"For some reason the word "nexus" used in one PC by LE sticks with me and there are a few things that can mean..."
I did the same double-take when I saw that word also. I went on the internet to do a visual of it from when I worked. It means one person is Central to many things. M o o.
At that time I Googled the word nexus for a visual image, and almost every single thing ways for a cell phone.
Nexus in my mind, is that you go into one person and then you find many many more. This is just a visual example for such for families. From the source of Google and the word nexus scientific evidence genealogy nexus map - Google Search
The central person in the middle is the Nexus. And you can start at an outlier, go into the middle person, and then go back out to many many other people. I just could not find a better example
I suspect that ‘nexus’ indicated that many things pointed to him and his home. The text communications with her, the man who went to LE describing ‘red flag’ things that she said about AA. I don’t know that we know anything else yet, but we don’t know what LE knows.