VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #2

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On the blog by the guy that unwittingly was involved in the satanic rituals at the filming of one of the videos, a parent has written in on the comments section about her child being involved with SKR. Please see near the bottom of the comments; her's is dated Sept 27, 10:39pm. Very, very sad to see the human toll this is taking.

On one of Sick's MySpace pages he notes that he is "out of town." Last sign-in date was Wednesday. Convenient.

Ugh. That poor parent. It's hard to read stuff like that and not get angry at these people. I defend the 1st amendment but you also have to take responisbility when it's yours. If not for the young followers, they would not be making a living...and what they are doing to some of them is harmful. Period. It just is. Parents, who LOVE their children have no influence. These people are as rotten as the burning flesh they will become.
On the blog by the guy that unwittingly was involved in the satanic rituals at the filming of one of the videos, a parent has written in on the comments section about her child being involved with SKR. Please see near the bottom of the comments; her's is dated Sept 27, 10:39pm. Very, very sad to see the human toll this is taking.

On one of Sick's MySpace pages he notes that he is "out of town." Last sign-in date was Wednesday. Convenient.

Here's the mothers post...
Anonymous said...

Paul Calcagno
I know you are right about this...I have a child that I have been trying to help that is a victim too the SKR cult. Everything that you have written I have seen for myself and I have been praying and doing what I can for months to reveal this to my child. The problem is that they brainwash their followers .. Sam does deserve what he gets but, at the same time I know he was and is their victim as well.I do believe a demon entered him when he aloud this crap in...Many may not believe in demons but, they are very real. They both needed to be stopped along time ago. This story kills me inside because a part of me has died from struggling with my child and what they have taught my child. They target kids who aren't excepted in school or have a mental issues. They make them believe they love them and excepted them. It's sick and only comes from one place and that is the father of lies. I just pray that the victims get justice. I pray that this will be exposed and stopped...It runs deeper than SKR their are many of these cults that are linked with SKR. They all believe that they will rise. The fact is that if they don't renounce what they are doing , they will burn. I pray for everybody to find Jesus Christ. My prayers are with you and I really want to commend you for being so brave and doing the right thing even though it's scary. May God keep you safe and use you. Parents please watch your children on the computer their history everynite. This can happen to anyone!!!!
A Hurting Parent
Ugh. That poor parent. It's hard to read stuff like that and not get angry at these people. I defend the 1st amendment but you also have to take responisbility when it's yours. If not for the young followers, they would not be making a living...and what they are doing to some of them is harmful. Period. It just is. Parents, who LOVE their children have no influence. These people are as rotten as the burning flesh they will become.

Just a cautionary note on that blog...

There are a few inconsistencies in the story presented there that I have uncovered and some other reasons to question the veracity of the author. I don't really know whether to believe anything that is posted there including the comments for this reason. FWIW I tried to post a slightly critical comment there questioning some of this and the blog owner did not approve it or publish it. That made me suspicious...

Just to give you some food for thought, the blog mentions a "3000 year old demon dog" which if you research it is almost certainly Puzuzu a Sumerian demon that is also featured in the movie The Exorcist II. The fact that an entity which is so well known in popular culture is chosen as opposed any of the numerous lesser known entities is IMO a bit suspicious. There are also other issues in this story about the supposed ritual and McCroskey's involvement in it that make think this could be fraudulent. I'm keeping these to myself for now.

I have verified that a person named Paul Calcagno exists and does in fact resemble the guy that played the rabbi in the video as he claims. Whether he actually created that blog is unknown. In the end we can't really know if any of this is true therefore.
Regarding the comment posted from another blog, I have to say that I find it hard to take someone seriously who believes "a demon entered" Sam and goes on to say that demons are real. True, demons may be real BUT they come from inside a person, not some outside supernatural force.
My demon iz older 'n yerz!!

Hey, yeah, why does it matter how old a demon is?

Like, shouldn't you be more afraid of some strapping 28 year old demon, than a 3000 year old one?

Not to dampen their demonology... not to put a hole in their cosmology....
My demon iz older 'n yerz!!

Hey, yeah, why does it matter how old a demon is?

Like, shouldn't you be more afraid of some strapping 28 year old demon, than a 3000 year old one?

Not to dampen their demonology... not to put a hole in their cosmology....

Maybe they are insinuating the older a demon is the stronger and worse they are? hahah
He was a powerful one?:devil:
Maybe they are insinuating the older a demon is the stronger and worse they are? hahah
He was a powerful one?:devil:

Note please correct my spelling in the above: it's Pazuzu not Puzuzu.

If you read up on Pazuzu he's associated with the south-west wind. SKR creates music (sound,wind) and they hail from the south western United States.

I wouldn't take that blog comment or the blog itself too seriously. Very easy to create a scary tale and post it up anonymously, it's more fishy with all the religious overtones.

