VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #2

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I think the murder of Emma's father after the initial three killings shows the dudes a sociopath, thats IMO. The initial three killings were probably done around the same time for some kind of anger. But he had a couple days with the bodies to think about what he had done, to feel bad for the people he had hurt. Instead he killed someone else a couple days later. I really do think its safe to say this guys a sociopath who could probably kill anyone without much care.

Yeah he probably is a sociopath, but what do you think sociopaths are made of?
Take that further. What do you think Sam was doing, with regard to the smell? I could believe that it's evidence he was reveling in having carried out all the stuff he'd been admiring and worshipping in horrorcore and such. Makes me think he would have been pretty busy and focused in that house, after the murders, making it all into something he's spent a lot of time fantasizing about.

Well he specifically mentions this in his song The Voices.

"They love the smell of a body that's rotten and decayed" they being the voices in his head.

Also, consider two videos he made a favorites on YouTube shorty before the murders:

YouTube - 666 The Mark of the Beast, What everyone needs to know!
YouTube - very creepy, disturbing children's cartoon, banned from TV
If he thought he was safe he would have sat in the house until Sunday when his plane left for California. Sam knew he didnt have any time, he felt the pressure, and he knew he was about to get arrested which is why he fled, he was trying to save himself, who is all he cared about. We have also read conflicting reports about the occult expert and supposed ritualistic evidence in the house. I think the simplicity and unoriginality of motive in this case is going to make looking back at this thread very laughable.

If this theory is correct, it is very strange that he entered the airport at all don't you think? After all, at an airport you have to present identity documents and there are police and security everywhere. An airport seems like the last place someone on the run would go to.

After he stole the car he drove to a road that actually leads nowhere, certainly not to the airport or to some place of safety. He had access to a computer and Google Maps etc. Why leave the house and drive to the middle of nowhere?

And if he was afraid of getting caught, why did he call the police to the house?

Until I understand these things I will not be satisfied with your interpretation of these events.
Most murderers are sociopaths, they do not have the ability to have emotion or feelings for anyone or anything except themselves. Do you think something such as horrorcore is what turns someone to a sociopath? Sam McCroskey is a sociopath who would have likely killed someone else, probably a female, that he got very angry with even if he had never met Emma or never listened to horrorcore music. Putting so much blame on the "Horrorcore" influence is pretty lame IMO.

Everybodys got an opinion I guess.

I think it was Sam's upbringing andhis immersion in satanic influences. Indeed, just because he was a sociopath doesn't mean he would have become a murderer. Plenty of sociopaths walk amongst us and aren't really discovered as such until they commit a crime - but many stay out of trouble and just continue to feed off of humanity. I DO think they way one is raised can turn them into a sociopath. I am watching it happen right now to a girl I know very well.

The question is, if being a sociopath doesn't make someone a murderer, then what does? The reason it's such a difficult answer is that it is always a combination of things, the perfect storm, and I think horrorcore was in the deadly mix.

It's just like when someone dies of a drug cocktail - any one might not have killed them, but the combination was deadly. We can't single out horrorcore as the only trigger, but had it NOT been in the mix, Sam may not have been so diabolical.

No one can say it was the cause, but no one can say it did not contribute.
dangrsmind, it's hard to argue with all of this extensive research you have done. I'm sure it is all accurate; I just don't think it's ever going to apply to this case. It's branching out too far. Why do I form this opinion? I'm around these people. I've met a lot of these SKR people because of ties with friends that listen to SKR. I've had conversations. I've heard stories from them, through others, I've basically gathered a lot of information over the last year and half before the crime was committed, and now I'm watching everyone draw their conclusions which has been fascinating to me. The most fascinating yet has been yours, because it’s complex. Complex beyond anything I’ve heard from any of the SKR group. Complex beyond the mentality of 90% of any SKR fan I’ve met. I’m not saying you’re wrong, you could be dead on, and after all I never met Sam. But I’ll give you a breakdown of the people that I know closely that are “SKR Disciples” or whatever, the ‘street team’ as I would call them. I’ll use their real names because that actually protects their identity better, believe that or not.

