UT - Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 #7

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It says: My Mommy is very beautiful.

I don't think the child wrote any of it!​


Picki, same here.
Mormons Mobilize Against The Powell Family
New http://susanpowell.org page added June 7, 2010


Most of Josh's friends and even many co-workers were Mormon. When they heard that Josh was moving in with his ex-Mormon father, Steve Powell, some of them started magically "remembering" things about Josh that were terrible but untrue.

Mormons frequently remind church members not to associate with people who disagree with their religious views, so Josh's moving in with an ex-Mormon was seen by them as a step down a very wrong path.

Josh's estranged sister, Jennifer Graves, is among these detractors. She made it clear that she does not recognize the need to protect the children from the media and general hostility prevalent in Utah.

Jennifer was participating in the "pressure Josh" campaign when she made a concerted effort to alienate Josh from friends in the Mormon Church.

After Josh and the children moved in with Josh's father, Jennifer and Kirk Graves made sure that Mormons knew that Josh's father is critical of Mormonism.

For at least 20 years, Jennifer has hated her father, Steve Powell, for openly expressing his views as an ex-Mormon.

Although Jennifer's siblings have attempted to maintain a relationship with Jennifer over the years, all four of Jennifer's siblings have always felt that Jennifer strongly resented them as well.

Jennifer's long-held grudge has created a divide between Mormons and non-Mormons in the Powell family.

CONTINUED AT SOURCE: http://susanpowell.org/Pages/Response/MormonsMobilize.aspx
Mormons Mobilize Against The Powell Family
New http://susanpowell.org page added June 7, 2010


Most of Josh's friends and even many co-workers were Mormon. When they heard that Josh was moving in with his ex-Mormon father, Steve Powell, some of them started magically "remembering" things about Josh that were terrible but untrue.

Mormons frequently remind church members not to associate with people who disagree with their religious views, so Josh's moving in with an ex-Mormon was seen by them as a step down a very wrong path.

Josh's estranged sister, Jennifer Graves, is among these detractors. She made it clear that she does not recognize the need to protect the children from the media and general hostility prevalent in Utah.

Jennifer was participating in the "pressure Josh" campaign when she made a concerted effort to alienate Josh from friends in the Mormon Church.

After Josh and the children moved in with Josh's father, Jennifer and Kirk Graves made sure that Mormons knew that Josh's father is critical of Mormonism.

For at least 20 years, Jennifer has hated her father, Steve Powell, for openly expressing his views as an ex-Mormon.

Although Jennifer's siblings have attempted to maintain a relationship with Jennifer over the years, all four of Jennifer's siblings have always felt that Jennifer strongly resented them as well.

Jennifer's long-held grudge has created a divide between Mormons and non-Mormons in the Powell family.

CONTINUED AT SOURCE: http://susanpowell.org/Pages/Response/MormonsMobilize.aspx

The only "mobilizing" the church did was to help him get his sorry a$$ out of Dodge! What an ungrateful SOB. First, they try to hold back judgment, knowing full well that he was probably guilty, then they help him move, offer support however they could. When he refused to help find his wife, they still hold back, even though they "know" he dunnit. Now, because they won't further offer themselves at his feet, he turns on them! What a sociopath he is.

But, we all know it was Daddy Chantrey who wrote this latest tirade anyway! That man is truly the Puppetmaster. "Look! No Strings! Dance, Joshy, Dance!"
Do you think he realizes how ridiculous his suggestions are? Does he really think Susan woke after Josh went camping with the boys at midnight, decided this was the time for her to take off, stops and cleans the rug first and puts fans on it, locks up the house, and leaves without a vehicle during a wind/snowstorm? Yeah, that makes perfect sense to me, too:no:

Of course it does! Don't you know, she 'staged' the area (setting her purse and keys 'just so' in hopes of 'framing poor innocent josh'), and then gleefully left with her lover, who came and picked her up while Josh was sledding with the boys? She 'drugged' herself during dinner to get rid of Jovanna and get out of sledding to give her an 'time frame to escape'. ::: eyeroll ::: We all know that the only reason that Josh cleaned the carpet was because her lover was likely inconsiderate and soiled the carpet, much to Josh's horror. After cleaning the carpet mess of dirt/snow/slush, he was so crushed having been left that he thought he and his boys should go camping, lest he hold on to the last threads of family that remained. ::: sob sob ::: Male bonding.
I totally agree!! I feel like WVPD wants to take all the credit for finding her, which I am beginning to feel may never happen. :banghead:

I camp all over Utah and look every time I am out but if they could at least release the cell phone pings the week of her disappearance that would at least give us a better idea where to look.

