UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #2

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Some LE on the tape said JP body language tells the story.......turning away from camera, not wanting to be interviewed etc............great!
You would think JP would be pleading for his wife's return!
Smart girl for keeping that notebook at work. If she'd had it at home, I'm sure ole Joshie-boy would have destroyed it.

That notebook may be the key to the case - especially if no body is found. It will show motive and discord in the marriage, and solidify the case against Josh. Susan was a smart cookie - like you said, if it was at home, he would have destroyed it. Evidence against his manhood - she was starting to stand up for herself (friends state), had a good job, and did not need him and his controlling butt anymore.
I am wondering if there is any kind of cameras on the highways and/or bridges around this area in Utah. Maybe traffic cameras or something to that effect that may have captured the van on the road. I realize it is a big search area but if there are cameras close to the home they may have captured which direction the van headed. Anyone in the Utah area have know if there are any cameras?

There are cameras... but they are used more by the news stations to show weather conditions and traffic on the news. I know in Phoenix for instance cameras are used to catch speeders and what not (in fact a gal missing from here back over the summer was determined to not be lost in Zion [maybe dead] but on her own little road trip and caught on camera in PHX - VERY clear picture).... but in Utah we do not have those kind of cameras. The images are not very clear from far away - so I imagine close up they are pretty useless, I am thinking...

Here is the link on KSL... put your mouse on any of the red markers, you will see what I mean in regards to clarity.

I have dinner at my friend's home and we work on a yarn project. While we are knitting or whatever my friend says she is so tired that she has to go lay down...I stay and continue to knit?????? I think that is so odd. When my friend said that she was to tired to stay awake and had to go to bed that would have been the time for me to say "I understand...we can work on this later on" and I would have packed up my yarn and gone home. Why would I stay and keep on knitting?? Is this the same friend who is keeping in touch with Josh? My mind is working overtime.

It's odd to me too, Bobbi. But even more odd is the fact that Susan, who has been described as the "Energizer Bunny," would be so exhausted at that hour as to have to go lay down while she had a guest. It just doesn't make any sense. And pancakes and eggs for dinner?

I do think this was premeditated and the reason Josh kept coming out to check on the ladies was to see how his little plan was going. I don't believe he poisoned her, but tried to make her OD. I think some time after Susan went to lay down and after the guest left, Susan attempted to leave or get help and that is how the wet spot came about.

What I don't understand is why, after doing whatever he was doing for 17 hours, he couldn't come up with a better story.
Testimony is more dependable on Thursday's. (days of the week) that is TOMORROW!!!
I snipped this from the forensic astro thread and thought it was interesting!

and the NEW MOON (dark) has started today..........

That article brought some great new information. The new stuff below... Mahalo...

Marini's husband, Tim, met Joshua Powell in 1999 at the singles ward in Tacoma, Wash. The couples were close until Rachel Marini had a falling out with Joshua Powell during a road trip from Utah to Washington several years ago.

However, the Marinis stayed close with Susan via Facebook. Over the past year or so, Susan told the couple the relationship "was still pretty bad, but that for the first time, Susan started standing up for herself," Rachel Marini said.

While Joshua Powell went to church sporadically, Susan Powell insisted on taking the children to church each week. And during the past year, despite their financial straits, she also bought them a few Christmas presents.

"Josh didn't like it, but he was letting her do it," Rachel Marini said.

Susan Powell openly discussed the trying year the couple had in 2008 during meetings at her church, where she served as a secretary in the Relief Society.

"Church was a big part of her life. It gave her a sense of feeling needed," said Stephanie Olson, a neighbor and fellow ward member. "A lot of people really loved her and needed her there."

I realize I'm LOTS of pages behind, you guys work fast! But this post brought another case to mind!

Janet Aboara! Remember, if you followed that case, that when they were having financial problems, the church and neighbors pitched in and helped them with rent and such?!

I wonder if that happened here also?

IIRC in the other case, Janet was much more devout and dedicated to her friends than Raven. Of course he ran home to Utah ASAP after Janet was found murdered. But, he only checks in there from time to time. Yikes! I surely hope he's not back here in So Calif!

Anyway, this could be part of the reason Josh went to church before, like for 'connections' for his fledging real estate business and then for the HELP they could give,............but then when they were financially doing better, (mainly because he got Susan to work also), he had no use for the church or these friends.

Just an idea,
It's odd to me too, Bobbi. But even more odd is the fact that Susan, who has been described as the "Energizer Bunny," would be so exhausted at that hour as to have to go lay down while she had a guest. It just doesn't make any sense. And pancakes and eggs for dinner?

I do think this was premeditated and the reason Josh kept coming out to check on the ladies was to see how his little plan was going. I don't believe he poisoned her, but tried to make her OD. I think some time after Susan went to lay down and after the guest left, Susan attempted to leave or get help and that is how the wet spot came about.

What I don't understand is why, after doing whatever he was doing for 17 hours, he couldn't come up with a better story.

He's not the sharpest crayon in the box, even though he thinks he is
There are cameras... but they are used more by the news stations to show weather conditions and traffic on the news. I know in Phoenix for instance cameras are used to catch speeders and what not (in fact a gal missing from here back over the summer was determined to not be lost in Zion [maybe dead] but on her own little road trip and caught on camera in PHX - VERY clear picture).... but in Utah we do not have those kind of cameras. The images are not very clear from far away - so I imagine close up they are pretty useless, I am thinking...

