UT - Susan Powell, 28, West Valley City, 6 Dec 2009 #7

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
No, it could not be done in 17 hours. That 6 hours, is if there is NO traffic and you are going the full 75MPH the entire time.

In a snowstorm you would be lucky to be going 40MPH. It would take about 9-10 hours to get there.

At 20MPH, which is FAR more reasonable for a non 4 wheel drive vehicle to be going in December on that drive...it would take you about 17 hours just to GET to Laramie.

I don't think anyone who has not driven through there understands the weather there. There was a fatal accident on December 6 due to ice. A semi and a bus, both of which usually do pretty well in bad weather because of their size and weight.

It was snowing on both December 7 and December 9. I-80 was closed again December 26 and even in March because there was another bad storm. Even if the weather was good, you'd be stupid to risk it changing on you. It's not like you can ask a passing cop for help if something goes wrong, you have a body in the car.

December 7, 2009 - http://www.wunderground.com/history...tml?req_city=NA&req_state=NA&req_statename=NA


December 9, 2009 - http://www.wunderground.com/history...tml?req_city=NA&req_state=NA&req_statename=NA


I do not have a clue why it is going to take a month to compare dental records. I also see NO reason why Josh would dump her in a grazing area for sheep, which is so much further away and riskier. Rather than a mine shaft that is within a couple hours and almost guarantees she won't be found. Really, I can see no reason for that. We do know about what time he left, because the neighbor heard the panic alarm on the minivan that night. So he hadn't left before that point. Which was 11:45pm I believe, or really close to it.


The discovery of a woman's body in a grazing area for sheep outside Laramie, Wyo.

A sheepherder found the body of a woman 14 miles east of Laramie on Thursday. Sheriff's office did not have any information about what the area looked like where the body was found, such as whether the body was lying in the open or if an attempt had been made to conceal it or if there were any obvious signs of trauma that might suggest a possible cause of death. He also did not have any word on possible clothing descriptions the victim may have been wearing.

They will use dental records to confirm the identity of the body, which he expected would take at least a month to complete.
Police believe body found in Laramie unlikely Susan Powell
September 14th, 2010 @ 5:12pm
By Jennifer Stagg

Sgt. Mike Powell with the West Valley City Police Department confirmed Tuesday afternoon that the body found is not that of Susan Powell, though he did not reveal how police came to that conclusion.

more at link:

Police believe body found in Laramie unlikely Susan Powell
September 14th, 2010 @ 5:12pm
By Jennifer Stagg

Sgt. Mike Powell with the West Valley City Police Department confirmed Tuesday afternoon that the body found is not that of Susan Powell, though he did not reveal how police came to that conclusion.

more at link:


Well I wonder how they are so sure it is not her ? Oh to be a fly on the wall :angel:
Susan was 5'4.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say I don't think there is even a chance this is Susan. Unless he had an accomplice that he met, who took her body the rest of the way.

I-80 actually gets CLOSED frequently during the winter because the snow and ice get so bad on this route through Wyoming. They have gates that they simply shut. One of them is right at Laramie. Given the weather in Utah at that point, there is a very good chance I-80 was closed or very ugly. I do know there WAS an ugly bus/semi accident on December 6th, which killed the bus driver. This was due to ice.

Even with 24 hours, if he went when he rented the vehicle...I do not think he could have driven anything without 4 wheel drive or chains up there. Even with that, you would end up going about 20MPH. Which would turn that 6-8 hour drive (an estimate depending on the route you take, without weather conditions slowing you down) into FAR longer.

You would be taking a HUGE unneeded risk by going to Wyoming. Getting stuck, crashing, having to go 20MPH the whole way. I think there is about a 1% chance this is Susan and if it is, I am 99% sure he had another person helping him. I firmly believe Susan is in Utah or one of the other surrounding states, or there is someone else going down with Josh.

Here are a couple things about the weather in December 2009, I'm sure someone with more time can find something specific to December 6th/7th when she went missing or December 9th/10th when he rented the car. But this is a pretty good general idea. I will look more later if no one else has.

Dec 11 - Winter storm watch, travel treacherous - http://www.pinedaleonline.com/news/2009/12/WinterStormWatchforw.htm

Dec 26 - 1-80 closed - picture at Laramie: http://www.pinedaleonline.com/news/2009/12/RoadWeatherandTravel.htm

I really don't think this is her either. I think the body found in Cle Elum, WA may be a possibility.

It was really cold in Laramie on Dec 6. No way to bury a body in that weather.

Link: http://www.wunderground.com/history...tml?req_city=NA&req_state=NA&req_statename=NA
Gifford said since December relatives have been contacted seven to eight times by police who have found unidentified bodies. The family was also contacted when an unidentified woman’s remains were found near the Suncadia resort in Central Washington last week.


The only reason I think there is even a small chance she could be in Washington...is simply because he lives there and he was there only 2 weeks after she disappeared.

Obviously the odds are slim...but there is always that chance that he moved her when he went up there just before Christmas. Move her body, go to her candlelight vigil...that sounds about right. :sick:

Cle Elum to Puyallup (Josh's parents) is 1.5 hours...and Cle Elum is right on the way there. It's right there before all the forest on the map.


I still think it's unlikely...If he had made a Washington trip sooner maybe....but after two weeks? Moving her after that long? I don't know... :waitasec:


I really don't think this is her either. I think the body found in Cle Elum, WA may be a possibility.

It was really cold in Laramie on Dec 6. No way to bury a body in that weather.

Link: http://www.wunderground.com/history...tml?req_city=NA&req_state=NA&req_statename=NA
Yeah we moved on from the one in Laramie a few posts ago when the family came out and said dental records proved it wasn't her.

