VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #2 - ***READ FIRST POST***

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I'm starting to think the only way to help Amy is to find her. We can do all the web searches we want but we need real, live, boots on the groung searching, looking in every place you can think of down there and not being obvious about it. I realize most of you are probably saying 'DUH, of course the way to help her is to find her'. What I mean is I don't know if all this research is really going to do anything. I think it is beyond admirable the time and focus many of you have put in here. But why isn't this done by the FBI already????!!!! And if it has been, we are spinning wheels. I think I am genuinely frustrated. Feel like if Amy was a high-value target the FBI/CIA/US black ops would have swooped in and rescued her years ago. She is high value!!!! To the Bradleys. To her extended family and friends. To her city, her school, her new 'friends' at WS. But to the US, she is a woman lost from a cruise ship. One of thousands of women probably trafficked in a foreign country. Am I making sense? I feel so helpless for her. :(
And guys, I know I sound like a raving mad woman right now, lol, I'm not suggesting we roll down there and start searching (would be cool, but dangerous and not practical).

People need to keep their eyes and ears open. Look for her on vacation. Watch for her in the Carib/latin/south Am. That's what I think is going to truly solve this. An alert citizen and a cop or a person of authority down there that will jump in to help her!

Ok I promise, crazy rants over. Please don't all of you hit the 'alert' button all at once. :)

Exchange between me and FindAmy (this thread, posts 442/443):

View attachment 26577

Sorry to butt in on the convo so suddenly w/o any nice preliminaries ... have been trying to catch up on Amy's case, so hope this isn't old news. There is a "lexxy" of alexis club on twitter (IMHO, pic will mean absolutely nothing .. probably fake). Their tentacles seem pretty far-flung from Vegas, Nevada, Toronto, London (UK) etc. Most recent tweet as at Sept 12 gives a phone # out of Vegas:

Will keep rummaging from there.

One more thing: I have a question: Why is it likely that we on WS can find the source of the photos? Surely the FBI IS equipped to do this and it is not interfering in foreign politics doing so?

(respectfully snipped to answer just those questions) - amy has been missing for fourteen years. at this point i think we're all sure le has done whatever they can do with the evidence they have, and they haven't found what happened to her. will we? probably not, but we have the luxury of the time of hundreds of people who care about this case so we can do our best with the information we have available to us. it would be awesome if le was obligated to release information when someone is missing for more than ten years, the idea being that they obviously are unlikely to solve it at that point and having a hundred eyes on the evidence might turn up new ideas or leads. unfortunately that's not the case so we have to turn over new ideas and insights with the small amount of information we have (even when we don't know what's fact, rumor, bad reporting, etc).

in this case, those pictures are either amy or someone who looks a lot like amy. they were posted on a web site for several years. someone had to upload them to that web site. for most amateur web sites there is only one person who has access to upload and embed pictures (and having looked at the code for that site, i can promise you there was no auto-upload - someone had to manually upload them to the server and then link them in the page). if we can find out who designed those sites we'd have a good lead at finding out who they got the pictures from. it's highly unlikely the person who designed the site had any idea who amy was, or what those pictures indicate about her so there's a good chance they'd be willing to talk to le and at least say "i always got pictures of the new escorts from person x", then we'd have someone directly connected to her since she was missing.

i personally think that's our best chance of finding something concrete that le hasn't found (or at least we don't know that they've found that information). i also think this is the type of discovery that le may not have investigated thoroughly since it's a shot in the dark when you have access to all of the interviews, case files, and other information but for us at ws who don't have any of that information it's (imo) our best chance at turning up something new. just my 2 cents.
What happened to Rebecca Coriam?

I posted this very interesting Guardian article about Rebecca back toward the end of Thread 1. Really worth a read, imo. She disappeared almost 13 years to the exact day/hour of Amy's disappearance. Almost the exact same age.

There's no talk of it, but many people on board know something terrible occurred on this route – to Puerto Vallarta and Cabo San Lucas – earlier this year. At 5.45am on Tuesday 22 March, a CCTV camera captured a young woman on the phone in the crew quarters. Her name was Rebecca Coriam. She was 24, from Chester, and had recently graduated from a sports science degree at Exeter University. She'd been working in Youth Activities on board for nine months, and apparently loved it. But on the phone she was looking upset.
Here's another story that I posted back on Thread #1 about a woman (Merrian Carver) who disappeared from a Celebrity Cruise (owned by Royal Caribbean).

From (2012) ...

Merrian Carver
Merrian Carver, 40, of Cambridge, Mass., vanished aboard the Celebrity Cruises ship Mercury on the second night of a seven-day Alaskan cruise in August, 2004. The cruise line never reported Carver's disappearance to her family and donated the clothing she left behind to charity.

