UT - Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 #7

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For those who have not visited the FB site in a while, they are running a Postcard Campaign and are asking for as many messages as possible to be sent through in Susan's honor. Please visit the postcard site direcly to read more and to leave a message:


"Welcome to the online "Postcard Campaign" in honor of Susan Cox Powell, the 28-year-old West Valley City mom who went missing Dec. 6, 2009.

Susan is a loving mother to Charlie, 5, and Braden, 3; a beautiful daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Cox; a cherished sister and dearest friend to so many more.

Susan has managed to reach out and touch the hearts of many people - including those who have never met her.

We would like to make a great stand, in strength of numbers, by showing her husband, Josh Powell (the only person of interest in her disappearance), that Susan will never be forgotten; that we will continue to search for Susan and for any information that may bring her home; and that we will never give up.

No matter where in the world you may be, please send a postcard in support of the search for Susan (to send a virtual “Postcard”, click on the “Comments” link below and leave your message.)

Help us to keep Susan’s name in the media in order to create awareness for her and to help bring her home.

We have asked Isabelle Zehnder to publish a report on June 6 on the number of postcards received. She has agreed and will share some of the comments to demonstrate how people around the globe still support Susan and the search for her (http://www.examiner.com/x-34328-Seattle-Headlines-Examiner).

Please state your location and your name (if you so wish) and do keep your message civil. We will continue to protect Susan's integrity and that of her family and will not publish any messages that may be distasteful in any way.

While this is an ongoing campaign, we hope to get as many “Postcards” as possible by June 6, the 6-month mark of Susan’s disappearance.

Thank you for your support and care for Susan! To send a postcard, and to view what others are saying, please click on the "comments" link below: "
Apparently this aired on "Dateline NBC" last night. I read through the whole thing and the similarities are chilling including carpet cleaning a spot on the rug and more. It gives me hope that the police will eventually get justice for Susan because this PD was very small-town and the case was circumstantial, but they won.

The following is a comment from the organizer of the postcard campaign:WE HAVE A VOICE!
Please, if you have not already done so, share your comments and thoughts in support of Susan, her sons, and her dear family. Together, in strength of numbers we can take a stand for what is right and reinforce the message that we will never give up searching for Susan and for justi...ce in her case

While this may be very heartfelt for Susan's family and friends and an outlet for their valid frustration and disgust for JP, it is not going to help one iota in resolution. Since LE doesn't apparently have enough to charge him, Susan MUST BE FOUND. Period. Instead of raising your voices---moving your feet or using the resources you have to support and partake in the actual search for her will behoove everyone in the long run. Spend your time and energies in doing something that will FIND her. SEARCHING is not "sending postcards".

I'm seriously beginning to question "Do these people really want her found?"; because their actions do not construe it. Maybe it's time they step back and reevaluate...if they really do. I'd be putting all efforts into the actual search and be talking that up and what "everyone" may be able to do to actually bring her home, put JP where he belongs, and get the children in a stable environment.

I've seen and heard people describe this FB site as LaLa Land or the Twilight Zone... holding back my thoughts because of the emotional turmoil they surely were going through; but I now agree. This is now either a farce or people not rationalizing.
How disturbing and REALLY disappointing for Susan. Can't they see that? :(
Apparently this aired on "Dateline NBC" last night. I read through the whole thing and the similarities are chilling including carpet cleaning a spot on the rug and more. It gives me hope that the police will eventually get justice for Susan because this PD was very small-town and the case was circumstantial, but they won.


I also watched this last night and thought about Susan. It gives me hope as well. Justice may not come as quickly as we would like it to, but it will come eventually. We just have to remain hopeful.
With this weekend being the general "kickoff" for the backcountry camping & outdoors time of the year, I have a little more hope that Susan will be found soon.
This week's People magazine has a major story on Susan's case.

But I agree that people need to quit merely sending postcards, and schedule a time to methodically go hike a trail or check a mine entrance. There are a lot of Utahns and Idahoans who know the trails and mine entrances very well. There needs to be a concerted effort to get everyone to go search the areas they know.

June should be Hike for Susan month.
This week's People magazine has a major story on Susan's case.

But I agree that people need to quit merely sending postcards, and schedule a time to methodically go hike a trail or check a mine entrance. There are a lot of Utahns and Idahoans who know the trails and mine entrances very well. There needs to be a concerted effort to get everyone to go search the areas they know.

June should be Hike for Susan month.

Awesome idea! June 2010; Hike for Susan Month.
HollyBlue, making June a Hike for Susan month is a fantsatic idea! You should get onto the FB site and promote that for sure.

But, in all honesty, the postcard campaign was set up by someone from overseas who could never physically make it out to search for Susan and they felt that this was a contribution of sorts in raising awareness for Susan's plight. Let's face it, information from LE is scarce and the case moves along very slowly. The Postcard Campaign was set up to encourage further media attention and also as a personal outlet for those who have so much emotional energy invested in Susan's case.

With enough response from those who DO care to find Susan, the Postcard Campaign could be a great political move in order to reassure Josh Powell that while he won't be caught out searching for his wife, the rest of the world will do whatever they can to bring her home.

I say the Hike for Susan month should definitely be promoted. Let us hope that it can also bring great success; because without finding Susan, the chances of an easy conviction are slim. But, as we search, let us not forget the little things that we can continue to do from wherever we are in the world, in order to support Susan and her family and reassure Josh that he will never have the upper hand.
I do hope that the Postcard Campaign is a great success too.
I believe there is a search coming up. Volunteers had to attend a class before hand. I haven't been to the FB site in awhile, but I'm sure info is there.

