VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #2

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omg the similiarites with the manson murders, skr, and rise are scary!

skr may have picked the name due to the manson murders?

The name was chosen by the previous owner of the label I think (Zodiak aka Zodiak Killa) and yes it is a reference to serial killers including the Manson family one assumes. SickTanick and Razakel have portraits of serial killers hanging in their home.


But in truth it is a real long way between poor interior decorating choices and macabre interests to involvement in the deaths directly or indirectly. We don't have any evidence of anyone else being involved in the actual murder.
Have you reviewed the blog in question? Worth a look even if you don't agree with it. FWIW I've found a few technical issues/errors with the information presented there that lead me to believe that the story isn't true. I won't be publishing these here however.

Edited to add URL:

Yea I have read that, Im sure LE has as well, and I dont know what theyre doing not arresting Sicktanick, locking him up, and throwing away the key. He's obviously guilty of murder.

Heres a 17 year old who murdered and was killed in Virginia over what was ultimately the perceived love you have with a girl at that young age. Sicktanick must of gotten hold of him as well.
Yea I have read that, Im sure LE has as well, and I dont know what theyre doing not arresting Sicktanick, locking him up, and throwing away the key. He's obviously guilty of murder.

Heres a 17 year old who murdered and was killed in Virginia over what was ultimately the perceived love you have with a girl at that age. Sicktanick must of gotten hold of him as well.

Well, I've actually been saying all along that he had nothing to do with the murder in all likelihood. So yeah.

Nevertheless, SickTanick says his music is not for entertainment but is instead to be considered an "audio grimoire". What precisely does he mean when he says that these are his "great occult workings"? What are these workings meant to accomplish? The purpose of magick is to make observable changes in the world through application of will. What observable change is being sought here with this music?
Sometimes when I come in here, it reminds me of doing shrooms in California in the 80s.
Well, I've actually been saying all along that he had nothing to do with the murder in all likelihood. So yeah.

Nevertheless, SickTanick says his music is not for entertainment but is instead to be considered an "audio grimoire". What precisely does he mean when he says that these are his "great occult workings"? What are these workings meant to accomplish? The purpose of magick is to make observable changes in the world through application of will. What observable change is being sought here with this music?

I guess its purpose is to convince and cause its listeners to turn evil and kill innocent people. And his listeners obviously are dumb enough that they can be taken over by his music and do criminal things they normally wouldnt do because of it, like kill their girlfriends and families. Sicktanick wants his music to be taken more seriously than just music you listen to that just entertains you, wow, thats shocking.

Thats "metallica murderer" Troy Kunkle who was executed in Texas. You should start investigating metallica as well because this guy obviously was influenced by their music to kill people. Sicktanick wasnt needed this time because Metallica took over thiis murderer. Public Enemy is a rap group who also wanted their music to be taken more seriously than just being music, to many even to the point of promoting violence. They should be blamed for all things illegal their fans did as well.
Metallica doesn't go around giving the perception that they're 100% behind violence, destruction and mayhem. Horrorcore rappers/black metal bands want you to believe (whether true or not) that their music is completely legit and what they do. They talk about murdering babies and raping children before live sacrifices and they want you to believe that's what they're doing at home after the concert.

There's a difference between Public Enemy asking you to rage against authority or Metallica wanting you to go insane in the pit at a show and these horrorcore tards living and preaching the same message that's in their music. Before the murder, how likely would it be to hear Sicktanick admit his schtick is bogus and he's got as much to do with satan and the occult that a box of rocks does - zilch.
My god how silly. Theres a reason "Sicktanick" isnt a suspect or even a person of interest and theres a reason he hasnt or wont be arrested, because he had nothing to do with a murder. I dont care how the guy acts with a camera focused on him. This guy could be harmless to even a fly and people are calling him Charles Manson, laughable and unbelievable.

People seem to have such a hard time accepting the fact that one 20 year old white guy could go and commit a horrible murder by himself for whatever reason he had. Heres a 17 year old white kid who murdered a lady in Virginia for no reason whatsoever, must he to have had contact wiith someone like Sicktanick?

This is the real world, I think some people just dont think that this type of stuff can happen. There are just sick people like McCroskey who are able to kill people without much care. All these people taking a fall for what McCroskey did is really really stupid and sad. If there was any evidence that "Sicktanick" recruited Sam to commit some deeply orchestrated murder of their friends/fans and famlily I would get it, but theres not. It's like people are shaping the murder around what they want to have happened.

