VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #1

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Not sure how LE could come to any conclusions about the photographers if they weren't stopped and questioned! That makes no sense. How can they rule things in or out without talking to someone? It so convenient that people seem to get away or melt into the crowd before anyone can get to them. This has happened in other cases too-I won't bring them up here, but I have seen that happen, where LE is just a few steps behind and miss helping someone. It's just awful.
I had the same thought, that whoever has her has associates in the US and they simply drove over there to complete the task. Or it was a tabloid. But nobody knows for sure.
So many questions unanswered. Prayers for Amy and her family!
Not sure how LE could come to any conclusions about the photographers if they weren't stopped and questioned! That makes no sense. How can they rule things in or out without talking to someone? It so convenient that people seem to get away or melt into the crowd before anyone can get to them. This has happened in other cases too-I won't bring them up here, but I have seen that happen, where LE is just a few steps behind and miss helping someone. It's just awful.
I had the same thought, that whoever has her has associates in the US and they simply drove over there to complete the task. Or it was a tabloid. But nobody knows for sure.
So many questions unanswered. Prayers for Amy and her family!

Maybe the plates on the car.
There is a scenario that the Bradleys have experienced and I'm sure the families of other missing people have also experienced. When something happens with these familes at a local level, the local police are called. As soon as the local police learn that it is an open Federal case, they back off and everything goes to the FBI. The FBI hasn't always been real good with Amy's case and the FBI is notorious for not giving information or feedback. The families are left in an information void and it's very frustrating.
In the two cases you mention, were the victims American? Amy is/was a beautiful young woman. What motive would the perp (s) have to abduct an American young woman off a ship to be used as a drug mule or to work in a factory? I know you don't believe it was prostitution or sex slavery but to me, that would be the only scenario that would make any sense.

This is wiki and I apologize if the information is not 100% accurate but it gives us a quick overview of human trafficking and what countries are mostly effected. If I have time this evening, I will look at more accurate statistics. It appears third world countries are most effected.

I think it's not impossible to believe a perp grabbed Amy on the ship for sexual purposes and threw her overboard after he had done the deed. IMO, it makes the most logical sense.

I understand and respect the family's hope she is still alive and the sightings do give credence that she may be still be alive but is it realistic to think all these sightings including the one in San Francisco are 100% accurate?

In Madeleine McCann's case, there have been perhaps hundreds of sightings of her all over the world including the US. None panned out. People with very good intentions see someone resembling the victim and call in the lead but many times that's all it is. A look alike. A false lead.

Anyway, just my 2 cents worth.

Human trafficking - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If there is a Canadian connection as alluded to in an earlier post, if you can provide us with more information that would be greatly appreciated. IIRC, it was the Venezuela "fake" escort service (??). Perhaps we can do some sleuthing on this side of the border.

Curaçao back on watchlist human trafficking
TUESDAY, 28 JUNE 2011 12:53
WILLEMSTAD — During the past year, the government of Curaçao has been unable to prove they made more efforts in tackling human trafficking and slave running compared to 2009. Therefore, the US had placed the country back on the ‘TIER 2 watchlist’. Last year, the country stood on “TIER 2’.

Therefore, a step backwards from light to dark grey, it appears from the annual Trafficking in Persons report from the US State Department. The report on Curaçao was drawn up by the American consulate.

The case for Curaçao namely regards that the new legislation on this field, included in the new Penal Code, has still not been approved. Subsequently, tracking authorities cannot take sufficient action against perpetrators of human trafficking. Approval seems nearby now that the Central Committee of the parliament is to submit a final report to be discussed in a public meeting of the States. Apart from the legislation, one is to work on trainings in recognizing victims and assisting in the aid and protection or such. A multi-disciplinary work group has been set up on the island to tackle human trafficking.

Aruba now stands on ‘TIER 2’. Although human trafficking is punishable in this country, no cases have been brought before the judge yet. However, this was not the case on Curaçao where the public prosecutors are to focus on indictments such as blackmail, extortion and abduction. Aruba is also to improve their screening process in order to recognize victims of human trafficking and formalize protection programs for victims.

