UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #1

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http://www.ksl.com/?nid=148&sid=9029772&autostart=y in the main story video (you have to click on that one to watch it) at the end the reporter said that LE classified the interview with the older child as undetermined.

As I posted earlier, I can see a Falcon Heene moment on the horizen. ITA with you.

I sure HOPE there is a Falcon Heene moment (great phrase).

I added Jovonna's interview part 1&2, and updated pics.
http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/mm166/crankycrankerson/Susan Powell/

I was hopeful they'd get him to MarkHacking, but I now wonder if he won't be CraigStebic-ing.
according to Dean Koontz, in his latest novel, your heart belongs to me, the five roots of violence are lust, anger, envy, avarice, and vengeance all with a taproot of the user having failings in those five roots. (which would lead to acting in a violent way)

I found this so applicable I just had to share it (upstream I posted a brief bit of it)

It is so true that someone capeable of violence acts in predictable ways.

So what is the pattern in this case. I too would like to see more into the financial side of things. I hope LE took the computer.
Some articles and vids say Josh returned home Monday. Some say Tuesday.
Jovonna said she talked to him via cellphone Monday. Kiirsi said she talked to him via cellphone Monday, and that he returned 2 hours later.

Which is correct? Monday?
Amanda, most reports (99.9%) are Monday.

Thanks for all that hard work you do on preserving data on cases! You and Angelwhocares are true websleuth angels!
Did they question the friend that was over that night, if at any time, Josh had been alone with Susan's plate of food or a beverage??? I think that question would be key to at least get an idea if he could have had a chance to poison her.

I also remember hearing she complained of an earache. Is their any known poisonings that can cause an earache?

It could be possible that he poisoned her unknowing what the results would be. He may have been continuing to check on her to see if she was obviously poisoned and if the friend suspected anything.

If he did have involvement I would imagine he would tell the police he went to a place far away from anywhere he actually went. I would take the kids to the campground and see if they remember being there. I know some kids don't pay attention but quite a few do. I would be looking for any hint I could and I know that when those kids grow up and realize they had a chance to help find their mommy and no one asked them to because they didn't want to hurt them more, or whatever the reason...

If he left her home and she was dying, I wonder if he made sure she couldn't access a phone. I would look into this. If her phone was sitting for a while I would look to see whats the last time she missed a call. If she missed calls starting from the moment he last saw her...

If he has any involvement,
He may have convinced himself of whatever lies he had to tell himself while he was gone for 2 days. He may have thought about disappearing himself, and after making himself believe she was gone decided it would be easier to meet the press and tell them his fabrication of events.

eta - If he did murder her, I think that he more-so ended up camping in the van thinking of a getaway then he did to go and dispose of her. I think the disposal was easy, and close to home. But he did have all the time in the world so who knows what happened.

I just hope they find justice soon. That poor family.
Hi everyone, I have been a long time "lurker" here on WS. This is my first post. Forgive me if someone has already said this. This just reminds me so much of the Laci Peterson case. Husband leaves the wife home to go on a "camping trip". Wife's purse, cell phone, etc. are all left behind. Husband decides to just up and go "camping" out of the blue, just like Scott Peterson decided to go "fishing" out of the blue. I really hate to say it, but I think that is the direction this case is going in =[ I hope and pray that I am wrong and that she is found somewhere safe and sound and returns to her kids.
Did they question the friend that was over that night, if at any time, Josh had been alone with Susan's plate of food or a beverage??? I think that question would be key to at least get an idea if he could have had a chance to poison her.

I also remember hearing she complained of an earache. Is their any known poisonings that can cause an earache?

It could be possible that he poisoned her unknowing what the results would be. He may have been continuing to check on her to see if she was obviously poisoned and if the friend suspected anything.

If he did have involvement I would imagine he would tell the police he went to a place far away from anywhere he actually went. I would take the kids to the campground and see if they remember being there. I know some kids don't pay attention but quite a few do. I would be looking for any hint I could and I know that when those kids grow up and realize they had a chance to help find their mommy and no one asked them to because they didn't want to hurt them more, or whatever the reason...