Chris – I’ve known Chris for 15 years or more. We grew up in the same small Indiana town. We weren’t always great friends when we were very young, but became great friends through middle/high school. His parents weren’t the ideal parents, I won’t get into why but I will say his parents more or less forced him into rebellion. Any of us growing up in the conditions and rules he was under would have rebelled, just maybe not in the same way. He became a juggalo early into High School. Began acting out and dressing much differently and pretty much not giving a ****. Not about what people thought, not about anything. His attitude from then to now has basically become ‘If you can’t handle who I am, what I say, what I do, then just stay away from me’ This isn’t always something I have liked, because he can tend to act out of line and attract a lot of attention, and I never liked attracting too much attention. It’s hard to say for sure if he is serious, but he actually has his own religion. By the way he preaches about it and never lets it down, I would say he’s dead serious about it. He actually named if after himself and believes he is his own god. But not in the way you may think. To break it down, he pretty much believes ‘Hey, I’m your friend. I’m nothing special. I have no powers; I have no super vision, nothing. But I’m your friend and if you need me, just call me. I’ll never judge you, I’ll never punish you, and so I’m the perfect god.’ I remember hearing of a conversation between him and sictanik where sic said “If I wasn’t a Satanist, I would be under your religion.” This is hardly something that a true satanist, that believes it to his core, would say. This is a candid conversation between two friends, not a blog , PR post or a WIR radio interview on Myspace. A real conversation between two real friends. Chris has an appreciation for all music, all forms of art. He just likes to have something to call his own, and SKR is it. He has friends that perform and promote it, so he helps them and in return gets free stuff.

George – I’ve known him for 2 years now, and he’s one of my best friends. One of the best guys I’ve ever met. Second day I knew him at one of our annual beer pong tournaments, I told him “Man, I want to take you to meet my mom. She’ll see you, judge you and within 5 minutes that judgment will flip around." I was right, mom always asks how George is doing, he’s just that kind of guy. He’s another type that likes all music. He says his favorite is horrorcore because it’s brutal. He will routinely show me a new song, which has become awkward in the last few weeks because of what has happened and what I have seen discussed on this board. But he will show me a new song and more often than not burst out laughing when certain parts come up. Either because yes, it was something funny that was ‘rapped’ or because it was shocking. Like “they did not just say that” type of thing. This guy, like me, has no religion and isn’t buying sic as being something more than he is.

Joe – I’ve known Joe as long as I’ve known George. I don’t know his quite as well, our personality’s kind of clash sometimes. He’s a good dude though; he just likes to act ‘hard’ a lot. Horrorcore is ‘hard’ to him. The ‘wicked ****’ is the ‘hard ****’ to him. That’s why he likes it. I can’t speak too much else on Joe, I just know that he’s a leader, not a follower and he’s not looking at Sic as his ‘leader’ or ‘mentor’ in any capacity. I’d bet my house on that.

A couple years back Chris and I lived in side by side apartment buildings. We would regularly have beer pong tournaments every weekend. I would just crawl out of my bedroom window, walk across the roof about 35 feet, knock on his windows and climb in. Then later that night, when I was really drunk, I could go right across the roof again without having to speak to any police or anything. It was perfect. One day I knocked on the window because I needed to use is phone. I came in and to my surprise his living room was full of pretty much the SKR label, they were all sharing what I’ll call a special cigar. I waved to everyone and everyone kind of just looked at me with disbelief that I had just crawled through Chris’ window. I used the phone, shook hands with everyone talked for a little bit and went back to my apartment. One I got back through my window I looked back across and everyone was looking out of his windows, watching me crawl in and laughing their asses off, like they couldn’t believe it.

No satanic rituals going down. Just some friends sharing a good time. No 16 years old girls either.

Dangrsmind, if you come close to being right, which I doubt, it will be under the circumstance that sictanik is brainwashing some of his fans, and just hanging out with the rest. He’s choosing victims here and there, leaving the rest alone. You can find these unsurprising connections with Satanism and Sicntanik’s lyrics, but I doubt anyone is going to find a real cult. People can buy into what you’re saying because hey, you’re a smart guy that on top of being smart is a Google and Wikipedia wiz.

