UT -Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 - #6

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I feel a new Steve Chantrey song coming on.


We pull up in front of our new house

The signs say missing spouse

I look in your eyes and say

It was a unilateral move, please stay

I carry you through the door

and ask how much do you love smores.

(second verse same as the first)

Eureka doc, you're a songwriter! This is very special to me too. What woman could resist...

Actually I had added a few verses and lost... believe me, some things are for the best lol... :biggrin:

I know that Susan's friends need and really want to keep hope alive but as many have pointed out, IMO justice for Susan will come when she is found and I think the key to finding her is not necessarily having HER face out there, but rather, the face of josh and a photo of his van. Putting such a poster at truck stops, in both English and Spanish may be helpful, or even on a huge sign near a freeway, or one or two, leading out of town.
There may have been someone, late at night, who saw something and just needs their memory jogged. Some of those people may be Spanish speakers who are not as aware of this case, so perhaps an article or an ad in a Spanish-language periodical in Utah may help and/or in the surrounding states. (Lots of truckers are Spanish-speaking).
This all costs money but perhaps fund-raising could help with costs.
I know it's a delicate balance for the friends and family who are reasonably wary about pointing the finger directly at Josh. They likely don't want to completely alienate him in the hopes he may talk, whether accidentally or not, and of course, so they can maintain access to the precious boys. What a nightmare!
I for one trust that LE knows what they are doing in this case and that they are working extremely hard to find poor Susan. There's no reason IMO to second guess them or Susan's friends and family at this point. I hope answers come soon.

Please feel free to use this video and any captured images from it to further the cause. Just stop this vid, or any news vid, and get a screen capture of the van and car and mr p. Make those posters, por favor, Love, percy/phnix
Last night's Deseret News article about 'decorating the house' has a couple of very intriguing comments.


For example...
"Frustrated | 4:12 p.m. Jan. 27, 2010
To the people that believe friends and family are not pressuring Josh and are protecting him...you are wrong. They have been and it's almost gotten violent. He will not talk...to anyone, no matter what anyone says or does. They just don't broadcast this on the news."
He won't talk? And he's a talkative person by nature? I'm no psych major, but a narcissist who now has no tools to draw the kind of attention he wants? He is chained to a rock in his own creation of a living hell. And it's a good bet that big brother is watching his every word and keystroke.

All those purple signs and ribbons on "his" house are bringing me great joy and hope. Susan's house!
I know that Susan's friends need and really want to keep hope alive but as many have pointed out, IMO justice for Susan will come when she is found and I think the key to finding her is not necessarily having HER face out there, but rather, the face of josh and a photo of his van. Putting such a poster at truck stops, in both English and Spanish may be helpful, or even on a huge sign near a freeway, or one or two, leading out of town.
There may have been someone, late at night, who saw something and just needs their memory jogged. Some of those people may be Spanish speakers who are not as aware of this case, so perhaps an article or an ad in a Spanish-language periodical in Utah may help and/or in the surrounding states. (Lots of truckers are Spanish-speaking).
This all costs money but perhaps fund-raising could help with costs.
I know it's a delicate balance for the friends and family who are reasonably wary about pointing the finger directly at Josh. They likely don't want to completely alienate him in the hopes he may talk, whether accidentally or not, and of course, so they can maintain access to the precious boys. What a nightmare!
I for one trust that LE knows what they are doing in this case and that they are working extremely hard to find poor Susan. There's no reason IMO to second guess them or Susan's friends and family at this point. I hope answers come soon.

Here is one already made up.

PS I have it posted on the back of my bench.
I feel a new Steve Chantrey song coming on.


We pull up in front of our new house

The signs say missing spouse

I look in your eyes and say

It was a unilateral move, please stay

I carry you through the door

and ask how much do you love smores.

(second verse same as the first)

hurry up and copy right this for royalities before SP gets an idea for a record!!! LMAO!!!
He won't talk? And he's a talkative person by nature? I'm no psych major, but a narcissist who now has no tools to draw the kind of attention he wants? He is chained to a rock in his own creation of a living hell. And it's a good bet that big brother is watching his every word and keystroke.

All those purple signs and ribbons on "his" house are bringing me great joy and hope. Susan's house!

I'm no psych major either but I guess the development stages for a narcissist in this situation is shock then denial then anger then finally develop a good persecution story to cast yourself as a hero.
I think considering the weather that night, I don't believe he travelled far. Would be to much of a risk. I do not believe he took her out of Utah. I feel they will find her closer to home, someplace he is familiar with. I think he drove around after, had a pretend camping trip. It would be easy to convince small children.

I agree with you.

I'll take it one step further. I don't believe his father was involved. His songs are creepy, but I just don't see Josh risking phone conversations or even meeting up with his pop half-way to dump her body, with kids in the car.

I think he drove around for a while (maybe an hour) until he knew the kids were in a deep sleep. But I think he drove in circles, still fairly close to home. Then, he disposed of her body (probably off a cliff -- this would be the fastest way to roll her away from the car and out of sight). Then he drove a much further distance away, woke the kids (or waited for them to wake up) and had a pretend "camping trip" in the car.

