VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #17

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Since he is a V.I and he posted his statement on fb then we should be able to copy and paste the statement. He wants people to know that we should not blame none of AJs parents. So i think a copy and paste would be okay. Jmo. I doubt he would mind us sharing his words here. Jmo.

We were specifically told no on the FB, I believe.

ETA: That was a long time ago, so it might be worth verifying with a mod again. But I'm pretty sure it was Tricia who said no on the FB.
Slightly off topic:

Just wanted to drop in and tell you guys that I am still trying to follow this thread. If I don't hit the thanks button, or comment, it's most likely because I'm having a hard time keeping up, and because I'm working on other things. I'm still here, though, even if you don't "see" me. :)

(((((Brenchen and Mel)))) Sending thoughts and prayers to you both.
Yes, thank you mom2six for taking the time to post the videos to youtube. I had not seen this news clip from the balloon release event. I found it interesting.

That might have been part of it, but it seems that interview was cut off (or super short!). HOWEVER, I did find your amazing set of videos on YouTube (that I realize you posted before but I had never checked out). Thank you for doing that! It's a great resource!
Mom2...I hate to ask, but would you mind sending me a link to the videos via my pm? I'd like to try to review them tonight if I have time, and I'm afraid I won't be able to find them later. TIA
An excerpt from the 30 minute jail interview with Joe Fisher on March 21:

JF: Did you break into a house?
WH: They say I did
JF: Did you break into a house?
WH: It's...questionable, where that information came from. Know what I'm saying?
JF: I'm asking you. Did you, yourself...
WH: Are you putting this on the air?
JF: This is for the air (nodding)
WH: Okay.
JF: Did you break into a house that you believed was involved in your search?
WH: Yes, I did
JF: Did you plant evidence in the house?
WH: No sir, I didn't

I'm sure most people have heard this interview, I thought this back-and-forth was a good example of how WH responds to a question he doesn't really want to answer. I suppose he could have said "I'm not going to talk about that" but he did end up answering. Just thought it was interesting to see the technique/ maneuvering in the answers. WH also knows he was in the house "18, 19 minutes"
“Every day that they don’t find something is good for me.“ Billie Dunn
First off, I laugh every time I see your quote^^^

I was very close to a friend who was molested by her bio-dad early on and through about 16, and no one would have guessed. Not even her Mother (even when it was happening under their own roof). Strangely, her twin brothers knew and used to sit outside the door and bang on it crying for their dad to let her go! But it took them years to finally tell.
The parents divorced (for other reasons since the abuse was not known yet), when she was around 13 yrs old. All the children continued to go with dad for weekend visits willingly and with joy. The abuse continued. I always looked at them as very close. They were always laughing and doing fun things. And, my friend always seemed very excited to go visit her dad. We all went shopping once, and he bought her whatever she wanted. It wasn't until years later she told me how she actually had to "re-pay" him for those purchases.

The reason I bring this situation up is because of this; my friend explained (after years of intense therapy and her dad was convicted & jailed) that she really thought at the time that it was no big deal. It was sneaky and fun some times. She was actually brainwashed enough to think she was the "cool" kid for these experiences, or the special one. It wasn't until after he was gone that she was able to see how truly revolting it was what he did to her and the shame was unbearable for her. She did terrible things to hurt herself for years to punish herself for "liking" it. But that wasn't until long after it stopped (maybe 19?).

Because of this particular friend that I had, it makes me think that it's a viable possibility with AJ. Stacy was not the only one that I knew that was abused by their father and thought they were the "cool kid" for a minute. The damage didn't surface for the second girl (different family) until she had her first baby. And, my cousins (brother&sister) had an incestuous relationship and my female cousin had the exact same feelings as the other two. The sorrow, shame and sickness didn't come until much later in life. She has been suffering breakdowns and doing horrible things since.