Thanks. I'd love to hear more about an upcoming search - where they're looking, what they're looking for, etc. I don't see a single solitary thing in the Deseret News, is there another site that would have more details? This is the most frustrating case I can think of in a long time. :banghead:
The postcard campaign is a good way for the Examiner reporter (who seems to be the only media person continuing to cover the case and keep it in the news) to keep needling Josh. And if he sees that people just aren't going to let go of this, maybe the stress will eat away at him. He needs to know that this is not going away.

If you look at the places where the postcard senders live, it's obvious that they live too far away to physically search. But I'll bet many of those people are also sending donations to the newest search organizer to help pay for fuel and other supplies needed.

I agree that a few of the Facebook contributors seem to be way too passive and suggest some rather odd ways to express their desire for Susan to be found (I think the oddest was to eat purple food for a while or something like that) but the postcard idea was suggested after the Examiner reporter asked for some thoughts about Susan as the 6 month mark of her being missing approached.

And in response to the idea of making bumper stickers to put on all the cars in the lot where Josh is reported to possibly be employed, I think that's genius! If the boss made Josh remove every sticker off all the cars, he's have plenty of time to actually think about where Susan is!

Somebody in that town should make bumper stickers and hand them out to anyone who would take them. I would definitely contribute money to that cause.
Thanks. I'd love to hear more about an upcoming search - where they're looking, what they're looking for, etc. I don't see a single solitary thing in the Deseret News, is there another site that would have more details? This is the most frustrating case I can think of in a long time. :banghead:

A new search is planned in the west desert for Susan Cox Powell

Another search for Susan Cox Powell in Utah's west desert is now being planned. The search will target two areas beyond Simpson Springs that were not covered in the first search last month.

June 26 ground search open to public, looking for volunteers

The link below is for the thread on the new search, more info there.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?p=5157070#post5157070"]Another New Search Being Planned For Susan May 2010 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
There needs to be a concerted effort to get everyone to go search the areas they know.
I agree. POI would of course think nobody is as smart as he is about remote places in Utah, but that's simply not true. It's fun to get out and explore, and if you have a favorite place you go, look for anything changed, metal grates and gates that have been recently cut, among other things. I'd be interested if someone wants to add to my own list, because I'll be looking, too, and the more we know, the better the odds.
I agree. POI would of course think nobody is as smart as he is about remote places in Utah, but that's simply not true. It's fun to get out and explore, and if you have a favorite place you go, look for anything changed, metal grates and gates that have been recently cut, among other things. I'd be interested if someone wants to add to my own list, because I'll be looking, too, and the more we know, the better the odds.

Love your thinking! I think it's safe to assume that most POI in a missing person's case reckon they're smart enough to get away with the crime. But, in this case, I do believe that Susan will be found.
Strength to all of you who are able to go out and search - how awesome to give of your own time and personal effort, especially for someone you may never have met. Susan has definitely had a major impact in this world.
I am sure y'all have seen it, but there was a two page spread about Susan Powell and about JP in People Magazine this week. It definitely didn't cast him in a positive light.
This week's People magazine has a major story on Susan's case.

But I agree that people need to quit merely sending postcards, and schedule a time to methodically go hike a trail or check a mine entrance. There are a lot of Utahns and Idahoans who know the trails and mine entrances very well. There needs to be a concerted effort to get everyone to go search the areas they know.

June should be Hike for Susan month.

If anyone wants to move forward on the Hike for Susan Month in June, please send me an email at isabelle.zehnder@comcast.net and let me know your thoughts.

Thank you,
Isabelle Zehnder
Seattle Headlines Examiner
Well, it's good to see Josh's dad has theories about where Susan is: "Susan Cox Powell went missing nearly six months ago and her father-in-law says he thinks she may have left for 'a fling or respite,' and hopes she, his son, and their two kids will land on their feet."

I don't mean to sound unpleasant - at all - but I sure would like to give that guy a swift kick in the crotch.
Well, it's good to see Josh's dad has theories about where Susan is: "Susan Cox Powell went missing nearly six months ago and her father-in-law says he thinks she may have left for 'a fling or respite,' and hopes she, his son, and their two kids will land on their feet."

I don't mean to sound unpleasant - at all - but I sure would like to give that guy a swift kick in the crotch.

In the Jun 7 issue of PEOPLE magazine, Steven Powell, aka Steven Chantrey, Susan’s father-in-law, suggested Susan Cox Powell, the 28-year-old missing West Valley City mom, may have left for a fling and inferred she may have needed a break and that’s possibly why she left. He wonders why police haven’t looked at other suspects.


DomCasual I so agree, these people are unbelievable.
Love your thinking! I think it's safe to assume that most POI in a missing person's case reckon they're smart enough to get away with the crime. But, in this case, I do believe that Susan will be found.
Strength to all of you who are able to go out and search - how awesome to give of your own time and personal effort, especially for someone you may never have met. Susan has definitely had a major impact in this world.
The public land of Utah is just that to me. It belongs to all of us. Susan deserves better, her boys deserve better, and in fact so do we all who leave no trace in the wilderness year after year.
In the Jun 7 issue of PEOPLE magazine, Steven Powell, aka Steven Chantrey, Susan’s father-in-law, suggested Susan Cox Powell, the 28-year-old missing West Valley City mom, may have left for a fling and inferred she may have needed a break and that’s possibly why she left. He wonders why police haven’t looked at other suspects.


DomCasual I so agree, these people are unbelievable.

Do you think he realizes how ridiculous his suggestions are? Does he really think Susan woke after Josh went camping with the boys at midnight, decided this was the time for her to take off, stops and cleans the rug first and puts fans on it, locks up the house, and leaves without a vehicle during a wind/snowstorm? Yeah, that makes perfect sense to me, too:no:

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