VA - Couple & two teens found murdered, Farmville, 15 Sept 2009 #2

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Continuing from yesterday's posting in the same format with R.C.'s questions in bold, Shrim's answers in italics, and my comments in normal text.

"A lot of young people listen to your music who are dealing with real issues do superstition and oppression coming from family, faith, and other frauds. How do you reach out to the young adult struggling with identity in a terminal world?"

"Well my real message as it's shaping up is Thelemic Law, the Law of Will."

"The overall message to kids is to let kids know that a lot of us have been in similar situations be it faith, be it broken homes or anything, but I think that we reach out to these kids."

"Some of the kids, they like it just for the musical aspect and some of them really relate to it on a conscious level and the kids that just kind of listen to it it hits them subconsciously. They don't realize it until down the road."

"So it's something that I can be glad about, people living through our music and turning it into their own terminology and their own way of living and to spawn the realization of their will."

"...with our content being more explicit-some kids get turned on to it simply for that. They're not used to hearing rappers talk about things like sodomy and things like Jesus Christ performing acts of fellatio."

"For the more educated it will hit them consciously and for the more uneducated it'll hit them subconscious [SIC] and the end result it spawns itself in these kids heads. They are able to take it and make it positive or negative. I think there has to be balance, you have to have both."

Shrim is clearly aware that a lot of kids listen to this music as well as "young adults", but he seems to honestly believe that listening to this music is beneficial to them. This section for me evokes a concern that I've had all along with the horrocore approach to teaching as detailed here by Shrim.

There is a Tibetan mediation practice known as Chöd or "cutting through the ego" which utilizes ritual objects made of human bones and is sometimes performed in "charnel grounds", places where they toss dead bodies in Tibet. This practice is quite disturbing to people that don't understand it and there have been accusations of necrophilia and other things associated with the practice from Westerners.

In Buddhism it is said that there are 84,000 different ways to reach enlightenment, and the Buddha taught a path for each different kind of person. In the Buddhist doctrine, Chöd for example, would not be taught to just anyone and the guru is repsonsible for evaluating whether a given practice will be effective or appropriate for a given individual. Chöd is generally not appropriate for someone that is already morbidly drawn to symbols of death, demons, and so on since it involves direct confrontation with such mental entities.

I see Shrim's horrorcore as a similar spiritual practice; one that clearly isn't for everyone. But the problem is there is no one providing the filter in the role of the guru here; he's allowing anyone to hear these teachings and some of them (at least on person we know of) was clearly not able to see the higher meaning or understand what Shrim is trying to say about Thelema. Despite what he is saying here, horrorcore is not something that could be of benefit to all people. But he'll sell records to anyone with a credit card number...

There is a very good reason that Buddhism developed this approach over a period of many centuries.

"Do you think the darker aspects of religious motifs or horrcore function more to break the Christian symbols and old ideas these symbols hold for people like having Jesus Christ felate himself-is that the attempt to destroy these concepts in peoples heads, or is it an attempt to manipulate the concepts?"

"'s very gratifying to me to able to invert the symbolism and whatnot into my own way, but really the end result is to kind of destroy it or taint it in their own heads."

"When you mess up the way they think of things, they try and find some other alternative way of thinking about things. That, at least, inspires them to pick up a book and read it."

Another teaching moment, R.C. hints at the somewhat subtle difference between destroying a symbol rendering it meaningless and altering the meaning so as to redirect the symbol's power to your own ends.

Consider KKK cross burnings and the use of the "pink triangle" by the gay community (formerly used by the Nazis to label gays in concentration camps) as examples of destroying vs. redirecting symbols.

I am fairly certain that Shrim does not understand this distinction in this conversation.

Also note the reference to invoking cognitive dissonance in his audience. Shrim needs to read the article on "The Oath" in the same issue of DD which talks about this precise issue in some detail. Picking up a book is only one of multiple possible response to the dissonance Shrim is creating here.

R.C. then asks,

"What book?"

