VA - Anjelica "AJ" Hadsell, 18, Norfolk, 3 March 2015 #9

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But how soon did WH let them know for the purpose of the report that he lives in a hotel. Did he change rooms at the hotel prior to them searching it? Plus are these seedy hotels where the person in the next room pimps out his wife and smokes more crack then you do. If so; then I think he could have swapped rooms at anytime and LE couldnt check them all.

They would not have checked his hotel room at first if she was not reported missing from that location. She was reported missing from her home initially. So that is where they would start. Maybe that is why WH tried so hard to keep the separation a secret.
Wes was not supposed to be at the house.
IMO he was. And that explains the word salad with the truck. The key. And all that jazz.
I wondered this also as I thought 7-11 was named that as it was open between 7am and 11pm, so why would AJ or anybody be there between 4-6am when it would be closed?

When WH speaks of being shown this video from the 7-11 store, he stresses it wasn't AJ as the hair was too long but also, AJ doesn't wear her hair down he said, always tied up and went into great detail to describe what she uses to tie it up yet, I've looked through all the photos and cannot find one of her with her hair tied up in the way he describes. I've seen pics of her hair held back from her face but not tied up.

I rarely post (but am an avid reader) so while I am I'll just mention my thoughts on the $200 supposedly for a GoPro for AJ's boyfriend. I'm sure I read his birthday was actually on the Tuesday, the day she allegedly asked WH for the money. I can imagine an 18 year old girl will have already had his present organised in advance of this day, not leaving it until the last minute to rush out and get it on the off chance WH could 'get' her the money to buy a GoPro. Which leads me to wonder where that present I'm presuming AJ will have already bought, is, and the card. That's if I'm correct in when his birthday.

BBM#1: It's been years since I lived near a 7-11, but most that I have known were 24hr stores. My dad worked night shift when I was very young, and my husband worked night shift when we were first married.

BBM#2: In the blogger interview, WH mentioned that the BF's birthday was that very day, and they had a party that was not a party. So, not the Tuesday she went missing.
Is WH missing any boots or particular shirts or jackets that he was known for wearing?
It's been awhile since my party days in Norfolk, but there was at least one "after hours" place we would go after bars closed at 2am. As I recall, as long as it was a private membership place, they could stay open and serve alcohol after 2 am and while I don't remember ever actually "joining" I never had trouble getting in. Are there any places like that still around?
Question for insiders/Zach:

What are the chances of AJ going to hang out with WH and his crew without her BF or a friend present?
They would not have checked his hotel room at first if she was not reported missing from that location. She was reported missing from her home initially. So that is where they would start. Maybe that is why WH tried so hard to keep the separation a secret.

Yeah they probably wouldn't have had a reason to search either location unless they had a reason and a warrant. I would imagine if they felt a search of the house was needed it would have been later on. Remember at first JH said she felt she was safe. If those words are coming out of the mouth of the mother I'm sure that LE weren't alarmed to do a search of the house. Probably what gave NPD cause to get a warrant to search WH's hotel was the B&E and the witnesses coming forward with info. The search warrant for the hotel wasn't executed until 3/21. They would need a warrant to search AJ's house unless mom agreed to it. IMO she seem's like she would probably want a warrant first before this was allowed just to cover her legally.
I wondered this also as I thought 7-11 was named that as it was open between 7am and 11pm, so why would AJ or anybody be there between 4-6am when it would be closed?

When WH speaks of being shown this video from the 7-11 store, he stresses it wasn't AJ as the hair was too long but also, AJ doesn't wear her hair down he said, always tied up and went into great detail to describe what she uses to tie it up yet, I've looked through all the photos and cannot find one of her with her hair tied up in the way he describes. I've seen pics of her hair held back from her face but not tied up.

I rarely post (but am an avid reader) so while I am I'll just mention my thoughts on the $200 supposedly for a GoPro for AJ's boyfriend. I'm sure I read his birthday was actually on the Tuesday, the day she allegedly asked WH for the money. I can imagine an 18 year old girl will have already had his present organised in advance of this day, not leaving it until the last minute to rush out and get it on the off chance WH could 'get' her the money to buy a GoPro. Which leads me to wonder where that present I'm presuming AJ will have already bought, is, and the card. That's if I'm correct in when his birthday.
7-11 is now a 24 hr operation.
And, probably apropos of nothing, most 7-11s don't have public restrooms (much to my dismay lol).
I am fairly certain he was referring to the front-door key to the house, not the truck, to imply he no longer had a house key, or that he is not responsible if someone else ended up with one.

"That morning I had actually dropped off the red truck for her so she could drive: she’s home from spring break and I knew she would need it on Tuesday. I didn’t speak with her, I left the keys in the mailbox – just for the truck, the ignition key only, not the door key. I left and then I heard from Anjelica. She did give me a phone call, so people know, she called me on the phone and asked to borrow money." (WH)

Seems he went out of his way to explain even though he talked with Anjelica he wasn't in the house. So I think he probably went in the house.

And he explains away being at the house by saying it was this generous act of giving AJ the red truck to drive. Wouldn't he need to leave his red truck there to get his work truck anyhow?