Here are the similarities and take them or leave them but...
1) There are messages to his music and to his blogs - he says he is imparting knowledge in the occult and it is indeed wicked .
2) The followers call themselves unholy disciples
3) The followers WANT to emmulate Manson murderers like Sadie Atkins (lookitup)
4) Drugs are a huge player here
5) They gather lost young souls and fill their heads with their mystical bullsh!t.
5) Someone who follows along with these messages commits a heinous act

Am I saying that McC wasn't able to just snap on his own? No, but the involvement of 3 of the 5 players here in this genre deserves more than just a peek at it.

Am I saying that Shrimm devised a plan down to the letter and told Sam to go do it? No.
Am I saying that Shrimm suggested he kill those particular people? No.
Am I saying that Shrimm should be morally responsible, if not legally responsible, for influencing a sick young man with sick intentions? Yes.

Telling me that he won't get arrested over this is like saying OJ is innocent because a jury said so. There may not be enough to evidence to charge him lawfully, but that doesn't mean we can't or should not examine the same type of concept that may be going on with the modern day twist of the internet. Like I said before the internet is the new Spahn Ranch were they virtually live together calling themselves a family.

Shrimm seems to have quite an effect on those who encounter him. He has a devout following. Personally I think he needs Richard Simmons more than Satan right now and some sweatin' to the oldies like Black Sabbath, but hey, the chicks at SKR dig him and are even proud to announce that he raped them or molested them (Raz too) by buying the merchandise that says so and wearing it - flaunting it - Hmmm. Sounds kinda mansonesque to me.

I am not igonoring the distinguishing factors, just pointing out that we might not want to denounce the possibility that another version of a Manson might, in our lifetime, gather and infect a group of outcast youth. He may not be as charismatic, or he may be (unless you know him it would be hard to tell) but I think he WANTS to be idolized and sees HIMSELF as being a messenger in his music.

Putting the spotlight on him might get some parents attention and leave him a little less supernatural - just think if Manson had been publicized and what a joke he would have been??? Why not turn the spotlight on these cockroaches?

If you are looking to argue the point that he won't be arrested, don't bother - I agree he probably won't. That's not the point. Just because the law can't prove something beyond a reasonable doubt doesn't mean it's not real. OJ.
Metallica doesn't go around giving the perception that they're 100% behind violence, destruction and mayhem. Horrorcore rappers/black metal bands want you to believe (whether true or not) that their music is completely legit and what they do. They talk about murdering babies and raping children before live sacrifices and they want you to believe that's what they're doing at home after the concert.

There's a difference between Public Enemy asking you to rage against authority or Metallica wanting you to go insane in the pit at a show and these horrorcore tards living and preaching the same message that's in their music. Before the murder, how likely would it be to hear Sicktanick admit his schtick is bogus and he's got as much to do with satan and the occult that a box of rocks does - zilch.

Ha, sorry, horrorcore tards made me spit coffee. That's EXACTLY why this discussion is good. Maybe if they were more exposed, they wouldn't be so cool. Maybe these fools would start living in REALITY like the rest of us.
I guess its purpose is to convince and cause its listeners to turn evil and kill innocent people. And his listeners obviously are dumb enough that they can be taken over by his music and do criminal things they normally wouldnt do because of it, like kill their girlfriends and families. Sicktanick wants his music to be taken more seriously than just music you listen to that just entertains you, wow, thats shocking.

Thats "metallica murderer" Troy Kunkle who was executed in Texas. You should start investigating metallica as well because this guy obviously was influenced by their music to kill people. Public Enemy is a rap group who also wanted their music to be taken more seriously than just being music, to many even to the point of promoting violence. They should be blamed for all things illegal their fans did as well.