Also, when you're consciously searching out something (whether it's red cars on the road, or in this case, demonic/occult connections), you're likely to find them. Not that this should be referenced to make a point ever (lol), but it's like that movie 23 with Jim Carey. When his mind is looking for 23, he notices an infinite number of instances where objects or phrases or names break down to the number 23. We're all looking for a demonic connection so it's no wonder we've found so many, whether or not SKR, Sicktanic or the hobbit Syko Samwise were conscious of them beforehand.

Honestly, as much as I'd love to believe Satan rules the earth from a firery throne beneath molten rock, I don't think he does. ANd if he is down there, would he choose social outcasts with zero talent (sick) to be preaching his word and building his armies of doom? He wants to overthrow Heaven and bring destruction to earth, not force Hot Topic to close early due to lack of spiked collars and tight girl jeans.
Regarding the comment posted from another blog, I have to say that I find it hard to take someone seriously who believes "a demon entered" Sam and goes on to say that demons are real. True, demons may be real BUT they come from inside a person, not some outside supernatural force.

I agree.

However from the subject's perspective they might very well feel that they were "entered" by an external entity. People do report this exact thing after all.

The person's pre-existing belief in these entities as external beings may be a significant factor here I expect, but I don't think it has to be a conscious belief or system of beliefs.
I wouldn't take that blog comment or the blog itself too seriously. Very easy to create a scary tale and post it up anonymously, it's more fishy with all the religious overtones.

Also, when you're consciously searching out something (whether it's red cars on the road, or in this case, demonic/occult connections), you're likely to find them. Not that this should be referenced to make a point ever (lol), but it's like that movie 23 with Jim Carey. When his mind is looking for 23, he notices an infinite number of instances where objects or phrases or names break down to the number 23. We're all looking for a demonic connection so it's no wonder we've found so many, whether or not SKR, Sicktanic or the hobbit Syko Samwise were conscious of them beforehand.

Honestly, as much as I'd love to believe Satan rules the earth from a firery throne beneath molten rock, I don't think he does. ANd if he is down there, would he choose social outcasts with zero talent (sick) to be preaching his word and building his armies of doom? He wants to overthrow Heaven and bring destruction to earth, not force Hot Topic to close early due to lack of spiked collars and tight girl jeans.

LOL re: Hot Topic

We don't know if the blog is fictional or not. It is possible that the people involved believe this story even if we don't. Hard to say without talking directly to the author, and even then...

Also, you do know that the number 23 is connected to the occult right?
Another mildly weird occult connection to this story:

The protector of Longwood university is Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc heard voices and had visions if you recall her story. She was convicted of heresy and burned at the stake.

She also was associated with a rather nasty fellow, Gilles de Rais, who was accused of murdering 800 babies and very likely dabbled in the occult. See

Aleister Crowley wrote/presented a famous defense of Gilles de Rais known as the "Banned Lecture".
Coincidentally, I had the TV on this morning and it included discussion of this researcher's study of rejection and empathy. Baumeister conducted tests that indicate rejection causes people to become "numb" and less empathetic. It's interesting to note considering Sam's recent rejections (his mother leaving, his failed relationship with Emma).

"In fact, long-term rejection can have disastrous consequences in the form of anger and aggression. Leary examined cases of school shootings and found that as many as 80 percent of shooters suffered from prolonged peer rejection. These are, of course, only correlations, but many lab studies support the idea that rejection can lead to aggression.

For example, research by Baumeister and his colleagues published in the January Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Vol. 96, No. 1) found that college students were more likely to be aggressive after they were told that a personality test indicated they'd eventually spend their lives alone. In one study, after receiving the bogus information about their future, students played a computerized game against an unseen opponent. As a penalty for losing a round of the game, the winner blasted the loser with white noise. Students who were told they'd live lonely lives blasted their opponents longer and with more intensity than students who got positive or neutral feedback about their futures."

ETA: Interestingly, the serial killer the TV show was discussing was none other than David Berkowitz.
LOL re: Hot Topic

We don't know if the blog is fictional or not. It is possible that the people involved believe this story even if we don't. Hard to say without talking directly to the author, and even then...

Also, you do know that the number 23 is connected to the occult right?

Yeah which kind of made it okay (okay, never should a J.C. movie be referenced in intelligent discussion, lol) to bring up. But my point was more you'll find what you're looking for. If you focus on red cars or yellow signs, you'll notice them everywhere (kinda like how people always comment "woah cops are out this weekend", they're always they're you're just not focused on it)

Syko Samwise doesn't strike me as the type to put a great deal of demonic planning into his crime. I mean the dude was on myspace as recent as a month ago telling highschoolers he "loves" them.. doesn't make me think he's the diabolical mastermind type :)

And Sicktanic doesn't come off as someone who can coherently spell let alone concoct a cult hit.
Yeah which kind of made it okay (okay, never should a J.C. movie be referenced in intelligent discussion, lol) to bring up. But my point was more you'll find what you're looking for. If you focus on red cars or yellow signs, you'll notice them everywhere (kinda like how people always comment "woah cops are out this weekend", they're always they're you're just not focused on it)

Syko Samwise doesn't strike me as the type to put a great deal of demonic planning into his crime. I mean the dude was on myspace as recent as a month ago telling highschoolers he "loves" them.. doesn't make me think he's the diabolical mastermind type :)

And Sicktanic doesn't come off as someone who can coherently spell let alone concoct a cult hit.