As in previous reports, Curaçao is mentioned as destination or transit harbor for adults and children – victims for forced labor or prostitution. There are also indications of child prostitution and victims repaying a debt in the form of unpaid labor. These people come from Asia, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Columbia. The report also mentions the government should take more preventative measures against human trafficking, forced labor and prostitution by launching an awareness campaign.

Four categories

The list has four categories: TIER 1, if the country complies with the minimum requirements of the Trafficking Victims Protection Acts (TVPA). TIER 2, if the country makes significant efforts to comply with the requirements. TIER 2 watchlist, if insufficient visible efforts are made. A country is place on TIER 3 if it does not comply with the requirements and if no efforts are made. According to the most recent report, Somalia and Saudi Arabia are listed somewhere at the bottom. Possible consequences are that no loans from for example the World Bank are issued to these countries.

2012 Trafficking in Persons Report - Curacao
CURACAO (Tier 2)*

Curacao is a source, transit, and destination for women, children, and men who are subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. There are indications that child prostitution may be a problem in Curacao and that some of the hundreds of migrant women in Curacao's illegal and regulated sex trades are victims of forced prostitution. It is unclear how the recruitment process works for Curacao's walled, legal, brothel in a remote area that offers "24/7 access to more than 120" foreign women in prostitution. Local authorities believe that migrant workers also have been subjected to forced domestic service and forced labor in construction, landscaping, and shops. Some migrants in restaurants and local businesses may be vulnerable to debt bondage. Foreign trafficking victims originate from Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Asia.

The Government of Curacao does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking; however, it is making significant efforts to do so. During 2011, Curacao enacted articles in its criminal code prohibiting all forms of human trafficking. In contrast to previous years, the government has not identified a trafficking victim or shown evidence of increasing efforts to protect victims.

Recommendations for Curacao: Make a robust and transparent effort to identify and assist potential victims of sex trafficking and forced labor by implementing formal proactive victim protection measures to guide officials, including health workers, on how to identify victims and how to assist victims of forced labor and sex trafficking in the legal and illegal sex trade; integrate outreach by a Spanish-speaking victim advocate, trained in human trafficking indicators, into routine health inspections at the legal brothel to ensure the rights of women in the brothel are protected and coordinate with law enforcement if signs of trafficking arise; consult with The Netherlands government on how it proactively finds victims of sex trafficking within the sex trade; vigorously prosecute, convict and sentence trafficking offenders, including any officials complicit in human trafficking; and implement a multilingual public awareness campaign directed toward potential victims, the general public, and potential clients of the sex trade.


The government demonstrated modest efforts in the prosecution of trafficking offenders. In November 2011, the government passed a new penal code containing articles that prohibit forced labor and sex trafficking and prescribes penalties ranging from nine to 24 years' imprisonment. These penalties are sufficiently stringent and commensurate with those for other serious crimes, such as rape. The government reported one new investigation of an alleged trafficking offense, but no prosecutions or convictions of sex or labor trafficking offenders occurred under the new statute or any other statutes that had been used in the past to prosecute trafficking offenders. There were no investigations or prosecutions of officials complicit in human trafficking. The government did not offer law enforcement training to identify trafficking victims and offenses.


The government's victim protection measures remained weak over the last year. The government did not identify any trafficking victims during the reporting period, compared with four victims identified in 2010 and 16 victims identified in 2009. The lack of identification of sex trafficking victims, despite a significant population of vulnerable foreign women and girls in prostitution in Curacao's sex trade, highlights the ineffectiveness of the government's victim identification measures. Organizations in Colombia and Venezuela reported assisting trafficking victims who had been exploited in Curacao. The government did not ensure that health officials charged with regulating the Curacao brothel employed measures aggressively to identify human trafficking victims and refer suspected victims for assistance. The government operated multipurpose shelters, but these facilities reportedly did not assist any trafficking victims during the reporting period. The government did not grant temporary or longer-term residency status to any foreign victims of trafficking during the year. The government did not report a policy to protect identified victims from being punished for crimes committed as a direct result of being in a trafficking situation.