Is "sicktanick" your brother, father, uncle, or neighbor or something similar?
I just have to ask this because it seems no matter what anyone says you defend him even when there's nothing to defend. Noone is saying that sicktanick killed anyone or even had anything to do with the murders. We're merely speculating on what we know and have seen and trying to put pieces together to figure out what could have made someone who seemed so innocent turn so violent. In every murder case things and people are speculated until some facts are found. I don't see why you're being so defensive about the whole situation.
You keep making different statements yet they all mean the same thing. We all know as of right now Sicktanick is innocent, why do you keep reminding us as if we're saying he was there the whole time or something?
I just can't see why it bothers you so bad when anyone mentions music or sicktanick. Even when it isn't mentioned, you'll bring it up. I also don't see where you would think that all of these things didn't influence him in anyway. Especially now that we know what he's really capable of. How can you not think that a sick person such as Sam couldn't have easily been influenced by music, or other people given all the facts that we do have about him murdering 4 people? When I say influenced, I merely mean taking things he sees and hears other people say or do and make them reality even if the party in question didn't seriously mean the things they said. Obviously he needed help far more than anyone who knew him thought, and mentally he could have been struggling for sometime with what ever was going on inside of him. So to me all the speculation about music and influence doesn't seem illogical at all with as sick as he must have been.
Edited to add that IMO it would be stupid for anyone to leave any of this out of speculation considering that horrorcore is how they all met, not to mention that means that they all had the same beliefs about the music. I mean without involving the influence of the music and the lifestyle they led I feel it would be hard to understand his motive. I think any LE officer would say the same. That's like going to a crime scene and seeing very visible possible evidence and the investigator saying "oh throw it away it's nothing" before even examining it. Haven't you ever heard the expression, "anything is possible"?
Hi everybody.
I lurk here. A lot. I have for a couple of years now, as this is a great site, interesting topics, civilized discussion, yada yada--you guys know all that! :)

I just wanted to say that I have found this thread FASCINATING, and I, for one, appreciate all of those who have contributed (even those who have since abandoned it). I don't see speculation as harmful to the discussion at this point--we have no news about it lately, what else is there to talk about? LOL So any and all discussion regarding this topic has been of interest to me.

Some say that all the analysis is over the top, that this is simply about a shy, fat kid with a sorry childhood who got upset over the failure of his relationship with his girlfriend. As though it is the most normal thing in the world for a teenager's breakdown to manifest in the murder of FOUR people and follow with cohabitation with said victims. And can we really accept as mere coincidence the fact that the murderer had spent years marinating in an environment that glorified such behavior?

As over-the-top as some of the speculation may be, I think it is even more over-the-top to write this one off as the work of just another rebellious/stupid/sociopathic/(insert adjective here) teenager.

You're right, we haven't seen anything that would prove that to be fact, but that's just my opinion. I don't think he brought anything with him to do the killing because it's not hard to find a hammer in a persons house and use it against them. Not saying it was or wasn't a hammer he used because they (police) haven't said anything except that they had blunt force trama, but that can be from a lot of things besides a hammer. I just think he knew he was ganna do something when he came, but let the situation play out before he decided what exactly it was. Again, I could be way off, but that's just my thought.

Hi Boy and welcome.

I think he decided before they even got to the concert. This is only speculation but I was once a teen girl, so I can totally imagine that Emma's infatuation ended when the real deal walked in the door and they spent some actual time together. Ever met anyone in real life that you first met over the internet? OK, well, they are never the same as you imagine.

Emma probably lost interest immediately, started to shun him a bit and gravitated toward Mel. THREE is always a crowd - one person usually feels left out. By the way they acted at the concert, I think this happened prior to them arriving at the event.

I don't know if it's true, the rumor that Emma and Shrimm had post concert coitus or what, but I think Sam knew he was stuck with them on a LLLOONNNGG ride home and at the house. Maybe he had been working through his anger in the usual way by fantasizing about how much he'd like to...or how powerful he would be if... or famous???...and then there was a trigger and the fantasy became a reality. Who knows.

What I do wonder about is how are the details kept so tightly sealed in your small area? Why is there nothing more the police or DA will reveal? If a reporter calls, will they reveal more details previously unknown?
Is nobody asking?

I'm sure they are overwhelmed by the amount of forensic evidence they have to go though etc., I mean, computers, cameras, cell phones, social networking sites not to mention blood and all the other evidence in the hosue. But they seem to be very, very tight-lipped on giving more detail. Reason?

Edited to add: Will you go shake something down for us? :)
Hi Boy and welcome.

I think he decided before they even got to the concert. This is only speculation but I was once a teen girl, so I can totally imagine that Emma's infatuation ended when the real deal walked in the door and they spent some actual time together. Ever met anyone in real life that you first met over the internet? OK, well, they are never the same as you imagine.

Emma probably lost interest immediately, started to shun him a bit and gravitated toward Mel. THREE is always a crowd - one person usually feels left out. By the way they acted at the concert, I think this happened prior to them arriving at the event.

