UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #6

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:furious: Sounds like SP is worried the Coxes might get the boys... and fail to return them. (The boys should be so fortunate...)

Maybe Casanova (SP) would like to add this to his repertoire to put on his website. To the tune of Danny Boy

Oh Joshy boy, the cops, the cops are calling
But I can't live without you by my side
Your freedom's gone, and now my dreams are dying
'Tis it you, or 'tis it me... we both must hide...
I can't tell where you leave off and I begin.
Our secret's hushed and covered white with snow
'Tis you who's been my wellspring and my shadow
Oh Joshy boy, oh Joshy boy, I need you so.

Your freedom's gone and all my dreams are dying
But your secret, your secret's safe with me...
They'll never find the place where she is lying
Oh how I dreamed I'd finally have you all to me.

And I shall wait, tho' long you're gone without me
And all my dreams can still one day come to be
If you'll not fail to tell me that you need me
I can raise your sons just like they're one with me.

I can't sleep in peace until you're one with me.

And all my dreams can still one day come to be be
If you'll not fail to tell me that you need me
I can raise your sons just like they're one with me.

I can't sleep in peace until you're one with me....


I love it...
Love the lyrics!

If I were the Coxes, I would go to the party no matter how awful it was to be around the Powells, just to p*ss them off! You know that Josh only invited them because he thinks they won't come. I say go for it, Coxes! Be there and love on those little boys! Don't let those creepy Powells keep you away!

Good advice. Ditto, I say go for it, Coxes.

Maybe it is time to be in the Powells faces, for the life of Susan, why not start making Josh squirm.
IMO, no they haven't applied for custody. If they had tried to file for custody, it would slipped out into the media and nothing has as far as I have read.

Right now, if I were the Cox family, I would wait until Josh got arrested. Until then, they don't have a chance in getting custody of the children.

Josh has not been proven to be abusive or neglectful to his children, although many of us feel he was neglectful when he took the children out in the middle of the night, but they came back unharmed, as far as we know.

They could and should file for visitation..Grandparents have rights too!!!!

ITA, they wouldn't get custody at this time IMO.
Love the lyrics!

I love it...

(snip) Oh composing the lyrics was easy (*"Eureka! I'm a songwriter...") I just chanelled SP (still humming "Mi Muniquita") yet try as we may I'm sure nothing could compare to the unique matchless sounds of Joshy Boy sung by daddy himself. :sick: From website,

Over the years of performing, there were occasions when someone in the audience would ask if I had made any recordings. I had not. However digital multi-track recording technology, sequencing software and hard and soft digital music instruments have opened up opportunities that were not possible without enormous financial outlays in the old analog world. So I am now making amends, by making the music more widely available.

:hand: :scream:

Now that I am finally putting some of my songs, arrangements and performances into a more or less permanent audio form, I occasionally think of what it will be like for my own grandchildren to put a disk into the player and know that "grandpa wrote that song."

o m g.... those poor boys! :shakehead: trapped in that home for weeks on end w nothing to do but be forced to listen to Grandpa "Sing Softly Wood" in his makeshift studio for hours on end....


The injustice--gross insult added to grievous injury--of denying Coxes visitation at their own home because both these guys are such ultra CONTROL FREAKS... and so "entitled" they don't think twice about twisting the knife--even now.

Hoping and praying Coxes can get some sort of emergency order permitting their visitation at a neutral location or through mediation or something. :prayer: This is beyond bearable it's multiplying and compounding the injustice against these innocent children and parents IMO.


Looks like the plan being nice to a murderer is not working, wonder what plan B will be.

Will Kiirsi post the Josh poster? Or is she still friends with Josh?

Today is little Charlie's 5th birthday. I hope they make him smile a lot today.
Braden turned 3 on the 2nd.
Josh turns 34 tomorrow (I think).

I have a daughter named Braden, so everytime I see that name..of course it touches a soft spot. OT.. just had to put that in there.

I check here faithfully everyday in hopes of good news for Susan.
Looks like the plan being nice to a murderer is not working, wonder what plan B will be.
Will Kiirsi post the Josh poster? Or is she still friends with Josh?


(bbm) Thanks doc, ain't that the truth. I'm sure they're paranoid about LE but it's clear this fear- and control-driven duo isn't the least intimidated by his FIL's mild manners and insistent upon remaining at the wheel.

So they can't ask Charlie any questions. ???

Exactly--so long as they're supervising any contact or visitation w/in their home, JP and SP are confident they can exert their control and intimidation over poor Charlie.


I also hope the Cox family does something in order to have the boys either at a neutral place or at their home. If not, the boys will see Josh and his side of the family as their role models and that is not a good thing. They need balance and need to see that some people are not all about power and control. It would be in the best interest of the boys. I suspect that there is a reason, and we are probably all thinking the same thing, as to why Josh and family need to be present......good way to keep things under wraps...
I also hope the Cox family does something in order to have the boys either at a neutral place or at their home. If not, the boys will see Josh and his side of the family as their role models and that is not a good thing. They need balance and need to see that some people are not all about power and control. It would be in the best interest of the boys. I suspect that there is a reason, and we are probably all thinking the same thing, as to why Josh and family need to be present......good way to keep things under wraps...

I think the Cox family is doing the best they can. I continue to trust they are getting good advice. J hasn't been arrested, charged, or convicted. He can call the shots. It's painful, but the best thing the Cox family can do is work with trusted advisors as they navigate this mine field. There are probably risks involved with any interaction on SP/JP territory.
I think it would be terribly unwise for them to do anything legally, yet. Give this a bit of time. Give SP/JP time to show that they are not acting in good faith. Each time they deny visitation or put unreasonable limits on visits that is not a plus for the P's.
The fact that J isn't arrested yet gives me more a sense that justice will be served, and served cold. It means the t's are crossed and the i's are dotted, and the longer J doesn't confess the worse it is for him later. The worse because he has shown no remorse. I hope I'm wrong and the family knows something that makes me a fool, because I do want nothing more than for Susan to be alive and well.

