VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #2

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But LE is jeopardizing other female teens who are interacting with these people while searching or visitng the home/homes. So hopefully they mention something to the public.

Maybe not. :thinking:
Yeah see around here it seems like all of the cities just run together. Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Chesapeake are all pretty decent sized cities but they all just seem to run into each other. I live in Suffolk and one moment I'm in Suffolk the next in Chesapeake then Suffolk the Portsmouth all on the same length of road it seems. I think he probably meant he was not working in Norfolk but he could have very well been down the road 20 minutes away in another town(city).

Except he said he was working an hour away:

The fact is that this person found half of her credit card – the bottom half, the part with her name on it. This was Thursday. Thursday afternoon the first week she was missing, I don’t know the dates I just know it was the first week that she was missing on Thursday. I got a call – I was at work out of town, not out of town, but an hour away. I wasn’t in my home residence, Norfolk home.

Which could be entirely true, or not. Apparently someone identifying himself as WH's employer has stated (on a link shared by the Bring AJ Home FB page to their fundraising effort) on Saturday the 7th that the whole fundraising effort has been in part, to help the family while WH has been out of work most of the week (which was posted the first week of her disappearance) due to being unable to concentrate and spending time with family.

Completely understandable!! I sure as heck wouldn't give a rip about my job if my kid were missing and I'd hope and pray my employer would understand and give me the grace to be with my family.

I hope it's okay to post these paraphrases and links. I'm trying SO hard not to violate TOS here.
Oh boy, ^ this, 10 million times.

The thing is, when LE is on an active investigation they do NOT share sensitive details with anyone except other LE working the same case and their superiors. If they DO have a legit POI, they're sure as heck not going to phone WH up and say "oh yeah by the way, we think Joe Blow over on Walnut Street had something to do with this - but you keep that yourself man, because it could blow the whole case out of the water".

If, by some chance there IS a legit POI and WH implicated him by innuendo in that interview, then yes, that piece would have been yanked immediately.

I think, like someone here mentioned yesterday, LE is just letting all the ducks waddle into their place in the row.

Totally OT but is there a waddling ducks icon anywhere?
Also, WH has a long post on the Go Fund Me page.

We are not allowed to cut and paste and can only link and summarize in our own words. But there is one very confusing sentence that I keep reading and trying to decipher. I cannot say it in my own words because it makes no sense. I will only copy this one sentence because I need help understanding what it means:

Wesly Hadell.... [ 9 days ago]

"...While I remain positive in support of all her hard work and accomplishments it has never entered my mind that this is her playing a "joke" or a "game" or anything other than what she deserves. "

What does the bolded portion me? She is not playing a joke or a game--this is what she deserves? :eek:
Also, WH has a long post on the Go Fund Me page.

"...While I remain positive in support of all her hard work and accomplishments it has never entered my mind that this is her playing a "joke" or a "game" or anything other than what she deserves. "

What does the bolded portion me? She is not playing a joke or a game--this is what she deserves? :eek:

Statement analysis is going to drive everyone here insane IMO, but the quick n dirty of that one might be "..While I remain positive (and )in support of all her hard work and accomplishments(,) it has never entered my mind that this is her playing a "joke" or a "game" or (is) anything(-) other than what she deserves.

On a side note, for anyone that loves this kind of analysis, keep an eye on NetFlix for The Jinx if you missed it on HBO.
YES! This is what I was referring to yesterday. I've read it over and over and cannot come up with a benign explanation. I just can't. Especially combine with the near eulogy-esque statements in the same paragraph.
I have to ask....where is Mom? Seriously....

I don't think I've seen any MSM "interviews" or "reports" that say JH is not holding up well or is despondent etc. etc. which is why WH is fielding all the out front stuff.

I don't see a couple sitting side by side looking terrified, worried, upset. I don't see joint pleas to come and help us. I don't see a "unified" family plea....none of the stuff that we regularly see in these types of cases. This really baffles me because the family must be conscious of things that are being said and you would think that they would be doing everything in their power to prove otherwise.