I bring these situations up because it's the side of abuse that people don't usually know, or talk about. I think that it is more devastating to the victim when they feel even more foolish and shamed because they misunderstood their feelings of pleasure (for lack of a better word). I can't think of how to articulate it correctly.

I am not saying this was the case with AJ. Just another on a long list of possibilities.

AJ could have broken free once she was able to get away to college. I do not think it was a coincidence that she disappeared while on her break and happened to be back home. The money seemed to be a sensitive area for WH also. Every piece of evidence found had a circumstance involving WH. WH was caught in lies, all concerning AJ's disappearance (like when the last time it was she was seen!). He spoke of her in past tense within a week or so of her add in his current drug use, and his past (which by itself would not hold the same weight). And now it's possible that the house is somehow connected to his employment?
People don't lie unless they have reason to. -JMO-

There is no such thing as coincidence in murder!

I have a real problem believing a father figure is sexually assaulting a child(ren) in the home and the mother figure does not know. She may be in denial, but I cannot believe the "I did not know or suspect." A family friend at a place other than the home, maybe. But the first time my kid said I don't want to go with so and so, or don't leave me here with him, they are not left alone with them at least until I can explore this further. It may be some kid manipulation. But it may be all your kid can say to you. And behavior changes, too. You can ignore it.
But you cannot deny the changes unless you want to. I am not implying or saying WH or anyone was doing this with AJ or her sisters.
I have a real problem believing a father figure is sexually assaulting a child(ren) in the home and the mother figure does not know. She may be in denial, but I cannot believe the "I did not know or suspect." A family friend at a place other than the home, maybe. But the first time my kid said I don't want to go with so and so, or don't leave me here with him, they are not left alone with them at least until I can explore this further. It may be some kid manipulation. But it may be all your kid can say to you. And behavior changes, too. You can ignore it.
But you cannot deny the changes unless you want to. I am not implying or saying WH or anyone was doing this with AJ or her sisters.

My mother did not know. She never suspected as it went on at our home when she was at work. She never had a clue. And when I did finally tell her, decades later, the shock and pain was evident.
The behavior changes are often attributed to something else. My Mom thought I was being affected by the divorce.

Also, many 'abusers' know how to groom their victims---so often the kid does not say 'DON't send me over there] etc/ My uncle made it 'fun' and special so I did not ever reject the chance to be around him. So Mom had no clue.
An excerpt from the 30 minute jail interview with Joe Fisher on March 21:

JF: Did you break into a house?
WH: They say I did
JF: Did you break into a house?
WH: It's...questionable, where that information came from. Know what I'm saying?
JF: I'm asking you. Did you, yourself...
WH: Are you putting this on the air?
JF: This is for the air (nodding)
WH: Okay.
JF: Did you break into a house that you believed was involved in your search?
WH: Yes, I did
JF: Did you plant evidence in the house?
WH: No sir, I didn't

I'm sure most people have heard this interview, I thought this back-and-forth was a good example of how WH responds to a question he doesn't really want to answer. I suppose he could have said "I'm not going to talk about that" but he did end up answering. Just thought it was interesting to see the technique/ maneuvering in the answers. WH also knows he was in the house "18, 19 minutes"

It's hard to say Phoebe, I sorta suspect that WH is "SLY." He could have thought by not admitting to the break in etc, viewers might see him as dishonest.
An excerpt from the 30 minute jail interview with Joe Fisher on March 21:

JF: Did you break into a house?
WH: They say I did
JF: Did you break into a house?
WH: It's...questionable, where that information came from. Know what I'm saying?
JF: I'm asking you. Did you, yourself...
WH: Are you putting this on the air?
JF: This is for the air (nodding)
WH: Okay.
JF: Did you break into a house that you believed was involved in your search?
WH: Yes, I did
JF: Did you plant evidence in the house?
WH: No sir, I didn't

I'm sure most people have heard this interview, I thought this back-and-forth was a good example of how WH responds to a question he doesn't really want to answer. I suppose he could have said "I'm not going to talk about that" but he did end up answering. Just thought it was interesting to see the technique/ maneuvering in the answers. WH also knows he was in the house "18, 19 minutes"

Thanks for this!

