VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #1

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I did not bookmark the site where I found a cruise ship docked in San Fran on April 18th 2003 and am now having a bit of a time finding the information again. Just putting out a note that I have not forgotten about this item.

FindAmy, I know you can't give any specifics, but can you say whether there have been any sightings of Amy in the last yer or two ? TIA
FindAmy, I know you can't give any specifics, but can you say whether there have been any sightings of Amy in the last yer or two ? TIA

I can't respond, one way or the other, because either way, there could be a negative effect on Amy's case. I can't give specific details from the sightings prior to 2005, either. I can't say why I personally believe she was kidnapped.

My response would be a way for Amy's captors to know what LE knows, one way or the other.

My response would, one way or the other, interfere with anything that law enforcement is doing to bring Amy home.

My response could result in Amy's captors changing their MO. This could be a major interference with LE.

My response could result in Amy being punished, or worse, if I revealed any information that her captors would deem as her misbehavior. The Bradleys are very fearful of this happening and this is the reason why they were upset when information was recently released.

I do believe that enough is known about Amy's location in the southern Caribbean and the pre 2005 sightings, that she could be identified and found without current information. I believe that the reason she hasn't been found is because people aren't recognizing her and not because people don't know recent information about her case.

Amy's case is not cold. Her case is an ongoing investigation. Releasing information about a current Federal investigation is an obstruction of justice. The crime of obstruction of justice, in United States jurisdictions, refers to the crime of interfering with the work of police, investigators, regulatory agencies, or prosecutors.
Neesaki - please know that I would never intentionally lead the posters who follow Amy in a futile direction. I know that most of you care deeply about missing persons, as do I. I understand the hours that many of you have spent in an attempt to locate missing people. I would not want you to spend hours looking for things that I know are red herrings. This is the reason why I have said from the beginning that I personally don't believe that Amy was kidnapped to be a prostitute. I just wouldn't want to see any of you spending hours researching South American brothels, when I know that Amy probably isn't there.
FindAmy - what are your thoughts on the headboard? It doesn't look to be a headboard that you'd find in a hotel - maybe a private residence?
FindAmy - what are your thoughts on the headboard? It doesn't look to be a headboard that you'd find in a hotel - maybe a private residence?

PeggyAnn, I have literally spent years looking for that headboard and I know others have, also. It could be in a private home or a hotel.

I know that wrought iron furniture is often popular in locations where wood is sparse. That doesn't really help, though, because some of those Caribbean islands are lush and some are arid. Wrought iron has been very popular in places with a French influence and there are many Caribbean islands with a French influence.

I do know that in third world countries, wrought iron craftsman usually have shops where they make wrought iron things. These craftsmen often have a style or a pattern that is unique to them. I have looked everywhere for that heart design.



  • wroughtiron.jpg
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I came across this picture while looking through pictures on Flickr in St. Lucia. It caught my eye because it looks like a similar shape to the headboard:


I may be completely off, but to me the headboard has a cheap manufactured metal look to it. Here's another headboard with a similar pattern:
Heart Headboard
I came across this picture while looking through pictures on Flickr in St. Lucia. It caught my eye because it looks like a similar shape to the headboard:


I may be completely off, but to me the headboard has a cheap manufactured metal look to it. Here's another headboard with a similar pattern:
Heart Headboard

The metal headboard from England is a finer quality piece of furniture. The headboard with Amy was probably made locally on one of the islands. If we can find the local iron worker, we might be able to find the location of that bed.
Can you post information about Amy on the forum? If so, tell them everything.

I don't think they would be too keen on the idea? However, you may want to advise the Bradley's that they may want to contact the site's owner, and pass it around for the posters who have traveled to the sights that Amy has been spotted and check their photos. After all, there is a reward.
PeggyAnn, I have literally spent years looking for that headboard and I know others have, also. It could be in a private home or a hotel.

I know that wrought iron furniture is often popular in locations where wood is sparse. That doesn't really help, though, because some of those Caribbean islands are lush and some are arid. Wrought iron has been very popular in places with a French influence and there are many Caribbean islands with a French influence.

I do know that in third world countries, wrought iron craftsman usually have shops where they make wrought iron things. These craftsmen often have a style or a pattern that is unique to them. I have looked everywhere for that heart design.


Damm but when I look at that picture it sure looks to me like the bottom part of the leg from the knee down is badly bruised and a fresh bruise at that. I know these are thought to be amateur type photos - what is other folks take on this - is this just bad lighting or does the leg have serious bruising?
Damm but when I look at that picture it sure looks to me like the bottom part of the leg from the knee down is badly bruised and a fresh bruise at that. I know these are thought to be amateur type photos - what is other folks take on this - is this just bad lighting or does the leg have serious bruising?