I also understand that all families are different and that everyone copes differently in these types of situations however, having said this, I am totally and completely bamboozled by the way this is being handled.

I also get that LE is most likely working diligently in the background but I find it utterly bizarre that LE says NOTHING. NOTHING! I don't expect them to tell us much, but I would expect a press conference at some point which lets everyone know that they "have leads" but cannot divulge information, or that they believe foul play maybe at play. Something...anything but silence.

My head hurts from this case. I am frustrated and I am fearful for AJ. I want her home and I want the games and the rumours to stop. Let's just go out and find AJ without all the ancillary drama. AJ deserves to be searched for in a dignified and caring manner not in a circus-like atmosphere which has enveloped this entire case.:tantrum:

BTW, I am NOT suggesting that WS'ers are creating the drama, games, rumours etc. :):)

Also, WH has a long post on the Go Fund Me page.

We are not allowed to cut and paste and can only link and summarize in our own words. But there is one very confusing sentence that I keep reading and trying to decipher. I cannot say it in my own words because it makes no sense. I will only copy this one sentence because I need help understanding what it means:

Wesly Hadell.... [ 9 days ago]

"...While I remain positive in support of all her hard work and accomplishments it has never entered my mind that this is her playing a "joke" or a "game" or anything other than what she deserves. "

What does the bolded portion me? She is not playing a joke or a game--this is what she deserves? :eek:

I seen that a few days ago and literally fell off my chair! (it was ugly). Being new I wasn't sure if it was something I could bring over and post.
I want to add and not sure if this is ok, so please delete if not, but, I have messaged the family. LE are NOT communicating with them anymore. I have the message if I need that
to back up what they said to me.
Also, WH has a long post on the Go Fund Me page.

We are not allowed to cut and paste and can only link and summarize in our own words. But there is one very confusing sentence that I keep reading and trying to decipher. I cannot say it in my own words because it makes no sense. I will only copy this one sentence because I need help understanding what it means:

Wesly Hadell.... [ 9 days ago]

"...While I remain positive in support of all her hard work and accomplishments it has never entered my mind that this is her playing a "joke" or a "game" or anything other than what she deserves. "

What does the bolded portion me? She is not playing a joke or a game--this is what she deserves? :eek:

Freudian Slip?:waitasec:
I have to ask....where is Mom? Seriously....

I don't think I've seen any MSM "interviews" or "reports" that say JH is not holding up well or is despondent etc. etc. which is why WH is fielding all the out front stuff.

I don't see a couple sitting side by side looking terrified, worried, upset. I don't see joint pleas to come and help us. I don't see a "unified" family plea....none of the stuff that we regularly see in these types of cases. This really baffles me because the family must be conscious of things that are being said and you would think that they would be doing everything in their power to prove otherwise.

I also understand that all families are different and that everyone copes differently in these types of situations however, having said this, I am totally and completely bamboozled by the way this is being handled.

I also get that LE is most likely working diligently in the background but I find it utterly bizarre that LE says NOTHING. NOTHING! I don't expect them to tell us much, but I would expect a press conference at some point which lets everyone know that they "have leads" but cannot divulge information, or that they believe foul play maybe at play. Something...anything but silence.

My head hurts from this case. I am frustrated and I am fearful for AJ. I want her home and I want the games and the rumours to stop. Let's just go out and find AJ without all the ancillary drama. AJ deserves to be searched for in a dignified and caring manner not in a circus-like atmosphere which has enveloped this entire case.:tantrum:

BTW, I am NOT suggesting that WS'ers are creating the drama, games, rumours etc. :):)


Well...they are probably just a family of few words. You know, stare at each other a lot. That's not always good tv.