So I think he went to the house to switch trucks after JH left to bring the kids to school and then he made a big overture to AJ that he's so generous and she can use the red truck.
Anyhow ex-cons who do breaking and entering don't tend to think they need a house key anyhow.
Yeah they probably wouldn't have had a reason to search either location unless they had a reason and a warrant. I would imagine if they felt a search of the house was needed it would have been later on. Remember at first JH said she felt she was safe. If those words are coming out of the mouth of the mother I'm sure that LE weren't alarmed to do a search of the house. Probably what gave NPD cause to get a warrant to search WH's hotel was the B&E and the witnesses coming forward with info. The search warrant for the hotel wasn't executed until 3/21. They would need a warrant to search AJ's house unless mom agreed to it. IMO she seem's like she would probably want a warrant first before this was allowed just to cover her legally.

But the big question is did wes change rooms prior to 3/21. Or did he have access to a vacant room prior. Is this a seedy motel or a decent establishment.
However, there are gaps in Twitter during periods of time we know she was home. There is a many days gap over winter break, and there was another gap over the weekend two weeks before Spring break. I think her habits show that she didn't rely on Twitter as much when she was home. I wish we had access to her texting over the final three days, as I think that would be extremely revealing. Alas, we are not LE.

You are correct, there are short gaps here and there but my point is she was a very regular twitter user. There has been nothing on that account since March 1st.
Wes was not supposed to be at the house.
IMO he was. And that explains the word salad with the truck. The key. And all that jazz.

IMO it's beyond word salad. It's word cole slaw, as far as I'm concerned.
The way WH was in charge of searches, media, and the forefront person to everything we know then I truly doubt he would have been that scared of jh seeing a missing $200 from a joint account. The vehicles, job and hotel room was his. So if he didn't want to deal with JH then he would have just went to his corner of the world or just told her he used the money to fix the truck. Drug users can lie fairly quickly. Or since he was the main breadwinner; he probably would have said that it's part my money and i do what i want to do with it. Jmo.

I don't think he was playing cya with JH, I think this is what he told LE.
Things we can confirm(updated)
**Prior to March 2, WH is kicked out by JH for resuming drug activity and gets a rental at the MD International on Little Creek (insiders)
1. AJ was last seen by her sisters around 7AM March 2nd. (Zach)
1a. March 2, There was evidence of laundry being folded but not finished. She may have left in a hurry and took a bag with her.(Zach)
1b. Between 1 and 2PM, Witness #1(Wavy) sees her red truck drive by (leaving the neighborhood) (local insiders, Zach)
2. At 2:30PM, little sister arrives home from school, texts AJ (ie "hey where are you") and AJ replies "With Friends ". Her truck is still in the driveway. (Zach/MSM)
3. Sometime between 4:30AM and 5:30AM on March 3rd JH receives a text from AJ that she is OK, just not ready to come home yet. (MSM)
4. At 9:15PM AJ still is not home and no one has heard from her since the text early in the morning. JH reports her missing.(MSM/NAMUS)
5. Sometime on March 4, (C) found a piece of her debit card on Halprin Dr while walking back home from work. WH and U photograph the neighbor holding it.C is not the neighbor. I believe they photographed C holding it (with his arms spread out) (MSM)
6. Family and friend search the neighborhood on March 6th and find another part of the card(MSM)
7. WH breaks into C's house and claims he found AJ's jacket/hoodie "balled up behind a couch cushion". Locals confirm the police were called to the house. LE did not confirm the jacket as being hers, C's mom says it was the girlfriend's (SM comments, insiders, Zach, MSM). C's mom says the only jacket she is aware of is C's girlfriends, who went to a different school.
7. Between March 19 and March 21, police search a 3 mile radius around the Southern Packing Plant off Battlefield in Chesapeake and recover several items believed to belong to AJ. (MSM)
8. Wes is arrested on March 20. Ammunition and a scale with drug residue is recovered from his hotel room. (MSM)
9. WH tells LE they will never find the gun belonging to the ammunition, and admits to increased cocaine use.(MSM - JF report)
10. AJ is still missing without a trace and has not contacted anyone

Extra facts from VIs/sleuthing:
WH drives a work van
The red truck was given to AJ by WH but he was using it while she was at school.
WH has a storage space
WH went fishing prior to the Chesapeake search (This is rumor spawned from a picture and a caption on his Facebook. It is said to be a joke, by some
WH initiated the Chesapeake search late Thurs the 19th
WH nephew DH owns a white compact car

Please don't hesitate to correct or expand on the above!

I have put the second witness (smoky), the white car, and everything WH tells us about the timeline into the "maybe/speculation" category since they cannot be verified (by us anyway). Until we have proof or verification of the 7-11 video (beyond WH mentioning LE showed him a video that might have been AJ) we need to treat it as being a "maybe."

This is great; thank you for putting this together. My edits/comments are in bold above.
So now can we visit the fact that maybe WH was driving the white car and JH was driving Aj's truck that afternoon. IMO!
This thought is very much hurting my heart. :(
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