You know, I also can't help but wonder, if senior psycho has threatened them in any way to the point they are keeping a low profile? I can't imagine what he could possibly do or say to intimidate them so, but he's uber creepy. With his brother being in law enforcement, you can't help but wonder if he got some kind of 'tips' on intimidating WVPD regarding Susan's case. And I agree, what case? Do they even have any kind of evidence at all? Other than the items from the search, the test results from the rug, do they even have anything? Or are they keeping quiet due to their ineptness (no tracking device on the rental, etc)?:waitasec:
With his brother being in law enforcement, you can't help but wonder if he got some kind of 'tips' on intimidating WVPD regarding Susan's case.

In the Websleuths' thread entitled "Questions I'd like to ask friends and family of Susan Powell", Kirk Graves, Josh Powell's brother-in-law who is married to Josh's sister Jennifer, stated there is no relation to Ralph Powell who is head of the forensics department for the Idaho State Police.
Mormons Mobilize Against The Powell Family
New http://susanpowell.org page added June 7, 2010


CONTINUED AT SOURCE: http://susanpowell.org/Pages/Response/MormonsMobilize.aspx

We believe SusanPowell.org is doing a great deal in the search effort as it is keeping public interest alive.
Note it reads "We believe". Clearly this web site is a Powell Family endeavor.

Their venom leaves people asking, what is the real reason for their animosity toward Josh and his entire family and extended family?
Is the Powell Family so ignorant that they can't figure this out for themselves? How would they feel if it were Josh Powell who disappeared and Susan conducted herself in the identical fashion as Josh did and has?

The Powells are working diligently to find Susan.
Did Josh forget where he put Susan Powell?
Love when the venom spits out to indicate the camper is not happy. He's got his attorney bulldog to go after anyone who says the wrong thing, his homeowners manager to prevent anybody from putting up flyers, and yet he can't control what happens with the magazine. Must drive him nuts. And his daddy. Wonder which it drives more nuts. LOL.
Love when the venom spits out to indicate the camper is not happy. He's got his attorney bulldog to go after anyone who says the wrong thing, his homeowners manager to prevent anybody from putting up flyers, and yet he can't control what happens with the magazine. Must drive him nuts. And his daddy. Wonder which it drives more nuts. LOL.

:floorlaugh: I thought Josh wasn't reading anything online or watching the news! :floorlaugh:​
In the Websleuths' thread entitled "Questions I'd like to ask friends and family of Susan Powell", Kirk Graves, Josh Powell's brother-in-law who is married to Josh's sister Jennifer, stated there is no relation to Ralph Powell who is head of the forensics department for the Idaho State Police.

Thanks Pickie! The resemblance is incredibly remarkable, no?
Thanks Pickie! The resemblance is incredibly remarkable, no?

There is absolutely a very strong resemblance between Ralph and Steve Powell. It could be Ralph and Steve's father are the same guy but they aren't aware or are keeping a deep, dark secret!
There is absolutely a very strong resemblance between Ralph and Steve Powell. It could be Ralph and Steve's father are the same guy but they aren't aware or are keeping a deep, dark secret!

It is very understandable anyone wanting to distance themselves from Steve Powell, whether they 'know' or not. And how ironic is it that they both work for some form of law enforcement?
JVM show just said they will be talking to her father coming up, so you all know!
They showed the billboard and did a recap of the story.
Father, Chuck say police not sharing details other than they are following leads. Jane asked about if they have told him results of carpet or car and he says they don't share details. He said he does believe they are following up, but frustrating.
Chuck said they don't believe the story about losing track of the day.
Rod Wheeler says cops are tight lipped because Josh has not cooperated and he feels they are focused on Josh and other members of the family. He thinks police are waiting to say anything until they have the opportunity to question Josh more.
Chuck talked about the billboard and wanting her to be recognized.
They showed the billboard and did a recap of the story.
Father, Chuck say police not sharing details other than they are following leads. Jane asked about if they have told him results of carpet or car and he says they don't share details. He said he does believe they are following up, but frustrating.
Chuck said they don't believe the story about losing track of the day.
Rod Wheeler says cops are tight lipped because Josh has not cooperated and he feels they are focused on Josh and other members of the family. He thinks police are waiting to say anything until they have the opportunity to question Josh more.
Chuck talked about the billboard and wanting her to be recognized.