Carver's parents spent $75,000 on a private investigation to find their daughter but said that investigators' work was stymied by Royal Carribbean, which owns Celebrity Cruises. The family was also disturbed to learn that Carver's cabin attendant, Domingo Monteiro, said he reported the woman missing to his boss for several days but no action was taken. That boss was later fired by the cruise line.

"That was probably one of the worst days of my life, to figure out that they knew Merrian was missing," Carver's father, Kendall Carver, told ABC News in 2006. "If only they had done something during that cruise, when she was reported missing daily, we would have known."

Royal Caribbean later issued a statement saying it appeared Carver had committed suicide on the ship. The statement angered Carver's family.

Kendall Carver said it was possible that his daughter may have committed suicide, but that Royal Caribbean's handling of the case would prevent the family from ever knowing the truth.

Kendall Carver is now the president of the International Cruise Victims Association, a non-profit organization that represents victims of crimes on cruise ships and their families. Read his testimony to Congress on cruise ship safety here.

Our verified insider said that Iva Bradley is also involved with the International Cruise Victims Association.

Maybe I'm misunderstanding her post .....
Amy was listed as missing. A Canadian reports a sighting and the FBI can't question the Canadian because Canada is a foreign country? Did I get that right? Personally, I think that is totally untrue. Canada and the US are allies and we work together in criminal cases all the time.

I honestly don't understand that post. Yes, they can't arrest him without evidence but they could have questioned him about the sighting.


This is what the verified insider previously posted about David Carmichael, the Canadian who saw Amy on the beach in Curacao:

David Carmichael has been an extremely valuable witness for the Bradleys. He and his dive partner were able to describe Amy in very specific detail. They described her various tattoos that weren't public knowledge at the time. They saw her on the beach and they sat near Amy and her "handlers", in an outdoor bar area of Porto Marie. David worked very closely with the FBI and a Grand Jury once he realized that he had seen Amy in Curacao. Royal Caribbean attorneys went to great lengths in an attempt to discredit David's identification of Alister Douglas as one of Amy's handlers.

Post #196
I'm starting to think the only way to help Amy is to find her. We can do all the web searches we want but we need real, live, boots on the groung searching, looking in every place you can think of down there and not being obvious about it. I realize most of you are probably saying 'DUH, of course the way to help her is to find her'. What I mean is I don't know if all this research is really going to do anything. I think it is beyond admirable the time and focus many of you have put in here. But why isn't this done by the FBI already????!!!! And if it has been, we are spinning wheels. I think I am genuinely frustrated. Feel like if Amy was a high-value target the FBI/CIA/US black ops would have swooped in and rescued her years ago. She is high value!!!! To the Bradleys. To her extended family and friends. To her city, her school, her new 'friends' at WS. But to the US, she is a woman lost from a cruise ship. One of thousands of women probably trafficked in a foreign country. Am I making sense? I feel so helpless for her. :(

I get what you're saying. To Amy's family and friends, Amy is the world. To the FBI, Amy is one missing person out of many.

Perhaps the FBI no longer wants to spend their time or resources on a cold case that's 14 years old? JMO
Thank you so much for the advice
When i have some free time, i will read back

If my questions annoy you, please don't feel obligated to answer
I am sure someone else will help out

I am with you on this one, as i stated in my post 965, I do not have either the time or also the memory capacity nowadays to take it all in.I will ask my questions and thankfully there are 3 or 4 posters here yourself included who i have posted with before and they accept that. There are also a few posters who I have never seen who's posts i am enjoying reading also.:)
in this case, those pictures are either amy or someone who looks a lot like amy. they were posted on a web site for several years. someone had to upload them to that web site. for most amateur web sites there is only one person who has access to upload and embed pictures (and having looked at the code for that site, i can promise you there was no auto-upload - someone had to manually upload them to the server and then link them in the page). if we can find out who designed those sites we'd have a good lead at finding out who they got the pictures from. it's highly unlikely the person who designed the site had any idea who amy was, or what those pictures indicate about her so there's a good chance they'd be willing to talk to le and at least say "i always got pictures of the new escorts from person x", then we'd have someone directly connected to her since she was missing.

This is exactly the reason I feel it's important to keep focus on Zaglanitis and Baxter. They would know who uploaded those pictures to their site.
This is what the verified insider previously posted about David Carmichael, the Canadian who saw Amy on the beach in Curacao:

David Carmichael has been an extremely valuable witness for the Bradleys. He and his dive partner were able to describe Amy in very specific detail. They described her various tattoos that weren't public knowledge at the time. They saw her on the beach and they sat near Amy and her "handlers", in an outdoor bar area of Porto Marie. David worked very closely with the FBI and a Grand Jury once he realized that he had seen Amy in Curacao. Royal Caribbean attorneys went to great lengths in an attempt to discredit David's identification of Alister Douglas as one of Amy's handlers.

