VA - Alexis Murphy, 17, Shipman, 3 Aug 2013 - #1

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This strikes me as strange as well. I was snooping on her Twitter account a little and found someone that she contacted regularly there. This person was a male, and in his Twitter bio he named her as his "wife" (likely fictional and for jokes, but still significant). However, after looking through his timeline I only found maybe TWO tweets related to her and her disappearance out of at least 50 tweets that he had sent out over the last five days. If even this guy, who seemed to be close to her, didn't even show much interest, I wonder how many of her other social media followers do. It's sad, really.

Also, in relation to her phone... I believe that there is some software that all iPhones come packaged with that allow you to locate a missing or stolen iPhone regardless of a dead battery. My friend used this to find her phone that was stolen and was able to find its exact location. Is this something that LE would be aware of? It just seems odd to me that a phone hasn't been discovered given the technology that is so readily available to us today.

I've been trying to dig up dirt on that guy too. A few pages back I posted about my findings -- he was inactive from 2p until 8p the day she went missing. Had a funeral in NJ this weekend (body found off 95 in fairfax co this morning -- no clue if its related to the case). Anyway I think he's shady.
Definitely possible! Two guys makes things easier especially with vehicles, driving the car to CV,picking the other one up. Sometimes when they find cars or a victim's bike, they do publicize whether it has damage etc. Unless they were keeping that close to them...But why would they do that? Doesn't make sense not to publish car damages when looking for potential witnesses, info, etc.

I don't know. In a earlier article where they had found her car, there was a pic that showed 2 FBI peeps shining a flashlight in the same general area and looking closely at the car. Haven't gone back to look for it yet though.
Jumping off your post, wouldn't her phone have her scent on it? She seemed to be on it a lot, from all her postings and pictures, and I would think it would carry her scent, especially if it had a silicon case of some sort.

jmo It will have her scent it just won't have a scent the dogs can follow. It won't leave a scent thru the woods kwim?
Good find! I did not notice that! I looked at the pictures but was reading info and that did not mention damages. I know when they found Mickey Shunick's bike, they made sure to mention it was damaged. Thanks for all your great info!:rockon:

QUOTE=popsicle;9742705]I don't know. In a earlier article where they had found her car, there was a pic that showed 2 FBI peeps shining a flashlight in the same general area and looking closely at the car. Haven't gone back to look for it yet though.[/QUOTE]
This is the most important bit of information we have thus far, IMO. To add, if this is same worker who said she was alone, then she isn't necessarily changing her story. Alexis was purportedly alone, after all. However, she was seen talking to a man at the pump. That man probably wasn't with her. He may have even asked for a ride, or worse, demanded one with force.

I have a feeling the reason the clerk hadn't said anything about it is because LE told her not to. It's the reason they probably wouldn't comment on whether anyone was with her at the Liberty.

I remember someone posted that they were re-interviewing people. Maybe if it was the same worker who did say she was alone, they saw something on video maybe they re interviewed them after they saw it on video and then they changed.. Just saying. Probably not.
With as many friends as she had on social media, I'm surprised that there is zero chatter about what happened. Just a bunch of hopeful hash tagging.

Agreed. I know in my small town thats the talk of the town, also there are boards called Topix where they put everybodies business on as far as (Missing,Murders,Druggies) but it also could be how immature my town is lol but i'm suprised though since this is a small town.
Not sure if it OK to mention her Twitter but there is a lot of disturbing information there. I wish people would think twice before putting anything on the internet. Of course, she is just a teenager. No criticism but I am very concerned and hope she will soon be found safe.
I am pretty sure LE knows the gist of what happened. They just can't identify the perp or perps nor find her at this point. Hell, it could have been a who robbed her of her phone and other stuff. She had the IPhone in her hand at the gas station. He could've seen it and approached her when she came out. If this is the case, maybe he'll sell or pawn it and it will be turned back on at some point. Anyone checked Craigslist in the area?
I am pretty sure LE knows the gist of what happened. They just can't identify the perp or perps nor find her at this point. Hell, it could have been a who robbed her of her phone and other stuff. She had the IPhone in her hand at the gas station. He could've seen it and approached her when she came out. If this is the case, maybe he'll sell or pawn it and it will be turned back on at some point. Anyone checked Craigslist in the area?

There's a bunch of iPhones for sale on CV's CL. Idk what kind of description to look for though.

Also, body in Occoquan has not been positively ID'd yet.
Or perhaps it's the guy she is doing a drug deal with since she talks about weed a lot. I thought the clerk said she talked with him at the pumps and then drove off...maybe they were to meet around Cannary Loop and it went bad. Under the last article, under comments, Jill remarked that the wooded area where police searched on foot was a known drug dealing area. Just a thought! MOO

Or maybe he did just ask for a ride or demand a ride...

Yes possible, I'm sure she wouldn't have did a deal at the gas station, just met at a house and followed him. Wonder if the video shows her following anyone? Also, we aren't really sure she bought weed. Many times in high school, we would just meet at a friends house and smoke. (Don't judge me, haha we all was a little crazy back then) lol
Absolutely nothing going on on the N Co. scanner except a fire alarm at some nature place.

