VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #2 - ***READ FIRST POST***

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Question: Do I Need a Passport to take a Caribbean Cruise?
Answer: Yes, the travel rules implemented by Congress in the years following the 9/11 attacks now require U.S. travelers to have a passport or U.S. Passport Card for all cross-border travel, including by air, sea, and land. The only exception is if you're on a so-called "closed loop" cruise that departs and returns to a U.S. port like Ft. Lauderdale, San Juan, or New Orleans; then you only need a two forms of primary ID to travel.

Was that in effect in 1998? 9/11 happend in 2001
WS has verified that is and has been a working email address. Tips should be sent to this address.

If your emails aren't going through, it could have something to do with it being a secured site and perhaps the incoming address not being secure. Perhaps another member can explain this a little better?

Again, is a working address and it is current.
Was that in effect in 1998? 9/11 happend in 2001

The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative was implemented in Dec 2006 for air and sea

A US citizen needed a passport to travel to western Hemisphere destinations including Mexico, Canada,Caribbean, bermuda and Panama
As with many of the cases on WS, it is rare that you will receive a response when sending in tips. Please submit your tips respectfully and do not demand or expect a response. It is usually only when a case is resolved that we find out what information was helpful to the investigation. Please be respectful of this process.

WS feels confident all tips sent to will be reviewed by the Bradleys and passed on to the proper authorities. You may also send your tips to the Aruban FBI contact previously provided. The TeamAmy hotmail address was set up to make sure tips were followed up by the FBI and/or other law enforcement authorities. If you have a concern, we suggest you send your tips to both addresses provided.

We have been assured the TeamAmy hotmail address does not block addresses, so if you're having a problem getting through, we believe it must be a technical issue. We have verified the hotmail address is and has been a working address. is a valid working email address on a secured server. If somebody's email is kicking back, it could be because their ip has been compromised or flagged as linked with spam, etc. Sometimes people don't even know if their ip has been compromised. This happens quite frequently on FB, which is the best example I can give, whereas a FB profile will generate mass private messages or posts to everyone on their Friends Lists which would usually contain a link informing people to click on it, that they could win a free iPad, or something stupid like *advertiser censored* stuff. I'm not saying this is the only reason an email could kick back, but it is an idea of why that could happen.

If your emails are kicking back, try resetting your ip &/or cleaning out your dns cache to see if that works.
Question: did they sell cigarettes on the boats in 1998? TIA

Yes. ;) But I should add I thought it was crazy bc what about somebody getting drunk & dropping their cigarette? Could it cause a fire? I've never smoked but my Nanny did & I went on 2 cruises with her where people bought ciggies on the ship.
Maybe I missed something, where was it ever stated the FBI hasn't never been in contact with the Bradleys?
Been thinking a little about the leaving without her shoes or wallet.....IIRC Amy said something to Brad about Jet Skiing, if I were going to go jet skiing I wouldn't take a wallet or purse with me since there would be no place to keep it safe, same with shoes.

What time did the family plan on meeting for breakfast, that I don't remember. Perhaps she was lured off the ship by way of going skiing, crew or a friend of the crew could have offered her a chance to jet ski and see the ship dock from the water instead of from the balcony.

I realize that doesn't give us any more info than we already have but it is a plausible explanation for leaving some things behind maybe?

The jet ski idea is a bit better idea than I thought at first. I don't know what the status is of the remark Amy might (?) have made to someone on the ship, just a wild remark not meant seriously as I understood it, that it would be fun to swim to shore because people would notice you. Now we know Amy was afraid of the Ocean but the jet-ski idea is a much more plausible version of that. Would still like to know if that remark was discredited though I wonder if it would not be discredited too quickly because it played into the hands of Royal C. and their theories that could let them wash their hands of the whole thing.

And just to play amateur (sports) psychologist: Amy was this star athlete and it is no doubt a difficult transition for suddenly all that to end just because you have graduated from university. And for women of course there are even far less opportunities to go on and even make money from their talent at sports.

