VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #2

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If she said she was going to VCU/friend's house/wherever "for the night" or something (IMO!!! I don't know that she said this), maybe they just assumed she'd sleep there.

But so far they have not said anything about where she was that night. Which is unusual for a family in a missing teen case. Usually they overshare, in hopes it triggers a memory. They have 'slipped' , both of them, saying they were talking back and forth with her at some point that night. But neither have said what they discussed. As a mom, I have to assume that JH was asking AJ where she was/who she was with. But we have not heard any of that yet.
Another thing that I don't understand is the tone of the very first flyer I saw very early on made it seem like whoever made the flyer thought that AJ left on her own. I will try to go to one of the places I saw it tomorrow and take a photo if it is still posted. I've seen slightly different flyers recently.

That original poster may have been the one made by ZH, her previous stepfather.<modsnip>
I love how you dissected this to the T. Thank you.

Hmm, I could be crazy, and probably so. But, I could swear the profile pic is different, not the cover pic. Bc I thought, geez what is going on. But, if no one else thinks so, then I am probably wrong. And that is better that way.

I think that is why I thought there were two FB profiles!
Local here and WS lurker for a couple of years. This case is really hurts and scares the people that live here. No one wants to think poorly of people in AJ's life, but it's hard for some of us not to be confused and angered by what can be seen as the misleading and calculating way that her family is providing information. We all just want her home and safe.

I want to also say that I went to the same high school as AJ and have roamed the same neighborhood she lives in, and never for once felt unsafe.

I feel the same way. I've lived in Norfolk most my life. And this neighborhood for over 20 years. Most of my neighbors have lived here longer. It's quiet and peaceful back here. No one bothers us. And I have always felt completely safe.
I'm thinking that with all the inconsistencies and misinformation Mom has been silenced. Only Step Dad seems to be out front now. Interesting.

I think Mom was the one who put out the TRUTH---as she knew it to be at the time. I think when she said AJ was last seen at 7 am, she believed it to be so. I am thinking maybe , since the neighbor says he saw her at 2 ish, stepdad decided not to tell anyone he met her at lunchtime. I don't know why, but for some reason he decided to make the correction. But I don't think Mom even know about it at first.
One of the things I try really hard not to do (and it's nearly impossible, to be honest) is to interject my family dynamic into cases I read here. For example, in my family, one of our adult kids had to stay with us temporarily last fall and when she was here she just wanted a night out with friends. I didn't even have to ask her where she'd be or who she'd be with, she volunteered that info herself. But even if she hadn't (and all the kids do that, because they know I'm a stickler for details so I don't worry myself to death) I would have asked. Who, where do they live, number, etc. I don't ask for a phone number so much anymore since all my kids (adults and minors) have their own and I can always contact them that way no matter where they are. Even my oldest adult daughter who is 32 and travels quite a bit for both business and pleasure, always tells me when she's landed, crossed the border, checked into her hotel, etc. It's just the way our family is, this sort of checking into Home Base (mom) :)

Point is, I know there are tons of families that don't operate this way. Parents don't ask questions, kids don't volunteer info, and everyone just does whatever and no one thinks anything of it. Frankly, I think this is a horrible idea and many many case conclusions here have proven exactly why. It's not like you need to grill your kids, but just ask for a who/where/when & get on with your day.

I think Mom was the one who put out the TRUTH---as she knew it to be at the time. I think when she said AJ was last seen at 7 am, she believed it to be so. I am thinking maybe , since the neighbor says he saw her at 2 ish, stepdad decided not to tell anyone he met her at lunchtime. I don't know why, but for some reason he decided to make the correction. But I don't think Mom even know about it at first.