The government initiated few trafficking prevention efforts during the year, such as multilingual public awareness campaigns about forced labor and forced prostitution. A two-day information campaign, held around the International Trafficking in Persons Day, included televised videos, radio advertisements, and other media outreach. The Curacao government acknowledged by ministerial decree the observance of the European Union Anti-Trafficking Day. The government did not have any awareness campaigns specifically targeting potential clients of the sex trade in Curacao in an effort to reduce the demand for commercial sex acts. Curacao did not have a trafficking rapporteur to monitor and evaluate its anti-trafficking efforts. The government has not identified a child sex tourism problem involving Curacao.,,,,NLD,,4fe30cd22f,0.html
My heart goes out to the Bradley family. They have endured more than any parents and family should ever have to experience.

Besides Amy's tattoos, I'm hopeful that someone will recognize Amy's unique remarkable cheekbones and bring Amy home soon.

It's clear who the initial person responsible in Amy's disappearance is.

Is PI, Tim Buckholz still involved with the case?
My heart goes out to the Bradley family. They have endured more than any parents and family should ever have to experience.

Besides Amy's tattoos, I'm hopeful that someone will recognize Amy's unique remarkable cheekbones and bring Amy home soon.

It's clear who the initial person responsible in Amy's disappearance is.

Is PI, Tim Buckholz still involved with the case?

No, he isn't.
No family should ever have to endure what the Bradley family has been through since Amy went missing.

Do we know if the ring Amy was wearing or the silver bracelet was ever recovered in Curacao at any pawn/swap shops?

Is the information listed on the CharleyProject site good and factual information?

Here is a side by side comparison of the woman in the photo (with the headboard) and one of Amy with her head at about the same angle. The nose does not look the same to me and the ear lobes look different to me as well. Amy's ear lobes look like they are "attached" whereas the woman's ear lobes look like they are detached. However, if FBI analysis has shown this is Amy then it probably is Amy as they have more comparison methods than just the visual.

Amy disappeared in Curacao I believe and was probably abducted or lured away after disembarking from the cruise ship. The sightings of Amy by the US serviceman and the Canadian diver are believable. For whatever reasons Amy was abducted, her time for being useful to her abductors is probably nearly over - so time is of the essence if she truly is still "out there" to be found.

Strength and courage to the Bradley family and friends and keep the faith that Amy will be found and brought home.


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No family should ever have to endure what the Bradley family has been through since Amy went missing.

Do we know if the ring Amy was wearing or the silver bracelet was ever recovered in Curacao at any pawn/swap shops?

Is the information listed on the CharleyProject site good and factual information?

Here is a side by side comparison of the woman in the photo (with the headboard) and one of Amy with her head at about the same angle. The nose does not look the same to me and the ear lobes look different to me as well. Amy's ear lobes look like they are "attached" whereas the woman's ear lobes look like they are detached. However, if FBI analysis has shown this is Amy then it probably is Amy as they have more comparison methods than just the visual.

Amy disappeared in Curacao I believe and was probably abducted or lured away after disembarking from the cruise ship. The sightings of Amy by the US serviceman and the Canadian diver are believable. For whatever reasons Amy was abducted, her time for being useful to her abductors is probably nearly over - so time is of the essence if she truly is still "out there" to be found.

Strength and courage to the Bradley family and friends and keep the faith that Amy will be found and brought home.

The bracelet and ring have never turned up.

I am not here to do reviews of other websites, but there are errors in the Charley Project information. I have to wonder where some of this information originates.

Amy was not leaving the ship to purchase cigarettes in Curacao. She had cigarettes with her and she wasn't wearing shoes.

The Bradleys absolutely do not believe that Amy went ashore on her own will.

It is highly unlikely that the cab driver ever saw Amy in the parking area of the cruise terminal.

The Bradley family does not believe that she was kidnapped by pirates operating out of Curacao.

