him into the night. I admit that I have never bought drugs so I don't know much about it, but is it common to have your drug dealer drive you around? She was a smart young lady, I don't think she would have put herself in that situation, driving around with a person involved in illegal activity.
And also, she was a nursing student. I'm sure that IF she needed drugs she could have easier sources, being in the medical field.
I remember someone saying that it was not uncommon for people her age to meet up at that park, but I don’t remember any reference to her specifically.

I’ve tried searching on here, but no luck thus far.
Yeah, I looked too! But I can't find a specific post saying it was a "regular" meeting spot for her.
Someone suggested they were talking about another park.
I know I saw it somewhere, but maybe it was from an unverified friend so it was removed. Imo
She had his old address and not his new address? Whether she knew him before or not? She could have just looked it up and found that address by the park. I've read he lived across from the park at one time. Maybe she texted saying I'm here, and he had to go get her at his old address? Weak I know, but that's all I've got trying to keep it simple.
She had his old address and not his new address? Whether she knew him before or not? She could have just looked it up and found that address by the park. I've read he lived across from the park at one time. Maybe she texted saying I'm here, and he had to go get her at his old address? Weak I know, but that's all I've got trying to keep it simple.
But she was texting him before she even flew and he was there waiting for her, so he had time to correct that assumption if it is true.
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