Found Deceased UT - MacKenzie "Kenzie" Lueck, 23, Salt Lake City, 17 June 2019 #5

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Also remember, a person on a SD/SB website probably does not have to qualify to be on the site, meaning he could lie just to have the chance to meet. A woman in her early 20's is a prime target, she may not have a lot of experience with men or people in general, and she may be a lot more trusting than a woman in her 30's+. I remember me in my 20's and think about a few things and cringe.

This terrifies me. How fast did things go sideways when she got in the car? As her Lyft is happily driving away? Were there door handles? Child locks? Ugg.

Agree 100% I'm not too much older than ML, but I sure know I did some really stupid things when I was younger that could have gotten me into real danger. I was just lucky enough that that never happened.
Question for anyone local, as I haven’t seen any mention of search parties orchestrated by LE. I know her sorority sisters have posted signs etc but I’m really surprised LE hasn’t begun canvassing the area with dogs, etc. Regardless of lack of evidence, this seems to be SOP after day 5’ish. There was hearsay of LE knocking on doors at an apartment complex near the park but that’s the only thing I’ve heard.

If you’re local, have you noticed or heard of police presence in a “searching” capacity. It may be a waste of time but if this were my daughter, sister, friend, I would be physically searching. Why isn’t anyone? I totally respect allowing LE to do their job and to not impede but I would HAVE to do something!

I think that the problem is—she met someone and got into their car. So, ‘the area’ isn’t really relevant, since she could have gone anywhere.
My guess is that they may suspect trafficking, moo. Maybe Vegas or Cali, moo.

Trafficking is a highly misunderstood thing. There's been a lot of hysteria about it and assumptions based on movies like Taken.

That kind of scenario doesn't exist.

Traffickers don't snatch middle class white women or girls off the street, and force them into prostitution. It just isn't a thing.

Sex trafficking victims are primarily:

1. Black.
2. Addicted to drugs and/or mentally ill.
3. Poor.
4. From highly dysfunctional families.
6. Runaway youth.
7. Immigrants brought here for the sex trade or forced into it in exchange for paying off "fees" for transporting them to the US.
8. Voluntary prostitutes who travel voluntarily to sell sex.

Sex trafficking hysteria actually began at the turn of the 19th century as a backlash to women's growing independence at that time and fear of "foreigners" or black people who were able to engage in business and cross state lines. It stemmed from misogyny and racism- the myth of this frightening, husky-skinned "other" snatching up "vulnerable", indepdent, pretty white women.

It's a gross myth that cruelly combines a cautionary tale meant to squash women's independence- they're too vulnerable to be so and must be protected- and hate and fear of minorities who are cast in this narrative as inherently evil rapists.

The myth has persisted. But it is a myth.

The closest I've seen come to us the case of two white teens from a working class neighborhood who accepted a ride from a man and woman who forced them into prostitution. ONE case.

But this happens to people that the media and LE doesn't care about as much. Those girls' own families had to track them down and rescue them from the house they were being held in. LE didn't even bother to show up as the family begged for help.

The reality of "trafficking" is dirty motels, truck stops and humans made vulnerable by mental illness, addiction, poverty, and lack of a support system.

Traffickers don't go after intelligent, educated women like Kenzie who society cares about. That would be far too much risk and trouble. Especially as there are so many easier, more controllable targets.
The luggage is a non-issue to me. I pick people up from the airport from time to time. I'll make small talk on the way to their dorm or hotel, and am surprised they were only gone for the weekend considering how much luggage they have. Doesn't strike me as unusual.
I’d assume she wasn’t moving back after summer term, since usually it’s just a short time between summer and fall starting up. Do we know she was definitely moving back?

I don’t think there’s been anything to indicate that she was moving back home. But, she could have been lugging things from home back to Utah.
After she picked up her luggage, which likely contains beauty supplies, perhaps she stopped at the restroom and spruced up her hair and makeup. If she did that, and took off the long sweater so just wearing the peace t-shirt she was described as wearing and the black pants, I think she'd look "date ready."

I'm still leaning toward the unknown person being someone either new in her life or a first-time encounter. She trusted him because she described herself as experienced in these encounters and likely felt confident that the dates go well.


The reason I believe this is not the case is in yesterday’s press conference the LE said they have that video of ML from the time that she stepped off the plane all the way to baggage claim and her getting in the LYFT. If she changed, they would have mentioned it and the description of clothing last seen in would not be black leggings and a tee. <modsnip - telling others how to post>
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I would think this is a new person and not somebody she knows well yet because they didn't come get her at the airport. If they're only 20 minutes away why wouldn't he come get her if they already know one another?
Her flight was delayed. May have intended to but after the delay she said she would just take a Lyft instead.
Does anyone know why just the still pictures from the airport were released and not the video?