The Bradleys absolutely believe that Amy was the woman in the Barbados restroom.
The FBI in the Caribbean has not always been good in responding to tips and witness sightings. If anyone has any information, please contact the Bradleys at
There are a number of reasons why we believe that Amy wasn't an escort at this resort.


It would be highly unlikely that they would allow Amy to be alone with the English speaking Johns. The escorts are alone with their Johns 24/7. She is too high profile and she has tried to identify herself.

Most of the Johns at this resort were Canadian and American.

(respectfully snipped by me)

The list of reasons for not believing Amy was an escort make sense. This part of your response (quoted) prompted a question out of curiosity. Is it possible that -- IF Amy had been an escort at some point -- the reason her captors might have left her alone with a John was because the likelihood of a Canadian or American being willing to admit they hired an escort was slim to none? To "save" her would have meant opening themselves up to embarrassment personally as well as professionally? Just thinking out loud and mulling this over in my brain.
(respectfully snipped by me)

The list of reasons for not believing Amy was an escort make sense. This part of your response (quoted) prompted a question out of curiosity. Is it possible that -- IF Amy had been an escort at some point -- the reason her captors might have left her alone with a John was because the likelihood of a Canadian or American being willing to admit they hired an escort was slim to none? To "save" her would have meant opening themselves up to embarrassment personally as well as professionally? Just thinking out loud and mulling this over in my brain.

I guess that's possible.

Your thoughts bring me back to the Chief Petty Officer who saw Amy in the Otrobanda hotel. When Amy pleaded for his help, he didn't do anything about helping her. He didn't know who she was, but he still didn't try to help an American woman. He admitted that he knew he wasn't supposed to be there because he was married and because the bar was off limits to Navy personnel. So, in this respect he was saving himself personally and professionally.

Since this man did learn that he had encountered Amy Bradley and that she had been a victim in serious need of his help, he has been deeply affected. He came to Washington to meet with the FBI and while he was there, he also met with the Bradleys. This man is consumed with guilt because he left Amy in that bar and he did nothing to help her. He has not done any interviews about his experience, however, he had agreed to be part of the Vanished program with his face not visible. He got as far as the airport and he couldn't continue to the filming destination. He feels that much shame about not helping Amy.

I believe that most men would help Amy.

I don't believe Amy's captors would have left her alone with an American or Canadian John at that resort because they speak English and she would have told them who she was. Amy would have told them who she was and they would have acted on it. I don't think this was a risk Amy's captors were willing to take.
Reading this thread I do feel like the photos are of Amy the nose looks the same to me and the space between the eyes do as well. Watching the footage from the cruise ship it looks to me as though her hands are linked while dancing with the man who was in the band... I wonder what their conversations were about? Most conversations start with a where are you from what do you do for a living. Did he make plans to meet with her in the morning? With her pictures missing that is a huge sign to me I recently took a cruise and my husband and I were photographed constantly we had pictures boarding the boat while at the pool sitting at our dinner table there were more than 5 or 6 photos so for all of them to be missing and only hers really raises a red flag. That doesnt happen by mistake. Also as a first time cruiser there is no way that IMO a person would sit on the rail I barely wanted to get close to it and I am 5'7 I could rest my elbows comfortably on the rail while leaning it would not be possible to just fall over unless there was some sort of effort involved. Also I do want to mention that the crews of ships are VERY diverse you have people from all over the world that work for cruise ships. if you are with the same ships you will be going to the same ports often. You will find that alot of the crew members also disembark the ship when it comes in they usually dont hang in the same tourist traps or spots. this is of course my own opinion but shady characters could really try to entice someone who works on the ship to scope out someone. Also I live in a city with a port Ive sat and had lunch and watched crew members come and go from the liners they have a completely seperate area that they leave from so while all the guests are heading out of a specific area the crew leaves from another. surprisingly you see that no one is paying attention to what the crew members are doing the people outside are usually loading water, luggage, food items ect. i dont believe it would be very hard at all for amy to be taken from the ship through the crew member area.