There are SO many things about this interview that bother me, but something that has always stood out to me is also what you transcribed. WHY does he ask joe if he's putting the interview on the air and then go on to say yes? If I were WH, the confirmation that it WAS going to be aired would make me decline answering. I just can't follow his logic, or lack thereof.

I guess that's what you're saying too. :p I just wanted to agree!
I just wanted to say thank you to all of you who have said nice things about Mel.

I don't want to get kicked off of here again and I don't want this post to be deleted, but I just wanted to say something in case anyone was wondering.

There may have been three reasons why no one saw Mel before the interview:

1) his wife told him to stay clear of Virginia because she was afraid that the news/media/public opinion/le may have looked at him as a suspect. If he was in Florida no one could be tempted to possibly hurt AJ and pin it on him. Remember we were still holding out hope she was alive.

2) There was hope that Anjelica might try to escape a bad situation by coming to Florida, there would have been no one home if everyone was in Virginia.

3) There was a small window of hope that not pissing off someone could lead to an improved relationship when Anjelica came home.

I have not been verified as an insider, so please take every bit of this post as speculation.

Also someone had mentioned the obit that was made for the Langer family. Zach was not mentioned. This was not an attempt to lessen Zach's part in Anjelica's life. The role he played was very important, it was just one that the biological father wish he could have filled. The obit was made as a way to in some small way take away one of the last bits of pain that could be inflicted on this family by others. It was not intended to inflict pain on Zach. It is our great hope that Zach's family would make their own obit as well as a final momento to such a beautiful child that all of our hearts are breaking for.

As to Mel not being in Angelica's life, I think that is an answer that Zach could reply to as he is verified. I'm sure he'll be completely honest in how he met JH and the situation surrounding her leaving VA with Angelica. If he does know the truth that is. It's natural tendency to always make ourselves look good and so I'm sure that's what JH would have done too.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Its so good to hear from you again, brenchen!!! Thank you for sharing your thoughts
Regarding the cleaning, Zach had originally written in his blog that AJ went "above and beyond" in cleaning the house that morning. He later clarified here due to our speculation on what that could mean.
If I were WH, the confirmation that it WAS going to be aired would make me decline answering.

He probably didn't want to come across as "EVASIVE." Even though he still did. Just not as much.
3-22-15, 09:25PM
Hi Everyone,

Please think about what I am going to say to you.

Your Words Have Power!!!

The power to heal, the power to help, the power to HURT and the power to make things worse.

Remember Richard Ricci? The Salt Lake Police were absolutely positive he took Elizabeth Smart.

He had a long felony record, he was on probation, and a few months before Elizabeth went missing he had worked for her father Ed on the family house. Ricci knew the house and where
the family slept.

It didn't matter that Ricci hadn't seen the Smart family in a long time. LE decided this guy WAS GUILTY. HE KILLED ELIZABETH.

Most of us jumped on that bandwagon of hate for Richard Ricci.

We were all wrong. WRONG.

But it was too late. Ricci's brain exploded inside prison and he died of a brain hemorrhage.

His widow, along with most people, believe the police put so much pressure on him to admit to taking Elizabeth that his head exploded.

Elizabeth turned up a few months later. Having been taken by two religious nuts. She was OK.

In cases like AJ's I'm reminded of Richard Ricci and how easy it is to jump on the guilty bandwagon,

Yes WH has a past but does it mean he has anything to do with AJ's disappearance?

Please be careful. Now that we are discussing WH's past records it is easy to take those big steps and leap into something more horrific involving AJ's disappearance.

Please think before you post. At the end of the day if you are wrong those words are yours and yours alone.

Your words have power.


Reading on some previous threads earlier thought this was worthy of bumping
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