"You know it really depends. There'd be a list of books I would tell people to look at. I know a lot of people when they hear my music they get turned on to Satanism. Laveyan Satanism. Which to me is more secular humanism more than anything."

R.C. responds,

"Bad deal: that's just Christianity without Jesus."

Shrim back pedals pretty quickly here since it is obvious that R.C. is not impressed with LaVey et al.

"It seems like a lot of these kids use that as a stepping stone. I mean that was my stepping stone."

"I got some 'knowledge' out of it, but I progressed. It wasn't enough. Not enough questions were answered for me."

"But once you get into Aleister Crowley and the Thelemic Law, Will and the whole Magical system it's really powerful and it's more realistic."

(to be continued...)
Oh, yes, thanks. I guess I missed that the first time through. I do remember your remarks about Mark's background, which gave good insight into what was possibly his take on the whole scene.

I was thinking about PiXy, too. I hope she's finding her way through things all right. :(


IMO it is a good thing that PiXy isn't posting here. She also removed the SKR and related stuff from her MySpace page. This is a good sign for her family's future. I fear she is going to have some challenges in family court despite these actions however. E.g. that juggalo crime story you posted yesterday.
Yeah, Shrim is in way over his head, what with the backpeddling on LaVey and missing the point on symbols destroyed vs. redirected (very interesting material by the way). Shrim is only minimally cognizant of many of the concepts he's trying to throw around. And you could add in "[sic]" a million times in what he says and still not cover all his bumbles.

Isn't LaVey generally passé at this point? That name invokes for me doing shrooms in California in the 70s/80s, again. Seems funny some youngish guy like Shrim is all into that. Or is LaVey not quaint now, and I'm all wrong about that?

I agree that's all good news about PiXy.
Yeah, Shrim is in way over his head, what with the backpeddling on LaVey and missing the point on symbols destroyed vs. redirected (very interesting material by the way). Shrim is only minimally cognizant of many of the concepts he's trying to throw around. And you could add in "[sic]" a million times in what he says and still not cover all his bumbles.

Isn't LaVey generally passé at this point? That name invokes for me doing shrooms in California in the 70s/80s, again. Seems funny some youngish guy like Shrim is all into that. Or is LaVey not quaint now, and I'm all wrong about that?

I agree that's all good news about PiXy.

One of the things the Internet does is it enables people with obscure interests to connect with each other across time and space. For example one of the first communities of interest I studied back in the 90s was people that keep cockroaches as pets. They use the Internet to connect with each other and exchange information on raising cockroaches etc. I see these magical religious groups as behaving quite similarly.

In the past it was really difficult to connect with these sorts of occult ideas outside of a place like San Francisco or LA etc. So while LaVey and the Satanic Church have been out of fashion for at least a decade in psychedelic and hipster circles as you indicate, their following online has been growing pretty steadily and they have progressed into recognition as a valid religion. Actually this was one of the aspects of this case that initially caught my attention; I contend that serious practice of Satanism (both theistic and non-theistic) largely wouldn't even exist today were it not for the Internet.

From Wikipedia:

"Over the years, the Church of Satan social laboratory has embraced, then disbanded, and then revived the use of Grottos as a means by which individuals in geographic proximity form an association for ritualization, socialization, and the pursuit of various projects. With the ubiquity of the Internet and the ease of electronic communication, the Church of Satan has decided that it no longer requires the formality of forming Grottoes as a mode for members to socialize or engage in ritual. Should a group of Church of Satan members now wish to form a "magic circle" for purposes beyond basic social and ritual interaction, and can keep it healthy and active for a year and a day, the leader of that circle may apply to have it formalized as a Grotto and be chartered as Grotto Master. But the Grotto is expected to remain clandestine, an underground cell that only the privileged may eventually come to know. If a Grotto outlives its usefulness it will be disbanded, as has always been the policy of the Church of Satan. Grotto Masters are not de facto spokespersons for the Church of Satan, nor are Grottoes local representations of the Church of Satan."