I am in agreement. I think that is what she believed too. And somewhere along the line- the story had to change up. She, the Mom must have misunderstood SD, and didn't hear him when he told her he stopped to give AJ money. ( snark)
One of the things I try really hard not to do (and it's nearly impossible, to be honest) is to interject my family dynamic into cases I read here. For example, in my family, one of our adult kids had to stay with us temporarily last fall and when she was here she just wanted a night out with friends. I didn't even have to ask her where she'd be or who she'd be with, she volunteered that info herself. But even if she hadn't (and all the kids do that, because they know I'm a stickler for details so I don't worry myself to death) I would have asked. Who, where do they live, number, etc. I don't ask for a phone number so much anymore since all my kids (adults and minors) have their own and I can always contact them that way no matter where they are. Even my oldest adult daughter who is 32 and travels quite a bit for both business and pleasure, always tells me when she's landed, crossed the border, checked into her hotel, etc. It's just the way our family is, this sort of checking into Home Base (mom) :)

Point is, I know there are tons of families that don't operate this way. Parents don't ask questions, kids don't volunteer info, and everyone just does whatever and no one thinks anything of it. Frankly, I think this is a horrible idea and many many case conclusions here have proven exactly why. It's not like you need to grill your kids, but just ask for a who/where/when & get on with your day.



My deal with my daughter was a simple one---just text me every time you change locations--simple text, where u r headed and who with. ---easy peasy, nothing else, won't waste your precious teenage fun time. just give me basics and I will not call nor text u , not until curfew

I agree that not all families work that way. But most parents of a beautiful 18 yr old girl want to know where she is they have not heard from her all day and into the night.
One of the things I try really hard not to do (and it's nearly impossible, to be honest) is to interject my family dynamic into cases I read here. For example, in my family, one of our adult kids had to stay with us temporarily last fall and when she was here she just wanted a night out with friends. I didn't even have to ask her where she'd be or who she'd be with, she volunteered that info herself. But even if she hadn't (and all the kids do that, because they know I'm a stickler for details so I don't worry myself to death) I would have asked. Who, where do they live, number, etc. I don't ask for a phone number so much anymore since all my kids (adults and minors) have their own and I can always contact them that way no matter where they are. Even my oldest adult daughter who is 32 and travels quite a bit for both business and pleasure, always tells me when she's landed, crossed the border, checked into her hotel, etc. It's just the way our family is, this sort of checking into Home Base (mom) :)

Point is, I know there are tons of families that don't operate this way. Parents don't ask questions, kids don't volunteer info, and everyone just does whatever and no one thinks anything of it. Frankly, I think this is a horrible idea and many many case conclusions here have proven exactly why. It's not like you need to grill your kids, but just ask for a who/where/when & get on with your day.


I'm 30 and I'll still keep my mom updated when I'm traveling! I'll ask my husband when he works nights to let me know get got there ok. I always get the eye roll but he does it. I guess I always assume (wrongly) that with technology these days there's no reason not to be communicative about your whereabouts. I'm pretty private -- only child syndrome -- and like to disconnect quite a bit but I still do and like to receive check ins! I agree though, we know not everybody is like that. AJ seems to be home quite a bit so maybe I could see her not detailing every movement.
What doesn't make any sense to me at all, is how they (mom, step-dad, and anyone else close to AJ that might have had a reason to see her that day) didn't get together and discuss the timeline that day before they ever put together any kind of flyer, FB page, donation account, etc. I'm sure they must have been running on pure emotion and panic but I envision the conversation as simple as (mom): "okay I saw her at 7 this morning" then step-dad: "I saw her around 12:45 when we met at the gas station and I gave her some cash".

It really would have been as simple as that. Then, the flier would have stated from the beginning: "last seen at 12:45 at such and such gas station driving xyz vehicle or on foot". This entire search (from us here to those local) would have started in a completely different place! Right??

The family is pleading for the public's help but the family doesn't want to offer up info to actually find her.

WHAT gas station? Did he take the money out of the ATM at that gas station?
Did LE know from the very first missing person's report that the last family member to see her was step-dad at the gas station?
Was AJ driving the truck or walking?
What did she need the cash for when mom said in earlier msm articles AJ had told her she had no plans that day?
How much cash did she have on her? $20 bucks, $200 bucks?
Did anyone see them at the gas station?
Was it a sketchy part of town where some low-life could have seen him take the cash out of the ATM and give it to her?
Did she mention what her plans were for the rest of the day?

Maybe LE already did know all this. Maybe close friends and family did too? Way too many maybes and inconsistencies and unanswered questions to really make any sense of this at all.
OT/kind of...