Not that I disagree with what you're saying, but how are we to know that him professing his love for the 16 year old wasn't part of his mastermind plan? Edited to say I'm not saying that he did in fact love her, I'm just saying maybe he wanted her to believe he did? If you think about it, it could go both ways, either he was into the satanic stuff as we've discussed and was intentionally leading her on, or it could have been the way we originally thought, he was tormented because she didn't love him in return if you will.
But my point was more you'll find what you're looking for. If you focus on red cars or yellow signs, you'll notice them everywhere (kinda like how people always comment "woah cops are out this weekend", they're always they're you're just not focused on it)

Very good point. Some of these posts are quite "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon-ish" but a good read none the less.

I am 38 and a mother of 3 - I play World of Warcraft. My husband is 40 and he listens to Slipknot and heavy thrash metal. Back in the day, he listened to Judas Priest, Metallica, BOC, and the like. We are upstanding citizens. (Ok, so I'm the crazy cat lady - 5 and one is solid black!!!) The music/gaming is not responsible for this sensless crime. SICKO Sam is. There had to be a few marbles loose up there already in order for a text message to knock them out of the circle.

I recently saw a bumper sticker that said "Guns don't kill people, People kill people" and I automatically thought about this case.

Prayers go out to the remaining family members of this tragedy. :prayer::prayer:
Not that I disagree with what you're saying, but how are we to know that him professing his love for the 16 year old wasn't part of his mastermind plan? Edited to say I'm not saying that he did in fact love her, I'm just saying maybe he wanted her to believe he did? If you think about it, it could go both ways, either he was into the satanic stuff as we've discussed and was intentionally leading her on, or it could have been the way we originally thought, he was tormented because she didn't love him in return if you will.

We don't know.

See my post from yesterday after I reviewed the arrest videos again.

McCroskey isn't just unusually calm after the murders, he's actually smiling as he's brought in by the police. I think he's been waiting for this moment for a long time. He appears to admire himself in handcuffs in the reflection of the doors and then smiles. He also smiles before this as he's being led in by the police.

The crime seems premeditated in that he waited for the girls to be asleep apparently. However in the past 24 hours I have been starting to wonder if he in fact did come from California with the plan to kill Emma or maybe someone else. I seriously wonder how someone that hasn't ever killed anyone can be so calm after committing four very violent murders.
We don't know.

See my post from yesterday after I reviewed the arrest videos again.

McCroskey isn't just unusually calm after the murders, he's actually smiling as he's brought in by the police. I think he's been waiting for this moment for a long time. He appears to admire himself in handcuffs in the reflection of the doors and then smiles. He also smiles before this as he's being led in by the police.

The crime seems premeditated in that he waited for the girls to be asleep apparently. However in the past 24 hours I have been starting to wonder if he in fact did come from California with the plan to kill Emma or maybe someone else. I seriously wonder how someone that hasn't ever killed anyone can be so calm after committing four very violent murders.

I understand your point. Sam's calmness is disconcerting, to say the least. But, if he had planned these murders before he left California then he didn't put a whole lot of thought into it. Flying to Virginia to commit a quadruple homicide is just plain dumb, unless Sam has a death wish. Wouldn't he first check out the state's DP record? Well, I guess that's one in the anti-DP argument column.

I wonder if any of Sam's family has come across country to visit him yet.
Very good point. Some of these posts are quite "6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon-ish" but a good read none the less.

I am 38 and a mother of 3 - I play World of Warcraft. My husband is 40 and he listens to Slipknot and heavy thrash metal. Back in the day, he listened to Judas Priest, Metallica, BOC, and the like. We are upstanding citizens. (Ok, so I'm the crazy cat lady - 5 and one is solid black!!!) The music/gaming is not responsible for this sensless crime. SICKO Sam is. There had to be a few marbles loose up there already in order for a text message to knock them out of the circle.

I recently saw a bumper sticker that said "Guns don't kill people, People kill people" and I automatically thought about this case.

Prayers go out to the remaining family members of this tragedy. :prayer::prayer:

I'll say more about my method and the degree to which I believe things I've suggested here in a subsequent posting.

In other news, I have received a copy of the interview with SickTanick in the O.T.O. publication "Doomsayer's Digest" in which he details the method to his madness to some extent. Anyone that thinks this is all a gimmic of some sort is just wrong. And he comes across much more intelligent and educated (at least when talking about music and the occult) than most here would expect.

I will post a detailed analysis later.
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