Here is the link on KSL... put your mouse on any of the red markers, you will see what I mean in regards to clarity.


Thanks, I was just thinking about how helpful the cameras were in the Coleman case was hoping maybe there was something like that to aid in the case.
I don't think you can go bankrupt on student loans because it is gov money. The loans also have to paid by a certain time after you graduate or are done with college. There are strict rules concerning student loans.

What gets me about this guy is this...if the marriage had been good like some people say...this guy would be going crazy about now. He would be screaming from the rooftops for searches and LE to do whatever possible to find her. If he really loved his wife he would talk to LE and do anything they want. He doesn't strike me as a husband who loves his wife...misses her like crazy...is worried to death and wants her back. He is as guilty as heck for her missing.

When this woman excused herself from her friend she said she was tired. I don't remember seeing that she was sick. Her friend didn't say sick she said Susan said she was tired. If he slipped something into her food I wonder if it was something that would knock her out then when he killed her she wouldn't be as able to fight him.

That spot on the carpet...what was it? Did he try and clean up blood or vomit or did her bowels let go or was it urine? LE will find out what it was but it will probably take forever and they won't tell us....darn.
This link is from The Charley Project - on the issue of prosecuting a murder case without a body. It can be done. In fact, it has been done in Utah in the case of Kiplyn Davis:


Didn't someone mention that Josh's high-powered attorney was defending one of the guys accused of murdering Kiplyn?
Yes, Scott Williams was working with Chris Jeppson. My understanding though is that they took a plea bargain just last week.
It's odd to me too, Bobbi. But even more odd is the fact that Susan, who has been described as the "Energizer Bunny," would be so exhausted at that hour as to have to go lay down while she had a guest. It just doesn't make any sense. And pancakes and eggs for dinner?

With two young children, working 6 days a week, walking to and from church, laundry, cleaning the house, grocery shopping and all, I can see her taking a nap because she is tired. Although it's possible he could have given her a sleeping pill, even an over the counter sleeping pill to make her tired. Laying down while a friend still there, odd, but understandable as I have done that myself.

Money is apparently tight in their household, so pancake and eggs is filling and not that expensive to serve a family of four. I have breakfast a lot of times for dinner.
Where, oh where, is Josh's family? Where are his parents? I so hope they are encouraging him to fess up and say where Susan is.
With two young children, working 6 days a week, walking to and from church, laundry, cleaning the house, grocery shopping and all, I can see her taking a nap because she is tired. Although it's possible he could have given her a sleeping pill, even an over the counter sleeping pill to make her tired. Laying down while a friend still there, odd, but understandable as I have done that myself.

Money is apparently tight in their household, so pancake and eggs is filling and not that expensive to serve for a family of four. I have breakfast a lot of times for dinner.

I would have to have been deathly ill at that age to bow out under these circumstances. It would have taken MUCH more than being tired. Particularly when my babies were that small. No way. Unless someone had drugged me.
In my heart I do not feel that this was premediated either. Josh doesn't seem like the "planner" type. As others have stated if planned then he came up with the most ludicrous alibi ever.

Have considered that the friend JoVonna may have stayed too long for his liking?
Or, yes, that he overheard Susan sharing something with her that did not make him happy.

That he had to actually make dinner himself due to their guest's overstay, and that really ticked him off, and started a chain of events.

IMHO, he's like so many of these guys, he was planning, but didn't know when or exactly how. It's like Scott Peterson,..............you could tell from going back a few months prior to Laci's disappearance that he was starting to form his thoughts, but his plan wasn't exact. It wasn't until he met Amber and she found out he was married, that his plan began in earnest.

IMHO, it's the same here. From what little we know so far, his plan began a few months ago when he, IMHO, began 'acting' the part of wanting the marriage to work out. Well, we can only, for now, see maybe two months back when it appeared their marriage was on the right track, but he wasn't going to church, (important in their particular circumstances, imo) and then going camping etc...................................but,...............Susan was 'FEARFUL' which tells a LOT!

Something wasn't right at home, although he was giving the outward appearance of Mr. Wonderful, Super Dad,..................

We've seen this before. Brad Cooper, Chris Coleman,.............outward WONDERFUL, behind the scenes their wife was terrified and then...........:(

Just sayin'

PS......and I don't believe he thought she was talking. After all, the most important thing an abuser tells the victim, "What goes on in this house,......or what goes on between you and me,............is OUR BUSINESS and no one elses!"

I've seen this from a friend. I've seen it from some of these murdering husbands. It's a FACT! this is what they tell their victim...:(
I see lots of pain in dad Cox face.......
he has only been able to talk on PHONE with his grandsons???
At a time like that I would think JP would want ALL family together!
Another WOW moment!
FIL sticks up for you, yet you won't talk to him? see him? or have your kids with him?
That speaks GUILT to me!!!

Josh wouldn't let Susan's dad see the boys...he wouldn't talk to her dad or even allow him to visit? If that is so it really cinches it for me. Josh doesn't want to face Susan's dad. He doesn't want to look him in the eyes. Guilty Guilty Guilty....

Didn't the dad take a PI with him when he went to Utah? Did the PI stay or return to WA with Susan's dad?

If I was Susan's dad there would be no doubt in my mind that Josh is GUILTY.
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