Deceased/Not Found VA - Bethany Decker, 21, Ashburn, 29 Jan 2011 *Guilty*

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Well, it looks like for whatever reason, the FB page that was started for Bethany has been shut down. The creator states the following...

However, I have a feeling that it was not LE who suggested this but random people. Which is sad because I do feel that FB can be a very useful resource when getting the word out about a missing person.

Wow He really did have over a 1000 people aware of her case. I think Virginia LE is going try to keep alot quiet like they and Have in Samatha Clarks case. They are good a keeping things quiet.

I feel she has national interest and they are going to sweep her under the rug. I was excited for all the people joining and supporting her that would be made aware of other cases and the issue as a whole.

I am so very sad.
Wow He really did have over a 1000 people aware of her case. I think Virginia LE is going try to keep alot quiet like they and Have in Samatha Clarks case. They are good a keeping things quiet.

I feel she has national interest and they are going to sweep her under the rug. I was excited for all the people joining and supporting her that would be made aware of other cases and the issue as a whole.

I am so very sad.

I agree. I think that the LE in this case may not be accustomed to FB and the exposure a case gets there - both the good and bad some out. But I would never dream that it would harm a case. If they didn't like what was going on, they could have just ignored it. MOO

Prayers that she's found soon.
Wow He really did have over a 1000 people aware of her case. I think Virginia LE is going try to keep alot quiet like they and Have in Samatha Clarks case. They are good a keeping things quiet.

I feel she has national interest and they are going to sweep her under the rug. I was excited for all the people joining and supporting her that would be made aware of other cases and the issue as a whole.

I am so very sad.

Except that the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office posted her FB page on their FB page, directing people there for more information. I don't think that they are behind the shut down.
Except that the Loudoun County Sheriff's Office posted her FB age on their FB page, directing people there for more information. I don't think that they are behind the shut down.

Good point. I wonder if it's the military... since he's overseas? Just speculating - but it was made to sound like someone with authority asked them to shut it down. :waitasec:

ETA: Unless it got more attention than Loudoun County thought it would?
If the son is 21 months ols that means he was conceived somewhere in July/August 2008, but they have only been married since around Aug 2009 (approx). So, my questions on that are:

How long have they actually been together?
Is the 18 month old his biological son, or did he meet her while she was pregnant and just took on the responsibility of being "Dad"?
Many times military will get married simply for the health and financial benefits.

Also, if her husband was on leave and she is 5 months pregnant, then he would have been home since October. October, Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb is a very long leave time. IMO, it is unlikely that he was on leave that long which gives credibility to the possibility that that child in utero may not have been his child.
Her car was found at an apartment complex where she lived and was in the process of moving from.

Okay, so if she was in the process of moving out, where was she moving to? Her grandparents' house? That would be a bit of a drive each day to school. Her parents' house? Another long drive. Campus housing? She should have moved in by then.

So the question is where then?

If they were staying with her grandparents' after their trip to Hawaii and not at the apartment, that to me is indicative that she was likely living with someone in that apartment. I know that had been speculated and rumored, but I thin kit is likely the case.

So then I am beginning to get the impression that the person that she may have been lviing with is actually the one involved and not her husband.

Suppose Bethany and another man had been living together. She becomes pregnant, either possibly with this man's child, and they continue living together. Emile comes home from deployment. He stays with her grandparents in MD. He and Bethany try to work things out and even go on a trip to HI to visit her father. They come back from their trip and both stay with her grandparents. Somewhere along the line it is decided for Bethany to move out of that apartment. Bethany goes to that apartment on 1/29 to continue moving her stuff out (but to where?). The man that she was living with realizes that he is losing Bethany and things go south from there.

This is what I am beginning to feel may have happened to this poor girl.

All of this is MOO and pure speculation!
Good point. I wonder if it's the military... since he's overseas? Just speculating - but it was made to sound like someone with authority asked them to shut it down. :waitasec:

ETA: Unless it got more attention than Loudoun County thought it would?

Now that is possible. However, I still didn't really get the impression that it was an official who suggested the shut down. Maybe her family? Though her brother was one of the creators. I don't know.

ETA ~ If you search Bethany Decker on FB and then click on posts by others, the creator comments about just not wanthing to risk hindering the investigation by the potential for others to post rumors on the page. I think he just got scared. JMOO
If the son is 21 months ols that means he was conceived somewhere in July/August 2008, but they have only been married since around Aug 2009 (approx). So, my questions on that are:

How long have they actually been together?
Is the 18 month old his biological son, or did he meet her while she was pregnant and just took on the responsibility of being "Dad"?
Many times military will get married simply for the health and financial benefits.