It is the word 'notice you' that stands out because people do notice you when you win a scholarship, have a good game, score lots of points etc. She would fairly recently have lost that suddenly. It seems that she was in transition, going home to work for someone in the family I mean nice to have that but just possibly a let down. We know that the things she projected doing becoming a sports psychologist or running a sports bar she would either need more education or lots of capital for.

The last one is interesting, lots of capital. I understand that she had some basic things set up at home new apartment new pet. She may have been able to add and think how much money she would have after rent each month. She's ambitious I think but a bit stymied right at that point. The dancing still does seem a bit over the top in that particular environment so I just wonder if she was trying to get someone's attention or make someone jealous or just acting in a slightly dramatic fashion getting people to notice her. It is interesting that she at first did not want to go at all and then prepared fairly carefully dying her hair, tanning. She seems half way between trying to hide and trying to be noticed I don't quite get it.
I have a suggestion...actually three suggestions...

1: When quoting a post on Websleuths, use the quote buttons to quote the whole post instead of just snipping little pieces of a person's post & physically typing out that user's name. When a person replies to a post by cutting & pasting, then putting quote & end quote in front & at the end of the snipped, it doesn't show up when somebody in turn responds by quoting your post. If you need to quote more than one post, then click on the little button next to QUOTE that shows "+ but ending the last quoted post with QUOTE. This avoids a lot of confusion.

2: When linking info from media or other sites, just type Snipped or Quote at the beginning instead of doing the quote & end quote at the beginning & end bc it puts it in a box that doesn't show up in replies quoted by others afterwards. It truly sucks to have to type it all out cutting & snipping & backtracking, etc. & takes a lot of time. But if you just put Snipped or Quote at the beginning of each snipped part, then it won't put it all in a box that doesn't show up in quoted replies & instead will stay with the response so others reading don't get confused.

3: When quoting or snipping info pertaining to "facts", please always give the link as well as the date it was originally written bc what was thought to be "fact" back then might not be "fact" right now bc its been disproven. Doing this would help to sort out the facts that are known in the present time. It could help us if we ever do a calendar of facts.

*** Please don't think this post is meant in a disparaging way. It truly isn't meant to be. I'm trying to be informative bc I keep remembering the trouble we were having in CMA's case & I'm trying to curb those problems. ***
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Not sure someone mentioned if they would still have negatives and I remembered I wanted to say:

On Chris Fenwick's blog he says that it took him one hour to review his tapes and the short video of Amy dancing that we have. In the same blog he says he was taking so much film that he was working 10 hour days.

Question: how in one hour did he make this film of "all" the images of Amy that even shows Amy dancing by the elevator in almost complete shadow or darkness after all he only has a picture of Amy to deal with.

There are two parts to my question: 1. did Chris later review the tapes to make sure no other images of Amy were found? He says he later turned over a copy of the tape that is of his Amy film BUT what about all of his raw tapes of all data that he took. I don't understand why the FBI seem so lukewarm to Chris I mean they come all the down there and how often do you get hours of unintentional surveillance video of a crime that has occurred?
Did the FBI want get those unintentional surveillance tapes? And if not why on earth not? If they are evidence concerning Yellow then they could be evidence of something else. And not to put the heat on Chris who I realize FA said is a great guy(well ok to do it just slightly) how did he do this in one hour from 3 a.m. to 4 a.m. I think I can say it would be impossible to do that in one hour.

I am especially interested in the elevator sequence where Amy is in extreme shadow and even the final sequence where Amy is fairly hard to see how did he determine it is her?

(A separate question: who does he zoom into in the very first shot the kind of well off looking guy by the bar and is that guy yes or no the person the lady in red is dancing with in the last sequence)?

