VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #16

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So do you also suspect everyone else who posted the fliers with errors on them?

IIRC, one had her height wrong by like 5 or 6 inches, didn't it?

And didn't at least one also have different contact info for tips? That was NOT WH who did that. (And JMO, I have no reason to suspect the person who made those & hung them up.)


You're getting very far afield from your original claim, which was that WH didn't distort or withhold information from LE. In fact, he did. He knew she was missing before they called police. He spoke about making the decision to do so. At that time, he clearly did not admit to seeing her that Monday afternoon--it's right there in the Missing Persons report.

This, of course, does not mean he did it. But it's incorrect to say he hasn't been dishonest to LE, as you said in your original post. I'm not trying to be argumentative, just correcting something stated as fact.
Now he's promoting it as a law, which means it would be run by the government and he wouldn't profit by it at all.

In which case, he ought to take down his fund me site pleading for donations for the cause.
Has anyone had an update from Zach I hope he is as well as he can be.
Would a stranger/abductor/robber actually cut up and leave evidence crumbs near her home?

How did that set Texty up? Or could be some crazy plan to leave/plant evidence to show AJ was in danger.

How could the card figure in with the statement WH made about AJ never asking for money, then asking for $200?

I wonder if money was an issue between WH and AJ and some fight over money occurred, resulting in an angry parent cutting up a debit card in front of his daughter. That's what I think of when I think of a cut up credit card- either it's expired or the person in control cuts a card up in front of the user to make a point.

I hope you understand, but I am not going to answer that based on the TOS here. And because I personally believe this kid is 100% innocent and don't want anyone sleuthing him.
Changing stranger to neighbor. While AJ may not be particularly well known to the perp (stranger) according to geographic profiling, the perp would know the neighborhood and be known so as not to stick out.

Suspect must:
1. have familiarity with and not stick out in AJ's neighborhood.
2. have familiarity with Southampton house location and/or route through area to NC (hwy 258 to Murfreesboro or farther West?)

Suspect may:
1. work with WH.
2. have access to blue/black van.
3. know AJ was home that week.
4. own or have access to a white car.
5. participated in searches.
6. be friend, family, or neighbor

Good list, mom2six.
7. Friend, family or neighbor who wanted to make it appear that WH was responsible (not that I believe this necessarily but the thought has crossed my mind)
So do you also suspect everyone else who posted the fliers with errors on them?

IIRC, one had her height wrong by like 5 or 6 inches, didn't it?

And didn't at least one also have different contact info for tips? That was NOT WH who did that. (And JMO, I have no reason to suspect the person who made those & hung them up.)


Giving the wrong height is not the same thing as failing to mention that you were the last one to see her. IMO

Zachs contact info was the Police Dept. Wes's contact info was three family members cell numbers and then the PD.
The problem with being satisfied with WH as a main suspect, is that I believe he may have had help. If so, whoever helped would probably also fit very snugly into our profile list. If so, the other daughters may still be in danger. Continued silence on the part of LE towards WH status has me very uncomfortable.

Thank you mom2six, I couldn't have put it into words so nicely.
I wonder if WH is going to be allowed to attend the funeral, the LE might just let him go so they can observe his behavior
Home from work. Catching up.

Would a Sister throw a Brother under a bus to protect a Son?

I dunno. I have been thinking today.

Good question. I suppose some would, but that would depend on the mother/son relationship.
I am leaning towards WH having someone who helped, also. And I suspect it was the person who "found" the credit card and also happens to drive a white car. It seems likely, to me, that AJ never returned to the house after meeting with WH and that he was the one driving the truck with the accomplice/helper following behind in the white car. They picked up some of AJ's stuff and cleaned anything they thought may have been a sign they were there or to mislead and make it seem like AJ had returned home then left in the white car together. Also, I believe I read that Zach said the house was typically cleaner than she would have left it and this also leads me to believe it wasn't her. People on coke will clean the hell out of things, though! All this is JMO
Oh my....
"Better to be silent and thought a fool, then to speak out and remove all doubt." ~Abraham Lincoln

(Hi everyone, long time lurker but first time poster so bear with me if any mistakes posting!)


:welcome4: Anne aka Her??

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I'm not chomping at the bit. Quite the opposite actually :)

Nor am I, truth be told. I know we're all leaning slightly different directions (and some in the same, as well) and that's good. Exploring all potentials, ideas, etc. is always good even when we might not agree.

I just want to say how much I appreciate all the voices pushing for JUSTICE for AJ in a courteous, respectful way. I know how angry this case has made us all and I think most of us are just raw.
Good question. I suppose some would, but that would depend on the mother/son relationship.

I cant speak as a sister........... but as a father and a brother?

Abso frikking lutely!

I love my siblings very much but at the end of the day, my children are my legacy.They are also my pride and joy and so much than words could ever convey.

This case alone should have shown us that while blood may be thicker than water, some blood is thicker than others.
Good list, mom2six.
7. Friend, family or neighbor who wanted to make it appear that WH was responsible (not that I believe this necessarily but the thought has crossed my mind)

It's actually crossed my mind as well only because he seems like such a fabulously likable guy that... he could have completely ticked someone off and they paid him back with hurting AJ and setting him up. I know it sounds rather far-fetched but stuff like that does happen.
If one of my kids, who I love with all my heart and soul, ever killed someone [ God Forbid] --- I would not cover for them. Nope. Sorry. If it was self defense and they had a good reason then I would support them all through their legal processes. And I would always love them, forever, because they would always be my baby. But I would not cover for them or lie for them. I will admit that I lied for my kids [ as in wrote sick notes]when they had senioritis and wanted to go to the beach instead of school a few times. I am not a totally perfect moralistic example. :angel: But MURDER or real crimes--NO NEVER.
Just to clarify some timeline questions that have been coming up (thanks to Elizabella for the great doc she came up with! Linked in first post):

Thurs 3/5: JH created bringajhome fb (whether she remained as administrator or sole administrator unknown). FB page says last seen 3/2 at 7am, last heard from 3/3 at 5:30 am

JH also creates a page.

On the 10th, Nancy Grace asks WH when is the last time HE saw her. He says "we" saw her on Monday the 2nd ... he thinks. He does NOT specify a time.

Thursday 3/12 13newsnow does an essay on AJ. For the first time, public hears of lunchtime meeting between AJ and WH.

Friday the 13th, the fb page updates last seen to lunchtime on the 2nd

Sunday the 15th, WH does podcast interview describing the lunch meeting in great detail.

Hope this helps!
I understand that everyone is upset about WH being named in the obituary. But can you imagine the implications if he had not been mentioned at all? I think JH has to be VERY careful about weighing in on WH's guilt or innocence until WH is officially named a POI. And while I appreciate WHS's honesty about how she feels, I don't think LE or the family appreciated that public declaration. If WH is guilty, LE doesn't want anything written or said that WH could potentially use to claim unfair prosecution.

Playing catch up after work today....
I think she was darned if she did, darned if she didn't where WH is concerned, BUT the implication that all of the children are Hadsells and naming all family w/o aunt specifically is very telling.
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