Post #196

Thank you. That makes a lot more sense than the previous post from the same insider Post #170. Fine and dandy that the Royal Caribbean attorneys went to great lengths to discredit the sighting but what stopped the FBI from bringing Yellow in for questioning or pursuing him? Did he have his own attorney at the time or was he being represented by Royal Caribbean because he worked on the ship? IMO, one had to do with the civil case against Royal Carribean but what stopped the FBI from pursuing a possible criminal investigation? One has nothing to do with the other and that's why it's not making sense to me. Unless of course, the FBI thought it wasn't a credible sighting either.

Hope I'm making sense. I do in my own head. lol
This is exactly the reason I feel it's important to keep focus on Zaglanitis and Baxter. They would know who uploaded those pictures to their site.

Apparently not. My understanding is they denied any knowledge and there was no follow up by the FBI. Why not? That was my point last night. Did the FBI question these people and took their word for it? Don't they have much more sophisticated intelligence devices to pursue these folks than we do?

Here we are spinning our wheels trying to locate AZ who apparently has ties in Canada. We know where Baxter is and I would assume so does the FBI. The guy doesn't appear to be hiding if he's posting videos all over the place.

Can't the FBI follow these people to see if they lead them to Amy? Probably too late now. This should have been done years ago.
~n/t~, sorry I can't answer your questions.


Oh I know. I didn't really expect you to answer my questions. It wasn't necessarily directed at you for a reply. Just some things that just don't make any sense about this case and perhaps it's because we don't know what went on behind the scenes.

I appreciate the insider's information about the case but there are so many gaps and the reason given is it's an ongoing investigation so certain details can't be revealed.

So how do we fill in those gaps? IMO, we need an update from the FBI or whatever agency is working the case. Some of our lingering questions may never be answered without an official update.

I also believe there should be a renewed media blitz on Amy's case. Get her face out there again. Millions of people cruise and vacation in these places. It's been too long.
to go back on some posts. the person who was the verified insider to this case said at one time we have no proof that she was ever pregnant and that avenue should be left alone.

as for the shoes she had on in the airport kidnapers will switch shoes on you to make it look like its someone else.( i work for a big box retailer and when we have a missing child we have a huge process to go through we have to secure all emergency exit doors all the front doors to the store. the fitting rooms, backroom, bathrooms employees on all sides of the store have to stop what they are doing and search for that child. one thing we have to get is a accurate description of the child including what he/she looks like clothing they had on and shoes. kidnapers will throw on a oversized shirt shoes that dont fit match clothing they have on to distract us from finding the child.

could they have done that to amy and thats why the sighting was not so credible?

the verified insider also said that i cant talk about other sightings so i am assuming there are more past 2005 just we are not able to know about them details about them could harm her.

this is so far out but i have an idea theory if any ws members were going to curaco for a few weeks or months get to know the locals without being to obvious. tell them you heard so many good things about this place and wanted to get away from everyday life . maybe you might see amy if she was still their

on the picture of the 3 men seen with amy can any of us id one of them or who they think this person could be if so we should send the tip in to the fbi and the bradleys
Isn't a Private Investigator working the case? One would assume the PI would have spent time at these places. If there isn't a PI, the Bradleys should definitely get one. Of course, it should be a reputable one and not someone who would scam them like that other .
What happened to Rebecca Coriam?

Can we find a connection to Rebecca's case to Amy's? Crew members? There is also a Canadian woman missing from a cruise. In her case, her bf appears to be suspicious but he denies anything to do with her disappearance.

Perhaps if someone had the time to connect the dots with all of the other mysterious cruise disappearances and find a link to a person or persons or even a group or organization. (??)

Do we believe these women were taken for the same reasons Amy was? What about the missing men? Same?

ETA: Added link to the Canadian Woman
How often do cruise lines go off to secluded spots for private, offshore excursions, anyway, where do they do it, and is there anything else possibly going on?

Royal Caribbean owns that private beach. It's one of their regular stops on several of the lines. If I was going to take one of their cruises (which I won't), I would feel safer getting off the ship on a private beach than some of these islands connected to this case. MOO.
This thread is to sleuth the abduction of Amy Bradley, taken against her will. It has been reported that in the sightings of Amy over the years that she has attempted to solicit help. If you are not of this mindset where this case is concerned, please find another case on WS to follow. Attempts to derail this case discussion will be met with a loss of posting privileges.

Thank you!
Traits and Habits: Last seen on a cruise ship
Very friendly, active and outgoing
Very athletic- attended college on a basketball scholarship
Smokes Marlboro Lights cigarettes
Drinks Coca-Cola and Miller Lite
Likes hard candy
Wears all silver jewelry
Likes black onyx
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