The one in Washington has not yet been ruled out. At Suncadia Resort, in Cle Elum. They know it was put there after 2002...they seem to be leaning towards it being put there sometime close to then.

They also said it was 18-24 inches below the ground. That's a lot of digging in December... I'm becoming more convinced by the minute that this is highly unlikely to be her. But, you just never know...with that accomplice theory.

There is also the control issue. If Josh really was THAT controlling of Susan... why would he move to Washington and leave her body in Utah? :waitasec: That's another thing that hadn't occurred to me. From a psychological standpoint, maybe we SHOULD be looking close to Josh.


Good to know that the family has not heard definitively either way on this body. I would think if it was obviously 8 years old they would have told them that.


"For instance the body that was found recently in Suncadia, we're still waiting to hear about that.

There were bodies that were found in Nevada and Utah that took them a little bit of time to rule out. So we have learned that it's better for us to wait and get the information correctly."
Okay... in this video to the right of the article...Brent says the family WAS told that the body at Suncadia in Washington was not Susan. However, just a few hours before that they said they had not yet been told...and they haven't included that body in a released statement yet. :waitasec:

So I guess we assume it's not her? :waitasec:

10pm news:

"Actually a double disappointment for friends and family of Susan Cox Powell tonight. Not only the news from Laramie but also confirmation today from investigators in central Washington where another woman's body had been found last week. Also not Susan Powell."



"For instance the body that was found recently in Suncadia, we're still waiting to hear about that."

Can anyone provide me with information about Josh's mother, Terrica?

And most importantly: has she had any "voice" concerning Susan's case/investigation?
Can anyone provide me with information about Josh's mother, Terrica?

And most importantly: has she had any "voice" concerning Susan's case/investigation?

She has been very low-key and has provided very little information. In fact, and I may be wrong, but I don't recall her making any kind of a direct statement.

She has been discussed periodically here. There is a search button on the menu above (third one from the right) where you can enter her name and pull up all the posts mentioning her. Doing that will give you a pretty good idea about her. Hope this helps.
Feds want Susan Powell’s childhood journals, father-in-law says


" The father-in-law of Susan Powell says federal agents came to his home wanting the childhood journals she kept.

Meanwhile, with the anniversary of her disappearance next week, police have issued a new flier asking for the public’s help in finding the missing wife and mother. Events commemorating or reminding people of the disappearance also are planned.

In e-mails to The Tribune, Powell’s father-in-law, Steve Powell, said agents from the U.S. Marshals Service arrived Nov. 16 at his Puyallup, Wash., home.

"The U.S. Marshals asked about Susan’s childhood journals," Steve Powell wrote. "Of course, we are happy to cooperate with law enforcement in any way we can."

The Salt Lake Tribune
Dec 1, 2010


I find this very odd...
Extremely odd.

I'm not LDS, but what is considered childhood journals? When she was 8 or 9 ...or her teen years? Can anyone think of why US Marshals would want this....especially copies and not the originals?

I really find it hard to believe SP would lie about the FBI and now the US Marshals in the press. He's either telling the truth or completely out of his gourd. imo

ETA: From the same link:

Events scheduled for missing woman
Monday » A celebration of Susan Powell as a mother is scheduled at Whittier Elementary School in West Valley City, where Susan’s son Charlie would be attending school if he lived in Utah. A public story time and used-book drive will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the school, 3585 S. 6000 West.

Tuesday » A group will canvass West Valley City businesses to post fliers of Susan Powell, and will pass out fliers from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Hunter Library, 4740 W. 4100 South in West Valley City. In Puyallup, Wash., the Coxes plan to participate in a service project called Washington State Santa Cops.
Source: Kiirsi Hellewell*, event co-organizer; Shelby Gifford*, Cox family spokeswoman

***These events are helpful in keeping Susan's name in the public, but my question is why hasn't this group on the SCP Foundation done anything in cooridinating a search for Susan???? Why??? The search window was open from April-Oct and not a thing was done by them. Now that it's winter again....the flyer campaign is on... again. What does this say??
Extremely odd.

I'm not LDS, but what is considered childhood journals? When she was 8 or 9 ...or her teen years? Can anyone think of why US Marshals would want this....especially copies and not the originals?

I really find it hard to believe SP would lie about the FBI and now the US Marshals in the press. He's either telling the truth or completely out of his gourd. imo

ETA: From the same link:

Events scheduled for missing woman
Monday » A celebration of Susan Powell as a mother is scheduled at Whittier Elementary School in West Valley City, where Susan’s son Charlie would be attending school if he lived in Utah. A public story time and used-book drive will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the school, 3585 S. 6000 West.

Tuesday » A group will canvass West Valley City businesses to post fliers of Susan Powell, and will pass out fliers from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Hunter Library, 4740 W. 4100 South in West Valley City. In Puyallup, Wash., the Coxes plan to participate in a service project called Washington State Santa Cops.
Source: Kiirsi Hellewell*, event co-organizer; Shelby Gifford*, Cox family spokeswoman

***These events are helpful in keeping Susan's name in the public, but my question is why hasn't this group on the SCP Foundation done anything in cooridinating a search for Susan???? Why??? The search window was open from April-Oct and not a thing was done by them. Now that it's winter again....the flyer campaign is on... again. What does this say??

Great question about the journals... First you have to understand the mission of the US Marshals svc. What track are they on in the investigation? we dont know. If I had recent journals and were trying to track a missing person, looking at older journals would give me a great over view of who the person is as a whole, look for old friends, places, changes in attitutes, things written in the persons own hand. While journals can be very revealing, they can also be deceiveing...

As for the flyer...Im curious about the expire date on the reward...not that it is important to me, by why the expiration date only a week away?

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