VA - Amy Bradley, 23, Petersburg, 24 March 1998 - #3

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I'm coming around to the possibility that Jaz is Amy. I originally thought not. However after seeing Jaz photos next to a few Amy photos, it is striking how simular and pronounced her cheek bones are. This case frustrates the heck out of me. That Yellow surely knows what happened. What a coward. I also am shocked that the FBI bungled the investigation and interrogation of Yellow and those on the ship that might have known what happened or been involved. Is there a crew list available anywhere?
I'm coming around to the possibility that Jaz is Amy. I originally thought not. However after seeing Jaz photos next to a few Amy photos, it is striking how simular and pronounced her cheek bones are. This case frustrates the heck out of me. That Yellow surely knows what happened. What a coward. I also am shocked that the FBI bungled the investigation and interrogation of Yellow and those on the ship that might have known what happened or been involved. Is there a crew list available anywhere?

I think it's pretty much a guarantee that 'Jas' is Amy Lynne Bradley. Given the forensic detective that stated that he would bet his career that it's Amy. Also Wesley Neville the detective that analyzed the image did release the caparisons of Amy and Jas and it was highlighted in the Vanished program (the British version) which included the overlays of Amy's and Jas images. Comparing their cheekbones, overall facial structure, forearm length and structure, hairline, Amy's nose abnormality, the curvature of the upper part of her helix on her ear as well as the piercings which wasn't included in the US version. I remember i did see it once somewhere on the internet but i can't find now. Anyway here is a replica I roughly recreated in paint.
jaz looks just like one of my college room-mates. That hairstyle was popular in south Florida in 1987.
I guess what I keep getting confused on is, FindAmy repeatedly stated that Amy was NOT abducted for sex trafficking. So why was she forced into this racy picture on an escort site?
1. Was she originally taken for sex trafficking, but it has since over the years morphed into other things they're using her for?
2. Was the pic an attempt by her captors to throw the investigation off?
I guess what I keep getting confused on is, FindAmy repeatedly stated that Amy was NOT abducted for sex trafficking. So why was she forced into this racy picture on an escort site?
1. Was she originally taken for sex trafficking, but it has since over the years morphed into other things they're using her for?
2. Was the pic an attempt by her captors to throw the investigation off?

it's one of the many things that don't make sense about the "facts". we're told for sure by a vi that she wasn't used in the sex trade and then we're also told that these *advertiser censored* pics are definitely her. one of those two things can't be true.
Passing through SF today on vacation. Thinking of the Fisherman's Wharf sighting. How could she have gotten in the country? Commericial flight or ship would require ID?
it's one of the many things that don't make sense about the "facts". we're told for sure by a vi that she wasn't used in the sex trade and then we're also told that these *advertiser censored* pics are definitely her. one of those two things can't be true.
I agree completely. Poor Jaz looks like she's had a very rough life. She also looks like she's done a fair amount of drugs in the recent past. It's a really heartbreaking picture to see. My opinion is that if Amy is Jaz, then it sure seems to me like she's been kidnapped by sex traffickers.

The contradictions we've seen over the years from sources are really frustrating. I just hope that if Amy is still alive, that she's found and brought home safely.
Passing through SF today on vacation. Thinking of the Fisherman's Wharf sighting. How could she have gotten in the country? Commericial flight or ship would require ID?

Fake I.D. to match Amy's new look, or vice-versa?

Sounds like a nice trip trenchmouth, enjoy!
I guess what I keep getting confused on is, FindAmy repeatedly stated that Amy was NOT abducted for sex trafficking. So why was she forced into this racy picture on an escort site?
1. Was she originally taken for sex trafficking, but it has since over the years morphed into other things they're using her for?
2. Was the pic an attempt by her captors to throw the investigation off?