I feel as though the person from the band got friendly with amy gained her trust told her to meet up with him again in the morning drugged her coffee asked her to go into along with him and once she was woozy or passed out hid her and then snuck her out of the ship. I think she wasnt wearing shoes because she planned on just meeting up for a short amount of time get back to the room and prepare to visit the island once they docked.
FindAmy, thanks for all of the information you have provided. I was just wondering, you seem to have inside information, and I'm getting the vibe you don't think Amy was abducted for (overt) sexual reasons/prostitution, and it doesn't make sense to me that she would be a good candidate for a drug mule - what worse than to call attention to the person carrying one's 'product' than a missing person whose disappearance was widely reported and whose face was everywhere? Anyway, I was wondering if you think it's possible Amy could have been kidnapped in order to be a 'breeder', i.e., to bear Caucasian, blonde/blue-eyed, All-American looking children who would then themselves perhaps be sold either to pedophiles or as just plain old illegal adoptions? Is this a possibility in your mind?

One more question - has there been ANY sighting, FBI verified or not, of Amy since 2005? I believe that year was the last verified sighting. If not, I wonder where she has been the last seven years?

Thanks in advance for any insight you can give.
FindAmy, thanks for all of the information you have provided. I was just wondering, you seem to have inside information, and I'm getting the vibe you don't think Amy was abducted for (overt) sexual reasons/prostitution, and it doesn't make sense to me that she would be a good candidate for a drug mule - what worse than to call attention to the person carrying one's 'product' than a missing person whose disappearance was widely reported and whose face was everywhere? Anyway, I was wondering if you think it's possible Amy could have been kidnapped in order to be a 'breeder', i.e., to bear Caucasian, blonde/blue-eyed, All-American looking children who would then themselves perhaps be sold either to pedophiles or as just plain old illegal adoptions? Is this a possibility in your mind?

One more question - has there been ANY sighting, FBI verified or not, of Amy since 2005? I believe that year was the last verified sighting. If not, I wonder where she has been the last seven years?

Thanks in advance for any insight you can give.

I don't believe that Amy was taken for prostitution, but these other things are possible.

Information about sightings has not been released since the Barbados sighting in 2005. Details from sightings before this aren't released, either. Amy's case isn't a cold case. It's an active and ongoing case. I am not able to say anything that could place Amy in danger or disrupt the integrity of the investigation.
I remember when Natalee disappeared I either read or heard on TV that someone told Beth a young pretty american girl would be worth a lot of money to the right people.
How did they know where and when to go? I refer to the guys in the car.

After Amy disappeared, the Bradleys were back in their home in Virginia. There was a family gathering at their home. A concerned neighbor came to the door to report that two young men were sitting in a car further down the street. They had a telephoto lense and they were photographing the Bradley home, as relatives came to the house.

The police were called, but the young men took off. Somehow the police determined that it had been a rental car. The authorities believe that these people may have been photographing Amy's family for her captors.
Have had this on my mind for days, so I guess I'll post it. If it's something that needs to be removed I understand.

And this is of course nothing but speculation concerning the reason that Amy was taken, and for what purposes she is being used. The illegal trafficking of children, for illegal adoptions or even worse, for sexual exploitation, has been big in the underworld of crime and is reportedly growing every day. Could Amy have been taken to assist in the kidnapping of children? Or, to help to watch over and care for them afterward and wherever they are being kept?
How did they know where and when to go? I refer to the guys in the car.

I know, it makes one wonder if there aren't local connections in their hometown, with whoever is behind Amy's disappearance. Is it possible that they set up Amy's kidnapping before they ever went on the cruise ?
I've been tracking this thread for a long time now and I seemed to have missed that link until you reposted it. Thanks!

I kept waiting for that guy to end the suspense with something like how he left his stateroom to get something to eat and he came back to find his master tapes gone.


(We're talking about Chris Fenwick's blog)
That's exactly what I thought was going to happen. I'm surprised it didn't.
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