But take it from someone who is close to the people that are actually close to the situation. You’re reading too deep into this. Let’s stick to the facts of the case. We have one bad seed with social problems that went over the edge, most likely because of a text message on Emma’s phone. I know that puts the brakes on too much more discussion before more facts are presented, but facts are facts. I’d rather read into facts here than into deep, ongoing speculation with no real facts to back it up.

Too late to say no 16 year old girls man, All people had to do was look at some of the members myspace profiles ahead of time and then check there girls pages from there.. Doesnt take a genious and age listed.. Almost all of them had under age girls.
Yeah he probably is a sociopath, but what do you think sociopaths are made of?

I don't think the information we have about Sam fits the sociopath model at all.

Consider the following check list:

1. GLIB and SUPERFICIAL CHARM -- the tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, slick, and verbally facile. Sociopathic charm is not in the least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything. A sociopath never gets tongue-tied. They have freed themselves from the social conventions about taking turns in talking, for example.
By all accounts he was shy, not outgoing, and certainly not someone that managed or controlled conversations.

2. GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH -- a grossly inflated view of one's abilities and self-worth, self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart. Sociopaths are arrogant people who believe they are superior human beings.
No information on this point I am aware of.

3. NEED FOR STIMULATION or PRONENESS TO BOREDOM -- an excessive need for novel, thrilling, and exciting stimulation; taking chances and doing things that are risky. Sociopaths often have low self-discipline in carrying tasks through to completion because they get bored easily. They fail to work at the same job for any length of time, for example, or to finish tasks that they consider dull or routine.
No. He worked on websites and finished what he started. A lot of this sort of work is tedious and tweaky requiring concentration on minor details of artwork or layout. No skydiving or car racing or other thrill seeking behaviors that I am aware of.

4. PATHOLOGICAL LYING -- can be moderate or high; in moderate form, they will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever; in extreme form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous, manipulative, and dishonest.
No reports of this.

5. CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS- the use of deceit and deception to cheat, con, or defraud others for personal gain; distinguished from Item #4 in the degree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness is present, as reflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and suffering of one's victims.
No reports of this.

6. LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT -- a lack of feelings or concern for the losses, pain, and suffering of victims; a tendency to be unconcerned, dispassionate, coldhearted, and un empathic. This item is usually demonstrated by a disdain for one's victims.
Seems possible especially given the brutality of the murders, but he did call his family and other people after commiting the murders which might be a sign of some remorse. Unknown.

7. SHALLOW AFFECT -- emotional poverty or a limited range or depth of feelings; interpersonal coldness in spite of signs of open gregariousness.
Possibly demonstrated in his calm demeanor after the murders and after being arrested as well as his reference to Jesus making him do it. I'll call this one a yes.

8. CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY -- a lack of feelings toward people in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, and tactless.
No evidence of a more widespread pattern here, but then he did kill four people with a blunt instrument.

9. PARASITIC LIFESTYLE -- an intentional, manipulative, selfish, and exploitative financial dependence on others as reflected in a lack of motivation, low self-discipline, and inability to begin or complete responsibilities.

He lived with his parents, but no real evidence of this that I've heard of. So I'd say this one is a no.

10. POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS -- expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper; acting hastily.

No reports of this.

11. PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR -- a variety of brief, superficial relations, numerous affairs, and an indiscriminate selection of sexual partners; the maintenance of several relationships at the same time; a history of attempts to sexually coerce others into sexual activity or taking great pride at discussing sexual exploits or conquests.


12. EARLY BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS -- a variety of behaviors prior to age 13, including lying, theft, cheating, vandalism, bullying, sexual activity, fire-setting, glue-sniffing, alcohol use, and running away from home.

Unknown, but no reports of this sort of thing so far.

13. LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERM GOALS -- an inability or persistent failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals; a nomadic existence, aimless, lacking direction in life.

Possibly true, but his sister says that he only recently decided to start contributing to the horrorcore genre. Seems like a reach to me.