There could be a lot of reasons i suppose. Just because Amy was dressed in revealing clothing and appeared to be a prostitute doesn't make it so. Also we need to keep in mind Amy was not advertising her services either. I personally think it could've just been one of the many stupid things her traffickers did. Perhaps it could been a form of punishment or control, blackmail ect. If Amy is being used for sex work on the side, i guess we really don't know. However as FindAmy has expressed, Amy is being used as a mule and carrying someone very lucrative and illegal.
There could be a lot of reasons i suppose. Just because Amy was dressed in revealing clothing and appeared to be a prostitute doesn't make it so. Also we need to keep in mind Amy was not advertising her services either. I personally think it could've just been one of the many stupid things her traffickers did. Perhaps it could been a form of punishment or control, blackmail ect. If Amy is being used for sex work on the side, i guess we really don't know. However as FindAmy has expressed, Amy is being used as a mule and carrying someone very lucrative and illegal.

The thing that steers me away from the theory that this picture was "accidentally" placed on this site, and that she was not working as an escort is the fact that the picture was accompanied by an email address, just like all the other pictures of women are set up on that site. There was a specific email address (that is highly similar in format to every other email address listed on the site) for that picture:* Why create an email address if she's just a picture they used? I don't buy the claims from the site's owners that they didn't know her picture was being used, and that they didn't know where it came from.

If they just wanted to "humiliate" her, as I've seen it claimed, then why go to all this trouble? Sadly, it looks to me like she ended up in prostitution. It's horrible.

*Please don't email this address. It doesn't work.
Whew! I just spent literally days reading through all of the posts. So much information and so much mystery. Great job sleuthers!!

One of the things that I have thought interesting is the San Fran sighting. It is an unlikely place to see her, and yet they seem very confident in it. This makes me wonder if the person who spotted her knew her. I mean in all the other reported sightings, they didn't do anything right away becasue they didn't know who she was or that she was missing. Also in the other sightings Amy told the person her name. This time someone recognized her. I read a lot of these cases but I can't imaging being confident enough to shout out a victim's name.

That makes me think it is someone who knows her. Like a friend from college or something. This would give the story credibility. The fact that Amy was then dragged off means that probably lots of people witnessed it and were able to back up the first person's story. All of this would greatly increase the credibility.

Also, I have always figured that Amy has more distinguishing features than we were being told about. We know about some (tattoos, scar, freckle etc.) but maybe there are other features. So like when a witness says, "Well I saw the Taz tatoo on her shoulder, but I am not sure it was her becasue she also had a missing tooth and I never heard that before" (obviously I am making the tooth bit up as an example). But doesn't LE hold back details so that they can confirm sightings? I have it figured this is why they are so confident and have "verified" some of the sightings and dismissed others.
Early in this thread there was a lot of talk about the lawsuit the Bradley's filed against Royal Caribbean. There was a lot of speculations and inaccuracies. FindAmy corrects it on the Reddit thread. The Bradley's did not sue for wrongful death, this should be obvious since they don't think she is dead. It was speculated here that they did it anyway in order to force RC to disclose information. This is all incorrect.

I went to the Miami Court records and pulled the case dismissal
AB vs RC.jpg
the charges were "Negligent Security" "Defamation" and "Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress"

Sorry for the blast of posts. [modsnip]?

My belief is that the the pictures were scrapped from somewhere and had no connection to AAV. As many have commented, about half of the photos on AAV website look real and I suspect were taken at the "resort". Then half, and actually all of the photos from the early years seam to be scraped. They are low resolution, very amateur, and taken in a variety to settings which make me think they were just grabbed from anywhere they could find a provocative photo.

I wish I knew how to use the way back machine better. I wonder if you could search adult friend finder caches from 2002? Or just any site from that time for a photo of "Jas". I have tried Google reverse image and gotten nothing.
Who discovered the photo of Jas? What were the circumstances? Why would the person think it was Amy?
Sorry for the blast of posts. I am hoping that AstroKitty is still reading this and can help. Or anyone who is willing to sign up :seeya:

I know Astrokitty is hooked in to lots of sites like backpage and reviews of sex workers. She mentioned that she might be willing to search for Jas (and the name on the AAV website is Jas not Jaz and some have been posting). The AAV website says that all of their escorts were required to post profiles on adultfriendfinder. I know it is a long shot, and that it is unlikely 1) to have and real information if it is there and 2) unlikely to still be on there when the pictures were posted from 2002-2004, but could you look?