Remember that SickTanick calls his home "The Grotto"...
One of the things the Internet does is it enables people with obscure interests to connect with each other across time and space. For example one of the first communities of interest I studied back in the 90s was people that keep cockroaches as pets. They use the Internet to connect with each other and exchange information on raising cockroaches etc. I see these magical religious groups as behaving quite similarly.

In the past it was really difficult to connect with these sorts of occult ideas outside of a place like San Francisco or LA etc. So while LaVey and the Satanic Church have been out of fashion for at least a decade in psychedelic and hipster circles as you indicate, their following online has been growing pretty steadily and they have progressed into recognition as a valid religion. Actually this was one of the aspects of this case that initially caught my attention; I contend that serious practice of Satanism (both theistic and non-theistic) largely wouldn't even exist today were it not for the Internet.

From Wikipedia:

"Over the years, the Church of Satan social laboratory has embraced, then disbanded, and then revived the use of Grottos as a means by which individuals in geographic proximity form an association for ritualization, socialization, and the pursuit of various projects. With the ubiquity of the Internet and the ease of electronic communication, the Church of Satan has decided that it no longer requires the formality of forming Grottoes as a mode for members to socialize or engage in ritual. Should a group of Church of Satan members now wish to form a "magic circle" for purposes beyond basic social and ritual interaction, and can keep it healthy and active for a year and a day, the leader of that circle may apply to have it formalized as a Grotto and be chartered as Grotto Master. But the Grotto is expected to remain clandestine, an underground cell that only the privileged may eventually come to know. If a Grotto outlives its usefulness it will be disbanded, as has always been the policy of the Church of Satan. Grotto Masters are not de facto spokespersons for the Church of Satan, nor are Grottoes local representations of the Church of Satan."

Remember that SickTanick calls his home "The Grotto"...
I agree with everything you have said. Actually as old school as this may sound, the internet when used properly can be useful and resourceful, but it seems to me when used improperly or as a way to obsess if that's what you want to call it, it seems to be deadly and harmful to the mind.
The funny thing is I've heard a lot of religious groups (Christians, Catholics, etc.) say that the internet is the way to the devil. I always laughed at the thought of such nonsense. But seeing how in some ways it seems to be true for the weak-minded I'm not sure it's so funny anymore.
Just my opinion of course!
Edited to say that it kinda makes me sick to think that these people are using the internet to lure these kids in screw with their minds all while taking their parents money.
One of the things the Internet does is it enables people with obscure interests to connect with each other across time and space. For example one of the first communities of interest I studied back in the 90s was people that keep cockroaches as pets. They use the Internet to connect with each other and exchange information on raising cockroaches etc. I see these magical religious groups as behaving quite similarly.

In the past it was really difficult to connect with these sorts of occult ideas outside of a place like San Francisco or LA etc. So while LaVey and the Satanic Church have been out of fashion for at least a decade in psychedelic and hipster circles as you indicate, their following online has been growing pretty steadily and they have progressed into recognition as a valid religion. Actually this was one of the aspects of this case that initially caught my attention; I contend that serious practice of Satanism (both theistic and non-theistic) largely wouldn't even exist today were it not for the Internet.

From Wikipedia:

"Over the years, the Church of Satan social laboratory has embraced, then disbanded, and then revived the use of Grottos as a means by which individuals in geographic proximity form an association for ritualization, socialization, and the pursuit of various projects. With the ubiquity of the Internet and the ease of electronic communication, the Church of Satan has decided that it no longer requires the formality of forming Grottoes as a mode for members to socialize or engage in ritual. Should a group of Church of Satan members now wish to form a "magic circle" for purposes beyond basic social and ritual interaction, and can keep it healthy and active for a year and a day, the leader of that circle may apply to have it formalized as a Grotto and be chartered as Grotto Master. But the Grotto is expected to remain clandestine, an underground cell that only the privileged may eventually come to know. If a Grotto outlives its usefulness it will be disbanded, as has always been the policy of the Church of Satan. Grotto Masters are not de facto spokespersons for the Church of Satan, nor are Grottoes local representations of the Church of Satan."