I also do wonder if the case is complicated because of others implicated in the case, rather than because the tests didn't show what they initially suspected to be the scenario.
They could and should file for visitation..Grandparents have rights too!!!!ITA, they wouldn't get custody at this time IMO.

MD MOMMY... Not all states have grandparent rights.
I know for a fact that Utah doesn't have them! :(
I'm not sure about Washington.
This must be a case of waiting for the right time. I don't understand it, and you don't understand it, but there must be a reason.

The need for Grandparent Rights in every state has become obvious from this case. I have a friend with twin grandchildren. My friend just adores her twin grandchildren, but since their birth has not been able to see them much because her son and his controlling wife have made it impossible for her to be a part of their lives. This Grandmother is a wonderful person. She's going to leave her grandchildren all her money in her will, but while she's alive she has to jump through hoops to see the twins once or twice a year. It has been a source of sorrow that her son would defer to his wife that much, but he has, and my friend is always sad about this. How many states have any kind of Grandparent Rights?
Washington State is currently the only state without an operational statute for grandparent visitation. The Washington statute is still on the books, but it was found unconstitutional by the Washington Supreme Court in 2005. Efforts to pass statutes governing grandparent visitation failed in 2006.

It was the Washington State's visitation law that the U.S. Supreme Court struck down as "breathtakingly broad" in the 2000 landmark case of Troxel v. Granville, casting doubt on the visitation laws of almost every state. In Washington State, the law was amended, but found unconstitutional by the Washington Supreme Court in 2005 in the case "In re Parentage of C.A.M.A." The court stated that the statute "unconstitutionally infringes on a fit parent's right to control visitation."


In 2000, Washington States visitation laws were dismantled by the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Troxel vs. Granville when it ruled our laws "breathtakingly broad" and dictated that those laws unconstitutionally interfered with fundamental parental rights.

This has caused much confusion in our state courts; and visitation rights for any 3rd party, including grandparents, have been in flux ever since.

Not until our state legislators take action and pass a constitutionally written law is it likely that our courts will resolve this issue. Until then attorneys are reluctant to take a visitation case. Washington State is currently the only state that does not offer grandparents legal recourse to petition for visitation other than as a part of a current dissolution, separation or parenting plan.


The arguments against grandparent visitation rights are:

•That the state has no business interfering with the child-rearing decisions of competent parents, even if the parent determines that grandparent visitation will not be permitted.

•Some grandparents are excluded from their grandchildren's lives for good cause - for example, because they were abusive to their own children and cannot be trusted with the grandchildren. Some grandparents interfere with ordinary parental decision-making, or badmouth one or both parents to the grandchildren, creating unnecessary conflict.

•Where conflict exists between parents and grandparents, even if the parents are being unreasonable, court interference can destabilize the home environment of the grandchildren.


(u/bbm) Emphases or key words being "fit," and "competent"...!! Or how about even safe... or sane!! :banghead:

The Powells extended the offer for the Coxes to join them at their home, right? If this is accurate, I wonder if they'd consider it. I keep reading that they're hopeful that she'll be found unharmed....still can't fathom whether they're holding on to this belief b/c they must keep hope for their sanity, or because they're privy to information that has not been made public.

If they are privy to something (and Kiirsi's made mention of knowing certain things that makes her believe she's been taken out of the state), this could be an opportunity to spend some time with their son-in-law in the hope of finding out something new. An opportunity, albeit an awkward one.

If they agree to a celebration at the Powell's home, it could also be an opportunity for LE to listen in on a wire. Doubt Josh would be confessing to Mr. Cox, but he could provide statements that at worst would help prosecute him; at best help LE locate Susan.
Oh yes! And what grandparent doesn't come to the birthday party ready to take lots of photos!
Why of course I mean what parent wouldn't relish the idea of socializing in the home of their child's presumed murderer?

Maybe Joshy can cook s'mores :hand: while Grandpa entertains...

Dare Mr. Cox set his keys or cellphone down anywhere? Will JP be given the knife to cut the cake? Be mixing the punch? Have his carpet steamer and fans handy? :eek:

SAVE SUSAN'S BOYS :help: :help: CUSTODY TO COXES :prayer: JOSHY TO JAIL :behindbar

Why of course I mean what parent wouldn't relish the idea of socializing in the home of their child's presumed murderer?

Maybe Joshy can cook s'mores :hand: while Grandpa entertains...

Dare Mr. Cox set his keys or cellphone down anywhere? Will JP be given the knife to cut the cake? Be mixing the punch? Have his carpet steamer and fans handy? :eek:

SAVE SUSAN'S BOYS :help: :help: CUSTODY TO COXES :prayer: JOSHY TO JAIL :behindbar


oh my, can't get that picture out of my head. you know Papaw will be leading the birthday song. eek!
oh my, can't get that picture out of my head. you know Papaw will be leading the birthday song. eek!

Ikwym but I'd be more worried about the utensils and refreshments. No seriously I wouldn't be drinking or eating a thing that man served--not cake, not punch, not an ice cube. Wouldn't let my keys or phone out of my sight, and sure the h#ll wouldn't park where they could control or prevent my exit! I just wouldn't feel safe any place near that home, and would be totally distraught having the children there w JP, and SP.

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