I was away from the computer last night so I didn't read all of this in real time. It helped put things in perspective. To be blunt, THIS ISN'T LOGICAL. AT ALL. We have all followed wacky cases, but does AJ's family think the public is that naive?'s my summary of what we've been fed over the past several days..all IMO.
From family:
1. AJ is missing. Mom is the last one to see her, at 7 am on Monday. However, AJ texts mom the next morning that she's not ready to come home. It might not have been her texting.
2. Actually, a neighbor saw her at 2:30, Monday, BTW.
3. Her debit/credit card was found on a search with other debit/credit cards, but hers was the only one that looked new. It was cut in two pieces.
4. Everyone STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING. There is a flyer out there that was not created by us. It has LE's phone number on it, but the reward doesn't match the one we are offering, and it doesn't have our contact info on it. Could everyone please go around town and take those flyers down?
4. Actually, stepdad found the debit/credit card, BTW. It is sliced in many pieces, BTW.
5. LE won't communicate with the family, so they will be talking to the media.
6. Uh oh. The public has done some research and found out some "things" about stepdad and it's getting all over the internet.
7. BTW, real quick, stepdad met with AJ to give her money at noon on Monday. Forgot to tell y'all that.
8. Also, AJ texted with stepdad a thumbs up sign the next day.
9. Oh, BTW, AJ was spotted at home with a white car around 230 on Monday.
10. We are going to go on a search with machetes in a specific place to find her phone, which we believe was thrown out the window there.
11. Actually, AJ had been afraid of someone for weeks, and we have vague text messages to prove it.
12. BTW, someone found her jacket somewhere.

From LE:
1. Nothing.

I read that as he really wasn't sure it was actually worth reporting or wasn't confident in his memory could just be he didn't want to lie to police. But let's keep in mind it wasn't the witness saying he struggled with it, it was WH.

AJ was also sighted at the University according to the last official statement from LE, which we haven't had much further detail on. IMO the sightings and discussion on WH belong in the parking lot. All we have as fact is that her last verifiable contact with friends or anyone other than family was on Twitter at 10:30ish on March 1. JH claims to have seen her around 7am on the 2nd. There is an alleged surveillance video of WH meeting AJ at a gas station around 12:15pm on March 2nd. She was reported missing around 9:15pm March 3rd, more than 24 hours after WH or JH saw her and 48 hours after friends heard from her (I assume, as we have no other statement saying anyone heard from her after the last Tweet on March 1) We have the weird 4:30am text message on the 2nd as well, but cannot confirm it was from her.

2-5 pieces of her debit card, found on a nearby roadside in good condition on March 5 and 6
Phone logs from LH and WH
SMS log from cousin

Missing/undisclosed Evidence:
Her jacket is among the clothing items reported to police as missing along with her but has not been confirmed as recovered.
Other items she may have carried in a pack/purse when she normally leaves the house
Fingerprints on the card pieces
Phone logs from friends/boyfriend
Pings/Geo data from AJs phone
Phone logs from AJs phone
Surveillance video from gas station
WH ATM/withdrawal records to substantiate $100, 200$ claim
Well...they are probably just a family of few words. You know, stare at each other a lot. That's not always good tv.


OT but I have to say I love your screen name! A favorite childhood poem of mine and now my daughter's as well.
We're not sure if smoky porch kid and the neighbor are one and the same, but irregardless, AJ was supposedly seen going home at 2:03 and was gone by the time her little sister got home from schoolat 2:25. We are supposed to believe this is the timeline she disappeared in.

The kid might have to send a text as to when she gets home to her parents. But I thought I had read somewhere where the mom came home with the kids at 3:30pm. So did one kid ride the bus and the other get picked up??? Or maybe that was an incorrect statement that mom came home at 3:30.
Possibly talked to a friend and met the friend at the house. Then went to buy the GoPro with a friend in his/her car. The friend tried to take the money and something went wrong?
OT but I have to say I love your screen name! A favorite childhood poem of mine and now my daughter's as well.

Awww thanks! I've loved that poem for so long - it makes me smile every time I read it. That is so wonderful that you've shared it with your daughter. I think that one and One Inch Tall are my 2 favs.
I have to ask....where is Mom? Seriously....

