VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #1

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I have asked everyone to move on from the discussion of Amy falling from the balcony. Any further discussion of this scenario will result in a loss of posting privileges.

Please move on.
From what I have been told, these artist sketches are very good representations of the "handlers" who have been seen with Amy.

The man on the left was seen in the Barbados bathroom. He is thin with dark hair. He was very well dressed and his appearance was meticulous. He was aggressive and rude. The witness described him as someone who could have been from the Mediterranean. He would be in his mid to late 40s.

The man in the center was seen with Amy in San Francisco. He seemed to be the handler in charge of her. He is tall and very heavy. His appearance was sloppy. His balding hair is red and his beard is red. He is probably in his late 40s.

The man on the right was seen with Amy in San Francisco. He is thin with dark hair. The witnesses described him as looking like someone who could be from Colombia. He was also described as wearing really cheap sunglasses. He is probably in his mid to late 40s.

Below is the shopping area in Bridgetown, Barbados where Amy was seen on March 1, 2005. There is a primary Barbados witness who encountered Amy in the bathroom of a department store, but Amy was actually seen three times that day. Amy was seen with four "handlers". They were intially seen standing in the cash register line at the Del Sol store on Broad Street. It was a short time later, when the witness who spoke on Vanished encountered Amy in the department store bathroom. Amy and the four handlers were later seen walking on the sidewalk, a block away from Broad Street. One witness described Amy as walking with the four men completely surrounding her. All that was visible from behind was Amy's wild hair.

This is a view of the Bridgetown shopping area. The stores where Amy was seen are on Broad Street.



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Why was Amy Bradley surrounded by four handlers, on Broad Street in Barbados, in the middle of the day?
Why was Amy Bradley surrounded by four handlers, on Broad Street in Barbados, in the middle of the day?

For sure it all points to money and Amy is worth money alive. Amy is always seen with men with no other women around. One would think that any shopping could be done in "off" hours instead of the middle of the day when Broad Street is probably busy. So why in the middle of the day? Not one handler but four handlers. Amy was seen I believe with two handlers in the Pier area of San Francisco. So it does make sense to me that there were more handlers available for use in Barbados. IIRC there were two handlers with Amy on the beach in Curacao.

It would appear reasonable that the centre of the "operation" is in Barbados (I have no clue what the "operation" could be). What would be so important that had to be picked up midday on Broad Street in Barbados?

Just ramblings and musings on my part ... opinions and thoughts only.
It seems like maybe they wanted her to be seen. Maybe they profit somehow from people thinking she's still alive.
The FBI in the Caribbean has not always been good in responding to tips and witness sightings. If anyone has any information, please contact the Bradleys at
This makes me think about Patrica Hearst and that whole ordeal.

It does, except that Patty Hearst joined forces with her captors. When Amy was seen in the department store restroom, she was extremely frightened and she actually retreated into a corner.

The Vanished program released communication between Amy and the witness, but I will not do that.

The woman in the restroom has been positively identified as Amy Bradley.

We do worry about the effects of Stockholm Syndrome because it's a very real condition.
Thanks to WS for bringing Amy's post back up for attention! Since its been so long we seem to forget about these missing people but you never know they could be found at anytime. I really think the cruise ship workers can not be trusted. I've been on 3 cruises and every cruise I was on I was approached by a worker. Once when I was 15 the guy was in the elevator w me by ourselves and he gave me his room key and asked me to go into his room. I went and told my parents and they complained to one of the higher ups but I'm sure nothing was done. They actually told my dad that if something happened the police could not do anything bc of international waters. Police have no jurisdiction. I think bad things happen on cruises more then we think :(
It does, except that Patty Hearst joined forces with her captors. When Amy was seen in the department store restroom, she was extremely frightened and she actually retreated into a corner.

The Vanished program released communication between Amy and the witness, but I will not do that.

The woman in the restroom has been positively identified as Amy Bradley.

We do worry about the effects of Stockholm Syndrome because it's a very real condition.

My husbands 2nd cousin is 1 of the people who kidnapped Patty Hurst. It's actually very interesting hearing about it! MSG me and I'll tell you the story :)
I remember when Natalee disappeared I either read or heard on TV that someone told Beth a young pretty american girl would be worth a lot of money to the right people.

Natalee is the reason I got interested in missing cases! I'll never forget the day she was reported missing! So much like Amy Bradley. A lot of crime goes on in those countries esp to Americans! Like Robyn Gardner too :(
What is a mystery to me is that most of these sightings of Amy have been in broad daylight, out in public areas. Why?

She is always seen with several handlers, from two to four.

So why is she being escorted around in broad daylight for all to see?

Why invest the expense and resources of two to four handlers to hover around her at all times?

Idk, but makes me think that Amy may be quite important, perhaps considered valuable in some way to this organization; or maybe it's not so much the organization, but a specific person involved with the organization. jmo
What is a mystery to me is that most of these sightings of Amy have been in broad daylight, out in public areas. Why?

She is always seen with several handlers, from two to four.

So why is she being escorted around in broad daylight for all to see?

Why invest the expense and resources of two to four handlers to hover around her at all times?

Idk, but makes me think that Amy may be quite important, perhaps considered valuable in some way to this organization; or maybe it's not so much the organization, but a specific person involved with the organization. jmo

I agree, any sightings of Amy would seem to be a way that she could be found. You would think they would try to minimize this. Why go out in the middle of the day in a shopping center?
Why was Amy Bradley surrounded by four handlers, on Broad Street in Barbados, in the middle of the day?

This is my question: Apparently these people never let Amy out of their sight yet are willing to escort her around with not one but anywhere from two to four "handlers", at any time of the day?

The thing is, Amy's still alive, at least this is what I assume, hope and pray... If this is indeed the case, there's a reason that she is. I believe that if she were just a sex slave of some sort, she probably would have been gone before now.

So perhaps these people chose and trained Amy for some specialized type of role or specific function. The question is, why was she chosen? Was it strictly opportunistic or was there more involved?
A few things come to mind as reasons why Amy was targeted:
1) her intelligence
2) she was single but came from a good family and had the capacity to nurture and care for others
3) because she was / is a very attractive young woman. They have to have their eye candy, right? :tsktsk: And maybe more than that ... :(
4) her personality : IJMO that someone from that organization could have been on that ship so was most likely observing Amy. Nothing to go on, that's just my gut feeling. And they liked what they saw. MOO
Why Amy? Why target Amy, has been on my mind a lot as well. Opportunity and her dark hair? Amy's an attractive young lady and her dark hair would blend in more than a blonde haired young lady would.
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