Remember that SickTanick calls his home "The Grotto"...

Weren't there rumors (or more) of Berkowitz being associated with a grotto of sorts in Untermeyer park near where he lived? The idea was that a Satanic group may have met there, and he may have been involved. The Carr brothers, too. This is a vague memory I have from readings long ago....
Weren't there rumors (or more) of Berkowitz being associated with a grotto of sorts in Untermeyer park near where he lived? The idea was that a Satanic group may have met there, and he may have been involved. The Carr brothers, too. This is a vague memory I have from readings long ago....


Berkowitz claimed to be associated with a group of satanists, I don't recall if the grotto term was applied, and stated that the Carr brothers were part of the cult. However he later recanted and claimed he made the satanism stuff up. The Carr brothers were conveniently deceased within two years of his arrest. Hard to say what the truth about that case is IMO. We know that Berkowitz is a liar, we just don't know what he is lying about. Also he was viciously attacked in prison but refused to identify his attacker which might account for him changing his story and becoming a born again Christian, but who can really say.
I agree with everything you have said. Actually as old school as this may sound, the internet when used properly can be useful and resourceful, but it seems to me when used improperly or as a way to obsess if that's what you want to call it, it seems to be deadly and harmful to the mind.
The funny thing is I've heard a lot of religious groups (Christians, Catholics, etc.) say that the internet is the way to the devil. I always laughed at the thought of such nonsense. But seeing how in some ways it seems to be true for the weak-minded I'm not sure it's so funny anymore.
Just my opinion of course!
Edited to say that it kinda makes me sick to think that these people are using the internet to lure these kids in screw with their minds all while taking their parents money.

Witch hunt alert.

Remember most of the cases of Satanic Ritual Abuse that have been investigated over the years have turned out to be false. I predict the same will happen with this latest juggalo/horrocore scare.

Also, compared to Satanism, there are other operations that are much more successful at recruiting young people and taking their money. Consider Scientology as the prime example, but there are numerous others. Take your pick.

The Internet is a powerful force for both good and evil. We ignore either aspect at our own peril.
Witch hunt alert.

Remember most of the cases of Satanic Ritual Abuse that have been investigated over the years have turned out to be false. I predict the same will happen with this latest juggalo/horrocore scare.

Also, compared to Satanism, there are other operations that are much more successful at recruiting young people and taking their money. Consider Scientology as the prime example, but there are numerous others. Take your pick.

The Internet is a powerful force for both good and evil. We ignore either aspect at our own peril.

Of course I still believe that the internet is a very good thing (although I'm admitting to being addicted to it)...haha
I just can now kinda see where they get their ideas of it being evil. But even the most innocent things can be considered evil depending on how they're used.
(respectfully snipped) E.g. that juggalo crime story you posted yesterday.

Are you referring to the Cates murder? Because that juggalo link is very tenuous. Glover is not the ring leader. He isn't even charged with murder, yet. I'm guessing he and Marks are probably trying to set up a plea deal. Gribble and Spader are the two who actually attacked the woman and her daughter. And they are the two who are charged with murder.

ETA: Glover may have met Gribble through the Mormon community. Hmmmm. Wonder why the media isn't pinning this crime on Mormons? Not that they should but it's interesting that this connection is overlooked in the stampede to condemn an entire music community.
Are you referring to the Cates murder? Because that juggalo link is very tenuous. Glover is not the ring leader. He isn't even charged with murder, yet. I'm guessing he and Marks are probably trying to set up a plea deal. Gribble and Spader are the two who actually attacked the woman and her daughter. And they are the two who are charged with murder.

ETA: Glover may have met Gribble through the Mormon community. Hmmmm. Wonder why the media isn't pinning this crime on Mormons? Not that they should but it's interesting that this connection is overlooked in the stampede to condemn an entire music community.