Maybe it's a policing technique of some sort. I remember a year ago (?) there was a girl that went missing after leaving a bar in Boston (she was ultimately rescued after being held for a few days) and the first images that were released weren't particularly enlightening - they just showed her walking with someone near her. Later, very clear images of a suspect's face were released. Seemed like the police probably had those images all along.
In thread #3 it is said that ML’s family mentioned in an interview that they have decided to stay in CA at this time because they think she is no longer in UT.
ML was not reported missing for 3 days once she landed in UT. IMO whoever she met in the park had plenty of time to drive or fly her anywhere . Maybe after her grandmas death she felt she didn’t want to continue school and wanted a change and hinted at this to her family . Maybe the person she met promised to help her start a new life elsewhere. JMO.
I've been looking for the post in thread #3
From the last thread:

poppydarling said :

“Essentially. It’s very similar to any traditional means of dating. Which is why it is emotionally charged when sex work, sadness, or lack of autonomy is suggested. That’s simply not the driving force. It’s very close to what is considered mainstream.“


Disclaimer I haven’t had my coffee yet. I am not attacking anyone in this post FTR:

Similar to traditional means of dating? I’m honestly not seeing the correlation here. Traditional means of dating imo is going on a date with someone because you are interested in them, are possibly attracted to them, enjoy spending time with them. Not because you want something from them necessarily. If these men didn’t have money, then the ladies wouldn’t want to go out with them. This in itself inserts a variable of artificiality, fakeness and materialism. This is nothing like traditional dating, imo, just because they go to a movie or restaurant it doesn’t make it the same, imo.

I’m really concerned about what I’m reading here. Young ladies seeing this as safe. Does it take something like what this for young ladies to open their eyes? I’m not explaining myself well but I’m not getting this discussion at all and am VERy CONCERNED about what is being seen to be viewed as normalized by some.

Which I’m not sure I agree with that either—-just because some young ladies here state this is normal and accepted and not frowned upon by their peers, that doesn’t mean the rest of America feels this way. I can think of plenty of young people who would say this is not appropriate or safe. Meeting some strange man on the Internet because he has MONeY.

This is a crime forum. Any kind of justification that this is safe behavior I am not in agreement with.

I appreciate the respectful discussion and if this is abrasive, I don’t know how else to word it.

Yes I’m all about female liberation and equality of power and all that stuff. Of course I am. Adults have the freedom to make their own choices.

Would I be concerned if my friends or family members were meeting up with strange men from the internet because they had money? Of course I would! Wouldn’t anyone? Not to mention many of these guys are MARRIED.

I just woke up and need coffee but I am NOt feeling what's been put down here in these posts, moo.

I am not attacking anyone and mean this post as respectfully and academically as I can state it.

The more young women think this is normal or safe, the less they have their guards up.

Of course the majority of these men have sexual expectations! Moo.

Again, for all the female libbers out there, believe me I am on your side. I am just saying ImO this is not safe, meeting up with some strange older man on the internet because he has money. Sure we all like gifts and money, who doesn’t? I find it hard to believe the majority of these men would not expect something in return. Shoot. I’ve been out with guys who expect and pressure for sex and they’re not even paying me! I can’t even imagine the pressure if there is payment involved. Recipe for danger, imo.

Adults are adults and are free to have whatever kinds of relationships they want. I am all about a “May to December” romance ftr, as both of my exes are much older than me.

I’m not here to impose my morals on anyone, but I refuse to sit here on a crime forum and read about how these types of relationships do not pose very real danger concerns.
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I'm just glad SA isn't the type of site that disappears the info you've posted. I have no doubt LE will be able to get a warrant and scrape all the info they can from her account.

I think it is strange they would pull her account down though, because it seems like it would make more sense to leave it live and watch it to see if there is any activity.
Maybe it’s just private now so others can’t find it and disrupt the leads they get?

I always have more luggage than usual when returning home for a funeral. You need two outfits just for the funeral and visitation generally (usually they are on separate days). Then you need regular outfits for both of those days, including different shoes. That right there doubles the amount you are taking with you. Then, if you are completely unprepared for the event, you might not have or know exactly what you should be wearing so you pack extra things just in case and hope that your mom will tell you at least one outfit is appropriate.
I am wondering if she stayed with someone (a romantic partner) in California, especially now that it was said her parents don’t think she is in Utah, and that would mean lots of things in the bag. Anyone have a link on where she stayed then?

Also, anyone know HOW she originally got to airport?
Does anyone know why just the still pictures from the airport were released and not the video?

Probably because there were other people in the airport going about their own business and it's easier to release stills only showing ML. If they released video of her getting off her flight walking with everyone else on her plane, for example, there would be people online trying to ID the other passengers and accusing innocent people. It's probably much faster to release images of ML than to blur out faces in video of all other passengers. MOO.
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