Yeah since I live in TX now, I pretty much have to depend on my ipad app scanners or the internet lol .. not the best. I wish I had my dads scanners his pick up like everything lol
There's a bunch of iPhones for sale on CV's CL. Idk what kind of description to look for though.

Also, body in Occoquan has not been positively ID'd yet.

Hopefully they kept the phone on and just reported it stolen or blacklisted. Plus if Alexis was so big on her phone, she might have the find my iphone app. Works wonders but they can erase the phone and it won't be able to track it as far as that app goes.

But if they kept the phone active that would be smart so if by chance the phone went dead and someone turns it on through charge, they can track the GPS on it either way, app or no app. The phone has to have some type of service on it i'm pretty sure.
I hope they have looked at receipts from Liberty during that time and interviewed those customers to see if they remember anything and re-interview a couple days later. You can't trust people to want to come forward and help an investigation imo.
Hopefully they kept the phone on and just reported it stolen or blacklisted. Plus if Alexis was so big on her phone, she might have the find my iphone app. Works wonders but they can erase the phone and it won't be able to track it as far as that app goes.

But if they kept the phone active that would be smart so if by chance the phone went dead and someone turns it on through charge, they can track the GPS on it either way, app or no app. The phone has to have some type of service on it i'm pretty sure.

My son had an iphone stolen a little while back, and the find my friends app worked wonders till whomever stole the phone either jailbroke it or had the service illegally switched over.

Phone was reported stolen, serial number on the phone was given, the phone has never been to a store for reactivation.

Hence, the phone was probably jailbroken and service set up.

Finding a lost or stolen phone isn't so easy now days, sadly.
I haven't been able to find the pic of the FBI looking at the car but I was just looking at a video from the 6th and that mark is a reflector. Also, the FBI went over the entire car like that with their flashlight. The search dog was going crazy following the scent from the car. The handlers/police were struggling to keep up with him. Also, the lack of any real searching in that area makes it clear imo, that her car seat was most likely pushed way back and/or other clear evidence that she is somewhere else. jmo
It was a quieter scene in Lovingston around the police command center Saturday. There were no helicopters in sight and neighbors say they saw no signs of an active search.

The FBI says it is continuing to cover leads, but refuses to confirm details that would compromise the investigation.

NBC29 ‏@NBC29 4m
@mariahallas29 FBI went to specific stores today for more tape and to get information--latest at 10 #alexismurphy
Just sad and a little surprised they haven't cracked this one yet with all the FBI support so early on. Still hoping for the best! Thanks to everyone for keeping us updated!

It was a quieter scene in Lovingston around the police command center Saturday. There were no helicopters in sight and neighbors say they saw no signs of an active search.

The FBI says it is continuing to cover leads, but refuses to confirm details that would compromise the investigation.

Just to kind of echo what others have said, most likely this was a two-person stalker job. I hate to sound like I'm stereotyping, but anyone who knows the area knows that there's no scene more common than two guys driving around in a pick up truck. I say it's probably a stalking case gone violent because the perps knew exactly where to find her, where to put her car to make people think she was in that area. I'm guessing she might have been followed from her house.

This young girl was a celebrity, maybe only in the Internet, but a self-style celebrity all the same, and celebrities have haters/stalkers. The area where she's from, and near the gas station, is a very low population, ethnically mixed, low-income area and putting all of her personal information about there, her naivete made her a sitting duck. This young woman's online life was a ticking time bomb and it was only a matter of time before it landed on her family's doorstep.

As to where she is, her body could be in the woods or it could be somewhere else. Many people in the area are connected to people in other rural areas; there are isolated counties in every direction.

I do think the FBI and LE aren't showing all their cards, they can't, because people in this type of rural community are all very well connected. They cover for each other.

Regarding the two strange Mexicans: the area has some agricultural businesses that employ migrant workers, so take those two Mexicans and multiply them by about 1000. There are a lot of them in the area, generally no trouble to the community. It mostly the drugs, unemployment and the emotionally disturbed that cause the biggest trouble in the area.

Regarding the question about a body of water: there is a lake not too far from the gas station where she was last seen, but from what I understand, it's fairly developed with homes, families camping and hobby fishermen, so it's not isolated.
Why go the wrong direction? I can think of:

  • Had no intention of going to Lynchburg in the first place. It was a decoy for her parents or some friend or friends she was messing with.
  • Was going to a party that direction.
  • Came from a party that didn't work out so well. Since she had previously tweeted "Burg bound", went the opposite way in case anyone from party she knew would try to follow.
  • Was feeling down for some reason and just wanted to drive.
  • Decided after getting gas she wanted to go to a different store the other way. No idea why she wouldn't text to update parents, but not all kids do that like mine do.
  • A car forced her that direction. I have had that happen to me where someone cuts around me because they think I am driving too slow and "push" me over to the wrong lane. (When really I'm just trying not to run over the slow person in the roadway...) I can see it happening intentionally.
  • Giving someone she knows a ride.
  • Someone was hiding or forced their way into her car and made her go that way.
  • Intending to stop somewhere quickly in that direction.
  • Decided to run away for some reason.

Other ideas?
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