I don't know if it's true, the rumor that Emma and Shrimm had post concert coitus or what, but I think Sam knew he was stuck with them on a LLLOONNNGG ride home and at the house. Maybe he had been working through his anger in the usual way by fantasizing about how much he'd like to...or how powerful he would be if... or famous???...and then there was a trigger and the fantasy became a reality. Who knows.

What I do wonder about is how are the details kept so tightly sealed in your small area? Why is there nothing more the police or DA will reveal? If a reporter calls, will they reveal more details previously unknown?
Is nobody asking?

I'm sure they are overwhelmed by the amount of forensic evidence they have to go though etc., I mean, computers, cameras, cell phones, social networking sites not to mention blood and all the other evidence in the hosue. But they seem to be very, very tight-lipped on giving more detail. Reason?

Edited to add: Will you go shake something down for us? :)
These are good questions Ziggy. I live about 30 minutes from farmville and recently there was a murder in the town that I live in where a man was beat to death in his own home and even here as small as it is (even smaller than farmville) there has been no more news or coverage of what happened. I'm starting to wonder if small towns aren't better at keeping secrets or if maybe all the rumors are true? It could go both ways, so who knows. I do know that usually if your poop is an odd color people know about it before you do, so it seems that the keeping secrets thing would be out of the question, but maybe because they don't get a lot of murder cases they do a better job of not letting info leak, I don't know.
Hi everybody.
I lurk here. A lot. I have for a couple of years now, as this is a great site, interesting topics, civilized discussion, yada yada--you guys know all that! :)

I just wanted to say that I have found this thread FASCINATING, and I, for one, appreciate all of those who have contributed (even those who have since abandoned it). I don't see speculation as harmful to the discussion at this point--we have no news about it lately, what else is there to talk about? LOL So any and all discussion regarding this topic has been of interest to me.

Some say that all the analysis is over the top, that this is simply about a shy, fat kid with a sorry childhood who got upset over the failure of his relationship with his girlfriend. As though it is the most normal thing in the world for a teenager's breakdown to manifest in the murder of FOUR people and follow with cohabitation with said victims. And can we really accept as mere coincidence the fact that the murderer had spent years marinating in an environment that glorified such behavior?

As over-the-top as some of the speculation may be, I think it is even more over-the-top to write this one off as the work of just another rebellious/stupid/sociopathic/(insert adjective here) teenager.


Hi Celeste, thanks for getting out of the bleachers and onto the field!

A voice of reason. You said it so well. We act as if this is just what happens when you have an overweight ginger kid (OK he's 20 but he looks like he's still a kid and probably acts like one) gets dumped by his girlfriend.

And I like the term "marinating in an environment" that glorified the brutality therein. Sadly, Sam marinated his entire life. I think his parents might be a know. I feel his sister seems troubled too, but thankfully Sicktanick has come to her rescue and taken her in. :puke: Maybe she'll feel better once she's sodomized or something. sorry. or maybe not. These type of people dress and act like they do to convince me they are what they say they are, so they shoudn't be upset when I buy in right?

I think we also have to get into the mind of Sam. Did he believe in the occult and satanism? Was he hoping to be more powerful by taking part in the rituals and living the horrorcore lifestyle? It's not far-fetched to try and understand his need to get back at being picked on by becoming a bad *advertiser censored*, scarey martha focker. What is Sick's real intent, entertainment or something broader? Did this lead Sam to go too far?

All reasonable questions to ponder given the circumstances.

It's all about intent and we know for sure that those surrounding Sam, Emma and Mel were all about wicked intent now dont' we?
Well, I've actually been saying all along that he had nothing to do with the murder in all likelihood. So yeah.

Nevertheless, SickTanick says his music is not for entertainment but is instead to be considered an "audio grimoire". What precisely does he mean when he says that these are his "great occult workings"? What are these workings meant to accomplish? The purpose of magick is to make observable changes in the world through application of will. What observable change is being sought here with this music?

ITA. As of yet, there's no real evidence beyond speculation (that we know of what with LE's tight control of the case facts) that Sic was an accomplice to the murders.

However, I don't believe Sic's claims. IMO, he's using the occult as a gimmick. One thing that this board, for the most part, has been able to agree on is how bad his music is. The music would probably not sell, or develop a following, on its own. Even with the occult veneer, they're only getting 80 people to an all day event with 20 performers. Heck, if each performer brought 3 friends, there's your audience!

