VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #3

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So these two FB postings are of a lot of interest to me. I would really like you guys to read ALL the comments made from people. They're are a couple of people's statements that are of interest. I believe one of the females that makes a comment on there was also the same female in another FB posting that said either she thought she saw AJ at a 7-11 or dropped her off there. Now I mention this just because they did a 7-11 search based off of a tip. This is the same lady that makes mention of she thinks she saw AJ with some other people. In one of her comments (there are several) she mentions a PA sighting or go to PA and also then she mentions people in Chesapeake and also going into NC. One of our newest members brings this up about how easy is to get out of Norfolk and in NC very quickly with lots of rural areas. Just interesting reading. There are also some comments from WH's boss as well.

The 2nd one is from Wavy 10 Joe Fisher's FB page. Just some interesting comments from AJ/WH family members. This is why I believe it is WH's mother that runs the Bring AJ FB page.

First link, first comment from someone claiming to be WH's employer states WH saw AJ at noon and her mother saw her later that day. Several comments calling him on that and he never responds that specifically. I've mentioned this before here but what I find interesting about this is that it sounds to me like this is what WH told him. Why else would he say that??

Pretty sure we dismissed Taxi lady way back in the first thread. Way too much attention seeking going on there.
I have been sitting on this tidbit for a while now - wasn't sure it was allowed. And these are the only two posts I have ever seen from this person. Wonder why she clammed up? Places mentioned also gave me pause...

Yea we definitely discussed 7-11/taxi lady but she throws out different stories each time so we discounted her..
ZH (AJs 2nd dad) is saying that he talked to the mother of the kid who supposedly had Anjelicas jacket in the closet. And he was told by her that it was his gf jacket whom went to a different school. Plus he said that Anjelica text her sister at 2:30 that after noon and put "with friends" . Now this makes me think that whoever has her didn't want the little sister looking for AJ or calling her. This person must have ties to the kid to make sure she didn't sound an alarm to mom.

Yeah but we need to help ZH out. He thinks the Rhonda Rousey fight was on Sunday. It was on on Feb. 28 that night. But later in the evening so the tweets AJ was pushing out was early Sunday morning like after midnight. So that would be Sunday not Monday.
Reading ZH's blog made me thing about how WH kept saying that the first person to find evidence is always a POI. That's BS. My dad's detective friends say that's BS. It sounds like WH WANTS us to believe that that's how LE works but it really isn't. ME..I could have found that card. So now I'm a POI even though I've never met AJ in my life?
I don't think it's locked down, I think it's just been left. The same as mine or yours would be if we just stopped tweeting. Or, weren't able to.

I should have been more clear. I meant her FB!
With nothing new to go on, some thoughts:

If it's true that the mom & WH are estranged right now, why is he the one doing all the talking? I know some folks just hate the spotlight and would rather someone else handle the media so I guess that's one possible scenario. I know we should never interject ourselves into a case and say "if that were me..." (because it isn't and no two people handle things the same way) but if it WERE me, estranged from hubby or not, I wouldn't be able to shut up about my missing daughter. I truly detest being the center of attention in any situation but a missing kid throws all that out the window.

LE's different "last seen" timeline (evening of the 2nd/early morning hours of the 3rd) compared to AJ's last known SM activity. I cannot reconcile those. SM stops Sunday March 1st but we're to believe she was seen as late as the early morning hours of the 3rd? I just wonder if they're sticking to that time frame due to what they were told in the beginning - last heard from the next morning via text to both mom and WH. Which technically doesn't gel with anything I've read in msm at all, because no one has said they saw her or heard from her in the evening hours of the 2nd. Initially it was reported that mom actually last saw her at 7am on the 2nd.

Speaking of 7am on the 2nd, I took a look around msm articles last night & again today and oddly enough couldn't seem to find one that said mom actually, laid eyes on AJ at 7am before leaving for work. WH doesn't even say it in his interview. He says the mom was there at 7am but he does not say she saw her. I know there has to be a msm article out there that actually says it, so can someone point me to it?

I am with you. I mean I can't get past the idea that she stopped SM 10:30pm Sunday night. You are right I can't find anywhere where mom says she saw AJ before she left for work. Now no one credible has come out and said they saw AJ that day. The smokey neighbor is said to have seen her truck only, right? And the kid that doesn't live on her road but a road over is to have said he saw her twice coming and going. But according to WH this is a minor and do we really know if this kid saw AJ or just the truck, etc.

I know they have said JH left for work. But I still have that aching question. Who is her alibi. No one has come out and said they saw her. NO ONE. WH's employer has but not hers. All we know is she is a photographer and I think she is contracted by these individual companies to take pictures locally and the companies are the ones that distribute. So if she didn't have an office to go into her work could literally consist of her just driving to a ball field and taking pictures of grass and coming back. Who would be her witness? The grass? Nope her camera with time logs and stamps.

Something happened in that house either late that night or early morning and the mom knows what it is.
Also, isn't JH a photographer with her own business? Why would she leave for "work" at 7am? I imagine she does most editing at home and nobody schedules a 7AM photoshoot IMO. But then again, if money was tight, maybe she has a side job if anyone knows. I have trouble believing that she saw AJ at 7am because of the nature of her "leaving for her job" and also, what kind of 18 year old is home on spring break and is up at 7am!!?

To drop of the youngest 2 sisters at school/day care is my impression and I don't think it's been confirmed that she doesn't have a 9-5 job in addition to photog business
"It is what we do that defines us."

With that in mind, posts made today seem to sum up perfectly why so much attention is aimed in one direction. In one corner we have someone begging for help who is trying to come to grips with how this is likely to resolve itself. In the other, an article linking to a petition unrelated to AJ and a post unanswered for over a day asking what AJ was last seen wearing. Help us help you.
If LE doesn't already know what's up, I'm hoping someone from LE attends the prayer service they are having for AJ because usually at these things people talk and certain people act funny.
Very true. I don't have kids or siblings so.. If the sister was used to AJ being gone would it not be a big deal to her if AJ wasn't there or would it been an even bigger deal if AJ wasn't there? if AJ was expected to be at home for both of her little sisters I'd assume a longer text exchange? "Don't tell mom but I went out with friends and I'll be home soon" or something along those lines? Obviously I could be way off base and this kind of speculation just makes my mind spin lolol

The sister that came home is well old enough to stay home on her own and probably does it all the time. I don't think she would have been expecting her to be home like she had to be home to watch her. I am thinking the AJ (whoever) texted her first so when she say the truck in the driveway and didn't see her inside she would already have in her mind that AJ wasn't home and wouldn't get worried or suspicious as to why the truck was there but she wasn't.
The sister that came home is well old enough to stay home on her own and probably does it all the time. I don't think she would have been expecting her to be home like she had to be home to watch her. I am thinking the AJ (whoever) texted her first so when she say the truck in the driveway and didn't see her inside she would already have in her mind that AJ wasn't home and wouldn't get worried or suspicious as to why the truck was there but she wasn't.

I agree with you 1000000%
I thought this one used to but it doesn't now - it was updated on the 10th so maybe they changed the time. However, I just noticed something. If you watch the video, around 2:13, it sounds like the broadcaster says "3 sleepless nights". 3?? This was initially broadcasted on the 4th.... Am I not hearing this right?

Yep and the news reporter in the beginning says it's been 4 long days. And then later says 3 sleepless nights.
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