If he left her home and she was dying, I wonder if he made sure she couldn't access a phone. I would look into this. If her phone was sitting for a while I would look to see whats the last time she missed a call. If she missed calls starting from the moment he last saw her...

If he has any involvement,
He may have convinced himself of whatever lies he had to tell himself while he was gone for 2 days. He may have thought about disappearing himself, and after making himself believe she was gone decided it would be easier to meet the press and tell them his fabrication of events.

click on the video interview with powell neighbor.

as for earache... neither the friend who walked her home from church NOR the lady that was there and LAST SAW HER are saying anything about this.

I bet earache came from he~who~lawyered~up... and will also go to why traces of any cold medicine containing benedryl or other sedative can be explained away on any dishes in his sink/spoons, etc.

Hi everyone, I have been a long time "lurker" here on WS. This is my first post. Forgive me if someone has already said this. This just reminds me so much of the Laci Peterson case. Husband leaves the wife home to go on a "camping trip". Wife's purse, cell phone, etc. are all left behind. Husband decides to just up and go "camping" out of the blue, just like Scott Peterson decided to go "fishing" out of the blue. I really hate to say it, but I think that is the direction this case is going in =[ I hope and pray that I am wrong and that she is found somewhere safe and sound and returns to her kids.

welcome to floridagirl87!

I see shades of a whole lot of similar cases! Including the Peterson case. Great first post!
Susan Powell's father was surprised to learn that his son in law now has an attorney.

He wonders why but wants to talk with Powell before making any judgments.

He said his focus is to keep hope alive and not point fingers.

“I don’t know how long it is before its too late, but the reality for me is you can't give up hope,” Chuck Cox said.

Cox said he plans to meet with Ed Smart whose daughter was kidnapped and raped. She went missing for nearly eight months before she was found.

“I’m hoping he can help me understand this
,” he said.

well, I am sure Ed Smart will have something to say about the atty now representing Josh to say the least! My prayers are with the family... this has to be so shocking.
Some articles and vids say Josh returned home Monday. Some say Tuesday.
Jovonna said she talked to him via cellphone Monday. Kiirsi said she talked to him via cellphone Monday, and that he returned 2 hours later.

Which is correct? Monday?

here's a link to a timeline, FWIW -- still leaves many questions unanswered

Says investigators talked to Josh on Tuesday, the 8th...maybe that's how the 'reporting' is getting 'confused.

according to Dean Koontz, in his latest novel, your heart belongs to me, the five roots of violence are lust, anger, envy, avarice, and vengeance all with a taproot of the user having failings in those five roots. (which would lead to acting in a violent way)

I found this so applicable I just had to share it (upstream I posted a brief bit of it)

It is so true that someone capeable of violence acts in predictable ways.

So what is the pattern in this case. I too would like to see more into the financial side of things. I hope LE took the computer.

I definitely think there is something to the financial troubles angle. All of the Mormon mothers that I have known stay at home and don't work, at least when the children are young. I'm not trying to generalize, just basing this on what I have experienced. I think Josh made Susan work - another controlling action. Maybe Susan had been stashing money away from her job, so she could divorce Josh and leave with the boys. Maybe Josh found out.
In interviews with friends and family....they all say it's not weird that Josh took two kids, 4 and 2, camping in the middle of the night in freezing temps. Nope. Not odd at all. He did things like that all the time....INCREDIBLE!
I definitely think there is something to the financial troubles angle. All of the Mormon mothers that I have known stay at home and don't work, at least when the children are young. I'm not trying to generalize, just basing this on what I have experienced. I think Josh made Susan work - another controlling action. Maybe Susan had been stashing money away from her job, so she could divorce Josh and leave with the boys. Maybe Josh found out.