Now, I understand he claims to use gematria and hidden messages in his music. But does he include a code to decipher it? To the best of my knowledge, he just says it's there and that the "right" listeners will "find" it. Which basically means that anyone can read anything they want into his music, and your question "What observable change is being sought here with this music?" has many answers as well as no answer. IMO, the observable change that is sought is a bigger bank account and possibly the attention of impressionable and attractive teen girls.
Here are the similarities and take them or leave them but...
1) There are messages to his music and to his blogs - he says he is imparting knowledge in the occult and it is indeed wicked .
2) The followers call themselves unholy disciples
3) The followers WANT to emmulate Manson murderers like Sadie Atkins (lookitup)
4) Drugs are a huge player here
5) They gather lost young souls and fill their heads with their mystical bullsh!t.
5) Someone who follows along with these messages commits a heinous act

Just to expand on this list:

1. Not just messages, but hidden occult messages and instructions for performing rituals. He uses both symbolic language and encryption (gematria is a form of encryption) to hide these messages in his music. He reveals some clues to these hidden meanings, but I haven't seen any full explanation of what he's saying in these "grimoires". It also appears that very few of the SKR followers even know or care about these hidden meanings. But maybe one of them did...

2. Unholy Apostles:

3. Yes. But also consider this unrelated publication:

4. So far we've seen only marijuana and alcohol used, I'm not very shocked. I'm more surprised there isn't anything else here. I keep asking the meth question and psychedelics are used in the juggalo scene...

5. Not very unique to this group, so idk.

6. We don't know to what extent Sam knew about or understood these messages. There are of course more obvious overt messages as well. I imagine his interest in these areas would be discoverable from examination of his computer which was seized by LE in California.
Hi Boy and welcome.

I think he decided before they even got to the concert. This is only speculation but I was once a teen girl, so I can totally imagine that Emma's infatuation ended when the real deal walked in the door and they spent some actual time together. Ever met anyone in real life that you first met over the internet? OK, well, they are never the same as you imagine.

Emma probably lost interest immediately, started to shun him a bit and gravitated toward Mel. THREE is always a crowd - one person usually feels left out. By the way they acted at the concert, I think this happened prior to them arriving at the event.

I don't know if it's true, the rumor that Emma and Shrimm had post concert coitus or what, but I think Sam knew he was stuck with them on a LLLOONNNGG ride home and at the house. Maybe he had been working through his anger in the usual way by fantasizing about how much he'd like to...or how powerful he would be if... or famous???...and then there was a trigger and the fantasy became a reality. Who knows.

What I do wonder about is how are the details kept so tightly sealed in your small area? Why is there nothing more the police or DA will reveal? If a reporter calls, will they reveal more details previously unknown?
Is nobody asking?

I'm sure they are overwhelmed by the amount of forensic evidence they have to go though etc., I mean, computers, cameras, cell phones, social networking sites not to mention blood and all the other evidence in the hosue. But they seem to be very, very tight-lipped on giving more detail. Reason?

Edited to add: Will you go shake something down for us? :)

Hi Zig!

It is strange how there isn't a lot more info coming out. I talked to a news reporter one day that was outside of the house (can you tell I'm obsessed, I went to the house) about a week after the murders and he wasn't getting a lot of info. Things died down quickly after the first week and no one seems to care anymore. The university has moved on as normal as has the town. I was really surprised that the big TV networks haven't gotten into it too much besides the one Anderson Cooper 360 story I saw on CNN last week. I was really hoping they would join in more on the issue because you know once a big network starts questioning a little town, more info comes out, but they haven't and nothing more has come out. If Sam ever starts talking then we might get a little more info, but until then I think we've got to wait on the police to do their work with the investigation.Trust me though, I'm on the lookout for more info.
ITA. As of yet, there's no real evidence beyond speculation (that we know of what with LE's tight control of the case facts) that Sic was an accomplice to the murder.

However, I don't believe Sic's claims. IMO, he's using the occult as a gimmick. One thing that this board, for the most part, has been able to agree on is how bad his music is. The music would probably not sell, or develop a following, on its own. Even with the occult veneer, they're only getting 80 people to an all day event with 20 performers. Heck, if each performer brought 3 friends, there's your audience!