I don't get why Chuck hasn't used the donation money he has received to up the reward. If Susan is dead, which I am pretty darn sure she is, what good does having her face out there do? That money should be spent on upping the reward so that one person Josh confided in will come forward and talk. MONEY TALKS! And, JP is, in my opinion, such a pr*ck that it wouldn't take much more, say $100,000.00, to make someone give him up, even his own father!
Give me a break! Now someone (CJP) who has been VERY outspoken in the Facebook groups they were allowed to remain a member of believes that the government is involved in Susan's disappearance and that Josh had nothing to do with it!

I can't believe these people who have arrived at such a conclusion just because Josh hasn't been arrested yet. Good grief! What are they going to arrest him for? There is no body or proof that Susan is dead!
Give me a break! Now someone (CJP) who has been VERY outspoken in the Facebook groups they were allowed to remain a member of believes that the government is involved in Susan's disappearance and that Josh had nothing to do with it!

I can't believe these people who have arrived at such a conclusion just because Josh hasn't been arrested yet. Good grief! What are they going to arrest him for? There is no body or proof that Susan is dead!

OMG - I'm so glad I didn't have any beverage in my mouth when I read that! Did they go so far to say it was Bush's fault? ROFLMAO! Stranger than fiction! ;)
I don't get why Chuck hasn't used the donation money he has received to up the reward. If Susan is dead, which I am pretty darn sure she is, what good does having her face out there do? That money should be spent on upping the reward so that one person Josh confided in will come forward and talk. MONEY TALKS! And, JP is, in my opinion, such a pr*ck that it wouldn't take much more, say $100,000.00, to make someone give him up, even his own father!

Pickie, the comments he made with regards to the billboard were more directed to her coming home, shown the way home, etc. They apparently feel she is still alive. JFYI. Who is this CJP? A relative of JP? TIA
Pickie, the comments he made with regards to the billboard were more directed to her coming home, shown the way home, etc. They apparently feel she is still alive. JFYI. Who is this CJP? A relative of JP? TIA

Carla Jean Page wrote:

i,m just trying to come up with some possible and plausible ideas for susan,s sudden disappearance,still think there could be some government involvement either witness protection or susan knew something or saw something she shouldn,t have.there is absolutely no forensics evidence or blood evidence to link josh to her disappearance.if there were they would have nabbed him along time ago.they should have done a house by house search and they didn,t do it.that was one of their mistakes.

everyone is welcome to come on here and debate this issue and this case openly.personally now i don,t think josh had anything to do with susan,s disappearance.i,m now wondering if susan,s familky had a very large life insurance policy on her.but i still believe that there is definetly government involvement in susan,s disappearance.other people are being looked at now.i think my theory is a more lucrative theory,if the government is involved,i can tell you this the government will not give up it,s secrets.like i,ve said there are things our government is involved in if we really knew it would make our hair stand on end.either susan is in protective custody because she found something out her stock clients or maybe her clients are stationed at dugway,maybe she found something out about one of her clients at dugway and they made her disappear.the people at area 51 are smarter than we give them credit for.do your research on dugway proving grounds aka area 51.

From the wall of the OPEN Facebook group "Justice For Susan Cox Powell": http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=116341718390071&v=wall&ref=ts
If one of our computer sleuths ran down the ISP etc. of the Carla Jean Page, I wouldn't be surprised if it led to Utah or Seattle. The amaturish punctuation strangeness, and proffering that Susan disappeared for "reasons" (and is in protective custody), or that her family has a life insurance policy on her (pointing the finger at them, I guess), sprinkled with reasons why Josh didn't do it, indicate the possibilty of Powell authorship. Adding the "government" angle may be to make it look like a non-Powell wrote it.

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