Also, if her husband was on leave and she is 5 months pregnant, then he would have been home since October. October, Nov, Dec, Jan and Feb is a very long leave time. IMO, it is unlikely that he was on leave that long which gives credibility to the possibility that that child in utero may not have been his child.

Their son is 17mo. I have not seen anything to indicate that the boy is not his biological son. As I understand things, they have been married for close to 2 years, so likely got married as a result of the pregnancy, if they had not already planned to do so.

Emile had only been on leave for a few weeks. However, someone posted up thread that you only have to have been deployed for a couple of months to become eligible to return home on leave for R&R. So it is plausible that, depending on how long Emile had been deployed before coming home on leave, that he could be the biological father of the child that she is pregnant with.

However, it is also plausible that the child could have been fathered by someone else.
Their son is 17mo. I have not seen anything to indicate that the boy is not his biological son. As I understand things, they have been married for close to 2 years, so likely got married as a result of the pregnancy, if they had not already planned to do so.

Emile had only been on leave for a few weeks. However, someone posted up thread that you only have to have been deployed for a couple of months to become eligible to return home on leave for R&R. So it is plausible that, depending on how long Emile had been deployed before coming home on leave, that he could be the biological father of the child that she is pregnant with.

However, it is also plausible that the child could have been fathered by someone else.

That makes more sense now, sorry, not sure where I got 21 months. That means that he was born sometime around Sept/Oct of 2009. So maybe they got married just before he was born.
Police discuss missing Va. woman

. There was also no sign that she had packed bags or had planned to leave her apartment, though her lease was due to expire at the end of January, according to the Sheriff's Office.

Decker has never run away or disappeared before, Nelson said.

Investigators said that they have not yet found any indication of foul play, and have no identified suspects or persons of interest in the case at this point.


So she hadn't packed anything and it didn't appear that she was planning to leave the aprtment. Was she planning to renew the lease? Had she done so?
I thought earlier reports said she planning a move???
Also from the same article

According to the sheriff's office, Decker was supposed to move out of her apartment Feb. 1, but it is not yet clear that is because her lease was up or if she was getting evicted. It is also not clear whether her family knew she was going to be moving.

So it is possible that she was actually being evicted and not planning to move out? That would make sense as to why nothing was packed.

Did she get scared that she had nowhere to go if she was being evicted and she took off? I don't think she did, but I suppose it is possible.
Again from the same article

This is Emile Decker's first tour with the Army, but he was home for R&R in January, during which time the couple went to Hawaii from Jan. 18 to Jan. 23. Decker flew back to Afghanistan Feb. 2, but his wife was not there to see him off. It is not clear whether any of Bethany Decker's family was with him at the airport, but Nelson said it was unusual that she was not there.

Emile Decker left for Afghanistan for his tour in October. Now five months pregnant, Decker would have conceived around the end of September or early October.

So the baby was likely conceived right before deployment. That is not uncommon. I know my brother and his wife were trying like crazy to get pregnant before he was deployed.
Current Timeline

Spring 2009 ~ Bethany & Emile are married
Fall 2009 ~ Baby K is born
September/October 2010 ~ Baby #2 is conceived
October 2010 ~ Emile is deployed to Afghanistan
January 2011 ~ Emile is home on R&R
January 18-23, 2011 ~ Bethnay & Emile visit Bethany's father in Hawaii
January 24, 2011 (Mon) ~ 1st day of classes at GMU
January 28, 2011 (Fri) ~ Bethany & Emile are at Bethany's grandparents' residence & Bethany's parents speak to Bethany for the last time
January 29, 2011 (Sat) ~ Last time there is any activity on Bethany's phone, credit cards, etc.
February 1, 2011 (Tue) ~ Bethany was to have moved out of her apartment (unsure whether lease was up or eviction or what)
February 2, 2011 (Wed) ~ Emile leaves to return to Afghanistan
February 19, 2011 ~ Bethany's family reports her missing
March 1, 2011 ~ LE performs search of woods near Bethany's apartment complex
So here it is for me:

Husband leaves 3-4 days after the last time anyone sees Bethany but does not report her missing?
Husband leaves for Afganistan and Bethany doesn't see him off for the deployment but noone finds that strange enough to report?
Family does not see or hear from Bethany for weeks even though they are caring for her young son, but noone finds that strange enough to even look into with a visit?
Bethany is 5 months pregnant on top of all of the above and noone was hypervigilant at all about her well-being?

This does not add up IMO.

ETA: I am not necessarily accusing the husband, I just figure that there has to be much more to those last few days. Maybe a split? Maybe she took off with someone else? Maybe she is still with someone else right now. Maybe a doctor's appt that showed a different due date? Etc... There must be some reason why noone acted sooner, they must have thought she was just cooling off somewhere.

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