You are certainly not alone with what you are seeing. I have questions about what looks like discoloration on her arm, in one of the photos. It could be the poor quality of the photo and a loss of clarity from being duplicated, so many times. These are actually a group of photographs and there is one photo that some people claim shows what looks like a tether on Amy's right arm. I very clearly see what they see, and I certainly have no explanation for what is on her wrist. I have no doubt that Amy has been forced into compliance through every means possible. I believe that she has suffered horrific sexual, mental, physical, and emotional abuse.

I just can't post the full photo out of respect for Amy and her family, but I have cropped the wrist portion. There is something on her wrist that she didn't have when she disappeared. It also looks like additional discoloration on her arm.



  • jaswrist.jpg
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I have blocked the worst parts of this photograph. I have tried to leave the right arm and wrist visible. I see what looks like bruising on her right wrist. I don't know what is on her wrist, but many believe it's a tether of some type. To me, Amy's facial expression shows absolute terror in this photo. It's like a deer in the headlights. These are not professional quality photographs and I don't believe that these photos were taken to promote an escort at a resort.



  • jas5.jpg
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I have blocked the worst parts of this photograph. I have tried to leave the right arm and wrist visible. I see what looks like bruising on her right wrist. I don't know what is on her wrist, but many believe it's a tether of some type. To me, Amy's facial expression shows absolute terror in this photo. It's like a deer in the headlights. These are not professional quality photographs and I don't believe that these photos were taken to promote an escort at a resort.


How terrible, this makes me really angry. Someone needs to annihilate these creeps. :banghead:
I agree, it does appear to be a tether, which I guess in reality shouldn't be too surprising. I can't imagine anyone posting a photo like this to promote their escort service. In fact, for some reason I get the impression that one reason these were posted was to taunt Amy's family as well as investigators. How cruel. They also knew there were people searching for her, so they probably posted the photos in order to throw investigators off track as well.
How terrible, this makes me really angry. Someone needs to annihilate these creeps. :banghead:
I agree, it does appear to be a tether, which I guess in reality shouldn't be too surprising. I can't imagine anyone posting a photo like this to promote their escort service. In fact, for some reason I get the impression that one reason these were posted was to taunt Amy's family as well as investigators. How cruel. They also knew there were people searching for her, so they probably posted the photos in order to throw investigators off track as well.

My thoughts are similar to yours. I don't believe for a minute that these amateur photos were intended to encourage men to select Amy as an escort. These photos were posted from 2004 - 2005. Amy was seen in San Francisco in April of 2003. Was this a response from her captors in an attempt to throw off the investigation, after Amy had been seen? Maybe this was a punishment for something Amy had done that we don't know about.

While these photos were on display at the escort website, Amy was seen in Barbados. I'm hoping that the purpose of the photos was as a diversion. If people thought that Amy was a South American prostitute, they wouldn't look for her in other places.

You have no idea how much I want to see these creeps arrested for what they have done to Amy, and possibly other young women. They are despicable pigs.
I have blocked the worst parts of this photograph. I have tried to leave the right arm and wrist visible. I see what looks like bruising on her right wrist. I don't know what is on her wrist, but many believe it's a tether of some type. To me, Amy's facial expression shows absolute terror in this photo. It's like a deer in the headlights. These are not professional quality photographs and I don't believe that these photos were taken to promote an escort at a resort.


Yes, I see bruising on the right arm and what looks like a tether as well. What the hell were these captors thinking. Agreed these photos would not be promoting Amy as an escort but rather to throw off the investigation. There are to put it simply very evil people in this world.
Just found this thread whilst looking for something else and I am horrified to think what this woman is going through. One thing that surprises me a little is that she (assuming it is in fact Amy,) is allowed to wear her glasses.
As for the pic of the arm, it certainly looks bruised, but also possibly an infected bite(bug?) of some kind.
The look on the woman's face may well be one of great fear, but also looks to me like someone in great pain. jmo.
Just found this thread whilst looking for something else and I am horrified to think what this woman is going through. One thing that surprises me a little is that she (assuming it is in fact Amy,) is allowed to wear her glasses.
As for the pic of the arm, it certainly looks bruised, but also possibly an infected bite(bug?) of some kind.
The look on the woman's face may well be one of great fear, but also looks to me like someone in great pain. jmo.

Could you please tell us about Amy wearing glasses? This could be very important information.
From what I have been told, these artist sketches are very good representations of the "handlers" who have been seen with Amy.

The man on the left was seen in the Barbados bathroom. He is thin with dark hair. He was very well dressed and his appearance was meticulous. He was aggressive and rude. The witness described him as someone who could have been from the Mediterranean. He would be in his mid to late 40s.

The man in the center was seen with Amy in San Francisco. He seemed to be the handler in charge of her. He is tall and very heavy. His appearance was sloppy. His balding hair is red and his beard is red. He is probably in his late 40s.

The man on the right was seen with Amy in San Francisco. He is thin with dark hair. The witnesses described him as looking like someone who could be from Colombia. He was also described as wearing really cheap sunglasses. He is probably in his mid to late 40s.

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