I was thinking the opposite - that he hated it that she worked (had to work to make ends meet?), and especially that she might have been doing better financially than him. Especially in light of the Mormon "man is the head or the house/breadwinner" type thing. Perhaps he felt emasculated and ashamed because she was smarter (likely, given the interview with him we saw!) and more successful/brought in more money than him?

IIRC, MR. Cox, came to UTAH with his friend a retired LE.
So that gave me the impression he was prepared for anything he
would find out.
In this case, I think everyone is helping LE and not saying much so
JP doesn't take the kids and leave!
Josh's attorney Scott Williams was defending Chris Jeppson on the murder trial of Kiplyn Davis of Spanish Fork in 1995. They never found her body and were only ever able to prove that he and his friends had lied to the grand jury. He ended up taking a plea deal this year. Watch that's what will happen with this case if they don't find Susan. Pray they find her body....Lawyers... just what the world needs more of...(not).


Here is a thread for Kiplyn's case. I think LE would have found her if they hadn't dropped the ball and wrote her off as a runaway for like ten years. Her dad disappears for an entire day and doesn't say where he's going. His wife doesn't ask, but knows he wandering the canyons in American Fork looking for his daughters body.

I definitely think there is something to the financial troubles angle. All of the Mormon mothers that I have known stay at home and don't work, at least when the children are young. I'm not trying to generalize, just basing this on what I have experienced. I think Josh made Susan work - another controlling action. Maybe Susan had been stashing money away from her job, so she could divorce Josh and leave with the boys. Maybe Josh found out.

In general you are 100% correct. My son is 5 and there are 22 kids in his class. Only one other mom besides me works. I would not say all the kids are mormon - but the large majority are. Even in my neighborhood, pretty much none of the mothers work except for one that runs a spa out of her home. It is just a known fact here... if you can make ends meet, you stay home.

Between how controlling Josh probably was and the fact that he seemed to jump from job to job and tried more than once to be his own boss.... what a piece of work. Either he was making her work or she chose to and it drove him crazy. Makes my blood boil. I was with a creep like that once...
I definitely think there is something to the financial troubles angle. All of the Mormon mothers that I have known stay at home and don't work, at least when the children are young. I'm not trying to generalize, just basing this on what I have experienced. I think Josh made Susan work - another controlling action. Maybe Susan had been stashing money away from her job, so she could divorce Josh and leave with the boys. Maybe Josh found out.

One article I read said she'd talked openly about possibility of divorce & was 'trying to save money to leave him'.

Control freaks, in my own personal experience, do *not* like their wife to have her own money where he can't touch it.....maybe it ate at him (as it ate at my own WASband) -- highly likely they argued about it too. (just guessin becuz of my own experience).
Hi all, I posted something last night, and I must say after reading all the posts after it, I have come to the same conclusion. I think Josh had been harboring bad feelings about his wife and their marriage for awhile - she seemed to be smart, with a good job and friends/family supportive. He felt like he was losing control over her, and possibly divorce had been mentioned. Something drove him over the edge - he "lost it" and IMO killed her. He never went camping with those little children. He panicked and fled - either after disposing of the body, or to actually find an out-of-the-way area to accomplish that (I hope the little boys did not witness it). I believe that LE knows and is keeping info close to the vest, as well they should, to avoid any possible ramifications for an already mentally unstable perpetrator. They are collecting as much evidence as they can to have all their ducks in a row to complete the arrest. Josh isn't going anywhere, I am sure he is being watched carefully by LE. The poor children will need lots of love and support, my prayers are for them. It seems like the family has been active and supported by their religious community, along with extended family, and hopefully the boys will get the help they will need. One question I would like to ask of these husbands who kill their spouses is, "Why not just divorce?" How can they think they can get away with murder with today's forensics and criminal investigations? Anyway, JMHO. Thanks for listening!
Maybe that earache was ringing and fluttering in her ears. IIRC, Tinnitus is an indication of an adverse drug reaction or overdose.

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