My son married into a fabulous Irish family. My hubby and I are going now to their yearly St Patricks extravaganza. Daughter and her boyfriend are meeting us there and we will have Shepherds pie and Chicken Curry and warm Guinness. We will dance to a live Irish band from the old country. And play some darts so we can sober up for the drive home.

And as I gather my things to leave, it makes me very sad that AJ is not doing the same thing with her friends and family tonight. I really hope we can resolve this SOON.

My deal with my daughter was a simple one---just text me every time you change locations--simple text, where u r headed and who with. ---easy peasy, nothing else, won't waste your precious teenage fun time. just give me basics and I will not call nor text u , not until curfew

I agree that not all families work that way. But most parents of a beautiful 18 yr old girl want to know where she is they have not heard from her all day and into the night.

Perfect example was today:

My 14 yr old son said he was going to hang out with some friends. They were going here, here and then the pizza place (yeah, all 14 yr old boys end up at the pizza place eventually, don't they?) and he'd be home later. When later arrived, I texted him and asked when he was planning on being home. He texted back and told me what time. Then he texted again a little bit later and told me a different time and added "I'm leaving now". It was already dark out and even though this kid is nearly 6 foot tall he's still a 14 yr old kid and I still worry. It's really as simple as that, staying in touch.
Photos from search yesterday. Note the captions. They were searching for something dropped from a car on the interstate, and were searching a one mile radius around Surburban Park (for mapping purposes). There is an LE in the photos:

So did LE consent to the search and let it be so informal or are there LE officers present to keep an eye on things? From all of you awesome sleuth's previous experience here, can searches range from very casual to very formal if they are LE run Or are LE searches pretty formal consistently?
Possibility I have thought of but BF is silent and I'm assuming the family would have already spoken out about him if they felt sketchy? I know we can't sleuth boyfriend though so.. just one more question to add to the list.

If the boyfriend were my son, I would definitely tell him to stay off of SM for sure and to only talk to the police or detectives only because people do analyze everything that comes out of a person's mouth in this situation and with him being so young he might innocently say something with no meaning behind it and it get turned around. Not that he would have anything to hide but just for his own protection.
What doesn't make any sense to me at all, is how they (mom, step-dad, and anyone else close to AJ that might have had a reason to see her that day) didn't get together and discuss the timeline that day before they ever put together any kind of flyer, FB page, donation account, etc. I'm sure they must have been running on pure emotion and panic but I envision the conversation as simple as (mom): "okay I saw her at 7 this morning" then step-dad: "I saw her around 12:45 when we met at the gas station and I gave her some cash".

It really would have been as simple as that. Then, the flier would have stated from the beginning: "last seen at 12:45 at such and such gas station driving xyz vehicle or on foot". This entire search (from us here to those local) would have started in a completely different place! Right??

The family is pleading for the public's help but the family doesn't want to offer up info to actually find her.

WHAT gas station? Did he take the money out of the ATM at that gas station?
Did LE know from the very first missing person's report that the last family member to see her was step-dad at the gas station?
Was AJ driving the truck or walking?
What did she need the cash for when mom said in earlier msm articles AJ had told her she had no plans that day?
How much cash did she have on her? $20 bucks, $200 bucks?
Did anyone see them at the gas station?
Was it a sketchy part of town where some low-life could have seen him take the cash out of the ATM and give it to her?
Did she mention what her plans were for the rest of the day?

Maybe LE already did know all this. Maybe close friends and family did too? Way too many maybes and inconsistencies and unanswered questions to really make any sense of this at all.
That's what sets off my hinky meter---I cannot imagine they didn't do that....which then begs the question why the noon cash run didn't come up in that conversation or any conversation thereafter. Or if it did come up, why it was determined not to publicize it and instead put out incorrect information purposefully.

I truly can't imagine a situation in which the husband and wife did not look at each other, text each other, phone each other and say "when was the last time you saw her" well before making a flyer. Nor can I imagine it didn't come up in some conversation, say, in the last many many days of conversation between husband and wife since AJ went missing. Are they not talking? If they are talking, how did this not come up. There is no way it didn't is the only answer I come up with.
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