My belief is that the the pictures were scrapped from somewhere and had no connection to AAV. As many have commented, about half of the photos on AAV website look real and I suspect were taken at the "resort". Then half, and actually all of the photos from the early years seam to be scraped. They are low resolution, very amateur, and taken in a variety to settings which make me think they were just grabbed from anywhere they could find a provocative photo.

I wish I knew how to use the way back machine better. I wonder if you could search adult friend finder caches from 2002? Or just any site from that time for a photo of "Jas". I have tried Google reverse image and gotten nothing.

if you go through some of the old threads we did use the wayback web site to find an old copy of the aav site. several of us went through the html for clues and found what appeared to be the nickname of the creator of the site. we tried to find information such as an email but didn't have much luck. the idea was if we could figure out who created the site we could figure out where he/she got the pictures. the site was very amateurish so it's extremely likely the web site creator also maintained it and probably also uploaded new pictures from whoever paid him/her to make the site. it's also extremely likely that the web site creator had nothing to do with anything illegal and might be willing to tell us who paid for the site, who supplied pictures, etc.

at some point during this, someone claimed they got malware on their pc from sleuthing the sites and then the whole thing derailed into folks being worried the thread was being watched, etc etc and that's pretty much where i lost interest.
<respectfully snipped>
at some point during this, someone claimed they got malware on their pc from sleuthing the sites and then the whole thing derailed into folks being worried the thread was being watched, etc etc and that's pretty much where i lost interest.

Interesting. I just read all of the old threads over the last couple of days. I think the mods removed a lot posts. Things are sorta alluded to, but you have to put things together in order to understand the drama. I poked around the AAV website and html through the wayback machine a lot and didn't get pick up anything (that I know of). Looking at all the bickering between the competing escort services in their newsletters and so it, it is hard to see them as dangerous criminal masterminds. They seem more like teenagers playing at mean girls. Those web sites are so immature it is hard to believe that anyone would fork over a couple grand to them for a vacation. I would think the whole thing was a scam.
One thing that I found fascinating about myself and my psychology is that I trust WS. The mods work so hard here and are so diligent. When they verified an insider and told they were for real, I totally believed it and it and as I read through the threads I didn't really question it. But I have also gone to other boards where the VI was posting, but not verified (same person [I think] but on a forum without verification) and the whole tone was changed and there was so much more skepticism. I found myself for the first time doubting and thinking in other directions.

I just found the whole processes interesting. I realized I really am trusting of authority and not much of a skeptic or conspiracy theorist.
One of the things that I have thought interesting is the San Fran sighting. It is an unlikely place to see her, and yet they seem very confident in it. This makes me wonder if the person who spotted her knew her. I mean in all the other reported sightings, they didn't do anything right away becasue they didn't know who she was or that she was missing. Also in the other sightings Amy told the person her name. This time someone recognized her. I read a lot of these cases but I can't imaging being confident enough to shout out a victim's name.

That makes me think it is someone who knows her. Like a friend from college or something. This would give the story credibility. The fact that Amy was then dragged off means that probably lots of people witnessed it and were able to back up the first person's story. All of this would greatly increase the credibility.

This is really great speculation on your part. I would really love to know more about this sighting - how it all went down, who the witnesses were, etc. All the other sightings we have the names of the people that saw her, but not this one. It would just be nice to hear their personal account. It's so disheartening that Amy was on US soil, recognized, and still couldn't be rescued. FA mentioned that during this sighting, Amy looked pleadingly over her shoulder at the witnesses as she was being dragged away and she stumbled and fell. That part just breaks my heart.

Yes, I've often wondered what I would do if I spot Amy while on vacation in the Caribbean next time; (or any other missing person) I can picture myself just freezing and not even knowing what to do.
Let's assume AD was responsible for abducting Amy. Why would he? Money? or maybe a new theory is she might have turned down sexual advances and he sought revenge? Just speculating
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