Now, I understand he claims to use gematria and hidden messages in his music. But does he include a code to decipher it? To the best of my knowledge, he just says it's there and that the "right" listeners will "find" it. Which basically means that anyone can read anything they want into his music, and your question "What observable change is being sought here with this music?" has many answers as well as no answer. IMO, the observable change that is sought is a bigger bank account and possibly the attention of impressionable and attractive teen girls.

I don't know if I agree. SickTanick makes specific claims of magickal education and knowledge that are not indicative of a gimmick IMO. On the other hand, they aren't indicative of deep long term involvement either. He writes, "As of the last couple of months as some may know i have become a associate member of the O.T.O (Ordo Templis Orienti) A fraternal order, or if you wanna be a theorist about it a "Secret Society" who's founder Theodore Reuss was the first to adopt Aleister Crowleys "The Book Of The Law" and the Law Of Thelema as the main law of the Society.

They put out a magazine called "Doomsayers Digest" Internationally to the "Occult Intellectual". This magazine is officially sanctioned by the O.T.O, and i a interview about my stance on the law of thelema, how it, and the teachings of crowley have a influence on my musick, the occult in general, and more! This isnt your typical interview!"

So he's a novice, but an educated one. He's recently interviewed in a local OTO publication which indicates that this organization takes him at least somewhat seriously.

Hi Zig!

It is strange how there isn't a lot more info coming out. I talked to a news reporter one day that was outside of the house (can you tell I'm obsessed, I went to the house) about a week after the murders and he wasn't getting a lot of info. Things died down quickly after the first week and no one seems to care anymore. The university has moved on as normal as has the town. I was really surprised that the big TV networks haven't gotten into it too much besides the one Anderson Cooper 360 story I saw on CNN last week. I was really hoping they would join in more on the issue because you know once a big network starts questioning a little town, more info comes out, but they haven't and nothing more has come out. If Sam ever starts talking then we might get a little more info, but until then I think we've got to wait on the police to do their work with the investigation.Trust me though, I'm on the lookout for more info.

I expect they don't want to taint the jury pool. They want this to be tried locally not shipped off to some other town so McCroskey can get a fair trial. The more details that come out to the public, the easier it will be for the defense to argue that he can't get a fair trial in Farmville.
Hi Zig!

It is strange how there isn't a lot more info coming out. I talked to a news reporter one day that was outside of the house (can you tell I'm obsessed, I went to the house) about a week after the murders and he wasn't getting a lot of info. Things died down quickly after the first week and no one seems to care anymore. The university has moved on as normal as has the town. I was really surprised that the big TV networks haven't gotten into it too much besides the one Anderson Cooper 360 story I saw on CNN last week. I was really hoping they would join in more on the issue because you know once a big network starts questioning a little town, more info comes out, but they haven't and nothing more has come out. If Sam ever starts talking then we might get a little more info, but until then I think we've got to wait on the police to do their work with the investigation.Trust me though, I'm on the lookout for more info.

I saw the Anderson Cooper piece, just at the end, but it was lame. I don't know who the expert on horrorcore was, but anyone here could have done a better job.

I can imagine it would be easy to get obsessed when it's a small town, such a big deal and so close. I would be taking the receptionist at the ME's office out for coffee or something...

Small towns are odd that way. They seem to want to quickly brush stuff under the carpet in the guise of "respect for the family" but I really think they just can't deal. They handle these major events like the men in my life handle tiffs - just go on and act as if nothing ever happened! :)

Well thanks for staying close to the situation, as close as you can. I had a sad moment today, a thought that Emma will never get to see her own child and have that "ah ha" moment when you finally "get" your parents and worry about what your kids are into and cringe at the thought of the stuff you did in your youth. :(
I saw the Anderson Cooper piece, just at the end, but it was lame. I don't know who the expert on horrorcore was, but anyone here could have done a better job.

I can imagine it would be easy to get obsessed when it's a small town, such a big deal and so close. I would be taking the receptionist at the ME's office out for coffee or something...

Small towns are odd that way. They seem to want to quickly brush stuff under the carpet in the guise of "respect for the family" but I really think they just can't deal. They handle these major events like the men in my life handle tiffs - just go on and act as if nothing ever happened! :)

Well thanks for staying close to the situation, as close as you can. I had a sad moment today, a thought that Emma will never get to see her own child and have that "ah ha" moment when you finally "get" your parents and worry about what your kids are into and cringe at the thought of the stuff you did in your youth. :(

The so called expert is a writer for Fangoria Magazine. They run ads for horrorcore acts and promote the music in addition to the horror movies themselves.
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