14. IMPULSIVITY -- the occurrence of behaviors that are unpremeditated and lack reflection or planning; inability to resist temptation, frustrations, and urges; a lack of deliberation without considering the consequences; foolhardy, rash, unpredictable, erratic, and reckless.
Seems that he waited for the girls to be asleep before murdering them. That's premeditation IMO.

15. IRRESPONSIBILITY -- repeated failure to fulfill or honor obligations and commitments; such as not paying bills, defaulting on loans, performing sloppy work, being absent or late to work, failing to honor contractual agreements.

No evidence of this.

16. FAILURE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS -- a failure to accept responsibility for one's actions reflected in low conscientiousness, an absence of dutifulness, antagonistic manipulation, denial of responsibility, and an effort to manipulate others through this denial.

He blamed the murders on Jesus, so yes.

17. MANY SHORT-TERM MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS -- a lack of commitment to a long-term relationship reflected in inconsistent, undependable, and unreliable commitments in life, including marital.

Not true from what I've read about him.

18. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY -- behavior problems between the ages of 13-18; mostly behaviors that are crimes or clearly involve aspects of antagonism, exploitation, aggression, manipulation, or a callous, ruthless tough-mindedness.
Nothing like this reported.

19. REVOCATION OF CONDITION RELEASE -- a revocation of probation or other conditional release due to technical violations, such as carelessness, low deliberation, or failing to appear.
N/A he had no prior criminal record.

20. CRIMINAL VERSATILITY -- a diversity of types of criminal offenses, regardless if the person has been arrested or convicted for them; taking great pride at getting away with crimes.
No. He had no previous criminal record.
I don't think the information we have about Sam fits the sociopath model at all.

Consider the following check list:

1. GLIB and SUPERFICIAL CHARM -- the tendency to be smooth, engaging, charming, slick, and verbally facile. Sociopathic charm is not in the least shy, self-conscious, or afraid to say anything. A sociopath never gets tongue-tied. They have freed themselves from the social conventions about taking turns in talking, for example.
By all accounts he was shy, not outgoing, and certainly not someone that managed or controlled conversations.

2. GRANDIOSE SELF-WORTH -- a grossly inflated view of one's abilities and self-worth, self-assured, opinionated, cocky, a braggart. Sociopaths are arrogant people who believe they are superior human beings.
No information on this point I am aware of.

3. NEED FOR STIMULATION or PRONENESS TO BOREDOM -- an excessive need for novel, thrilling, and exciting stimulation; taking chances and doing things that are risky. Sociopaths often have low self-discipline in carrying tasks through to completion because they get bored easily. They fail to work at the same job for any length of time, for example, or to finish tasks that they consider dull or routine.
No. He worked on websites and finished what he started. A lot of this sort of work is tedious and tweaky requiring concentration on minor details of artwork or layout. No skydiving or car racing or other thrill seeking behaviors that I am aware of.

4. PATHOLOGICAL LYING -- can be moderate or high; in moderate form, they will be shrewd, crafty, cunning, sly, and clever; in extreme form, they will be deceptive, deceitful, underhanded, unscrupulous, manipulative, and dishonest.
No reports of this.

5. CONNING AND MANIPULATIVENESS- the use of deceit and deception to cheat, con, or defraud others for personal gain; distinguished from Item #4 in the degree to which exploitation and callous ruthlessness is present, as reflected in a lack of concern for the feelings and suffering of one's victims.
No reports of this.

6. LACK OF REMORSE OR GUILT -- a lack of feelings or concern for the losses, pain, and suffering of victims; a tendency to be unconcerned, dispassionate, coldhearted, and un empathic. This item is usually demonstrated by a disdain for one's victims.
Seems possible especially given the brutality of the murders, but he did call his family and other people after commiting the murders which might be a sign of some remorse. Unknown.

7. SHALLOW AFFECT -- emotional poverty or a limited range or depth of feelings; interpersonal coldness in spite of signs of open gregariousness.
Possibly demonstrated in his calm demeanor after the murders and after being arrested as well as his reference to Jesus making him do it. I'll call this one a yes.