I don't think I've seen any MSM "interviews" or "reports" that say JH is not holding up well or is despondent etc. etc. which is why WH is fielding all the out front stuff.

I don't see a couple sitting side by side looking terrified, worried, upset. I don't see joint pleas to come and help us. I don't see a "unified" family plea....none of the stuff that we regularly see in these types of cases. This really baffles me because the family must be conscious of things that are being said and you would think that they would be doing everything in their power to prove otherwise.

I also understand that all families are different and that everyone copes differently in these types of situations however, having said this, I am totally and completely bamboozled by the way this is being handled.

I also get that LE is most likely working diligently in the background but I find it utterly bizarre that LE says NOTHING. NOTHING! I don't expect them to tell us much, but I would expect a press conference at some point which lets everyone know that they "have leads" but cannot divulge information, or that they believe foul play maybe at play. Something...anything but silence.

My head hurts from this case. I am frustrated and I am fearful for AJ. I want her home and I want the games and the rumours to stop. Let's just go out and find AJ without all the ancillary drama. AJ deserves to be searched for in a dignified and caring manner not in a circus-like atmosphere which has enveloped this entire case.:tantrum:

BTW, I am NOT suggesting that WS'ers are creating the drama, games, rumours etc. :):)


I completely agree with you. I have lived here 33yrs and I cannot recall NPD ever having a press conference. If they have, I missed it. I do think they are working it, but I dont think they will ever tell the public anything. I think they, Mom & Dad need to unite on TV somewhere and have a nice plea for help, maybe they are doing so via Dateline, idk. But some kind of new action needs to occur as it seems to be at a stalemate. Does anyone know the list of areas that have been covered by search?
LCN ballfield, Northside Park, Thole St/Tidewater DR.,Halprin Dr, Millard St. Some water way that was seen on video. What about the cemetery that is over there?
I read that as he really wasn't sure it was actually worth reporting or wasn't confident in his memory could just be he didn't want to lie to police. But let's keep in mind it wasn't the witness saying he struggled with it, it was WH.

AJ was also sighted at the University according to the last official statement from LE, which we haven't had much further detail on. IMO the sightings and discussion on WH belong in the parking lot. All we have as fact is that her last verifiable contact with friends or anyone other than family was on Twitter at 10:30ish on March 1. JH claims to have seen her around 7am on the 2nd. There is an alleged surveillance video of WH meeting AJ at a gas station around 12:15pm on March 2nd. She was reported missing around 9:15pm March 3rd, more than 24 hours after WH or JH saw her and 48 hours after friends heard from her (I assume, as we have no other statement saying anyone heard from her after the last Tweet on March 1) We have the weird 4:30am text message on the 2nd as well, but cannot confirm it was from her.

2-5 pieces of her debit card, found on a nearby roadside in good condition on March 5 and 6
Phone logs from LH and WH
SMS log from cousin

Missing/undisclosed Evidence:
Her jacket is among the clothing items reported to police as missing along with her but has not been confirmed as recovered.
Other items she may have carried in a pack/purse when she normally leaves the house
Fingerprints on the card pieces
Phone logs from friends/boyfriend
Pings/Geo data from AJs phone
Phone logs from AJs phone
Surveillance video from gas station
WH ATM/withdrawal records to substantiate $100, 200$ claim

WH by his own admission has placed himself at the house to drop truck key off (time?)
Some 10 days later he places himself in the vicinity for the second time that day at Gas Station meet up.
So now in the area twice. Neighborhood kid waves to someone he believes to be AJ but doesn't come forward until days later? Maybe someone was informed of neighborhood kids sighting. Is that when scary person theory is put out there? White car was seen? Is that when we learned the real time WH last saw AJ? IMO there was no reason to delay in putting that info out there.

Perhaps someone else was seen as well and is giving himself a excuse to be in the area. Backtracking??
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