It was this one:

Here's another similar story from today:

Edited to add: I agree this new mormon crime wave is shocking. ;)

Mormons have been tied up with murder since the religion's inception. See Mountain Meadows Massacre, for starters. There's both a long and a contemporary history of Mormon related crime--some of it dealing with white talking snakes!
In Amish gang drive-bys, do they just put blinders on the horse?
Mormons have been tied up with murder since the religion's inception. See Meadows Massacre, for starters. There's both a long and a contemporary history of Mormon related crime--some of it dealing with white talking snakes!

My oldest son is about to turn 18 and one of his best friends is mormon. Up until about a year ago he was really strict and was planning to go on his missionary work. Then about 18 months ago he converted to -- death metal.

If you think horrorcore is unique, you haven't checked out black and death metal from the Teutonic nations. Yikes.
Mormons have been tied up with murder since the religion's inception. See Mountain Meadows Massacre, for starters. There's both a long and a contemporary history of Mormon related crime--some of it dealing with white talking snakes!

Yeah but there's always going to a few that will make it look bad for everybody else, even with the horrorcore thing. Same goes for the Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, Jews, etc..... any religion really.
Just like when people judge YOU by YOUR FAMILIES actions. Doesn't mean they're all bad.
A good example is PiXy. As far as I know she seems like a pretty cool person, but when people relate you or someone in your group to something bad, people just assume you're that way too, but I'm pretty sure PiXy is NOT like SAM. Not trying to pick on PiXy, just trying to explain myself.
Edited to add that my whole family are Mormons. I believe in mormonisn I just don't practice it. Figured I better just go ahead and get that out there. lol
Yeah but there's always going to a few that will make it look bad for everybody else, even with the horrorcore thing. Same goes for the Catholics, Baptists, Mormons, Jews, etc..... any religion really.
Just like when people judge YOU by YOUR FAMILIES actions. Doesn't mean they're all bad.
A good example is PiXy. As far as I know she seems like a pretty cool person, but when people relate you or someone in your group to something bad, people just assume you're that way too, but I'm pretty sure PiXy is NOT like SAM. Not trying to pick on PiXy, just trying to explain myself.
Edited to add that my whole family are Mormons. I believe in mormonisn I just don't practice it. Figured I better just go ahead and get that out there. lol

I spent a couple of days in Salt Lake City many years ago and we went and checked out the Gilgal sculpture garden. Some fairly interesting biblical and occult symbology there actually, i.e. the sphinx with Joseph Smith's face, a sacrificial altar, and some other things I didn't expect to see. This was before people routinely scouted things on the Internet and I hadn't even heard about the garden before we accidentally found it. Kind of freaked me out at the time actually.

Then we wandered across the street and found a bar called the Dead Goat with this symbol on it:


I recall wondering whether it was supposed to be a reference to Satan.
I spent a couple of days in Salt Lake City many years ago and we went and checked out the Gilgal sculpture garden. Some fairly interesting biblical and occult symbology there actually, i.e. the sphinx with Joseph Smith's face, a sacrificial altar, and some other things I didn't expect to see. This was before people routinely scouted things on the Internet and I hadn't even heard about the garden before we accidentally found it. Kind of freaked me out at the time actually.

Then we wandered across the street and found a bar called the Dead Goat with this symbol on it:


I recall wondering whether it was supposed to be a reference to Satan.

Ahh ....but once again this was created by one man, a member of the church no doubt, but one man none the less.
See, just goes to show you what one persons way of thinking can cause for a group....haha...
Edited to add...let me see what I can pull up about the goat in mormonism, I think there is symbolism in it, but let me see if I can find the proper info to post. I'm going to have to talk to my mom about that more, as I said I'm not a practicing mormon so I'm not all that up to date on that stuff.
Also might I ask what this has to do with this case? I know the point you're trying to make about satanism, but I assure you that as long as I have lived and been familiar with the church there has never been any satanic rituals going on while i was at church or at home. We do believe in Satan but we definitely DO NOT worship Satan.

Talked with my mother and a few other people who agree that the goat has nothing to do with mormonism. Musta just been the Dead Goats idea of what symbol was "trendy" today or something.
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