I just can't figure out WHY he didn't return to the house by mid morning. He was actively drying a stain on the carpet. I would think he'd want to return to the house by mid morning so he could check on that and tie up any loose ends he might have missed.

And in regards to the stain, SURELY the police (during the couple of interviews they DID have with Josh) questioned him about what happened to that section of carpeting. If his answer doesn't jive with the evidence results (which I would assume are back by now), I would think that they would have enough to drag him in. LE's either being extra cautious, and are waiting for more for a sure conviction, OR the results are just not favorable to a conviction.
ome of my random thoughts--

I think he drove further, as the rental car mileage also indicates. I think he spent longer than he expected out of the car and not with hands in pockets on the second trip, in order to get severely chapped hands. More time on the ground and not as likely driving in circles, seems to me.

He also didn't get any sleep at any point because he was either working somewhere or driving a longer distance. Very likely to me, he expected to be able to come home from the camping trip and just sleep and nobody would notice a thing. I don't think he counted on family getting worried and checking up on them, and definitely not on anyone getting into the house.

If he had an accomplice, there would have to be phone records of calls. In fact, the pings on the cellphone might by now help give LE a clue as to where he left the urban grid, and where he returned to it, and circles in town could be plotted on a map with a time component. No data here indicates more remote places.

Why can I not stop thinking about this case! :p
I agree there was a lot of mileage on the rental car. I still think that her body may be found close to the home....my gut tells me within 30 miles. He wouldn't want his wife's body in his car with his children for almost 3 hours. He wanted her out as fast as he could find a suitable place -- I doubt he was even sure she was dead. He probably worried about her "coming to" in the back.

I think he travelled a great distance on that rental car because he wanted to try to plant some "evidence" to prove he was far away camping with the kids. After all, he wasn't back into town until 3:00pm the next day. Logic would suggest that they would all get out of their vehicle at SOME point on a "camping trip" that lasted from midnight til 3:00 p.m. the next afternoon.
Meant to say that he travelled to the campsite where he told reporters/police he was.

Probably needed to be "familiar" with it, too. Just in case questioned further.
I have a gut feeling they haven't moved on the evidence because she wasn't dead when they drove out. I think she may have set off the car alarm. Women frequently share this simple safety tip, and if she couldn't do much else, she could hope it would be a call for help.
I didn't remember reading this before -- it's possible you all have already commented on it -- but I'm wondering, what are your thoughts about the possible evidence being discussed in this older article?


"Detectives and forensic investigators arrived around 1:30 p.m. and didn't leave until just before 4:00 p.m. They took swabs of something on the front steps and a window sill. They removed brown paper sacks of items from the home."
Looks like Josh is back in town.

Here is a quote from someone who was on the same plane with him last night...heading from Seattle to Salt Lake.

ccj: 1/28/2010 11:48:00 PM

"Josh was on my flight from Seattle tonight. Hopefully to turn himself in or to help in some way! At least show some emotion Josh! This kid just looks creepy and lethargic."

I didn't remember reading this before -- it's possible you all have already commented on it -- but I'm wondering, what are your thoughts about the possible evidence being discussed in this older article?


"Detectives and forensic investigators arrived around 1:30 p.m. and didn't leave until just before 4:00 p.m. They took swabs of something on the front steps and a window sill. They removed brown paper sacks of items from the home."

I figured they wanted preserve evidence from kitchen, medicine and cleaning cabinets in paper sacks. As to stuff on the steps, it sends the imagination into many directions at once, just like the generator does. IIRC, Josh's expression when talking about the generator and the s'mores was more animated than any other captured since Susan's disappearance.
I figured they wanted preserve evidence from kitchen, medicine and cleaning cabinets in paper sacks. As to stuff on the steps, it sends the imagination into many directions at once, just like the generator does. IIRC, ]osh's expression when talking about the generator and the s'mores was more animated than any other captured since Susan's disappearance.

I agree Grayjay. When I first heard that I thought , that is the most bizarre
statement I have ever heard. I still believe his alibi was interrupted, by family
members wanting a welfare check. Maybe while he is back in Utah he will slip
up and say or do something ridiculous. Wonder what his reaction will be to
the purple decorations and signs . He will probably put on a sombre face,
while underneath his demure, will want to tear it all down. I hope news crews
ask him how he feels about, the home being decorated. I personally, do no
believe he is happy about it. moo
I have a question. Here in Utah, when Josh packed up his stuff and left town, all the news stations showed footage of him driving away in the large U-Haul with the U-Haul trailer. Behind him, his brother followed in the family van. How did the van get back here? The footage was pretty clear - it appeared they were caravanning back to Washington with the van.
Any chance this occasion comes on the convening of a grand jury we might not know about? Surely he didn't come to remove the purple ribbons so quickly? It wouldn't look good, especially if he agrees they're a good idea. I still find it stunning that he kept his motorcycle while filing for bankruptcy.
It was reported he left the Van and trailer and motorcycle at the Utah home so I bet he just flew back down there to drive them back.
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