Now it could be there is just a typo in Chris's blog and it was 6 a.m. when he finished I don't know. I am pretty interested in this because note this is the moment where Chris sees the meeting with the two girls who point the finger at Yellow being with Amy.
ChorleyB, hi :)

Chris, as a photographer/videographer, would have had his tapes categorized by date, time & venue. He may have had multiple hours logged in film so he had to of categorized them by date, time and place. I'm assuming he heard Amy had been dancing in the cruise ship's disco around a certain time & on a certain date, so he retrieved that film & went through it. He may have a bunch of other film as well showing Amy at some point of the trip, but he might have only been interested in the most recent moment at that time - which would have been the disco where she & Brad had been that night. All he'd have to do is find the tape, or part in the tape, that's filmed during that timeframe Amy was known to be there. Jmo.
Interesting article on child sex trafficking in Barbados. Wondering if it could be some of the same people that took Amy? I mean, I know she wasn't a child, but still if they could be involved with trafficking children then very likely adults as well, jmo.

What happened with the Caribbean Child Sex Trafficking Ring mentioned online by BANGO Secretary General, Roosevelt O. King?

On August 3, 2009 in a stunning public statement, the Secretary General of the Barbados Association of Non-Governmental Organisations revealed that he has personal knowledge of international trafficking of American girls as young as 14 years old for the purposes of prostitution and making *advertiser censored* movies in the Caribbean.

Writing under his own name on Barbados Underground, a local blog where he is a frequent contributor and featured author, Roosevelt O. King described how the young girls are brought from the USA to the Caribbean where they are prostituted to local men. According to Mr. King, pornographic movies are made for commercial purposes by the organisers of the trips.

Mr. King says the young girls are lured to the Caribbean with promises of “all inclusive” vacations and that the girls themselves recruit their friends for subsequent annual trips. King states that sometimes the parents offer their daughters for trafficking with full knowledge of what the “vacations” are all about.

ChorleyB, hi :)

Chris, as a photographer/videographer, would have had his tapes categorized by date, time & venue. He may have had multiple hours logged in film so he had to of categorized them by date, time and place. I'm assuming he heard Amy had been dancing in the cruise ship's disco around a certain time & on a certain date, so he retrieved that film & went through it. He may have a bunch of other film as well showing Amy at some point of the trip, but he might have only been interested in the most recent moment at that time - which would have been the disco where she & Brad had been that night. All he'd have to do is find the tape, or part in the tape, that's filmed during that timeframe Amy was known to be there. Jmo.

Yes thanks JG good points. Still not sure if I (but again as a videographer he might have a better eye) would know that is Amy for sure. I would want or need corraboration. And he did offer to screen what he had for family but it is unclear to me if that happened. I am surprised that Chris gives over this tape to a man just because he says he is a friend of family. When he does see him having breakfast with the family next day he asks and the man says simply that he gave the tape to the FBI. So maybe the family watched the tape with the FBI?
It is interesting that she at first did not want to go at all and then prepared fairly carefully dying her hair, tanning. She seems half way between trying to hide and trying to be noticed I don't quite get it.

Eh, she was 23. Maybe since she knew her family really wanted her to go, she decided to make the best of the trip by going out of her way to look good for it. I don't usually like "what I would do" type speculation, but I'm in my early 20s and would definitely do something like that. Like, maybe if I overdo the preparations a bit, it'll make me feel more enthusiastic about whatever it is I don't want to do. Plus, I feel like a lot of young twentysomethings have a "go big or go home" attitude about many aspects of their lives, and a vacation is no different.
We haven't really heard much about her boyfriend back home or at least I can't find anything about him in MSM. I know it has been stated in MSM that Amy did have a boyfriend back home, but I have seen nothing about his reaction to Amy going missing like he was heart-broken, anxiously awaiting her to be found or something along those lines. I haven't seen anything in MSM other than she had a boyfriend. Was it a boyfriend from her college years, highschool years,or from where she worked or elsewhere. Did they have thoughts on living together at some point, were they recently boyfriend/girlfriend - that type of stuff. Just trying to get a sense for how committed Amy was to this boyfriend.

Has anybody come across anything in MSM?

In the middle of final exams so I'm super behind so I apologize of this has been addressed already...

I never knew Amy had a boyfriend. Usually in high profile missing person cases the significant other is interviewed, there are articles, etc. I only heard this information from our verified insider. So who knows how close they were? Or were they just friends, etc?
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