8. CALLOUSNESS and LACK OF EMPATHY -- a lack of feelings toward people in general; cold, contemptuous, inconsiderate, and tactless.
No evidence of a more widespread pattern here, but then he did kill four people with a blunt instrument.

9. PARASITIC LIFESTYLE -- an intentional, manipulative, selfish, and exploitative financial dependence on others as reflected in a lack of motivation, low self-discipline, and inability to begin or complete responsibilities.

He lived with his parents, but no real evidence of this that I've heard of. So I'd say this one is a no.

10. POOR BEHAVIORAL CONTROLS -- expressions of irritability, annoyance, impatience, threats, aggression, and verbal abuse; inadequate control of anger and temper; acting hastily.

No reports of this.

11. PROMISCUOUS SEXUAL BEHAVIOR -- a variety of brief, superficial relations, numerous affairs, and an indiscriminate selection of sexual partners; the maintenance of several relationships at the same time; a history of attempts to sexually coerce others into sexual activity or taking great pride at discussing sexual exploits or conquests.


12. EARLY BEHAVIOR PROBLEMS -- a variety of behaviors prior to age 13, including lying, theft, cheating, vandalism, bullying, sexual activity, fire-setting, glue-sniffing, alcohol use, and running away from home.

Unknown, but no reports of this sort of thing so far.

13. LACK OF REALISTIC, LONG-TERM GOALS -- an inability or persistent failure to develop and execute long-term plans and goals; a nomadic existence, aimless, lacking direction in life.

Possibly true, but his sister says that he only recently decided to start contributing to the horrorcore genre. Seems like a reach to me.

14. IMPULSIVITY -- the occurrence of behaviors that are unpremeditated and lack reflection or planning; inability to resist temptation, frustrations, and urges; a lack of deliberation without considering the consequences; foolhardy, rash, unpredictable, erratic, and reckless.
Seems that he waited for the girls to be asleep before murdering them. That's premeditation IMO.

15. IRRESPONSIBILITY -- repeated failure to fulfill or honor obligations and commitments; such as not paying bills, defaulting on loans, performing sloppy work, being absent or late to work, failing to honor contractual agreements.

No evidence of this.

16. FAILURE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR OWN ACTIONS -- a failure to accept responsibility for one's actions reflected in low conscientiousness, an absence of dutifulness, antagonistic manipulation, denial of responsibility, and an effort to manipulate others through this denial.

He blamed the murders on Jesus, so yes.

17. MANY SHORT-TERM MARITAL RELATIONSHIPS -- a lack of commitment to a long-term relationship reflected in inconsistent, undependable, and unreliable commitments in life, including marital.

Not true from what I've read about him.

18. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY -- behavior problems between the ages of 13-18; mostly behaviors that are crimes or clearly involve aspects of antagonism, exploitation, aggression, manipulation, or a callous, ruthless tough-mindedness.
Nothing like this reported.

19. REVOCATION OF CONDITION RELEASE -- a revocation of probation or other conditional release due to technical violations, such as carelessness, low deliberation, or failing to appear.
N/A he had no prior criminal record.

20. CRIMINAL VERSATILITY -- a diversity of types of criminal offenses, regardless if the person has been arrested or convicted for them; taking great pride at getting away with crimes.
No. He had no previous criminal record.
I personally don't think he is a sociopath either, I was just trying to make a point in reply to Nikolais post. Thanks for helping my point along with all this info though.... :)
imo, these "horrorcore" juggalos don't have any real musical abilities. their rapping sounds like they were doing some co2 cartridges prior and have bad colds. i don't understand the attraction to this type of music. it seems safe to say that they prey on the insecurities of teens who don't fit into other "cliques".
No one can say it was the cause, but no one can say it did not contribute.

This happens to be 100% the truth.

The thing though is probably 99% of horrorcore fans would never even think of killing a girlfriend in a fit of jealousy or anger, but Sam did.
I'm not necessarily blaming horrocore, I'm blaming the people that Sam hung out with and Sam. Although I'm sure it probably stems from Sams parents as well and what he was taught as a child.

Youre blaming Sam and Emmas friends for the murders Sam committed?
This happens to be 100% the truth.

The thing though is probably 99% of horrorcore fans would never even think of killing a girlfriend in a fit of jealousy or anger, but Sam did.

Technically that statement is 100% false because we have no evidence to prove what 99% of the horrorcore fans think.
"In January, a 22-year-old Juggalo was convicted of first-degree felony attempted murder for attacking a Kearns teenager with a medieval battle ax in July 2008. Scott Tyler Stapley attacked a 17-year-old boy with a four-bladed warrior ax with a spiky ball attached, causing severe injuries to the teenager's neck and shoulder."

"Nelson said prosecutors have noticed a spike in the number of Juggalo cases filed in 3rd District Court, with charges ranging from minor infractions like truancy and underage tobacco use to more serious assault charges.
In addition to the battle ax case, Nelson cited felony aggravated assault charges filed against Tyler Bartell, 20, of Bluffdale in connection with attacking a group of undercover officers who asked him and other Juggalos to leave an LDS Church parking lot in September 2008."

"Police said Anthony Locascio, 21, of Hazleton, was lured into the woods and struck with metal baseball bats 60 to 80 times for ratting on a fellow follower of a hip-hop group that police would not identify. A source close to the investigation said all five were devoted fans of Insane Clown Posse",0,5854340.story

horrorcore rappers seem to be catering to a certain mindset of angst ridden youths, who in turn take in everything they say.
there are more patterns emerging with horrorcore fans committing acts of violence, it's not coincidence imo
Youre blaming Sam and Emmas friends for the murders Sam committed?

As for this question, we have been through this 100 times or more, I've answered this same question for you in many different ways.
I do not think these people were friends with these kids for the right intentions. And if they were true friends then why would you submit them to all this violence and evil. I think that technically speaking Sam was even a victim of things much stronger than he was. Not to mention Emma should have never been friends with 25 year olds to start with not physically anyway. I can't see how any logical adult thinks any of this is "normal" or right.
Also I wanted to add that I found a documentary on satanism and everything in it is the same exact things that some of the people we are discussing believes. I also found out that there are human sacrifices everyday, but some are unheard of because people are afraid of what the satanists will do to them.
The most interesting thing I found was that the younger the human sacrifice the better, and that even having sex is part of one of their rituals.
I'll look around and see if I can find an online video of it.
here's part of the video....this woman is a satanist survivor, her parents were satanists and she talks about how she saw human sacrifices. If you follow the title on you tube you'll find the entire series, I just gave a clip of this first one...
YouTube - Scream Greats Vol 2 Satanism and Witchcraft 6
If I find more I'll edit and post it.
This is a little off topic, but interesting debate all the same....
YouTube - The First Family of Satanism 3
YouTube - The First Family of Satanism 4
YouTube - The First Family of Satanism 5
YouTube - The First Family of Satanism 6
YouTube - The First Family of Satanism 7
YouTube - The First Family of Satanism 8
Almost no one in the U.S. has "nothing to do with any sort of violent entertainment" unfortunately. Most Americans watch TV and almost everyone that watches TV is exposed to violent media of some type. Finding your control group will be difficult.

Your posting also brings to mind Milgram's experiments on authority and the famous Stanford Prison Study in which he found that most people, not rare unique individuals, could be directed to commit terrible acts simply by having someone in authority direct them or because they were playing a specific role in a specific social situation, i.e. pretending to be a prison guard. Milgram initially believed as you do that these properties were unique to specific individuals or cultures, but the science showed otherwise.

IIRC, the participants in the Stanford Prison Study were all college students AND all males. Yes? That's not "most people." To my mind that's a very limited study group. I'm not sure it shows much about group behavior but more about locking a bunch of college age men up together. This is the age group that gets sent to war and that's probably not merely because they are the most physically fit.

IMO, the study was a very fine example of abuse of power by those who orchestrated such a physically and emotionally abusive "test." Ethically, I think Zimbardo was way over the line. And there are many who don't feel it holds up scientifically either. IMO, his experiment (which was meant to study prison environments) doesn't compare to Sam's involvement in horrorcore or the murder, which so far the evidence shows that he committed alone and outside of a prison.

FWIW, Milgram conducted the shock box experiment.
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